Half an hour later, Li Yuanqing's three main forces successfully evacuated to the ferry battlefield five miles away, temporarily resting under a small hillside.

At this time, the dense forest in the North was ignited and the fire was blazing into the sky. Even if the distance was more than half a mile, you could still feel the residual heat wave. Even if you only wore single clothes, you would not feel too cold.

On the other side, the Tartars of the rear team were obviously not willing to give up. They chased several hundred people and scolded Li Yuanqing, but Li Yuanqing did not pay any attention to it.

Soon, the results of Li Yuanqing's battle were also counted. Six people were killed and more than a dozen wounded. Hu erhan, a big tartar with yellow flag, a dozen true slaves and more than a dozen soldiers of the Han Army Flag were captured. There was no fixed number of Tartars killed, but it would never be less than 100.

Zhang pan looked at the Houjin chaser who was not far away. He said happily: "Yuanqing, this war, we are a great victory."

Chen Zhong was also in a good mood. Only six people were killed in the battle, while more than a dozen others were slightly injured. However, Mao Wenlong, who killed at least 100 Tartars, has never made such a contribution. The result of this war may be up to heaven.

This means that the names of Chen Zhong, Li Yuanqing and Zhang pan will be put on the imperial case of the emperor Tianqi.

Li Yuanqing laughed and did not speak.

Although the war was not straightforward enough and did not get too many practical benefits, it would be a great political achievement for the three men to have Hu erhan in hand, and it would be a good explanation for all aspects.

The chair under three people's buttocks must move up.

However, Li Yuanqing was not very excited. Everything was expected. However, in his planning, Li Yuanqing had a bigger appetite. Unfortunately, the plan was not as good as change. When it was implemented, it was still a bit hasty.

But there is no way.

In the later Jin Dynasty, Li Yuanqing's three troops, even though they were all elite, were mostly recruits. Their weapons and equipment were not good enough. It was God's blessing to be able to achieve this step.

Now, the Houjin pursuers are on the other side of the river. If the ink goes on, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the fleet is not far ahead. If you go further and find an open area on the river, the team can get on board.

Seeing Li Yuanqing not excited, Zhang pan explained, "Yuanqing, I know you are still struggling with the strong man. However, with this huerhan in hand, we are making a lot of money. Do you know who this guy is? "

Listening to Zhang Pan's remarks, Li Yuanqing was stunned. To tell the truth, Li Yuanqing didn't know much about Hu erhan. He said with a smile, "brother Zhang, is it difficult to succeed? Is he the leader of the yellow flag? It's not right. I remember the flag owner is like an old slave

Zhang pan laughed, "even if it's not the flag owner, it's almost the same. This hulhan was one of the five ministers of the old slave. The adopted son of an old slave. Absolute nobles of the later Jin Dynasty. hey. How to put it? It's probably equivalent to the Duke of Daming. It may be higher. After all, the Duke of Daming has no real power. "

"Five ministers?" Li Yuanqing was stunned.

Li Yuanqing has some impression on this name.

It seems that there are also some records in the history textbooks of later generations. These five people are brave and brave. Many of them lead their families, bring slaves and tribes, and turn to old slaves, which is the cornerstone of the cause of old slaves.

Hu erhan was one of the five ministers. The gold content, especially in politics, was much higher than that estimated by Li Yuanqing before.

"Brother Zhang, who are these five ministers?" The names of these Tartars are too obstinate. Except for the sons of the old slaves, Li Yuanqing is very familiar with them. As for the others, Li Yuanqing does not know.

Zhang pan quickly explained: "these five people have a lot to learn from. They are Er Yidu, Fei Yingdong, he Heli, Hu erhan and an Fei Yanggu. All of them were the leaders of the Lu family of niuhu. At the age of 19, they followed the old slaves to fight in the north and south. They were batulus and brothers of the old slaves. Fei Yingdong is the head of guaerjia's family. He is highly skilled in martial arts and is known as the enemy of thousands of people. He Heli is the head of Dong'e family, and also a valiant generation. Anfiyanggu was the head of the juercha family. He was good at using strange weapons. Now he should be a noble with blue flag. As for Hu erhan, he was the head of Tong Jia's family, the adopted son of an old slave, and most of the master's sons with yellow flags. Yuan Qing, do you think it's worth money

Listen to Zhang pan finish, Li Yuanqing spirit is also a vibration.

Not to mention the names of these five people, just their surnames, is enough to make people like thunder.

The legendary Niu Hu Lu family, the well-known Heshi and the old Buddha are all their descendants.

As for guaerjia family and Tongjia family, we can often see that during the whole Manchu and Qing Dynasty, either rich or expensive.

At this time, Zhang pan described Hu erhan as the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, which was not a mistake, or even higher.

This is a bit like Li Wenzhong. He was not only Lao Zhu's nephew, but also Lao Zhu's dry son. He had strong soldiers under his command, not to mention the nobility?

In this way, with Hu erhan in hand, let alone Li Yuanqing. I'm afraid that even Mao Wenlong will go to a higher level.

This is the first battle of the Ming Dynasty since the emperor ascended the throne.

In this situation of Daming, who can do it?Those generals of Liao Dynasty for hundreds of years?

At this time, Li Yuanqing also understood why the pursuers on the other side would not let go.

He is really a master. Far from yaerhai, a distant relative of the later Jin royal family.

However, although he was excited, Li Yuanqing still kept calm enough. The meat was in his hand. Yes, he didn't eat it. "Brother Zhang, brother Chen, this is a place of right and wrong. We can't stay for a long time. Get out of here first. "

Both men understood the importance of the matter, and quickly nodded and quickly called on the soldiers around to clean up.

A quarter of an hour later, the team continued to move southward along the Sancha River. After half a mile, the fleet came to join.

The river is about 100 feet wide, and the frozen area in the middle is about 60 steps. The fleet is close to the east bank. The soldiers and sailors get on the ship in order. The Houjin pursuers, who fought for their lives, set off their arrows on the ice on the other side of the river. However, with the protection of the river wind, the distance is so far that it can not cause too much effective damage to the fleet.

Li Yuanqing asked him to put his wet and broken cotton padded jacket on the side of the boat as a shield. Under the eyes of these gold chasing soldiers, the fleet went away.

These pursuers of the Late Jin Dynasty were extremely angry. Unfortunately, they had no way to deal with it.


When I came, it was against the current, but when I returned, it was downstream, and the journey was accelerated a lot.

At noon the next day, the fleet had returned to liaohekou and joined forces with Wang Haibu, who was left behind.

At this time, even if the army of the Late Jin Dynasty had wings, it could not help Li Yuanqing's three parts.

Back to the familiar ship, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan are in a good mood.

In addition, they got a lot of supplies at the ferry station. On one side, they ordered the fleet to sail into the deep sea, while on the other hand, they made the firemen on board hold a banquet to reward all soldiers and sailors.

With hulhan in hand, what is this material?

After the banquet, the three of them came to the cabin to see hulhan.

Hu erhan is more than 50 years old. In addition, he suffered from the cold in the battle of Sanchahe yesterday. He looks very old, but his spirit is not bad. He looks at Li Yuanqing lightly.

"Dog tartar, what are you so proud of at this level?" Zhang pan was not used to the haughty manner of huerhan. He raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

Li Yuanqing quickly stopped him, "brother Zhang, don't be impulsive. He is very valuable. "

Zhang pan understood Li Yuanqing's meaning, took back his hand, but spat hard at Hu erhan, "dog tartar, wait for the imperial court to bully you."

Hu erhan's expression was calm, no anger, no despair. He did not go to see the plate, but quietly looked at Li Yuanqing in front of him.

Chen Zhong and Zhang pan were very angry. Li Yuanqing was afraid of the appearance of Hu erhan, and then angered them. He said with a smile, "two brothers, go and have a rest. In the evening, let's talk about meritorious service. I'll talk with the old Tartars. "

Both of them were in a good mood and drank a few more cups. At this time, listening to Li Yuanqing saying so, they both nodded and walked out of the cabin, leaving a space for Li Yuanqing and Hu erhan to be alone.

Before, Li Yuanqing had already used time to prove his personality, his credibility, Zhang pan and Chen Zhong. Naturally, he would not worry about what Li Yuanqing would do to Hu erhan.

Looking at Li Yuanqing's words, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan left. Hu erhan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing a smile, sitting next to Hu erhan, "you are a character, I give you due treatment."

With that, Li Yuanqing took a small wine pot from his waist and handed it to Hu erhan.

Hu erhan looked at it without hesitation. He took the pot and poured it.

After drinking, he vomited a long breath of turbid gas, and suddenly said, "you are very different from those Ming troops."

Li Yuanqing smiles, "is there a difference? Now, I'm for the knife and you for the fish. "

Hulhan also laughed, "when I was young, I was as contented as you are, but when I get older, I can see through a lot of things. Young man, you have to understand that there are too many things in this world that are just passing away. "

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "I can't believe you still understand the Buddhist saying."

"Buddhism?" Hulhan laughed. "No, I only believe in myself. Young man, this is my life experience. Don't you Chinese have an old saying? If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a loss in front of you. "

Li Yuanqing laughed, "maybe. However, I always believe that man can conquer nature. "

Hu erhan frowned and his eyes suddenly became sharp. "Young man, I'm running out of time. As long as you let me go, I can recommend you to Khan as Heshuo Baylor and become the new head of my guarjia family. All my 19 cattle records, women, cattle and sheep, all belong to you. How about? "

He Shuo refers to one party in Manchu, and he Shuo Baile is the master of one party.

According to hulhan's identity, he really has the ability to do it.

This is a big chip.

Li Yuanqing but a smile, "in the end, you are still afraid of death? So is it. You are old enough to be greedy for your lover. The world is prosperous. "Hulhan laughed and shook his head. "Young man, don't talk too much. When you get to my age, you will understand the value of life. "

He said, suddenly looking at Li Yuanqing's eyes, "what's your name? Who was under the command of the Ming army? Why did they appear at the ferry? "

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