The more I fought, the more I fought.

With a weapon in my hand, I became bolder.

Rage rose from my heart, I drew a sword flower, and stabbed the human figure that had been soaked in the bubble!

I have been involved in the business of charlatans for many years. Although I mostly rely on observing people's words and expressions to open my business, if I don't have some real skills, I will be exposed sooner or later.

In order to market the persona of a master, I learned some simple sword techniques from a certain website.

I can't guarantee the power, but it looks intimidating.

But before I took a step, my pants that were half taken off affected my performance.

I felt a stumble under my feet, and immediately fell down with a horse.

As luck would have it, my forehead hit the sword I was holding in my hand!

It's over!!!

I'm dead!!!

Just when I thought I was going to die young, what I didn't expect was that the floating corpse-like floating bag figure appeared behind me at some point and grabbed me from behind!

At that time, my face was only 0.5 centimeters away from the sharp sword blade. My highly nervous nerves, plus the relief of surviving the disaster, and the state of being completely numb by fear, made me have no hesitation at all, just raising the sword and stabbing!

I turned over, and I didn't care that the sharp sword blade cut my side face due to the big movement. I just knew that this was the best opportunity to kill the ghost thing!

But at the moment when my blood stained the sword body, the sword body shone brightly, and before it stabbed the ghost thing, the sword energy was already crisscrossed, and blasted her out!



A voice suddenly came from outside the room.

I looked up and saw that the ghost had broken through the wall of the house.

I can get out!

"What happened? Did the manure pit explode?"

"Where did the noise come from?"

"Come on, let's go check it out. Maybe it's a gas leak or something."

Hearing the voice, the ghost that had been silent for a long time actually got up in a panic, and then, the thing that looked like an eye actually looked at me deeply.

The devil was that I actually saw a hint of reluctance in the turbid eyes.

What I didn't expect was that a little bit of crystal actually slipped from its turbid eyes.


This scene was fleeting, and before I could react, the ghost disappeared.

I quickly got up and put on my pants. If I delayed any longer, I would be killed by the ghost before I was killed.


Before the onlookers entered the room, I slipped away first.

By the time I got back to the service area, my bus had already left, taking away my luggage and my life-saving realgar wine...

Damn it!

As the sky gradually darkened, I could only use the navigation to walk to Wudang Mountain.

Fortunately, it was not far from Wudang Mountain, only 20 kilometers away in a straight line.

But I soon understood what "looking at the mountain and running to death" meant.

The wicked map did show that the straight-line distance was 20 kilometers, and it would only take about half an hour to ride a bicycle.

But this is a mountainous area. Not to mention the steep and difficult mountain roads, it is already difficult to find the right direction among the dense forests and mountains. The more severe test is that the mobile phone is running out of power.

How terrible is it to get lost in the depths of the mountains?

Perhaps at some point in the future, I will become a painless warning on the local headlines: "A man mistakenly entered the mountains, and the rescue failed. He died. I hope everyone will not follow his example."

The natural environment near Wudang Mountain is well protected, and there may be wild animals such as wolves.

Wouldn't I be a food delivery guy then?

Seeing that it was getting dark, I didn't dare to delay, so I quickly sped up and followed the navigation all the way.

But human power is limited, and as the screen went black, the phone declared its end of life.

At the same time, the sky also darkened, and waves of wolf howls sounded in the surrounding mountains and forests, which gave me goose bumps.

But before the phone hung up, I had already walked half of the way.

The remaining half, I should be able to finish it this night, right?

Not daring to delay, I quickened my pace and continued to move forward in the direction of my memory.

I walked for an unknown period of time. If there were no stars in the sky, I would have been lost in this forest.

"The red peach blossoms on the eaves are small, and the shadows of lovebirds flash on the branches. I wipe the black silk in front of the mirror, and I am too lazy to describe the distant mountains. I am worried about the willow moon, and my dream is broken by the pear blossom snow. The cuckoo cries to its heart's content, asking you...will you come back?"

Just when I was exhausted, a faint, melodious song

It reached my ears.

Where did the singing come from in this place?

I was surprised.

I looked around and found that there were some lights not far ahead.

Where did the lights come from in this ghost place?

I looked up and saw some lights on the mountain, and even saw white smoke rising slowly.

Taoist mountains like Wudang Mountain are famous tourist attractions in China. Although they are in the mountains and forests, there must be many businesses operating. I think the lights there belong to the businesses.

I plan to stay here for one night and go up the mountain tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, I trotted towards the light.

When I got closer, I found that it was a simple thatched cottage.

At this time, bursts of piano sounds floated out from the thatched cottage, and the originally sad singing became quiet and distant.

"The sound of hissing is wind and rain, the sound of sighing is thunder and lightning. It penetrates the sky and the earth, and it comes out of the dark and enters the light. It changes in a myriad of ways, but I am the master of it."

A chanting voice full of Taoist charm came slowly, and then a woman in the thatched cottage laughed and said, "My friend, since you are here, why don't you come in and have a chat?"

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