The old man Su understands the big guy's mood very well. For the villagers, farming is very important.

Even if Li Zheng is selfish, he can't hold back at this time.

You know, a village is filled with people who have prestige in the village. If there is no prestige, the villagers will not listen to the management of the village.

Maybe he won't let this person become a righteous person again.

So at this time, everyone hopes to get the seeds and let the villagers plant them.

To know that if you get good seeds, you will have good harvests.

The villagers in the village are living well, and there is light on their faces when they go out.

No one wants someone in their village to starve to death and freeze to death, as Li Zheng goes out and has no face.

Hearing that Old Master Su said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Su, thank you."

"Brother Su, thank you, thank you very much, I thank you on behalf of the villagers."

"Brother Su, you are such a good person. I admire you if I don't admire anyone. Look at how good your village is. You manage it well. I didn't expect you to be willing to help our village."


The big guys talked and expressed their thanks.

In fact, I sincerely thank you.

They could see that the old man Su had no selfish intentions and really wanted to help them.

If it were them, they might not be able to achieve this level, they would be ashamed.

But looking at the expression of the old man Su, they were also very touched.

They also wanted to learn from the old man Su, how to be a good Lizheng, a Lizheng who really helped the villagers.

Grandpa Su said with a smile: "What are you grateful for? I know that you are all for the village and the villagers."

"I want to really thank Lan Lan. Lan Lan is a kind-hearted child. She has these numbers there, so you go back and bring some people from the village to collect the seeds, and then go back and distribute them to the villagers."

"As for how to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes, Lan Lan also taught them to the villagers. You can ask them, or you can ask a few people from the village to come and learn together, and then go back and teach them to the villagers."

Everyone listened and said happily: "Brother Su, you really helped us a lot."


They didn't expect that the old man Su Da was so cheerful, and even taught them how to plant for free.

And the price of potatoes and sweet potatoes is the same as that of Su Teng Village. To be fair, the price is really low.

That money buys other seeds in town for more than that.

Not to mention that potatoes and sweet potatoes are still a good thing. I heard that the yield per mu is several thousand catties, which is really exciting.

So people in the village are still waiting for sweet potato seeds.

Everyone exchanged a few words, but they didn't bother to say much, so they hurried back to the village to call someone.

Soon, people from various villages came, and everyone was accompanied by several strong men from the villages, driving the village's ox cart to load potatoes and sweet potato seeds.

Su Binglan brought enough potatoes and sweet potatoes from the warehouse to the yard.

Then he said to the old man Su: "Grandpa, these are all here, each bag is 50 pounds, you ask the big guy to weigh it, it's only more or less."

The villages outside the mansion are hurriedly expressing their position: "Miss Su, don't worry, we believe in you, we will definitely not be wrong."


It's a joke, if Miss Su is really unwilling to give them so many potatoes and sweet potatoes, they just need to raise the price.

Besides, Su Binglan's character is obvious to all.

They doubt even that, what the hell.

Su Binglan nodded, "Okay, grandpa, arrange for someone to help you with it."

"it is good."

Grandpa Su likes to do this kind of thing.

After Su Binglan took out the number of potatoes and sweet potatoes, he left the rest to the grandfather.

However, Su Fengmao was there to help.

Shen Qiuhua is still at the paper mill.

Su Binglan has other things to do.

Those goods that are rented out and those that are sold out of stores require a well-organized contract.

After Su Binglan wrote the contract, he was going to print it out with typography.

Of course, in the early stage, a group of people must be hired to promote these shops.

It is to hire some people to be rental consultants and sales consultants.

These people must undergo rigorous training and must have good eloquence.

Otherwise, someone will come to rent and buy a house to ask for some news, and they will not be able to tell.

Su Binglan brought Su Chun to his side and asked Su Chun to take charge of these matters.

After a busy few days, Su Binglan hired a group of people.

This group of people is a group of people who can talk and talk, and some of them are responsible for helping people rent and sell houses in the town.

Some of them were young men who could speak well in the store and were hired by Su Binglan.

In fact, there is no need for Su Chun to specifically dig these people. As soon as they heard Miss Su, they didn't ask anything and just came here.

After coming here, they learned that Miss Su wanted them to help sell the house and rent out the shop.

They were able to talk very well, but in front of Su Binglan, they were very nervous and did not dare to talk nonsense.

Su Binglan looked at everyone and said, "I recruited you into the sales team because of your talents."


Everyone was stunned, what talents could they have?

they are not

Often self-aware.

Su Binglan looked down and said, "You have to be confident, you are good at speaking, and you are good at communicating with people, that is your ability."


Is this still possible?

Everyone looked at Su Binglan with puzzled eyes, and found that Su Binglan looked serious.

Does she really recognize their abilities?

"Some of you help people sell houses and rent houses. Because they are honest and will not deliberately raise prices, they have a good reputation, which means that you will not lose sight of profits and will not cheat the common people, so I will recruit you."

"Everyone also knows my rules. If you have a bad character, don't use it."

Everyone does know how popular the Su family's factory workshops are, they know very well.

How many people came to apply, and some were brushed down because of character problems.

Some were brushed down not because of their own character problems, but because their mothers were not filial to the elderly.

very strict.

As long as you have a good character and you know nothing, Miss Su will be recruited into the factory and taught.

They never thought that they would still be recruited by Miss Su to work.

You must know that the wages and bonuses given by Miss Su are very good.

And Miss Su recognized their abilities, they were very excited.

The feeling of being recognized is really good, and it makes them feel a little more confident all of a sudden.

"Miss Su, we will do whatever you ask us to do."

"Yes, Miss Su, we will listen to you."

Su Binglan smiled and said, "You have also seen it. I have built a lot of buildings in this area, including many shops and residential houses. I need you to help me rent out these shops and sell the house."

"Don't worry, you don't need to sell, you just need to be able to explain the specific situation when everyone comes to ask."

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