All of them were excited for a moment. Finally, some prey appeared, and Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes.

When the troops come back from the front, they don't like to come back from the West.

The team is not fast. Everyone has horses.

Soon, they came right in front of Li Yuanqing.

In front of the team, there were seven or eight strong men in leather armour. In the middle, there were carriages pulled by two good horses. Because the road was not wide, there were no guards on both sides of the carriage. At the back, there were more than 20 men, no less than 5 or 60 horses.

"Tartars on dog's day, horses are so good." Shunzi spat in a low voice.

Li Yuanqing winked at him and motioned him to keep quiet.

Shunzi quickly closed his mouth.

At this time, Xu Heizi said in a low voice: "my Lord, things seem to be wrong. In my opinion, the seven or eight people in front of me seem to be real slaves. "

Li Yuanqing also found an anomaly, walking in front of the seven or eight people, are young men, each expression ferocious, ferocious abnormal.

They have broad shoulders, thick arms and round legs. They look very big. Their legs are short and small. They seem to be uncoordinated, but they are extremely harmonious. They are full of a sense of strength.

In particular, the money rat braid behind their hats is greasy and greasy. I don't know how long it has not been washed. It seems that it has lasted for a long time. It is obviously different from the newly tied up money rat braids of the Han Army flag soldiers who were later attached to them.

As the carriage drove past, there was a contrast between the soldiers in the Han Army flag, which was even more obvious.

"My Lord, there are at least fifteen or six real slaves. Three white armor, five red armor, two collar urge, one generation. In this carriage, it is very likely that there are big Tartars. "

Xu sunspot clenched his fist tightly. His eyes were full of excited flame. The cold in the snow for a long time also disappeared in an instant.

In the army of the later Jin Dynasty, the soldiers were mainly divided into three levels: guard, step and vest.

From the age of 10, ordinary Jurchen men have to take an examination every three years, mainly on riding and shooting, martial arts. If they pass the examination, they can be promoted to guard soldiers.

Next came the carapace, and then the vest.

Among the many armored soldiers, the more outstanding ones, also known as the red and white armed soldiers, are commonly known as the red and white armour soldiers. The later Manchu and Qing guards and Qianfeng battalions were based on these two.

In particular, the white armour soldiers are also famous in later generations, and they are extremely elite. They can only obtain this honor by fighting countless times and killing the heads of countless enemies. Even if there are 300 Niulu soldiers in the later Jin Dynasty, there are only a dozen white armours, which can definitely be said to be the elite among the elite.

In the top of the waistcoat, it is bashiku, which is the winner of Baijia. Han people generally call it lingcui.

Bashiku was the son of generation, also known as Fende bashiku, which was the school of chivalry in Manchu and Qing Dynasty.

Up to the top, there is Niulu Zhangjing, the number one of the 300 soldiers of the Ming army, which is equivalent to 1000 households of the Ming army, or even higher.

Because in this era, no one in the post Jin army dared to eat empty pay

At this time, looking at the crowd, Li Yuanqing's eyes also slightly narrowed. Is this the Late Jin nobles who just returned from the western Liaoning battlefield?

If the situation of the later Jin Dynasty in the western Liaoning battlefield is smooth, this possibility can not be ruled out.

But if this is the Late Jin aristocracy, it shows that the war in western Liaoning has been

Li Yuanqing was "cluttered" in his heart, and his expression was a little gloomy.

There are 130000 people in Guangning army. They just kill chickens. They will not collapse so soon, right?

"Look, my Lord, they are in the post station." Wang Hai was also a little excited and couldn't speak.

Looking to the south, Li Yuanqing saw a white armour in front of the Houjin troop. He said something to the post station. Soon, the tall wooden door of the post station was opened. Several men in leather coats bowed out to welcome the people in.

Only when the last horse entered the post station and closed the gate, did Li Yuanqing withdraw his eyes.

"Brother, we may have met a big fish this time. Ha ha. " Shunzi is also full of excitement.

If you can kill a real slave nobleman, how much honor should it be?

It is even more valuable than Mao Wenlong's capture of Tong's relatives of Aixin Jueluo's family in Zhenjiang.

After all, no matter how high the status of foreign relatives is, they are also Han people.

Since the rise of the Late Jin Dynasty, Daming has never been the head of the Nuzhen aristocracy.

Li Yuanqing's heart is also surging, this his mother, is it manggurtai? He came back from the western Liaoning battlefield ahead of time?

But for a moment, Li Yuanqing shook his head and gave up the idea.

Although the Tartars were fighting with red flags, they did not have Phnom Penh. This is not the royal family of the later Jin Dynasty.

What's more, how could manggurtai, a big Baylor, give up the chance to make contributions in western Liaoning and return to the rule of the land in the middle of the way?But even if it was not manggurtai, the owner of the carriage must be a nobleman of later Jin Dynasty.

"My Lord, do it. Dog, tartar nobles. ha-ha. I'd like to see what he's capable of. " Duan Xiliang was also excited and couldn't help it.

Li Yuanqing shook his head. "They have entered the post station. Tonight, they must rest here. Don't worry. We can't do anything rashly. "

At this time, it was not dark. Although there were more than 250 elite soldiers on Li Yuanqing's side, they all relied on "route 11".

Since then, the team of Jin has more than two horses. In case of scaring the snake, it will be difficult to catch up.

Moreover, the Tartars are fierce in battle. These fifteen or six true slaves are all elite. They have five red armours, three white armours, two leaders and a generation. I'm afraid that the fighting power of the Tartars can be equal to that of Li Yuanqing's one hundred men, or even more.

They also have the help of the station's own garrison. If they are rash, it's hard to say who will win.

This is by no means Li Yuanqing's long-standing ambition and destroying his own prestige.

Although these soldiers under Li Yuanqing are already elite soldiers, they are not strong enough and their armour is not thick enough. Most of them are peasants. They have become soldiers less than a year ago. In terms of martial arts and riding and shooting, how can they be compared with the soldiers of later Jin Dynasty who grew up on horseback and burned, killed and looted since they were young?

Duan Xiliang saw Li Yuanqing with a dignified look, but he did not dare to rush back to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing looks at the post station not far away, and his mind is spinning rapidly.

At this time, although there were not many tartar soldiers, they were all elite. Moreover, everyone had horses. It was obvious that they were not wise to make a strong attack, so they could only win by wisdom.

At this time, such weather, coupled with the desolation around the post station, Li Yuanqing still had enough time.


Night came quietly, and the snow was falling more and more heavily.

Li Yuanqing tried it. The snow beside him was almost half a palm deep, and it was more than ten centimeters.

"My Lord, it's almost done. Let's do it. Rush into the post station and kill them by surprise. " Great achievements are in front of us. Even Xu Heizi can't control his emotions any more.

But Li Yuanqing still shook his head.

At this time, it was just dark, that is to say, 6 o'clock. These Tartars should be eating and rush in hastily. They are absolutely not wise.

"Don't worry. Wait a second. Brother Xu... " Li Yuanqing fell in the ear of Xu Heizi and whispered in a low voice.

Hearing the speech, Xu Heizi was overjoyed and said in a low voice, "please be at ease. I'll take someone to check it right away."

Time passed quietly, and the night was getting deeper and deeper. Not far away, the lights in the post station had been extinguished, but there were still lights flashing on several watchtowers.

The snow still had no sign of stopping. Li Yuanqing had already come to the edge of the official road and tried it with his hand. The thickness of the snow layer could submerge most of his palm, which was probably 20 cm thick.

This thickness of snow, even if the horse, I am afraid can not run so fast.

At this time, it was about 11 o'clock. Xu Heizi carefully went from the trees on the edge of the official road to Li Yuanqing's side. "My Lord, the outer walls of the post station are all rammed earth, and the houses inside are made of rammed earth, except for a few main rooms, which are made of rammed earth, the rest are made of wood. The stable is in the side yard, which is on the side of the official road. The haystack should be here, too. The other three sides are all forests, only the official road. "

Li Yuanqing nodded, "are the firewood ready?"

Xu sunspot was obviously excited, "my Lord, you are all ready. However, there are dogs in the post station. We dare not rush to get close to them. They are all piled up a hundred paces away. "

Li Yuanqing took a long breath of turbid gas.

Although the tartar nobles are very attractive, their horses are also very attractive, weapons and armor are also very attractive, but the gap in strength, Li Yuanqing can only choose to temporarily forget these, in order to control the overall situation first.

There is nothing more effective than fire attack.

"Don't worry about the dog. Tell the brothers to prepare in a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, all sides will go together."


The order was quickly passed on.

Li Yuanqing also took his headquarters, shunzi and Duan Xiliang, more than 150 people, to the main gate of the post station facing the official road.

This post station is not small in scale. It covers an area of about seven or eight acres. It is surrounded by rammed earth walls more than 3 meters high, with sharp wooden tips inserted on it. The scale of the post station is not much different from that of a small castle.

With Li Yuanqing's strength, if we want to make a strong attack, I'm afraid there will be only one outcome.

But the surrounding forest, together with the heavy snow tonight, is a big help to Li Yuanqing.

A quarter of an hour is coming soon. In the East, Xu sunspot has already made a gesture.

Li Yuanqing did not have the slightest hesitation, in a low voice to the side of the shunzi order: "hands on."

For a moment, shunzi ignited the firewood pile that had already been prepared. He called in a low voice: "brothers, let's go."

Say, take the lead to ignite the firewood stick, force toward the post station inside throw past.The soldiers around him were also like this. They threw the ignited firewood sticks into the post station one after another.

At the same time, the other three sides are also the same action.

The surrounding forest is basically dominated by pine and cypress, which is the most easily burned and is the best firewood for people to spend the winter.

Using flint to ignite the dry leaves and then to ignite the firewood is not a big problem at all, and it will be finished soon.

A moment, a burning firewood sticks, like meteor shower general, from all directions, crazy throwing to the post station inside.

The snow is more and more heavy, but a crazy firewood sticks, but like a burning red rainbow, set off the world in a white, red between.

Soon, the post station inside the guard also responded, "enemy attack, enemy attack." Someone yelled like hell.

But Li Yuanqing had already prepared one afternoon and one night before. The quantity of firewood sticks was well prepared. One stick could not ignite, and the other would ignite sooner or later.

Especially on the side of the stables and the straw pile, they were on fire.

With the roar of the horses and the cry of the human race, the whole post station of Houjin is full of flying birds and dogs, and there is a chaotic situation everywhere.

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