In the evening, Li Yuanqing's fleet arrived at the Sancha River.

At this time, although Li Yuanqing was eager to know the progress of the Guangning war, he was still in a humble position. Even if he rushed to western Liaoning, I'm afraid, he would not be able to get a satisfactory answer.

The end of history is here.

Li Yuanqing's 700 soldiers have already killed and injured 50 people in the battle of Nanguan. Now, only 650 soldiers are available. In addition to guancanghai department, Xu Heizi department, and the sailors on board, they are only over 1000. These sailors, except for half of the children, are old men of 40 or 50 years old, with little combat power.

At this time, Li Yuanqing's hands, even if they did not move forward, charged into the overall situation of western Liaoning, I'm afraid, could only be moths to the fire, Tartars did not kill a few, but sent themselves in.

Calm down, Li Yuanqing forced himself to maintain enough restraint.

Although the Eight Banners soldiers of the old slaves are brave, they are not gods. There are more than 130000 troops in Guangning army. Even if they kill pigs and sheep, it is not so easy to kill these 130000 people.

The news of Liaoxi will come sooner or later. Why rush to take risks with your own family and life?

At this time, it is early February, the sea ice has begun to melt, these days crazy Road, children are also very tired.

Li Yuanqing ordered the fleet to rest outside the sea ice for a while and let the firemen cook more food. Both soldiers and sailors should be well fed.

He also sent dozens of pirates with excellent water quality to the nearby coast to inquire for information in several small boats.

On the ship, eating and drinking conditions can not be so much attention to. Li Yuanqing's later generations are also northerners. They are not used to eating rice, but they like noodles very much.

Rice needs to be accompanied by vegetables, so it is easy to be full, but noodles have soup. It's easy to get full on top of the soup. In such weather, it's easy to get warm.

A large bowl of coarse noodles for each person, everyone's mental state is also much better.

Li Yuanqing stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the land not far away.

Shunzi whispered: "brother, here, have we been here? I remember that when we went to Zhenjiang, we seemed to have fought here. "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "your boy's memory is so poor? Forget, we've had dog meat here

On that day, when he followed Mao Wenlong to attack Zhenjiang, the small post station on the Bank of Sancha River was Li Yuanqing's first battle.

It was also because of this war that Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong established a good friendship and got the first opportunity to develop and expand.

For the first time, men are always unforgettable, for the previous scene, as if in yesterday, Li Yuanqing remember clearly.

After listening to Li Yuanqing's words, shunzi remembered with a smile, "elder brother, I don't know if there is a dog in the post station. Let's go and have a vote. It's not bad."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener intends.

Hearing shunzi's words, Li Yuanqing was suddenly alert.

Before that, he put too much energy on the west of Liaoning Province, and led himself into a dead end. However, he forgot that the news must also be passed on in the later Jin Dynasty.

If the old slave wins, he will surely spread the news of his victory to his ruling area and show his immortal fighting merits.

In this case, why should we go further?

Li Yuanqing rubbed shunzi's head heavily, "boy, this time I'll give you a great achievement. Go and find Guan Canghai. "

Shunzi touched his head wrongly. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he felt better when he heard that Li Yuanqing wanted to make a contribution to him, so he went to find Guan Canghai.

Guan Canghai was not on the same boat with Li Yuanqing. These days, he has been responsible for the navigation and vigilance of the whole fleet. He is very tired.

After a while, Guan Canghai changed boats and came to Li Yuanqing's big ship.

"Canghai, have you eaten yet?" Li Yuanqing's mood suddenly brightened up a lot and patted Guan Canghai on the shoulder with a smile.

Guan Canghai was a little tired. His eyes were covered with bloodstains, and his bags were swollen. But he was in a good state of mind. He said with a smile: "I smell the noodles soup from adults. Isn't this coming?"

Li Yuanqing smiles and tells the firemen to give Guan Canghai a bowl of noodles. He tells him about the search for a nearby post station.

The official Canghai hears the speech, but the spirit is not shaken, "adult, wonderful. If so, our army will save a lot of strength. I'm going to make arrangements

Li Yuanqing is not afraid of a good night. Eat the noodles before you go


As a result of the ban on the sea in the later Jin Dynasty, most of the people were moved to within 15 li of the coast in the East Bank of Sanchahe River, and the military posts of Houjin also contracted.

Li Yuanqing thought that it would be very difficult for Li Yuanqing to get off the boat and start on the land.

However, Li Yuanqing was not in a hurry. He could not run away from the temple if he could run. The land of Liao was vast and sparsely populated, and there was a long distance between the cities. As long as he found the official way, he would surely find the post station. In addition, children are tired and need a good rest.It's just like fishing. Get the bait, throw the net out, and wait for the news.

At noon the next day, the pirate spies who went out to explore came back with news that they found a post station on the official Road 20 miles to the East.

This post station is not small in scale. It is almost like a small castle. In the north, it leads to Haizhou and Liaoyang, and is the main official road from southern Liaoning to Liaoyang and Shenyang.

However, from this coast to the post station, you need to go over a continuous hilly area. The forest is dense and the road is not easy to walk.

Li Yuanqing immediately called his officers to discuss matters.

Guan Canghai said: "my Lord, even if it is a small castle, at this time and in such a place, the tartar forces must be limited. In my opinion, this vote can be done. "

Wang Hai also said: "my Lord, my hometown is here. It is estimated that the small castle was built later by Tartars, and it is likely that it was rebuilt later. It should not be difficult to attack such places. "

Duan Xiliang also said: "my Lord, there are forests here, which are more conducive to our concealment. We don't have to rush for this moment, but we can go ashore to investigate. There is a close war on the west side of Liaoning Province. I guess the post horse will not be broken. We have plenty of food and grass. When we have a goal, we can do it again. "

After listening to the opinions of these officers, Li Yuanqing was also very pleased. After so much experience, they had begun to grow up slowly.

"So, let's start with this post station. Give me a military order. "

"Yes." The officers fell to their knees.

"Guan Canghai led the fleet left behind by his headquarters to protect the safety of the fleet. Wang Hai, Duan Xiliang, Xu Heizi and Zhang Sanshun, each with 50 elite soldiers of their own headquarters, will follow me in the battle. "



In the evening, the sun sets in the west, reflecting the sunset of the sky, and enveloping the world in a light but thick warm tone.

Small boats carrying 250 people have been on the shore.

Although the sea has begun to thaw, but the ground is still hard. Li Yuanqing and his party have just entered the mountain area in the East, a strong wind blows in the sky, and then, light snow begins to drift, and the weather suddenly becomes cold.

But Li Yuanqing had plenty of food and grass, and the soldiers were all dressed in new cotton padded jackets. Even though the weather was bad, it was not too much of a hindrance for people to gather together.

At this time, this time, far different from later generations, Liao was a bitter and cold land with few people. The nature of nature was not damaged much.

Not far from the coast is a continuous forest, along the forest out of two or three miles, then into the range of the mountains.

If it's flat, it's not too much of a hindrance to drive 20 miles a night, but if the terrain is like this, the speed can't be raised naturally.

Fortunately, the 250 soldiers under Li Yuanqing's command are all elite. All of them are young and well-trained. Under the care of the officers at the beginning and the end, no one left behind.

The next morning, the team has reached the depth of the forest, in the official road outside a mile, temporary rest adjustment.

The post station was in a forest gap a mile and a half away.

The snow covered the ground, the whole world, wrapped in a layer of silver.

Without the army tent, no fire can be made. The soldiers can only gather together, cover themselves with dry leaves, and use each other's body temperature to keep warm.

Wang Hai led the headquarters to guard. Li Yuanqing also leaned against a big tree and took out his dry food for dinner.

In this era, it's not a big problem to have a difficult journey. After all, the soldiers are in their prime years, so eating is the top priority.

At this time, there was no canned meat, no smoke-free stove, and there was no hot water when there was no fire. It was just pancakes that were hard and frozen. Even pickles are as cold as ice sticks, and they need to be melted.

It's not a good feeling.

But even so, all the soldiers around were very excited and did not have the consciousness of marching hard all night.

As long as they can kill Tartars, what else should they care about?

After eating a dry cake quickly, Li Yuanqing gently stretched his muscles and bones and massaged his abdomen rhythmically to artificially promote gastrointestinal digestion.

Looking at the familiar faces around him, Li Yuanqing felt the great responsibility on his body.

The big men of the imperial court have no contact with these hot blooded men. Naturally, they have no feelings. What they care about is the overall situation and the outcome.

For them, they only want the result of Liao.

As for the casualties of soldiers and civilians, they are just a series of cold numbers.

But Li Yuanqing is deeply aware that these good men are the cornerstone of his career and the guarantee of his foothold in the world.

If you lose your property, you can earn more, but if you don't, everything is gone.

Therefore, before making every decision, Li Yuanqing must carefully consider and try his best to save the lives of these good men within his ability.

The time in the morning passed quickly. After a short rest, the soldiers had a little time off, and Li Yuanqing also had a similar rest.However, this annoying little snow did not stop, on the contrary, there are signs of falling more and more.

Li Yuanqing originally wanted to stay for a long time, and then start to work after he was sure that he had a big goal to enter the post station. However, if the weather went on like this, he could only speed up his pace.

In one morning, there were several groups of scouts on the official road. However, they all came from Liaoshen to the south of Liaoning. Li Yuanqing did not order his soldiers to start.

These scouts are all in a team of three or five people. The speed is extremely fast. It is daytime. If we can't catch all of them in one net and leave trouble behind, it's not fun.

Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry.

In the afternoon, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. Li Yuanqing leads his soldiers to the vicinity of the official road, which is only half a mile away from the post station.

Such heavy snow, the whole world is covered, even if the dog, half a mile apart, it is impossible to smell the smell here.

And the fast horse on the official road is more unlikely to notice the trend in the depth of the road.

What makes people speechless is that throughout the afternoon, perhaps because of the heavy snow, no matter whether it is from the South or from the north, there are no more horse scouts. Only a few smoke pipes of the post station not far away emit bursts of fireworks, which shows that the world is still alive.

Even Li Yuanqing was about to lose his temper. In the evening, from the north, a team of men and horses, about 3 or 40 people, were escorting a carriage.

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