Many people who came from Fucheng were very uneasy in their hearts.

But they also thought that King Ding and the county master would definitely not lie to them.

After they came, they realized how good it was.

They haven't had much to do these days, so they have learned about the surrounding situation.

The more they learned about the news and the more they inquired, the more shocked they became.

And what kind of college the medical school is and what the situation is, they also inquired about it.

It's not like anyone can come in here if they want.

Not just anyone who wants to study medicine can learn it.

Their children can enter and study here for free, because some of their family members joined the army and made contributions by surrounding their homeland.

They still remember that before they set off, many people in their village actively wanted their family members to sign up for the army.

Now the upsurge of joining the army in Fucheng is high.

Everyone knows that they joined the army and made contributions, and King Ding will not forget them.

Even family members are treated favorably.

Mr. Cao naturally knew this situation, "I have heard about it. There are many girls who study medicine. I heard that they are very respected."

Mr. Cao's thinking is not so old-fashioned, and he doesn't think that girls don't need to study.

This is the child left by his son. As a grandfather, he also hopes that his granddaughter will have skills, live comfortably, and be respected by others.

The man nodded and said, "No, I heard that they saved a lot of people when there was an earthquake around here last year."

"I also think that my daughter can learn medicine well and help many people."

While the parents were talking, the guard started to review the admission posts in everyone's hands, and let them go after confirming that there was no problem.

There are also teachers who lead the team to take them in to report.

While walking, I will introduce some buildings of the college to you.

"This is the teaching building, where classes are held on weekdays. Next to it is the laboratory building, and that is the dormitory building... There is the cafeteria..."

Everyone walks in, there is a feeling of walking into the Grand View Garden.

They all felt that everything here was something they had never seen before.

They have seen private schools before, but they are not like this.

It is spacious and bright, and the classrooms also have stairs with beautiful tables and chairs.

There is also a dormitory. The dormitory is a dormitory for four people. The plain color is very spacious. There are beds and daily necessities and school supplies arranged by the college.

There are also cabinets to store things.

Everyone in the dormitory has desks and chairs, and they can also study in the dormitory on weekdays.

The dormitory also has dormitory management, and the dormitory will be closed when the time comes to ensure the safety of the students.

The boys' dormitory building and the girls' dormitory building are not together, and the management here is also very strict.

The parents watched and listened, and they felt even more relieved.

This is a place to help them take care of their children. Not only is it safe, but they can also learn things, and they can eat and sleep.

As parents, they really don't have to worry about anything.

After Mr. Cao came out of the medical school, he still couldn't believe it.

His granddaughter goes to school in such a good place.

In the future, his granddaughter will also become a good doctor.

After Mr. Cao delivered his granddaughter, he saw the door of the paper factory opened.

Mr. Cao didn't care about anything else and hurried to the paper factory.

On this day, Su Binglan was going to officially open the paper factory.

So those who came before also came to the paper mill.

Shen Qiuhua said, "Lan Lan, can some really still work?"

Shen Qiuhua was always worried when she looked at Mr. Cao and Mrs. Cao.

Su Binglan said: "If they don't do anything to get paid, they will definitely feel bad about it. I'm going to make a paper mill and a printing factory into a welfare factory, so I won't make the big guys tired."

"Like Mr. Cao, Mrs. Cao, just arrange easy work for them and be responsible for sorting out the paper."

This kind of work can be done while sitting without getting tired.

They can also receive a lot of wages and bonuses every month, which is enough for them to live.

If people like Mr. Cao and Mrs. Cao were allowed to relax, they would not be able to.

So Su Binglan thought about it and decided to arrange the printing factory of the paper factory into a welfare factory.

Grants will also be given to everyone.

When Shen Qiuhua heard Su Binglan say this, she understood.

Indeed, just like Lan Lan's grandparents, let them be idle and they can't be idle.

Instead, do something to be more steadfast.

It's the same with her and Fengmao. They can't be idle, but they feel that the day is very fulfilling and practical when they do something.

So Shen Qiuhua also listened to Su Binglan's arrangement.

Su Binglan had already written down the plan for the paper mill last night.

The positions are also arranged.

"Today our paper mill was officially opened and started to make paper. I have assigned different positions to everyone, and everyone is responsible for different things."

"Let me tell you about the rules of our paper mill... I hope everyone can abide by the rules here and help each other."

"Once there are people with bad character in the factory, they will be fired directly."

"Now I'm starting to read the names. Everyone comes over to get the badge. There will be a workshop on the badge, and everyone will go to the corresponding workshop to work."

Su Binglan briefly talked about some rules of the paper mill.

It also makes everyone understand that it is necessary to abide by the order, to keep the paper mill confidential, and to pass the test of character.

Otherwise, even if you work in a paper mill, you can be fired.

When everyone heard this, their expressions became serious.

When Su Binglan mentioned his name, everyone went to get their badges.

Then everyone was assigned to different workshops.

Su Binglan went to different workshops to tell everyone what to do.

The first workshop is connected to the outside work. "Someone will come to deliver the raw materials. The people in your workshop are responsible for collecting the raw materials into the warehouse and placing them neatly."

Because he had to collect raw materials from the mountain, Su Binglan arranged for someone to bring a team to get the raw materials in advance.

Su Binglan uses bark, hemp head, rags and old fishing nets as raw materials to make paper.

In fact, only places with abundant trees and abundant water sources are suitable for papermaking.

Fortunately, Su Teng Village has innate conditions and can get a lot of raw materials.

She specially arranges people to get the raw materials, so that the people in the paper mill do not need to directly touch the raw materials.

The division of labor is clear, and it is also for strict confidentiality.

The people in the second workshop didn't stay in the workshop entirely. Su Binglan wanted to take them to a pond dug next to them.

A fence was also erected around this pool, so outsiders couldn't see what was going on inside.

Su Binglan taught everyone how to soak the raw materials and how to peel and clean them.

Then arrange for someone to cook.

After cooking, it is mashed to make pulp.

After the pulp is done, it is dried and dried on a bamboo curtain.

This is how paper is made.

However, the resulting paper needs to be further processed to become a better looking paper.

These are all steps. Su Binglan asked the people in each workshop to be responsible for part of it, and everyone only came into contact with this part.

They also signed non-disclosure agreements, and no one could say anything about what they did in the paper mill.

Su Binglan also set up a drying area for drying paper.

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