The room was filled with a lot of ashes, and the owner was very busy.

There is a vertical stone platform in the room, on which is placed a bronze sheep head statue.

The sculpture is very exquisitely crafted, and even the wrinkles on the sheep's horns are clearly visible.

But the appearance of such a scene in the village always makes me shudder, as if there is an ancient taboo.

"What is this room used for?" I asked the bald man about the origin of the statue in front of me.

The bald man seemed to know that I would ask this question, and smiled and explained to me: "This is the sheep god worshipped by the people in our village."

Legend has it that the ancestors of the people in Bijia Village were caught up in a famine that year, and when they were about to starve to death, they met a talking sheep.

The Sheep God was compassionate and did not want to watch the people in front of him starve to death, so he asked the ancestors of Bijia Village to cut off a piece of his own meat to satisfy their hunger.

The ancestors of Bijia Village also survived by chance, and eventually drifted to the ravine of Daliang Mountain to set up camp and lived there until now.

So until now, the people in Bijia Village have worshipped sheep as gods from generation to generation, and will never eat mutton for their entire lives.

After listening to the popular science of the bald man, I suddenly realized.

No wonder I saw all kinds of livestock when I walked around the village before, but I didn't see sheep.

This is just like some ethnic minorities worship pigs as gods and never eat pork for their entire lives.

If I say that I used to sneer at such legends, I would definitely think that animal gods do not exist.

However, after experiencing so much during this period, I can't help but believe it. After all, there is a dragon god locked in my mind now, so it is not impossible for another sheep god to come.

"Please help me move these wood and colorful flags to the square and give them to a girl in purple clothes."

The bald man and I came to a corner of the warehouse, where a lot of dry wood was piled.

The warehouse is located in a public area, and men and women can enter and exit freely.

Many female villagers are also moving various materials back and forth in the warehouse, busy for the evening banquet.

"Will the bonfire party in Bijia Village be held every night?" I put a few thin and long logs on my waist and asked the bald man.

"Of course not. We will only hold a party when tourists from other places come to stay in the village."

"There are quite a lot of tourists visiting Bijia Village on weekdays. You have so much wood here. You have turned it into an industrial chain."

The bald man shook his head: "Not so many. We do this in the hope that when tourists come occasionally, they can feel the enthusiasm of Bijia Village."

"So that's the case." I folded the small colored flag and put it in my trouser pocket. "Look at this colorful flag. It's so clean. I thought you often hold banquets."

It seemed like an unintentional chat, but it was actually testing the bald man's reaction.

Since he said that there have been no tourists from other places in the village for a long time, how to explain this spotless small colored flag?

The bald man's expression was not unnatural at all: "Of course, we have cleaned the small colored flag in advance for the evening banquet."

I nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but my suspicion and vigilance against Bijia Village became more and more serious.

We have been in the village for only an hour. It is impossible to clean and dry a large number of colored flags in such a short time, unless they are washed in advance.

But before we came, how could they know that there would be tourists entering the village today?

"It's a coincidence this time. I think there should be more than just a couple from outside. There seems to be a young couple? This bonfire party must be very lively."

"Yeah, yeah, that's right... I'll trouble you with these wood and colored flags. I'll go over there and take a look."

The bald man deliberately avoided topics related to the couple.

I left the warehouse and returned to the square, handing the materials in my hand to the banquet organizer in purple clothes in the center of the square.

"Thank you for your help, young man. We have beautiful village girls dancing tonight. Tell me which one you like and I'll arrange it for you!"

The organizer of the banquet is an elderly middle-aged woman who seems to have a high prestige in the village.

But what she said... I always feel like a mother in a brothel?

"That's not necessary, sister. My girlfriend is still here."

Sister, although I am very interested in your proposal, I still declined during the mission.

It's not impossible to come to Bijia Village alone after the mission is over.

"What's the matter? She won't come tonight anyway."

"What do you mean, sister? My girlfriend won't come tonight?" I asked curiously.

The sister realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she made up a random excuse to get away from it, and then quickly fled from me.

Does this sister have any secrets?

With doubts, I returned to my room. I wanted to talk to the man who had just entered the village, but there were too many similar houses in the village, and I didn't know which room he lived in.

I sat in front of my door, hoping to meet him by chance.

But he didn't go out all afternoon, which was quite strange.

It stands to reason that if he was so reluctant to separate from his girlfriend, then the first thing he should do after returning to the room and packing his luggage should be to meet his girlfriend in the square.

But I waited for the two of them for a whole afternoon and didn't see them.

I stayed in my room until the sun set, and didn't go out until the villagers came to call me to attend the bonfire party.

In the square, I finally saw the man I had been thinking about, but I didn't see his girlfriend.

What also worried me was that I didn't see Yumi either.

The auntie was right.

"Hello, I want to ask why my girlfriend didn't come?"

I found the bald man Xu to ask, it seems that he is also a person who can speak in the village.

"Wait a moment, I'll ask other people." He comforted me and then walked towards a female villager.

I couldn't hear the content of the two people's conversation because they were too far away. Not long after, he came back to give me an answer.

"Dear guest, I just asked the women in the village. Your girlfriend seems to be unwell, so she won't come to this banquet. She also said that she hopes you can have fun."

No, this is definitely not what Yumi can say.

She knows that we didn't come to Bijia Village for fun this time. Even if she didn't say anything, she would never say something like let me have fun.

There is only one possibility, the man in front of me is lying, Yumi must have encountered something.

But then again, Yumi has Xiao Chong by her side and now she has lost contact, so wouldn't I be in more danger?

Could it be that I have to rely on the big brother in my body to solve the problem again this time?

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