After a moment of hesitation, I decided not to make a move for the time being.

"Then let me ask again, the girlfriend of the brother next to me didn't seem to come either, is she not feeling well?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, we have someone to take care of their lives, I believe you will meet soon."

I returned to my seat and watched the man next to me clapping his hands while drinking and eating meat to the rhythm of the music, already immersed in the banquet, as if he didn't care at all about his girlfriend's absence.

"I just went to ask them, and they said your girlfriend seemed to be feeling a little unwell, so she won't come to the party." I took the initiative to get close to the man and tried to get close to him.

"I know, my girlfriend has some altitude sickness, and it's a pity that she couldn't come to see such a wonderful performance."

When the man said this, his eyes never left the girls dancing in the middle of the square.

Weird, too weird. The whole village gave me an unnatural feeling.

Thinking about these unusual things today, I didn't feel like experiencing the banquet properly, so I ended it hastily and returned to the room.

Lying on the bed and reviewing what happened today, I felt that the biggest problem was the bald man in the village and the new man in the village.

Especially the outsider.

If the weirdness of the bald man can be explained by the rules of the village, then why did the man from outside do so many weird things?

This question has been lingering in my mind. Even though it was dark, I decided to go out and talk to the man.

When the party was over, I noticed the direction of the man's return to the house. Knowing the location of his room, I walked directly there according to my impression.

There was no electric light on the path, and I could only identify the direction with the faint moonlight.

I came to the road in front of the man's room and found him easily.

I saw him sitting at the door of the room from a distance. The light was on in the room, which was very obvious in the dark.

He looked around from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone.

I didn't approach rashly, but hid behind a tree and observed carefully.

Sure enough, about five minutes later, another person came to his door.

"This is too outrageous!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

Then I realized that such an exclamation would attract the man's attention, and hurriedly covered my mouth.

What surprised me was that the person who came to the man's room was a woman, but not his girlfriend.

I saw this woman at the party. She was one of the dancers dancing in the center of the square.

The bald man said before that if a woman came to a man's room late at night, she must be doing something shameful.

Is this the true meaning of what the aunt said to me at that time?

This scene was so shocking that my worldview was shattered. A man who had just arrived in the village for only half a day actually hooked up with the natives of the village.

What's even more outrageous is that I don't know when they got together. Was it at the dinner party?

But I didn't see the man and the dancer communicating at the dinner party?

After the two entered the house and closed the door, I quietly approached and hid under the window to carefully eavesdrop on the sounds in the room.

The sound insulation effect of the house built with thatch is really not very good. I can hear every word the two people in the room said clearly.

The man asked the woman: "Is everything done?"

The woman's answer was: "Don't worry, it's done absolutely cleanly."

The man's voice suddenly became ecstatic: "Great, little baby, let me enjoy you!"

Then there were sounds of ecstasy in the room, and I left here quietly before they found me embarrassedly.

Although I didn't hear any useful key information, at least from this brief conversation, I can see that this man and the people in the village are definitely not meeting for the first time.

The man is indifferent to his girlfriend, but is having a tryst with other women here, which makes me very suspicious that what he said is related to his girlfriend.

Maybe the man teamed up with the people in the village to frame his girlfriend.

Thinking of this, I couldn't hesitate any longer and immediately went to the area where the women lived.

There are regulations in the village that do not allow men to enter the red area, but it is so dark, who can find me if I go quietly?

There are also a few people in the square holding torches to clean up the garbage left by the banquet, in order to hide from others,

I used the surrounding houses as cover and approached the red area step by step.

Although I didn't know where Yumi's room was, and even if I went to the red area, I didn't know what to do next, but I really couldn't sit and wait like this.

I had only been in Bijia Village for half a day, but the danger had already spread around me, and I had to stand up and do something.

Standing in front of the red dividing line, I hesitated for a moment, and then took the lead in taking one foot.

Nothing unusual happened, so I boldly entered the red area.

Look, what can I do if I break in now? What broken rules are just a means for the villagers to restrict people.

I just saw the female villagers enter the man's room, and I realized that the status of women in this village is a bit too high.

Only women can find men, and men cannot step into the women's area at any time.

This means that if men and women want to have sex, as long as the woman disagrees, the man has to hold it in.

And even if a woman goes to another man to have an affair behind her man's back, the man will not find out at all.

"This village is so deformed." I couldn't help but sigh.

I was about to take a step forward when I suddenly felt dizzy and my eyes went dark.

When I woke up again, I was in darkness.

In the darkness, I saw a tall man, but the head on his neck was not a human head, but the bronze sheep head I saw today.

"Young man, don't you know the rules of Bijia Village?"

The voice of the sheep-headed man was very hollow, but there was a pressure that made me dare not resist.

I realized that this person was very dangerous and wanted to summon m1911.

But I didn't realize the existence of the demon-subduing book in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is it sealed? Is it really the real Sheep God in front of me?" I muttered in my heart.

"Lord Sheep God, I finally saw your real body!"

Since there is no way to resist with force, I can only use another skill to deal with him.

Start licking!

"Lord Sheep God, you are so tall and handsome. I have tried so hard to meet you!" I half-knelt on the ground with a sincere expression.

"Meet me?" The Sheep God seemed to be frightened by my words.

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