Looking at the so many copper coins on the table, Mr. Cai's eyes overflowed with smiles.

In this way, she can make money every day, and she feels that her life is full of rush.

Cai shi got up early every day these days, and she didn't feel sleepy, but was very motivated.

Every morning, before dawn, she wakes up automatically.

And after waking up and taking a shower, the whole person is full of energy.

She didn't rest at noon, so she wanted to help Lin Dastool make scones and sell scones together.

She had never felt so powerful.

It was night now, and Mrs Cai didn't feel tired or sleepy either.

In fact, not only her, but also the old lady Lin Lin's stool felt the same way.

They are very excited.

Mrs. Lin said: "Rent the shop as soon as possible tomorrow. After renting, you can quickly fix the pot inside and buy a few tables and chairs."

Although it is spring now and the weather is warm, it is still a little cold in the mornings and evenings.

The legs of Lin's stool are not good, and Mrs. Lin is still a little worried.

But Lin Douche didn't feel tired.

He feels refreshed every day.

Mrs. Lin said: "Although we make a lot of money making scones, Cai He, you still work in a paper mill. This is a good job arranged by the county master, and the job is stable."

Cai He nodded and said, "Mother, I think the same way, so no matter what happens to the scones sold by the stool, our family will have a stable income, so you don't have to worry about food and clothing every month."

Cai He's idea is also very mature.

In fact, without the help of the grandmother of the child, Cai He might have thought of making and selling scones with Lin Dastool.

She was worried that the Lin stool was tired.

But with the help of the grandmother of the children at home, she can also work with peace of mind.

On weekdays, she also helps a lot.

Anyway, Cai He didn't feel tired.

When she was in Dongqiu Village, her hometown, she also did all the work in the fields and family affairs, inside and out.

She does things neatly and has the strength to work, so she feels that she can do more and be more busy.

The main thing is that she can make money and live a good life, so she doesn't feel tired.

Mrs. Lin nodded and said, "Well, but you can rest at home when you are resting. Take a look at Xiaoxi. I will help the stool in the store, so you can't be tired."

"The situation at home in the past made you take care of everything inside and out, and it was hard work. Now that the conditions have improved, you should rest."

She sees everything her daughter-in-law has paid for this family.

Mrs. Lin didn't want her daughter-in-law to be tired either.

Cai He shook his head and said, "Mother, I don't feel tired. Besides, when I was in my hometown, my mother did more than me."

That would be true, Mrs. Lin did more work in the field than she did.

If it weren't for something wrong with the second stool later, Mrs. Lin wouldn't have fallen ill all of a sudden.

In fact, the doctors said that it was due to overwork and worry, and that the nutrition did not keep up.

Fortunately, the county master was cured.

Cai He was also very grateful to the princess in his heart.

The old lady said: "Although I say so, but it's time to rest."

"You go to bed early tonight."

"Mother, our paper mill is really not tired. The jobs I'm responsible for are very easy. It's not about working hard, just drying the paper."

Yes, in the paper mill, everyone is responsible for different things, and the division of labor is very fine, but they are not laborious.

For Cai He, it was really easy.

Work is like playing.

A renter can talk while working.

So now Cai He likes to go to work every day.

She feels that work is like relaxing.

And watching the pulp dry into paper, she felt amazing and shocked in her heart.

That feeling can't be described, it feels like a miracle is being created.

So Cai He also likes to do this kind of thing very much.

The old lady said with emotion: "Thanks to the county master."

The old lady looked at her grandson and said, "Xiaoxi, you must remember the kindness of the princess to our family, study hard, and repay the kindness of the princess when you grow up."

Lin Xiaoxi nodded seriously and said, "Well, grandma, I will study hard."

When he was talking, Cai He also remembered that Su Tengcun was coming to the market, and said, "And the day before yesterday, I didn't expect there would be so many people."

Cai He was shocked by the battle at the market.

She never thought that Su Teng Village would be so lively, with so many stalls and so many people going to the market.

On market day, they sell more scones.

The old lady also thought it was incredible, "Su Teng Village is bigger than the market in Fucheng, it's lively, and there are more things."

The old lady went shopping while she was free in the afternoon.

Cheap and affordable.

"The things my mother bought are all very good. I didn't expect them to be so cheap."

"People here have also said that you can buy a lot of cheap things at the Su Teng Village market, because there are many people who go to the market, so everyone buys cheaper, sells more, and earns the same."

Cai He thought about it and said, "It's true, just like we sell scones, the price is cheaper, but the more you sell, the more you earn."

"Yeah, if it's expensive at the beginning, many people won't buy it, but if it's cheaper, more people will buy it, so it's the same profit."

In fact, it is small profits but quick turnover


The family discussed this and talked for a long time.

They found that Su Teng Village is really a good place, not to mention the beautiful environment, the folk customs are also very simple.

Living in this place can make you feel much more comfortable.

And neighbors help each other out.

Everyone met and talked enthusiastically.

Several dormitories will often come to ask how they live here and if they need help.

Make them all warm.


In the dormitory suite next to the first floor, Mr. Cao, the old lady and the grandchildren had dinner together.

The family also talks together.

Cao Shan excitedly said to her grandparents: "Grandpa and grandma, our medical school is doing well. For every five days of classes, we also take two days off."

"The students in the dormitory are also very good, and the masters teach us carefully, and the classrooms are very spacious..."

When Cao Shan said this, her eyes lit up.

She is studying at school and feels especially happy.

There are so many students who can discuss and study together and help each other together.

"Also, I slept well in the dormitory, and everyone would talk about the daytime classes together before going to bed."

"There is also the cafeteria, my grandparents. The food in the cafeteria is also delicious. I eat two steamed buns every meal. The steamed buns are big and soft, and there is meat in every meal... I had pork ribs rice at noon yesterday..."

Cao Kang also said: "Me too, in our college, we also eat pork ribs rice at noon today, called braised pork ribs."

Cao Shan and Cao Kang have eaten and slept well these days, and their complexion is obviously much better than before.

The old man and the old lady were very relieved to hear it.

Not to mention the kids, even the two of them couldn't get tired at the paper mill.

Everyday life is very easy, just sit there and sort out the paper.

The two of them understood that the county owner was taking care of them.

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