The more you know about the past, the more you will know about the present.

Thanks to the communication mode between predecessors and descendants across thousands of years, many things in Taoism are constantly being innovated.

Especially after many predecessors wrote some fallacies, descendants will start the group ridicule mode while respecting their predecessors, which naturally prevents some people from writing nonsense to a certain extent.

Remove the dross and keep the essence, so Taoism and Taoism are still fresh after thousands of years of baptism.

The things written in these chat books are still reliable.

From these chat books, I also found some things that are unconventional and take a different approach.

For example, "On the Correct Feeding Mode of Soul Xiao".

This is the title of this version of the book, and there are very few replies. If I hadn't accidentally read it when I was browsing the library, I would have hardly noticed it.

In the information I read before, it was said that to feed the soul golem, you must use souls, especially human souls.

This conclusion is derived from the targeted actions carried out by the Taoists against wild Taoists for many years, and the refining methods obtained from these wild Taoists.

Who among the genuine Taoists would do such a thing that harms the heaven and earth?

Although only wild Taoists play with soul golems, they were not invented by wild Taoists, but have existed since ancient times.

Because the geographical environment of a certain place created a natural and magical formation, the souls in the formation could not escape and gradually merged, so they became wild soul golems.

The senior who wrote the book mentioned this situation in the book and analyzed that since wild soul goblins can also appear and will naturally become stronger, and there is no possibility of artificial feeding, does it mean that soul goblins do not necessarily need to devour human soul energy to grow stronger?

In this regard, he not only proposed a hypothesis, but also proposed a plan - to cultivate soul goblins with the Taoist method of cultivating Yang Shen.

In other words, soul goblins are not regarded as ghosts, but as a kind of creature, and they take the path of cultivating Yang Shen.

Absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, replace the energy of human souls, and thus refine the virtual into the real, cultivate into a Yang body, and have a physical body.

Before, I thought about letting Xixi go to the hospital and let her absorb the souls of those children who died of abortion.

But later I thought that these aborted children were already miserable enough, and absorbing other people's souls was too beastly.

Just when I was troubled, this book opened a new door for me.

Although there are few descendants who responded below, my intuition tells me that this senior's method is not impossible.

Although he failed to catch a soul goblin until his death, so he could not experiment, but judging from the way he wrote the title of the book, this person should not be far away from the modern times.

I picked up a pen and wrote down my age and name on this relatively new book, intending to verify the feasibility of this method.

So now what I have to do is very clear.

Two things, find a good place for Wang Yi to absorb enough essence of the sun and the moon and cultivate into a Yang God. Then, cultivate merits, help Fu Sheng reshape his body, and constantly improve his strength.

From this point of view, whether it is the work of the office or the neighborhood committee, it is somewhat inappropriate for me now.

Just when I was thinking about how to tell Li Guanhai about this, he called me first.

"Are you busy?" As soon as the phone was connected, Li Guanhai's tone made me feel something was wrong.

This guy is usually not in tune, and there are few things that he can take seriously.

"What happened?"

"I have some bad news for you. Please go back to Jincheng as soon as possible. By the way, remember to tell your master that your uncle is in trouble."

After he finished speaking, my eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.


When I saw Uncle Zichuan again, he was lying in a transparent ice coffin.

The refrigerator below continuously sent cold air into the ice coffin to maintain his body.

He looked the same as when I saw him before, except that his body had some irregular depressions.

According to Li Guanhai's description, Uncle Zichuan took dozens of attacks from the opponent head-on to protect the people of the Ninth Bureau and died on the spot.

He joined the Ninth Bureau earlier than me and was one of the earliest members developed by Li Guanhai.

It was because of his recommendation that I entered Li Guanhai's sight. No wonder Li Guanhai could call out the Taoist name of his senior brother as soon as he arrived.

There are many older seniors like him who are not formal members of the Ninth Bureau.

Instead of being a member, they joined as non-staff members.

In addition to mentoring new members, their job is to solve big problems that newcomers like me cannot solve.

It can be said that these non-staff members are the backbone of the current Ninth Bureau.

"My uncle..."

I attended the funeral in a black suit. I still can't believe that the old Taoist priest was gone so easily.

"The specific process is still under investigation. However, according to the description of the members of the Ninth Bureau, they encountered an organization called "outsiders."


Hearing this, I couldn't help but frown.

"What? Have you heard of it?"

"The person who killed my first love's family of seven claimed to be an outsider..."

After that, Li Guanhai and I exchanged the information we had.

Only then did I know that outsiders had committed many large and small tragedies all over the country that I didn't know about.

"No one knows where the outsiders come from. They seem to have grown out of the ground. It is impossible to find out who they are from. Many of them were just ordinary people a few months ago."

Li Guanhai's words made me frown.

"About the outsiders, I have something to tell you..."

"What the hell? Resign? Are you kidding me! Don't you know that the establishment of the Ninth Bureau is a lifetime system?"


"Why don't you go back and take a closer look at the employment contract?"

Looking at the bastard Li Guanhai's face with a conspiracy, I knew that this bastard had probably expected such a day, so he made some changes in the employment contract in advance.

Damn, bastard.

After negotiating the arrangements, we started the memorial service for the master uncle.

After everyone bowed and said goodbye to the body, everyone left.

As a junior, after sending off the mourners, I wanted to take a look at this old guy who led me to the path of cultivation, when a figure suddenly appeared in the mourning hall.

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