The wound was not as severe as before.

The snake demon was not as injured as before. Before, the Taoist only sprayed the outside. At that time, she was covered with a quilt, and at most a little was drenched on her upper body.

Despite this, I couldn't be careless, so I repeated the previous practice.

I took out a new water bag and hung it on my body, and at the same time took a mouthful of realgar wine in my mouth.

If there is any situation, I will spray first and then squeeze, which is enough to form a tiered firepower coverage.

But if the snake demon is still so stupid, I would be reluctant to deal with her.

The long-distance bus staggered into Hubei Province, not far from Wudang Mountain.

It was dark, and the driver was tired. According to regulations, he had to stop and rest for a while.

The car stopped in a small town, and everyone got off to solve physiological problems.

"Half an hour! The car will leave in half an hour at most! Everyone should hurry up and don't miss it!"

The driver got off the car, lit a cigarette, and told everyone loudly.

Everyone nodded, some smoked, some went to the toilet, and some ate.

I had drunk more than two liters of realgar wine in the car before. Although this wine has a low alcohol content and is like water, it has no effect on the liver, but it is a difficult test for the bladder.

I covered my lower abdomen and slowly moved under the car, fearing that I would shake out the urine if I stepped too hard.

The driver was shocked to see me like this, and hurriedly asked: "Brother, are you okay?"

I had realgar wine in my mouth, and I couldn't speak, so I could only wave my hand.

At this time, the driver looked at me with pity.

I couldn't speak, and a water bag was hung on my body, just like those people who couldn't control their bowel movements.

He turned his head away, his eyes sparkling, and he sighed heavily.

I really wanted to spray him in the face!

But I really didn't have time to pay attention to the driver's inner drama at this moment, and hurried to find a toilet.

The only public toilet in the town was already crowded with people on the bus, and there was even a queue outside.

I followed the driver's idea and pretended to be a seriously ill patient, wanting to cut in line, but these people didn't let me!

"Brother, it's not that I don't have sympathy, but I'm about to poop, I really can't let you go first, forgive me!"

To me, people's sympathy can only be born when they are protected.

There was no way, I could only go to the side to see if there was a dark corner where I could release the water.

But you say this town has poor infrastructure, damn, there are cameras everywhere and slogans prohibiting urinating and defecating in public and fines for violators.

I looked left and right, but couldn't find the blind spot of the camera.


In desperation, I could only borrow a toilet.

I came to the door of a private house and was about to knock when an old lady stopped me immediately.

"Young man, you can't come in!"

I thought this was the old lady's house, so I quickly spit out the realgar wine in my mouth and explained, "Auntie, I just went to the toilet and couldn't hold it anymore!"

The old lady's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she asked anxiously, "Are you a virgin?"


I was confused. Did I meet a pervert?

"Are you a virgin?" the old lady asked impatiently.

I was afraid that she would do something to me, so I shook my head quickly.

The old lady looked disappointed and put down the kettle she had just picked up. Before leaving, she reminded me again, "Don't go into this room! If something happens, don't say I didn't remind you!"

The old lady was a little weird. It stands to reason that when you go out, you should be careful in all places you can be careful.

But when you come in and you are in a hurry to pee, all the caution and caution are thrown away to Java - this is caused by the human body mechanism.

Secondly, after all, I am also a man who has made the snake demon suffer a setback, so it is inevitable that I have the mentality of looking down on the heroes of the world.

I nodded, and when the aunt walked away, I immediately went to knock on the door.

The door opened as soon as I knocked, and it was not closed.

That was even better. I shouted loudly, "Can I borrow the toilet?" and rushed in.

There was no light in the room, it was pitch black. I turned on the flashlight and swept around, and finally found the bathroom.

After running the water happily, I turned on the faucet to wash my hands.

I also washed my face by the way to make myself more energetic.

I looked up at myself in the mirror. Although I couldn't hide my fatigue, I was still handsome.

Just as I turned to leave, suddenly, I saw something flashing in the mirror from the corner of my eye. It seemed to be a person.

After solving the physiological problem, my reason occupied the high ground again.

There was no exploration, no curiosity, and I accelerated my pace.

This is not a movie. I am not the protagonist. I have no obligation to promote the development of the plot. The best thing to do is to leave as soon as possible.

After leaving the bathroom, I ran towards the gate in my memory.

This house is a very ordinary town residential building. Although the living room is larger than the commercial house, it is only twenty steps away at most, but I have walked at least fifty steps!

I realized that something was wrong, and quickly turned on the flashlight to carefully check the surrounding environment.

It was exactly the same as the living room in my memory when I came in. I walked forward with the light on, passing the eight-immortal table, the mahogany sofa, and the tricycle - this is very common in towns.

The next should be the gate, but when I continued to walk forward, I saw the eight-immortal table again!

Oops, I encountered a ghost wall!

I reacted immediately.

According to folklore, there are generally two solutions to ghost walls. The best one is of course to urinate a boy's urine on the spot.

Boy's urine has a strong yang energy and can solve most problems of encountering evil spirits.

No wonder the old lady asked me if I was a virgin before. This solution is skipped.

The rest is to sink my energy into my dantian and curse at the people around me, maybe I can also solve the ghost wall.

Of course, there is a certain chance of angering it.

Now it is good to have a plan. I don't care about other things and start cursing immediately.

I have been dealing with people like aunties in the market for many years, and my level of cursing is not exaggerated.

Just when I was getting more and more addicted to cursing, and the more I cursed, the more rhythm I had.

Suddenly, a crisp voice came from behind, "Zhao Qi, why are you so rude?"

I turned around and was stunned by the person in front of me, "Wang Yi? Why is it you?"

The person in front of me was my best classmate of the opposite sex in college.

In college, she and I often went in and out of the library and cafeteria in pairs. In the eyes of other classmates, we were a happy couple.

But in fact, our relationship can be summarized in eight words: more than friendship, but less than lovers.

She not only has superior appearance, but also a very gentle personality. In front of her, I always have a faint inferiority complex.

Until graduation, despite her expectant eyes, I still didn't dare to break the window paper.

"Why are you here?"

After confirming that it was her, an indescribable emotion emerged in my heart, both joy and surprise.

She hadn't changed at all, and was still wearing the same clothes I remembered when she graduated. She put her hands behind her back, frowned coquettishly, and looked me up and down.

"Didn't I tell you that I'm from Hubei! This is my home, of course I'm here!"

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