Su Binglan then told everyone what they needed to do.

If there are shops rented out, which street can only be a gourmet shop, and which street is a daily necessities shop.

What is a store like.

There is also the price of the shop, which is free of rent for the first year, and will only start to collect rent in the second year.

And what is the price of the residential area?

Su Binglan told everyone in detail.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask Su Chun. She will take you and give you training."

"As for the salary and bonus, don't worry about it. You have a basic salary every month, which means you have a basic salary. The more houses you sell, the more commissions you get, and the more shops you rent out, the more commissions you get, so you earn more than ten a month. Two, you may still feel less."

"Of course, the premise is that you must not harm people who rent and buy a house, and you must clarify the specific situation."

"The specific benefits, Su Chun will tell you."

If you have the ability, there will be a lot of improvement in a month.

It depends on the ability of these people.

Everyone gasped when they heard Su Binglan's words.

More than ten or two a month, still feel less?

That's more than ten or two a month?

Did they hear it right?

They seem to understand a little bit about the commission that Miss Su said just now. Is it because the more houses you sell, the more you earn.

Each and every one of them warmed up.

This money they never dared to think about before.

At this time, everyone's heart was warm.

With so many shops and so many residences, they have to work hard.

After handing over this matter to Su Chun, Su Binglan went to the toy factory.

Gongsun Mo and Lei Tongtong have a separate office, where the two of them assemble toys and write letters.

The two of them were very happy to see Su Binglan coming.

Lei Tongtong hurriedly stood up and said, "Sister Su, you are here."

"Well, come and see, Tongtong, you also carved these words?"

Lei Tongtong nodded and said, "Well, I was afraid that my husband would be tired, so I helped him to write a letter."

Lei Tongtong used to be the eldest miss of Leiyun Castle, and she learned to read and write since she was a child, so as long as she mastered the skills, she would be able to write.

It's also beautifully engraved.

Gongsun Mo said fondly: "Actually, I'm not tired, but Tongtong is always worried."

Being cared and cared for by his little wife, his heart is very warm.

Su Binglan can feel it, the relationship between the two is really good.

Su Binglan thought for a while and said, "Gongsun Mo, you also know that I run a printing factory, so I want to find you to engrave the printing factory."


Gongsun Mo knew that Su Binglan opened a paper mill printing factory. Although he didn't know what to do, he heard that after the paper mill was made, the paper would be cheaper in the future.

I am very happy to know this Gongsun Mo.

In this way, many underprivileged students can afford paper.

He knows that what Miss Su is going to do must be something that can help everyone.

But he doesn't know exactly what the printing factory does.

Need lettering in a printing house?

"I had people use glue to make a blank with the same specifications. You need to engrave the reversed words on one side, just like a seal, to ensure that the words are correct."

As soon as the seal was mentioned, Gongsun Mo knew it.

These are the most basic things that the Gongsun family needs to learn, and he can do it.

"Miss Su, don't worry, I will carve it."

Gongsun Mo came from the Gongsun family, and Su Binglan knew his abilities, so he was relieved.

Su Binglan took out a piece of paper and wrote commonly used words on it, and said, "Please help Gongsun to engrave these words first. These are commonly used words, and they can be typeset after they are engraved."

Although Gongsun Mo and Lei Tongtong didn't quite understand what Su Binglan meant by typesetting, they knew that this should be very important, so they were ready to hurry up and write.

"And these dozens of characters are longer characters, each with a few more characters."

"These numbers are quite large. It's hard work for you, but don't worry, I will arrange a few more people to help you."

Su Binglan asked Su Yi to arrange a few good subordinates to do things.

This typography is confidential, so it should only be done with trusted people.

There is no problem with the engraving process. After the engraving and typesetting, it is burned out, and it is convenient to print directly.

Just when Su Binglan was busy with these things, Zhou shi came to Su Binglan excitedly.

"Lan Lan."

Seeing Zhou Shi's happy look, Su Binglan said, "Auntie, is it the waterwheel?"

Zhou shi said with a smile: "Yes, your eldest brother and the others have made a waterwheel, and they will wait to install it by the river. I will come to you and tell you about it."

"I just went to your house and you weren't here. Your mother said you were here, so I came here."

Su Binglan was very excited when she heard it, "I know that eldest brother can do it well, and eldest brother can do it very quickly. It only takes a few days."

"Your eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother all helped together. They all said that this is a good thing. Those furniture can be made later, but this one should be earlier."

"If it's done earlier, the villagers don't have to fetch water hard, and they can irrigate directly."

Not to mention that the three sons were excited, Zhou himself was very excited.

this stuff

How many people can be benefited by the popularization of the West.

This is a big deal.

Once it was done, the Zhou family couldn't wait to find Su Binglan.

Su Binglan was also very excited, "Come on, Auntie, let's go take a look."

"it is good."

The two walked briskly towards Zhou's house.

The Zhou family opened a furniture factory and built a large mansion, which is convenient for storing furniture.

At this time, the spokes of the waterwheel, floors, wooden shafts and other things were placed in their yard.

At this time, the three sons of the Zhou family were all there.

Everyone was very excited when they saw Su Binglan.

Su Binglan looked at them and said, "Big brother, second cousin, third cousin."

Su Wenxing looked at the tools he built, and was still checking it. When he saw Su Binglan coming, he said excitedly, "Lanlan, look quickly, is there any problem."

Although the three brothers checked it several times, they were sure that there was no problem before the mother called Lan Lan.

In fact, Su Binglan's drawings were very detailed, so it was easy for Su Wenxing and the others to follow the drawings.

But they are still careful.

Su Binglan looked at it carefully and said, "Very good, there is no problem, so it can be assembled directly."

It would be exactly half-afternoon, the sun was very warm in the sky, and the whole village seemed to be covered with moving light.

In spring, the sun and the wind are always warm.

People are full of energy.

Hearing Su Binglan talking about assembly, Su Wenxing couldn't wait to get started.

"Lan Lan, are we going to assemble by the river?"

Su Binglan nodded and said, "Well, we have to transport these things first and then assemble them."

Once assembled, it can be run with the help of a water-flowing waterwheel.

Fortunately, there was a lot of snow in Suteng Village in winter. The snow on the mountains melted, and the snow in the river melted. Now there is a lot of water in the river, and the waterwheel can run.

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