After Su Binglan arranged the affairs of the paper mill, he also arranged for several of his trusted subordinates to be responsible for these affairs.

In this way, she doesn't have to worry about the paper mill.

Just follow the steps to make paper.

And the same goes for printing houses.

After being busy for a few days, Su Binglan made arrangements for the paper factory and printing factory, and was ready to go to Yangxian County.

She wanted to go to Yang County to observe, and by the way, to see the establishment of a medicinal material factory.

After dinner that night, the Su family were together, chatting and talking as usual.

Su Binglan also talked about her plan.

Shen Qiuhua asked, "Are you going to Yang County so soon?"

I only talked about building a medicinal material factory a few days ago, so I went to Yangxian to arrange it so soon?

Su Binglan nodded and said, "Well, everything in the paper mill and printing plant has been arranged, the waterwheel has been built, and the seeds have been distributed. I don't need to worry about the spring plowing. I can go there while I'm at it. Yang County has a look at building a medicinal material factory."

"In the next time, we will build some factories in Dingzhou and the generation in Bianzhou."

Su Binglan wanted to arrange all of this.

Let this place prosper quickly.

At that time, the place under the jurisdiction of my brother was not comparable to other places.

Shen Qiuhua also knew that no matter where she went or what she did, she would help many people.

I personally hope that my daughter will take a break and not be tired.

But she knows that what the girl does is also important.

"Don't worry, mother supports you, do you need mother to accompany you?"

Su Binglan shook her head and said, "No need for mother, I have a group of subordinates, and some people are available now."

Thanks to Luo Jin'an and her brother Lan Ruozhu for arranging that group of people for her.

Then this group of subordinates helped her train a group of subordinates, so that she had a lot of people available.

Speaking of this, Su Fengmao also sighed: "No wonder I think the aura of the managers in the paper mill printing factory is different from others, and they are neat and orderly."

At first glance, it is a person who has undergone rigorous training.

Su Binglan said: "They are indeed credible subordinates who have been trained. With their help in managing things, I can relax a lot."

In this way, Su Binglan only needs to arrange the things to be done.

She doesn't have to do everything by herself as in the beginning.

In this way, she only needs to explain things, arrange a plan, and let her subordinates do it.

Just like a paper mill and a printing plant, she explained good things, and her subordinates arranged everything.

Next, she doesn't have to worry about the paper mill and printing factory.

Shen Qiuhua said: "It's good to be relaxed."

"By the way, when it comes to the waterwheel, the people in our village are very happy. These days everyone is busy planting some seeds. The waterwheel is too convenient."

Su Fengmao also smiled and said: "Yes, I heard Wenxing said, other villages are also raising funds to buy waterwheels. Your lobby brother is very busy now, and he is busy making waterwheels and loading waterwheels for several villages."

"Although this doesn't make money, you are happy in the lobby, saying that it makes sense to be a waterwheel, and it can also help many people."

"Now everyone is very happy to see your brother in the lobby."

Su Fengmao was talking about Su Wenxing.

That is, the eldest son of Su Zhengde and the Zhou family.

Before Su Binglan made a waterwheel, he asked Su Wenxing to do it.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "The waterwheel is indeed very convenient. It's good that everyone can realize that this thing is useful."

Fortunately, people in other villages know how to actively install waterwheels.

This saves time and effort in irrigating the land.

Su Wenzhe said: "I was in the noodle shop, and everyone thanked me when they saw me. They said they would like to thank my sister. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have such a convenient waterwheel."

When Su Wenzhe said this, he couldn't help but laugh.

He felt really proud to have such a powerful sister.

"Other people envy me for having such a sister."

Su Binglan looked at the big brother and said with a smile: "The big brother is actually very good, and the big brother is also learning and improving."

"Big brother continues to study hard, and I will arrange other things for big brother to do later."

Su Binglan thought that she might arrange other things for her eldest brother and sister-in-law later.

Hearing this, Su Wenzhe immediately regained his energy, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, my sister-in-law and I are reading and studying every day."

When they have nothing to do in the noodle shop, they read and study in the office.

Su Binglan smiled and nodded.

Su Wenxiu was also a little excited. He didn't expect his sister to open a medicinal material factory and put it into action so quickly.

The opening of a medicinal plant in Yangxian County is a good thing for the villagers there.

The medicinal herbs that everyone has worked so hard to dig up are dried in the sun, and there is no need to be pressured by the price like that.

Su Wenxiu thought for a while and said, "Sister, Doctor Yang and I will accompany you to Yangxian. She has a better understanding of the situation there. She also grew up in Yangjia Village, and her medical skills are still very famous locally. , so it is also very prestigious in Yangjia Village."

Su Binglan said: "Well, that's fine, you can go with Doctor Yang. Let's go to Yangjia Village together."


Dormitory area.

It was late at night, and Lin Dastool's family didn't sleep either.

The family sat at the table, counting the money they made in the day.

These few days, they can sell hundreds of scones every day, and when there are more, they make twenty taels of silver a day.

When I was little, it was more than one or two silver coins a day.

This kept the family in a state of euphoria for days on end.

This is simply something they didn't dare to think about before.

So much in a day.

So for several days in a row, the family slept very little, and they got up early in the morning and started making cakes with flour.

Cai worked hard in the factory when he went to work during the day, and went home to help after get off work.

In the morning, she also got up early to knead dough and make cakes.

Make a lot so it's easy to bake too.

At this time, the family ate dinner and sat together to count the money earned in the day over and over again.

"Two taels of silver and one hundred and twenty-five pennies."

Mrs. Lin counted it three times in person, and it took a few days. She still couldn't believe it, "What I earn in one day is comparable to what I earned in the previous year."

Old Madam Lin's hands were shaking, and her eyes were red.

Lin Dastool was also very excited, "Mother, I will work hard so that you can have a good life too."

Mrs. Lin said, "As long as I look at you guys well, I will be in good spirits."

"I have already inquired about how to rent a rental shop. We have a shop outside, which is a real estate center shop. There is something about renting a shop. Fill in the information, sign a contract, you can get the key, and you can sell scones in the shop. "

"After we rented the shop, we took the money to buy some tables, chairs and benches, and hung up the plaques, so that we could make scones in the shop, so that we didn't have to take them out from home."

Lin Dastool nodded and said, "Yes, it can be baked right now."

Now that the business is booming and making money, Lin Dastool also wants to rent a shop to make scones.

In this way, if you bake it in the store, you can sell more every day and make more money. .

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