At this time, on the tail side, the auxiliary and miscellaneous soldiers of the Wu Xiang Department had surrounding mules and carriages as cover, and they also had a lot of knives, guns, spears, bows and arrows, but there was not much room for long-range resistance.

On the other hand, they constantly used their skillful horsemanship and interspersed dislocation to harvest the lives of these poor Ming troops.

A very stocky Ming army auxiliary soldier with a slight disability on his left arm had already hidden under the mule and carriage, trying to play dead to avoid the rapid attack of these Tartars.

However, there is no defense. A white armor has already targeted him.

"Woo ~ ~"

The white armour roared like a wild animal, and rushed forward with a fierce horse. The backhand was an extremely accurate cold arrow.

For a moment, the cold arrow hit the big butt of the horse and mule in front of the poor Ming army.

The mule and horse gave out a heartrending roar under the pain, and pulled the car behind him fiercely, and rushed forward without any idea.

How could the Ming army have thought that these Tartars were so mean and playful?

He wasn't on guard at all.

The key is that these cars are not filled with grain, but with heavier sand and gravel.

"Ah --"

For a moment, the auxiliary soldier of the Ming army felt that the sky was going to fall apart. He gave out a painful cry like killing a pig. He was afraid that the wheel bearing at least five or six hundred jin was crushing him violently.

But the white armor is obviously not finished.

After more than ten steps, he turned the horse's head, laughed and rushed at the auxiliary soldier of the Ming army.

The auxiliary soldiers of the Ming army, even if they are silly, understand what will happen next.

I tried my best to shout, and my eyes were about to burst out. I looked at the white and gloomy laughing eyes in horror.

However, the more painful and frightened the auxiliary soldiers of Ming Dynasty were, the more happy they were in their hearts.

In a flash, he burst out laughing, and the horse's hooves under his hip had stepped on the chest and face of the auxiliary soldiers of the Ming army

For a moment, an indescribable dark red liquid gushed from his head

"Ha ha! You mean dogs, all of you! Damn it!!! Ha ha ha

The white armor is like killing gods, holding up the short bow in his hand and laughing.

Around the Tartars, are also one by one whistling, cheering.

At this time, in the middle of the line, Wu Xiang's servants had fallen down more than a dozen people, and the rest of them were in a bitter battle.

Just now that Baijia also saw that there was a big fish here. He also called the servants around him and quickly surrounded him.

But what they didn't notice was ~, at this time, Wu Sangui also moved behind the middle army of the Ming army!

Wu Sangui did not raise a large army, because he knew very well that today's war was not suitable for the large army.

Otherwise, once a chain reaction is triggered, his small shoulder can not bear the responsibility.

What's more, at this stage, if you want to save people, the army is not as direct and effective as the small elite.

More than a thousand of the most elite servants of the Wu family stood behind Wu Sangui like a javelin on a horse.

Wu Sangui's eyes have been some blood red, the original handsome little face, but at this time, it looks like a ferocious ghost.

He murmured in a low voice, almost like a roar: "kill one enemy, and reward ten Liang silver! He who dares to step back, as long as I still have one breath, will take his dog's life! Brothers, follow me to kill Tartars

With that, he took the lead, without fear, and rushed to the front of the white flag!

"Kill Tartars

"Follow me to kill Tartars!"

These servants of the Wu family are all elite veterans. Many of them are even old Youzi in the Guangning army sequence. At this time, they also know that they have no choice.

One after another, they rode their horses and raised their whip. They followed Wu Sangui in a hurry. They were like a strong red torrent. They were fighting against the white flag battle line in front of them.

Chinese army.

He had been paying close attention to the governor yuan. He could not help but show a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He said in his heart, "if you are a newborn calf, you are not afraid of tigers. There must be no drama in this war. "

But in the yuan governor's side, Zu dashou, Zu Dale, this group of ancestral family, the heart is raised.

This is their family.

If Wu Sangui doesn't succeed this time, it will be Chengren.

Zuzerun and zuzefa, who made friends with Wu Sangui, even folded their hands and began to beg from the Buddha.

On the other side, Dourgen, Duoduo and Li Yongfang soon found that the situation was not quite right.Although the gang of Wu Sangui sneaked out from the blind area in the South and the vision of the post Jin army, the middle army was at least two Li and three li away from the tail team of Wu Xiang.

Even if they did not go out of the blind area, the roar of hooves could not be concealed.

Dourgen could not help showing a trace of unspeakable smile, "interesting. Interesting. These bright dogs really have their own backers. "

Li Yongfang was still very nervous, for fear of any mishap, but ~, when he saw that there were no more than a thousand soldiers on the side of the Ming army, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Ming dog is really big. What do they want to do? "

Dodo was very unhappy and said, "dog bastard! How dare you look down on me! When I seize the opportunity, I will remove the skin and cramp you, so as to relieve my hatred! "

Dourgen could not help laughing: "fifteen, you this temperament, when can grow up."

It's late. It's fast then.

The speed of the cavalry is like an arrow from the bow!

In a flash, Wu Sangui, a thousand men, was approaching the battle front.

And these cavalry with white flag also responded quickly, turning their horses one after another, ready to meet the enemy.

But for a moment, they found that the situation was not right. These despicable minggouzi did not seem to have any intention of slowing down at all. Instead, they were trying to fight against them.

"These mean dogs! What a death! Prepare to kill them

The leader, Jiala Zhangjing of the white flag, was not angry. He waved his hands and told the servants around him to spread around. Instead, he did not deal with Wu Sangui's fierce attack. Instead, he was ready to wait for them to come and take advantage of the flexibility of the golden warriors to kill them from both wings.

The white flag around him understood the meaning of the master for a moment, and quickly adjusted the formation.

But here, Wu Sangui, who has just rushed to the top speed, has a cold smile on his lips.

The horse in his crotch is doing his best to run at full speed. The originally gentle air flow is suddenly dispersed, and the "whoosh" fierce wind suddenly passes by his ears.

The muscles on Wu Sangui's face were blown loose. Under his silver helmet, a few strands of hair were accidentally exposed, which were constantly shaking in the wind, and sometimes even covered his eyes.

But Wu Sangui was unconscious. His eyes were like the eagle of prey, and he was staring at the target in front of him.

At this moment, all the things are left behind.

Wu Sangui feels that he is just like the son of the wind. He is following the tall man whom he adores most and bravely moves forward!

"Uncle, let's go! Go ahead! Kill them all! You can surpass me! Go ahead! Use all your might! You are the greatest pride of Guan Ning army! "

"Kill them all!"

"Kill all these vile Tartars

"Kill them all! Kill them all... "

Wu Sangui's eyes were a little fuzzy for a moment, but Li Yuanqing's voice and smile seemed to be in front of his eyes!

He can even hear every word of Li Yuanqing clearly!

For a moment, Wu Sangui suddenly opened his eyes and mouth, as if to eat up all the tyrannical air currents and wash his body and mind with them!

In a flash, he suddenly gave a cold smile, held the whip high in his hand, and suddenly pointed to the Tartars in front of him!

"The army of Guan Ning wins a thousand times!"

"I'm a brilliant winner!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng... "

The servants around him seemed to be ignited the powder keg instantaneously. Wu Sangui didn't need to do anything more. The fierce noise seemed to tear up the air flow of the whole world!

Under the command of their generals, a thousand soldiers were divided into several groups. They were like several fierce arrows. Their targets were very clear, and they went straight to the front crowd with white flag Tartars!

"Damn minggouzi!"

This white flag Jiala Zhangjing did not expect that these minggouzi would dare to be so rampant, which completely exceeded his cognition.

When will these despicable minggouzi dare to face the sharpness of the golden warriors?

But at this time, he wanted to launch a new charge, it was too late, he could only shout at the surrounding servants, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

That is, in a minute or two, just like Mars hitting the earth, the bright red Wu Jiading and the white flag inlaid with white Lala, violently pierce the balance of the air and strike together fiercely!

Even though the Tartars' arrows, axes and javelins were already in sight, these Wu family servants, under the leadership of Wu Sangui, had no fear at all. They braved these secret weapons and violently rushed to the battle line of the warriors with white flags.

After these elite white flags, Wu Xiang also saw the situation here and couldn't help but look up to the sky and scream, "uncle! Uncle! Why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid? "

Wu Xiang simply beat his chest and feet for a moment, and his tears could not stop rolling out.

He died and he died!

At least, the emperor and the imperial court, for the sake of his sacrifice for his country, will surely reward his family. In addition, the family members of the Wu family will guarantee the future of his precious son Wu Sangui.This is also the last strength to hold him up to now!

But at this time ~, his precious son came to fight against these Tartars with only a thousand number of people. This

What a pity!

At this time, Wu Sangui couldn't hear his father's cry at all. All his attention and all his energy gathered on the tartar in front of him.

"Die! Dog Tartars

Wu Sangui is a very delicate horse. Although it is not too big and heavy, it is very suitable for his physique and is very easy to use.

Most of the Wu family servants, including Wu Sangui, are long weapons.

As the old saying goes, "one inch long, one inch strong.".

In a real cavalry charge, a long soldier is much easier to use than a short one, especially when it is hard on the front.

Although chopping, horse, sword and machete are also magic tools, they are more used by cavalry to chase down infantry. If it is really used in cavalry hedge, the effect is not very good.

Because the armour of both sides is very thick and single handed, it is obviously difficult to penetrate the opponent's armour with one hand.

Even if they can't penetrate the opponent's armor, they can also be used as "firecrackers.".

Whether it is to shine on the head, shoulders, or chest, back, it is not light.

Even if you can't smash the opponent off the horse directly, it can at least make the opponent ache for a while, delay his reaction, and make it convenient for the companions around and behind to mend the knife later.

Of course, at this time, in addition to the rich and powerful Wu family servants, ordinary soldiers, who want to be equipped with such comprehensive equipment, it is totally ridiculous.

Wu Sangui is obviously not good at strength, but his eyes are cruel and poisonous, and his hand is extremely accurate.

In a blink of an eye, his delicate horse has hit the back neck of a white armor inlaid with white flag.

Under the pain, the white armour with white flag fell down instinctively and wanted to use his skillful horsemanship to quickly cross the battlefield and get a chance to breathe temporarily.

But unexpectedly, Wu Sangui is surrounded by a tall and powerful servant who has already made preparations. Just at the moment when Baijia is about to pass away, the huge wolf toothed stick in his hand is like a groundbreaking one. With a strong wind of tiger and tiger, he violently falls from the top of the white armor.

At that time, there was a dull sound.

The white armor company and the horse were directly smashed on the ground. The painful horse neighed violently, and suddenly rolled on the ground, and tripped several Tartars' horses behind him.


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