The river is only a hundred steps wide, and the thawing position in the center is less than 60 steps. At this time, 40 boats have arrived in the middle of the river, and it will not take a few minutes to row to the ferry across the river.

Li Yuanqing's fingernails have been some white, unconscious slight shaking.

What should we do?

If Hu erhan and his more than 100 relatives are released, there will be no more than 500 or 600 people on the other side of the ferry.

Even if there are five hundred and six people, they may not be able to eat it.

It's too early to see the big flag of Li Erqing.

But if you don't want to let them go, don't let them go.

Li Yuanqing's mind whirled at full speed, but he didn't dare to move at all.

The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

How can it be so easy to collect fame and wealth?

If you eat it in your mouth, it's meat.

In an instant, Li Yuanqing's face was fierce and he had made a decision.

He came to the tartar leader with a smile, "master, the wind is strong on the river. Be careful not to freeze your body."

The tartar leader glanced at Li Yuanqing with a faint smile. He did not speak, but looked at the opposite bank.

Obviously, he is quite satisfied with Li Yuanqing's attitude.

Li Yuanqing didn't say much. He bent down humbly and served the tartar leader carefully.

The tartar leader was always with Hu erhan. Li Yuanqing had no chance to fight Hu erhan.

By this time, the fleet had passed the center of the river and turned towards the ferry.

On the other side of the Tartars, the ice on the shore has not been cut. The Tartars of the rear team have already begun to lead their horses to the ice, waiting for hulhan to cross the river first, and Li Yuanqing will go to meet them.

Although the horses are intelligent, they still can't be compared with people. They are afraid of water. Even if they are pulled by the soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty, they are still reluctant. People shout at the horses, and the scene on the other side seems a bit messy.

Although the weather is good today, the sun is very bright, but the river is low-lying, the wind is not small, blowing the boat back and forth.

This also made these real slave soldiers very uncomfortable.

Not long ago, the fleet was close to the direction of the ferry, less than 25 steps away from the ferry shore.

A gust of cold wind swept by, Li Yuanqing's brain was smart, waiting for no more.

"Master, be careful under your feet." All of a sudden, Li Yuanqing gave a low cry.

The tartar leader was stunned and instinctively looked at his feet. At this moment, Li Yuanqing jumped up and used the weight of his whole body to hurl himself on the tartar leader. With great inertia, they fell into the water violently.

The water splashed with a splash.

The water was cold and sharp, but Li Yuanqing had already made psychological preparations. He pulled out the dagger in his boot and made two sharp strokes at the neck of the blurred figure in the water. In an instant, the dark red liquid flowed out of the water.

Li Yuanqing didn't care whether he was alive or dead. He rushed out of the water and called out: "do it."

It was all too sudden.

Even in the bow of the ship, Hu erhan didn't see what happened. When Li Yuanqing got out of the water and yelled, he realized that the situation was wrong. He quickly called out and ordered the real slave soldiers nearby to control the ship.

However, Guan Canghai and the sailors have been watching Li Yuanqing's side secretly. Li Yuanqing took the lead in jumping into the water, and they were already ready. When Li Yuanqing got out of the water and cried out, they also got the signal. Without a moment's hesitation, they jumped into the icy river.

The bottom of these boats, as early as last night, had already moved.

The sailors dived into the bottom of the boat and opened the gap in the bottom.

Soon, the bottom of all the boats began to leak.

The gap is the size of a bowl. Although the boat is buoyant, there are real slaves on it. Their bodies oppress the boat, and the river begins to pour into the boat crazily.

In addition to the raging river wind, the whole river, suddenly a mess, shouting and drinking sound.

At this time, Li Yuanqing has a fierce son, plunge into the bottom of the water and swim toward the ferry.

It's not a good thing to wear clothes in winter and swim in the icy river water. Even those with excellent water quality can't hold on for a few minutes.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing has arrived at the shore. Chen Zhong and Zhang pan can't wait. They rush to pull Li Yuanqing out of the water.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing could not take care of other things and yelled, "archers and blunderbuskers will go up together and kill them."

Chen Zhonghe and Zhang pan responded and ordered their long-range forces to attack the river.

There was a big gap, and the boat sank very fast. At this time, with the long-range fire from the ferry, the river was in chaos.

The sailors on Li Yuanqing's side are all skilled at water. After diving into the water, they take off their clothes one after another. They continue to make trouble for the boat like clever fish.Li Yuanqing saw the vigorous figure of Guan Canghai not far away, and quickly exclaimed, "Canghai, only the life of Hu erhan is left, and none of the rest is left."

Guan Canghai was on the boat next to Li Yuanqing. He had been paying close attention to Hu erhan's movement for a long time. Li Yuanqing solved the tartar leader, and Hu erhan's defense system had been disrupted.

These real slaves are good on land, but in the water, they are not at all.

Guan Canghai waved to Li Yuanqing, then a fierce son, into the water.

Although the distance was only a few dozen steps away, the situation was too chaotic. Li Yuanqing did not listen to what the honest official Canghai said. But for a moment, a dozen naked figures gathered around Guan Canghai.

At this time, Xu Heizi also took people out of the ferry. They were all naked, only with knives. They were capable sailors.

"My Lord. Let's go. "

This is not the arrangement of Li Yuanqing in advance, but Xu Heizi's temporary decision. Li Yuanqing has no time to talk nonsense at this time, "brother Xu, don't let them get to shore."

"Yes." Xu Heizi arched his hand and yelled at the sailors behind him, "children, kill Tartars."

With that, he took the lead and jumped into the water.

For a moment, a hundred naked figures jumped into the water one after another.

At this time, most of the boats on the river had been submerged. These slaves had no choice but to dive and save themselves.

Unfortunately, most of them are wearing heavy armor. If they want to take off, they need help. It's very troublesome.

Usually used as a treasure's armor, at this time, it has become the main culprit to their lives.

As they dived into the water one by one, the situation on the river became more chaotic.

However, Li Yuanqing prepared ahead of time, made decisions at once, and took surprise. These real slaves lost their greatest advantage and were burdened with heavy armor. They had obviously fallen into the downwind.

On the other side of the river, those Tartars who didn't enter the river were also in a panic. Some people had already put bows and arrows on the string. However, the river was so chaotic that they didn't dare to launch. They could only shout like crazy.

Seeing that the situation gradually became controllable, Li Yuanqing took off his thick cotton padded jacket with a sigh of relief.

Although the thick cotton padded jacket is warm in winter, it is cooler than ice after soaking in ice water.

"Yuanqing, are you ok?" Chen Zhong said

Li Yuanqing shook his head, "brother Chen, I'm ok. The situation can no longer be sorted out. We have to prepare ahead of time. "

"I understand." Chen Zhong nods desperately.

Zhang Pan said, "Yuanqing, these Tartars are very stubborn. I'm afraid it will take some time."

The main battlefield is in the water. Zhang Pan's nature is ordinary. Even if he is in a hurry, he can only stare at him. In such a chaotic situation, both sides are entangled in the water, and long-range firepower is not easy to use.

Li Yuanqing said: "brother Zhang, you'll let someone light the fire and light the surrounding dense forest. As soon as there is news from this side, we will withdraw immediately. "

Having arrived at this point, it must have disturbed the main Tartars on the other side and left tangles. It is obviously unwise.

As long as Hu erhan can be caught, even if it is only his head, Li Yuanqing, Zhang pan and Chen Zhong will have enough achievements.

With these achievements in hand, there are enough explanations for Mao Wenlong and the imperial court. It is not difficult to add troops next.

It's very cold on this day. The sailors' clothes are all wet. It's hard to get warm. They can only use these natural fuels. Anyway, in this era, there is no environmental protection organization, so don't worry about them.

Zhang Pan had already regarded Li Yuanqing as the backbone. He nodded his head and called the soldiers around him to ignite the ferry station and the surrounding dense forest.

After a while, there was a blazing fire behind him, and thick smoke rose everywhere, and the chill suddenly dissipated a lot.

But on the river, the tangle is still on, the water spray, blood splash, can not distinguish the enemy and the enemy.

Li Yuanqing is also extremely anxious, also has no time to change clothes, can only wait for the news from Guan Canghai.

About a few minutes later, a dozen figures gathered around one person and quickly swam to the shore. Among them, a fur hat could be seen.

Li Yuanqing recognized at a glance that it was the hat of Hu erhan. He was overjoyed.

A moment later, Guan Canghai and a dozen people had already swam to the shore.

Li Yuanqing rushed forward quickly and pulled him out of the water. In Guan Canghai's right hand, he still held an arm. All of them quickly pulled it out. It was Hu erhan.

Hu erhan drowned a lot and passed out.

"Officer Canghai hastened to Li Yuanqing a gift," your honor, fortunately not humiliating, caught this big tartar. "

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. "Canghai, this battle, you are the first merit. Come on, undress hulhan and cover him with some quilts. Inform the brothers in the water. Let's go. "


Several people quickly pulled up the comatose Hu erhan and took off his clothes. Some people took quilts from the post station, like a concubine to the emperor, wrapped him up and retreated.At this time, Guan Canghai raised his fingers and whistled.

In such confusion, shouting was not as good as this penetrating whistle. Soon, Xu sunspot and the sailors also responded and retreated to the shore naked.

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