The soldiers with the yellow flag soon attacked xipingbao. They were all dressed in armour. Some of them even wore triple armour. Although Luo Yitong's bird and spear hands were excellent, they could shoot through single armor. When facing these soldiers with multi-layer thick armor, the effect was not good. Unless they hit the head, they would not pose a real threat to the soldiers with thick yellow flag.

The coverage of long-range firepower has been unable to stop the soldiers of the yellow flag from rushing to the head of the city. Luo Yitong has no choice but to make the soldiers fight hand to hand to drive the dogs down.

After a while, Xiping fort was not wide and turned into a bloody slaughterhouse.

Although the troops guarding Ming Dynasty are well-equipped and have the advantage of geographical advantages, they are small in number, and their military bravery is far from being compared with the elite of the yellow flag. After a short standoff, they have already formed a rout.

Such a dangerous situation, Luo Yitong how dare to neglect? Quickly lead the personal guard to the top.

Seeing that their masters and generals had rushed to the front line, the Ming army was not only shocked by their morale, but also went crazy and launched a counter attack on the troops who were in charge of the yellow flag.

At this point, the so-called martial arts and equipment can be ignored. The only thing soldiers on both sides of the battlefield can rely on is their own courage.

Either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy.

The battle continued for the better part of the hour, and the sun had set a little over the horizon.

Perhaps he felt Xiping fort's bravery in guarding the Ming army. The old slave didn't want to waste the lives of his precious soldiers under the yellow flag in such a small place. Soon, the voice of gold in the middle army of the later Jin Dynasty began to sound. These soldiers no longer loved to fight, but retreated like the tide.

On the head of the city, Luo has always been a bit of an underage. His helmet has disappeared. His hair, which had been neat, was cut off by a sharp blade. His face was covered with blood. He looked at the Houjin camp not far away.

Next to him, Liu Dadou, the leader of the personal guard, was even more miserable. Although the armour was still there, he did not know where his left arm was. The dense white bones were exposed ferociously. However, he just wrapped it up with a piece of cloth and firmly guarded him around Luo Yitong.

On the top of the city, almost all the Ming troops have reached the state of exhaustion of oil and light. However, there is still no news about the reinforcements.

At this time, from the side of Houjin camp, several fast horses rushed towards Xiping fort.

Liu Dadou had a sharp eye and looked at it carefully for a moment, but he couldn't help being overjoyed. "Ye, ye, it's our Tamar, it's our Tamar."

Luo Yitong was already tired and about to fall asleep. Hearing this, he suddenly raised his spirits and looked down at the city.

To be sure, it is his side's scouting horse. Luo has always been overjoyed, "quick, quick release the rope. Let the boys come up. "

After a while, the three sentries were taken to the head of the city. They were in a worse state than Luo and Liu da. They were almost covered with wounds and rushed back to Xiping fort with one breath.

The leader of a hundred households knelt down to his knees and kowtowed: "general, the battle of Pingyang bridge has just begun. Sun Degong, a guerrilla in Guangning, and Bao Chengxian, the general, fled. The troops in Zhenwu and Luyang directions were defeated. Liu Qu and general Qi Bingzhong encountered the Jin army ambush in Shaling, and 30000 troops have been destroyed. General, we, we have no reinforcements


Luo has always been shocked.

He never dreamed that his persistence in xipingpu was such a result.

However, after all, he led the army for many years, and forced himself to suppress his emotions and calm for a moment: "what about Zu dashou in Jinzhou? Isn't he nine thousand more? He's full of cavalry, and should be here soon? "

At the beginning, Wang Huazhen's defense plan was to take Qi Bingzhong's department as the vanguard and go to the front line of Liaohe River to win over Li Yongfang, the son-in-law of Fushun in the later Jin Dynasty, as the internal line.

After learning that the main force of the old slave had crossed the Liaohe River, Wang Huazhen quickly ordered sun Degong and Bao Chengxian, the headquarters of Guangning army, to join Qi Bingzhong's army.

At the same time, zudashou led his nine thousand cavalry to reinforce Qi Bingzhong.

Xiong Tingbi also ordered Liu Qu, who was in his heart and abdomen, and led more than 10000 people to quickly reinforce Qi Bingzhong.

As a result, the Ming army's reinforcements have reached more than 50000. In addition, with the strength of Xiping fort, Zhenwu fort and Zhenning fort, even if they can't win, there is no big problem in restraining the main force of the later Jin Dynasty.

But Wang Huazhen didn't expect that sun Degong, his confidant, did not attract Li Yongfang, but was betrayed by Li Yongfang.

The escape of sun Degong and Bao Chengxian is like pushing down the first domino, and the situation can no longer be sorted out.

At this time, the only strong troops of Shouning and Shouning troops were excellent equipment.

Sentry Baihu tried to kowtow, and his forehead was bleeding. "General, I didn't see general Zu's men and horses. I just heard that he had led his troops back to the direction of juehua island."


Luo always wanted to say something, but only felt a sweet throat, a familiar flavor, could not help from the throat to the eversion."My Lord."

Liu Dadou was shocked and quickly used his one arm to carefully support Luo Yitong's tottering body.

At this time, Luo Yitong was calm.

He turned and glanced at the soldiers around him. Everyone's eyes were on him.

Luo Yitong suddenly laughed, "child, you have worked hard. Dadou, you send someone to take this brother down to have a rest. The Tartars on dog's day want to eat Xiping castle of Laozi. It depends on whether you have such good teeth. "

He said, shouting to the soldiers in the city, "children, are you afraid?"

These soldiers are Luo Yitong's headquarters and his pride.

"Army gate, afraid of the ball. As long as Tartars dare to come up again, I will let them have no return. "

"Tartars are nothing but that. General, we will wait for reinforcements. "


Looking at the strange but familiar faces around him, Luo Yitong's old tears couldn't help but pour out. He nodded emphatically, "OK. OK. You are all good kids. Children, today, we must let the Tartars of dog day see the prestige of our Ming Dynasty generals and men. "

There was an instant of cheering on the head of the city.

But at this time, after a short pause, a new round of offensive of the later Jin army was opened again.

This time, not only the yellow flag, but also the red flag, the white flag, the white flag and so on, all had their movements. Soon, there were more than 3000 soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty. The tide was general, and they came towards Xiping fort.

Luo Yitong has already understood that Lao Nu wants to take Xiping Fort before dark.

At this point, he had no choice but to draw his sword from his waist and personally rushed to the front line of the city to command the Ming army to resist.

It's a pity that the soldiers have been exhausted for a whole day.

Although they were still fierce and fearless, they still did not retreat, but faced with the butcher's knife of the later Jin warriors, their movements were obviously slower and their physical strength was obviously lower.

They could have killed the enemy, but now they can only cut the enemy's armor. They could have died with the enemy, but in the end, they had to cut off their heads.

"Sir, I can't stand it. Let's take a step back first Liu Dadou has been covered with blood and looks like a ghost. He has a long cut in his stomach and his intestines are all flowing out.

Looking at the children around him falling down one by one, looking at his confidant love general, has become this appearance, Luo Yitong, even though he is a seven foot man, can not help but tears.

He patted Liu Dadou on the shoulder, "Dadou, it's my fault."

Liu Dadou knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, don't say that. Dadu's life is yours. You'll die without regret. Sir, there is still a chance. Dadou will help you break through. "

Luo Yitong smiles and shakes his head, "Dadou, I won't go. You, I now order you, take your family members, break through quickly

"Sir, if you don't leave, Dadou will not go either." Liu Dadou single arm to support the body, desperately kowtow to Luo.

"Did you not even listen to your orders? You are also required to take care of your family Luo Yitong looks at Liu Dadou with a stern look.

Liu Dadou had no choice but to retreat from the city with tears and more than a dozen of his relatives.

At this time, the Ming army on the head of the city had almost been killed and wounded, and there were less than 50 people around Luo Yitong.

Luo Yitong roared up to the sky. He untied his sword and kowtowed several heads toward the southwest and Beijing, "emperor, Emperor. I can't serve you any more. I can only repay your kindness in the next life. "

With that, Luo Yitong took out his sword and wiped it to his neck and killed himself.

A moment later, xipingbao fell


At this time, Li Yuanqing's fleet had already sailed into the deep sea, but he still knew nothing about Xiping fort, including the whole western Liaoning war.

This is also the biggest drawback of this era, information is not smooth.

However, out of his instinctive sense of crisis and the precedent of the collapse of Shenyang, Li Yuanqing was not optimistic about the war situation in western Liaoning.

It was very dark, but every sailor on all the ships in the fleet tried their best to rest.

Li Yuanqing has given them death orders. The soldiers and sailors go to battle together. They have to go to the interior of western Liaoning as soon as possible.

The moon is a little lonely tonight. Although the moon is still cool as water, Li Yuanqing always has an ominous premonition in his heart.

From a political point of view, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan are indeed good ways to achieve meritorious service. However, from a military point of view, they have committed great military taboos.

With their strength at this time, they went to fight for the city with the rear Jin army and haggled over every detail. Was this not just a bamboo basket to draw water? In the end, it was nothing?

If we can't defeat the main force of JianNu, even if they have defeated Shenyang and Liaoyang, they will have another advantage? Will the main force of Houjin come back sooner or later?What's more, the cost of this kind of siege is very large. For a small Nanguan fort, three men and horses have paid more than 100 lives. How many lives should be used to fill in such big cities as Jinzhou and Fuzhou?

It's not stupid to attack the enemy with your own shortcomings. What is it?

But in fact, Li Yuanqing could not change their mind.

On the other hand, even if Mao Wenlong saw the shortcomings of the two men, I'm afraid he would not stop it. Instead, he would praise him. After Zhenjiang failed, Mao Wenlong urgently needed new political capital.

Li Yuanqing took a long breath of turbid gas.

At this time, it is useless to say anything. He must rush to the front line of western Liaoning as soon as possible, explore the latest war reports in western Liaoning, and then, according to the situation, make decisions that are most conducive to the overall situation.

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