The death of the master was a tragedy.

Among the Wudang, the only juniors who attended the memorial service for the master uncle were the eldest brother, besides me.

There were more people from the Ninth Bureau and those old seniors who were also non-staff members.

After the memorial service, the eldest brother left in a hurry, as if Wudang had a mediocre response to the death of the master uncle.

Especially the master, after learning of the death of the master uncle, it was like an irrelevant person.

This once made me think that the master uncle was hated by everyone in Wudang.

But when everyone left, the one who appeared beside him was the master who seemed to care the least.

At this time, the master was not wearing the blue training clothes she used to wear, nor did she tie her hair into a bun that she usually tied with a hairpin.

Instead, he changed into a formal black Taoist robe and a hair crown, and his temperament was so extraordinary that he was not like an ordinary person.

I originally thought that Master and Uncle would say something like in many film and television works, when no one was around, just whispering something between the two of them, or crying.

But I was wrong.

Film and television works are just film and television works after all. Those shouting and crying, or the affectionate confession of the heart, are just tools to serve the plot.

And on this day, I also learned one thing, when people are extremely sad, they can't speak or cry.

Master stayed in the mourning hall for a whole night, without saying a word, just standing there blankly, staring at the ice coffin, without saying a word.

As if he was dead, he didn't move.

I watched from the side all night, in addition to being amazed at Master's profound skills, I was also guessing what kind of relationship between Master and Uncle, but I didn't dare to ask these questions.

When I was sleepy, Master suddenly disappeared from the mourning hall, as if he had never been there.

The next morning, the funeral home arranged for cremation. I watched my uncle being slowly pushed into the incinerator, and watched the man who saved my life a few months ago turn into a wisp of green smoke.

In response, I made a Taoist hand seal and silently chanted: "Respectfully send off Uncle Zichuan, and ascend to heaven."

The debt of life between me and the outsiders has increased.



I took a long breath and looked around the strange and familiar small town around me, ending this four-hour high-speed rail journey.

Although I am also a native of Jincheng, I was not born in Jincheng, but ended my childhood in Gangcheng.

My impression of this place has always remained in isolation and cramped.

This is a heavy industrial town built along the river. The people's settlement area is divided into two parts by the river that runs through the city, and is only connected by a few bridges.

Steel is the pillar industry here, providing tens of billions of GDP here every year.

But with the industrial transformation, iron ore mining was restricted, steel production declined, and the city seemed to have been paused.

Everything stayed in the era when I was born and no longer moved forward.

Even when I came back this time, everything was almost the same as my childhood memories.

I vaguely remember that when I left, the town just had its own airport.

It took more than 20 years for the first high-speed rail line to be built here.

Around these two transportation hubs, the town has some emerging residential and commercial districts, and the place where I used to live has not changed at all.

It's like time has stopped and has been standing still.

"Is this where you were born? Do you have relatives here?" Wang Yi's voice rang in my mind.

It was her first time to come to this small town on the border of Shuzhou Province, and she was full of novelty when she saw the surging river.

"Yes, I moved to Jincheng with my parents when I was about four years old, and I haven't been back since then. There seem to be some distant relatives here, but we haven't been in touch for many years."

I still remember that in the early years, the transportation was too slow, and the contact between people was quite close.

We would take a car for more than an hour to visit relatives just to have a meal that was not delicious.

Later, when I grew up, I realized that we took a car for more than an hour not really for the food, but for the gossip.

The phone is too far away, the text message is too slow, and it is difficult to express the human feelings and miss.

On the contrary, now, you can make video calls anytime and anywhere, and the high-speed rail can connect the whole province in a few hours.

It seems that the distance between people is closer, but the contact is getting less and less.

Everyone seems to be busy, busy with life, busy with survival, busy with making money, busy with socializing, but forgetting the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

Everyone always feels

I felt that I had too little time, but I also felt that I still had a lot of time. I always thought that there might be a chance in the future.

"Zhao Qi! Is it Zhao Qi? Oh my god, I haven't seen you for more than 20 years. You have grown so tall?"

Just as I dragged my luggage out of the exit of the high-speed railway station, a man ran up to me with excitement and said with a laugh.

"You are..."

From the man's middle-aged and fat face, I vaguely saw some childhood outlines, and then I couldn't help but smile and said, "Second cousin? Is it second cousin?"

"That's right! It's been so many years, and you said you forgot me. But you are good, it's been more than 20 years, and you still remember it so clearly." The second cousin laughed and punched me, saying happily.

This punch seemed to have crossed time and space and came from more than 20 years ago.

Everything seemed to have changed, and it seemed that something had never changed.

"How did you know I was coming back?"

I couldn't help but be curious, because few people should know my itinerary.

"Oh, when WeChat was first launched more than a decade ago, didn't everyone in our family group add each other? I saw you posting your train ticket in your Moments a few days ago, and I knew you were coming back today, so I came to pick you up, fearing that you couldn't find the way and had no place to rest."


How can I describe this feeling!

It's like a relative you haven't spoken to or communicated with for a long time, and you think the other person has long forgotten you, but in fact the other person has been watching you silently.

It's a bit strange and heartwarming.

Time has changed a lot, but after all, some things can withstand its test and never deteriorate.

"Brother, just take me to XX Hotel, the company has booked a room for me."

I got on the car with my second cousin, and asked him to help take me to my destination.

"Nonsense, you're already home and you're staying in a hotel? My mom sent me to pick you up. How can you stay in a hotel? Check out the hotel, don't waste money."

"The company will reimburse..."

"Then don't waste the country's money."


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