At this time, the battle line of the Ming army was like a formidable enemy.

The troops, which were originally long dragons with the character "Yi", turned around one after another and faced the enemy in the north.

Fortunately, governor yuan and Guan Ning had already taken this situation into consideration when they deployed. In terms of array arrangement, they adhered to the principle of "elegant front army and thick and solid Chinese army". Although the tail was slightly thin, it was a bait.

At this time, the whole guanning central army was slightly loose, but it was very well-balanced and thick. The cavalry had quickly opened up. Under the shouting, shouting and swearing of officers at all levels, the infantry troops also began to quickly come up in order to consolidate the defense level.

It's like a giant red snake that is slowly surging. Although it looks a little messy, it can be seen at a glance that this giant snake is not easy to be provoked.

Under the banner of "Yuan" in the center, governor yuan's careful liver was also mentioned in his throat.

He didn't expect to come to abbatai and tambai, but they came to two white flags.

If only facing more than ten thousand people from the two white banners, of course, his supervisor yuan is not empty, but ~, don't forget, abatai and tambai are still behind.

If in case they hit back and forth, they would rush in

Governor yuan didn't dare to think about it any more.

At this time, he finally realized how serious a mistake he had made

"Governor, look at the flag, it should be Dourgen and dodo. Tambai and abathai did not follow. It should not have been their plan. "

Although Zu dashou was also extremely nervous, he was also a veteran general. He soon calmed down and forced himself to support himself.

Before, although Guan Ning's main force had no experience of winning a field battle with the main force of Houjin, he had reached such a level that he could only become a "dead horse doctor".

Besides, they are not going to the capital for long. They should not be able to count the local troops.

Do these two little Tartars with two white flags really dare to take the world's great disrespect and oppose them here?

Zuo Fu was also a little flustered at this time. However, the matter had come to this point. They had no way to go back. They had to bite their teeth.

"Governor, what Zu Shuai said is right. This should not be the Tartar's premeditation. It's probably just an accident. They don't have a lot of people. They don't dare to mess around. "

Manchu also responded, busy also way: "good. If they are premeditated, they will not stop, but rush directly. Look, we are hesitating

Governor yuan nodded slowly. His dark face had no expression. His voice was a little hoarse, but he said in a neutral way: "generals, keep your troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. At this time, the glory of my Ming Dynasty, the trust of the emperor, and the lives of my officials and tens of thousands of children will be handed over to the generals! "

"Don't worry, governor," said Zu dashou! As long as the dog Tartars dare to come here, their humble duty will make them suffer! One hour at most, it's going to be dark, and we'll kill them. "

At this time, it is very unwise for cavalry to fight at night.

Even the Mongols, who grew up on horseback since childhood, are still barely able to make ends meet in a small-scale assault night battle. If such a direct and large-scale front-end and hard-working is like this, no one dares to make a mess of it.

The uneven ground is only one of the inducements. The most important thing is that it is difficult to form a system for night fighting, not to mention that the main camp of the Ming army was not scattered at this time.

At this time, the Zujia was already the largest mountain in guanning army. As soon as Zu dashou said this, Zu Dale, Zu Dabi, Zu Zeyuan, Zu zefa and other descendants of the ancestral family expressed their willingness to fight the Tartars to the end.

Zuo Fu and Xie SHANGZHENG, including Liu Xingzhi and Jizhen, were not stupid, and they all made high-profile statements.

As the old saying goes, a snake without a head can't do.

At this time, the central army on Governor yuan's side was the core of the red snake, the main force of guanning. The big men unified their opinions and immediately brought the morale of the surrounding officers and men.

For a moment, the cheers were surging.

The officers and men have used this simplest, but also the most effective way to boost their own side.

But after the crowd, Wu Sangui was far less optimistic than these big men. He clenched his fists tightly.

I don't know if a man is hungry.

His father, but he's still in the back as bait

On the other side, seeing that the Ming army was so arrogant, Duoduo almost hated his teeth and spat with a sneer: "Hey, these despicable minggouzi, stepping on their noses, still want to be on the face! Brother fourteen, I can't swallow it! "

Next to Li Yongfang, he said respectfully: "fifteen masters, the Ming dog's formation is not disordered, and they are all the main force. We must not rush that. According to the logic, abathai and tambai should be behind them. Why don't you see them now? "

Duoduo is very upset with Li Yongfang, a cowardly old dog. He just wants to speak and scold, but he is seeing Dourgen's sharp eyes.Although dordordor was young and frivolous, in recent years, twelve azig only cared about his own future and almost ignored him and Dourgen. Only their younger brothers knew the hardships and sins they had suffered to this day.

If there is one person in this world who can really respect dodo with his heart, then ~ ~, it is only his pro agodorgon!

Dodo has already not remembered clearly, how many times, it is his elder brother Dourgen, with his not yet firm chest, helped him to ward off the crisis again and again.

Seeing Dourgen so fierce at this time, Douduo of course also understands the meaning of Dourgen.

Although the old dog Li Yongfang is no longer useful, he still has some strength. He can be regarded as their elder, and can be regarded as an object that can be used.

Dodo shut his mouth wisely.

"Ha ha. The emperor's son-in-law is right. Minggouzi's situation obviously means something. I think that abatai and tambai must have seen through their intentions before they let them go like this. "

Dourgen looked at Li Yongfang with a smile and stroked the mane of BMW under his hip.

Li Yongfang also appreciated Dourgen, who was young and mature, and said with a smile: "master 14, we just came from Pinggu today. The warriors have already driven more than a hundred miles. It's better not to act rashly. It's not too late to take a look at the situation."

Dourgen certainly understood Li Yongfang's deep meaning.

This time, the golden warriors came here to plunder and get rich, not to be tough with the main force of the Ming army.

What's more, Khan's order is mainly to plunder, even if they really put their strength to fight and win the battle, I'm afraid ~, the reward is only very small.

Not to mention, at this time, it was the main force of Guan Ning who was extremely elite in the Ming army.

For a moment, Dourgen nodded with a smile, "what the prince in law said is extremely true. However, it is too easy to let go of these minggouzi like this. "

With that, Dourgen smiles and points his whip at the tail of the main force of the Ming army and Wu Xiang, who is nervous as if facing a formidable enemy.

Li Yongfang and Duoduo understood Dourgen's meaning at once. Duoduo could not help being overjoyed. For a moment, he said respectfully: "brother, I'd like to be the pioneer. Try the water of minggouzi!"

Dourgen a smile, "two or three cattle record can, the number is not too much. Break them up and come back to see what they're up to

Dodo laughed and clasped his fist. "Brother, don't worry. I'll arrange it right away. "

With that, Dodo yelled and ordered several of his confidants. The whip in his hand rose high and pointed to the tail of the main force of the Ming army and the Wu Xiang tribe.

For a moment, there were about three more than cattle records, and the white flag mounted elite riders of more than a thousand people were just like a fierce white whirlwind, and they rushed to Wu Xiang's department.

At this time, Wu Xiang was simply dumb and ate Coptis. He could not say what he had suffered.

Although his headquarters are true, they are all auxiliary soldiers and miscellaneous laborers. There are no more than 100 real servants to highlight this flaw and attract Tartars.

But at this time ~, it is clear that things have already jumped out of the script. It is not abatai and tambai, but the two little Tartars with two white flags.

At this time, he was afraid to run, but the key was not to run.

Otherwise, in case of the collapse of the whole situation because of his escape, Wu Xiang's small shoulders can't bear the big pot.

Seeing that more than a thousand Tartars with white flags were about to rush over, Wu Xiang could only bite his teeth and say, "brothers, please keep your mother's spirits up for me. Our main force is on the edge. The capital is right in front of you! The emperor is looking at us, and the governor is looking at us. The brothers are looking at us! Take out your ability, kill one not to lose, kill two to earn one! Kill all the Tartars, we can live

What choice do these auxiliary soldiers have at this time?

Can only one by one hysterical desperate roar, take up their own weapons, rely on the side of these mules and carriages as a barrier, ready to fight to death.

On the side of the Chinese army, although everyone was very nervous, they were relieved to see that the target of Tartars was "tail".

There was only one exception.

That's Wu Sangui!

You're kidding.

Wu Dan is in danger again?

At this time, he did not care about anything else. He quickly came to governor yuan, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed: "governor, my humble father goes deep into the danger, and he is willing to invite the governor's favor. He is willing to lead his family to defeat the tartar offensive and protect the tail team's safety!"

Governor yuan's eyebrows were not help but wrinkled.

At this time, he was obviously not willing to take the initiative to provoke Tartars.

However, it is obvious that Wu Xiang's side can not be saved. Especially governor yuan also knows that Wu Xiang and his son have accumulated a lot of strength in recent years. At this time, they can also test the strength of their father and son.

But who is governor yuan?

How could he make a decision so easily? Pretending to think deeply.The situation is already like this, his nephew kneels on the ground like this, how can Zu dashou not show? For a moment, he quickly and respectfully bowed his hand to governor yuan and said, "governor, your eldest brother is loyal and brave. He is dedicated to serving the country. Please give me a chance

At this time, the more than a thousand white flag Tartars had already rushed into the tail team and fought fiercely with Wu Xiang's troops.

However, in such a wilderness, they are not elite soldiers. How can these auxiliary soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers be the elite opponents of Duoduo with white flag?

Don't forget that dodo's inlaid white flag is not the white flag of the old slave's period, but the foundation left by the two yellow flags of the old slave.

These people are real Nuzhen warriors.

Seeing that the end of the team has been a love howl, it is extremely tragic, Wu Xiang also fell into the heavy encirclement.

Governor yuan picked up a little bit from the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared for a moment. He said with great calmness: "uncle, you are the star of hope for guanning! I agree! You can make your own decisions in this war. Don't let me down! "

Wu Sangui saw that his father had fallen into a bitter battle behind him, and his eyes were full of fire.

As soon as I heard that governor yuan agreed, I was overjoyed. I tried my best to kowtow to governor yuan and quickly got up. "The good news is that the governor will wait for his humble position."


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