Then they went to the paper mill to have a look.

Paper mills have internal and external rooms.

The inside is the factory, and the outside is the built pool environment.

The pool is surrounded by walls, and people outside cannot see the environment inside.

But the pool inside can be used to dry the paper.

Everything is running smoothly.

The working people also had smiles on their faces.

Everyone was very excited when they saw Su Binglan.

The way everyone looked at Su Binglan was the way they looked at the benefactor.

After they came to work in the paper factory, they realized that working here, they received more wages and bonuses, they were not tired, and they had more time to rest.

And living here is very convenient.

It is also convenient to send letters to relatives over there.

Because there is a parcel post.

It is also convenient to go out to buy something to eat, as well as to buy groceries and daily necessities.

Their children can also go to school for free and learn a trade.

For these, they should all be grateful to Miss Su.

"Miss Su..."

"Miss Su..."

Everyone looked at Su Binglan and greeted him warmly.

Su Binglan went over to look at the paper, looked at the process of everyone's paper making, and nodded, "Well, not bad, well done."

Hearing Su Binglan's words, everyone was very excited.

Each and every one of them felt full of strength in their hearts.

Shen Qiuhua said: "Everyone follows every step you said, and this is how good paper is made."

"Now our paper mills are famous."

Speaking of this, Shen Qiuhua felt proud in her heart.

"And others can't copy it. You can see that there are fuzzy marks on our paper. This is our label."

The secret recipe of papermaking is in the hands of Su Binglan. Everyone who works in the paper factory only knows a small step and has signed a confidentiality agreement, so no one dares to reveal it.

So Su Binglan doesn't have to worry that someone will imitate it.

After leaving the paper factory, Su Binglan went to the printing factory.

There are many books outside the printing house.

Shen Qiuhua explained: "These are orders from many people who want to print these books."

Orders are full.

"Since the establishment of our printing factory, many businessmen have been anxious to buy books from us, and some have taken a lot of precious books to us to print, and they have also given deposits, and the orders are very large."

Paper mills and printing houses are doing well.

And not only business is good, but also respected by literati.

Now the literati and students in Teng County mentioned the Su family and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Because their paper mills, printing plants and libraries provided so many conveniences to the literati.

Now, let's not say that buying paper is cheap, it is easier to buy books.

And the price is cheap, many underprivileged students can also afford it.

So everyone is grateful to the Su family.

In addition, the merchants who purchased the paper from the paper mill have also undergone strict audits and signed contracts. After they bought paper from the Su family, they must not sell more than the price stipulated in the contract.

That is to say, their selling prices are also under the strict control of the Su family.

Even so, countless businessmen rushed to cooperate with the Su family and wanted to buy goods.

Even if the factory employs a lot of artificial paper and produces a lot of paper, the supply is still in short supply, and there are too many people buying paper.

Those who could not afford paper before are now buying paper in large quantities.

The main reason is that paper is so cheap, everyone wants to stock up more, for fear that paper will become expensive again.

Therefore, there are many people buying paper, and there are also many businessmen who want to cooperate with the Su family to place orders.

When this kind of business is done, everyone feels very comfortable.

Because the big guy just needs to work hard, there is no need to worry about the sales problem.

Because they have not waited for them to make the paper, the paper has been ordered by the merchants.

Everyone just needs to work hard and make paper well.

And knowing that there are many orders, everyone is very happy and excited.

Because they all know that their bonuses are linked to the earnings in the factory.

The higher the monthly earnings in the factory, the higher their bonuses.

Therefore, when everyone is working, they are also actively working, and no one is lazy.

In fact, they are not tired of doing these things in the factory, it is much easier than they are working in the fields.

And when it gets dark, they can go home from get off work and rest.

Take two days off every five days.

Really good for everyone.

I have never heard of such treatment elsewhere.

Everyone is smiling every day at work.

And now that I have work to do, I can receive wages and bonuses every month, so I don’t feel any pressure anymore.

Because they know that their family can eat and drink enough, and don't have to worry about being hungry.

There are also children who eat and live for free at school and don’t need to spend money at home.


After Su Binglan stayed in Suteng Village for a while, medicinal materials from Yangxian County also began to be delivered to Suteng Village.

And tomato sauce.

Many gourmet shops in Suteng Village Development Zone are now using tomato sauce


Everyone buys some fried things and likes to eat them with ketchup.

So ketchup is also very popular here in Su Teng Village.

When Yang Xiao, the youngest son of Yang Lizheng in Yangjia Village, was in charge of the delivery, he happily told Su Binglan about the changes in Yang County.

"Sister Su, our hot spring villa is being built very quickly. My grandfather said that it will be built in more than a month. People outside are also curious about what the hot spring villa looks like. Doctor Yang told everyone that hot springs are good for health. Those big families The people here are thinking that the villa will be built as soon as possible, and everyone will go to the hot springs."

"Now the ketchup factory is not enough to make ketchup. Many people from other places are queuing up to buy ketchup. I wonder if we can recruit more people to make ketchup."

People in the village realized the benefits of working in the factory. Everyone received a salary bonus, and many people thought of working in the factory.

Su Binglan knew that ketchup was very popular, but he didn't expect tomato ketchup to be shipped everywhere in a short period of time.

And there is still a huge demand for tomato sauce.

Su Binglan thought for a while and said, "Go back and tell your father, and then arrange for someone to build a factory, let's make the second ketchup factory, and also use it to make ketchup."

"I'll write down the plan, you give it to Su Shiba, and let Su Shiba arrange it there."

Su Binglan placed his subordinate Su Shiba in Yang County.

Let him have a few other subordinates in charge of the factory in Yangxian, so that she can feel at ease.

You can rest assured to go to Beijing.

Yang Xiao was very happy to hear Su Binglan's words.

Many factories on their side are good for their local villagers.

The big guy works in the factory, can get wages and bonuses, and his life can be improved.

Furthermore, people from many places come to buy medicinal herbs and tomato sauce now, and Yang County has become very lively.

After Su Binglan explained something to Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao went back.

After that, Su Binglan arranged the affairs of Su Teng Village and set off with Su Chun towards the capital.

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