The old man was very angry.

"When living in the village, please walk in the square and the blue area, and don't step into the red area, which is an area only women can enter. If you want to see your girlfriend, you can only move around in the square area."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. The use of mobile phones and other smart products is prohibited in the village. This is a blasphemy against the gods."

After saying that, he took away my mobile phone on the table without authorization.

"This is my mobile phone!" I reached out to grab the mobile phone back, but the bald man put it directly into his trouser pocket.

"Don't worry, I will give it back to you when you leave the village."

Ignoring my objection, the bald man turned and left the room.

Then he thought of something and turned around and said to me: "By the way, we will hold a bonfire party in the square tonight. If you are interested, you can come and visit. This is a unique custom and tradition of our Bijia Village."

After the bald man left the room, I took out a few forbidden talismans from my backpack and pasted them on the windows and the door.

The function of the forbidden talisman is similar to adding an extra lock to the doors and windows. With it, even if I fall asleep at night, I don’t have to worry about someone breaking into my room at will.

Of course, the forbidden talisman only restricts other people from breaking into the door through physical methods. If there are any demons that can hide and escape underground, they will naturally be unstoppable.

"Compared to me, Yumei may need the protection of the forbidden talisman more."

After finishing my room, I thought of Yumei again. I took out a few talismans from my backpack and put them in my pocket, and went to the square to meet Yumei.

I think with Yumi's brain, even if I can't notify her, she should be able to understand that the most urgent task at this stage is to meet in the square and discuss the next plan together.

However, I overestimated Yumi's IQ.

I waited for an hour near the square, but I didn't see her.

Could it be that the locals didn't tell her this rule?

"If she has small insects herself, she shouldn't need these prohibition talismans of mine."

I comforted myself by talking to myself, maybe Yumi was not feeling well because of the altitude reaction, so she rested as soon as she returned to the room.

I didn't worry about Yumi being in danger, because with Yumi's means, even if she really encountered any danger, she would definitely be more than enough to escape and protect herself.

I thought so, and planned to go home.

At this time, I saw two familiar bald men leading a man and a woman to the center of the square, and then separated the two like me and Yumi.

Judging from the way the man and woman were dressed, they should be tourists from other places like us.

At this time, they had also heard the bald man explaining the absurd rules of Bijia Village to them, and the two of them had an argument with the bald man.

I like to watch the fun and sat aside, listening to their quarrel.

"What kind of bullshit rules are these? I have never seen such a stupid rule!"

The man started to curse and hugged the girl in his arms, saying that he would never separate from her no matter what happened.

At first, the bald man explained to the two of them in a good tone that this was a custom that had been passed down in the village for hundreds of years, and hoped that they would not break the village rules.

Later, they found that the more they explained, the more fiercely the man refuted, and the two of them instantly blackened their faces.

"If you don't plan to cooperate, then please get out! Otherwise, if you violate the village rules, don't blame us for being ruthless."

The bald man's vicious tone, coupled with his ferocious appearance, instantly made the man's anger disappear by more than half, and his tone became a little timid.

"Well, since it is the village rule, we should abide by it. Baby, you don't want to be driven out of the village, so I'll let you suffer a little."

"No, dear, I want to live with you~"

The girl pulled the boy's arm and acted coquettishly, but the boy shook off the girl's arm without even looking at her, and followed the bald man to the blue area.

Seeing the boy walking away without looking back, the girl stomped her feet and shook her hands, snorting angrily.

"You bastard, you still say you don't want to break up with me, you don't love me at all!"

The girl followed another bald man to the red area in a huff.

The bald man took the girl to the border of the red area and handed her over to a female villager, who continued to guide the girl to the accommodation.

The farce ended temporarily with the compromise of the two, but this behavior was enough for foreign couples

Attract my attention.

Especially the boy, since he didn't want to separate from his girlfriend, why did he suddenly soften his attitude when he heard the villagers threatening them, and would rather compromise than leave the village?

If such an action is just to use the reason of "wanting to experience the customs and customs of ethnic minorities", it is too difficult to justify.

Although the boy's words gave people the feeling that he came to the village for the first time, when the bald man guided him to the blue area just now, the man obviously did not feel led, but took the initiative to walk in front of the bald man.

He seemed to be very familiar with the roads in the village, and this person's identity might be not simple.

I want to talk to him, maybe he can reveal more explosive news about the village.

Thinking of this, I no longer stayed in the square, and prepared to follow the man back to the blue area.

"Please wait for this guest."

After handing the task to the female villager, the bald man who guided the girl turned back and called me from behind.

"What's wrong? Is there anything?"

"We have a bonfire party tonight, but there are not many idle people in the village, and I am a little too busy. If you don't have anything to do, can you come and help me?"

"Okay." I nodded and agreed to his request, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​looking for that man.

If I talk to the villagers first, maybe I can get more information, and maybe I can directly find out the whereabouts of the members of the Ninth Bureau.

On the way to the warehouse, the bald man led me to find a building that was out of tune with the style of this village.

This is the only small house in the village that is finely decorated with cement and putty powder. There are fan-shaped windows on three walls of the house.

The window is made of glass, which is also the only glass product I can see in the village.

The windows of the other rooms are wooden window frames. Pasting a few layers of paper on the window frames is enough to keep out the wind and rain, just like the ancient houses seen in TV dramas.

Even the cups used for drinking water in the village are made of fired ceramics, which shows that this small house must be of great significance to the villagers.

The small house is only about five or six square meters, and because there is no door on the front, the furnishings inside can be clearly seen.

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