At this time, it was evening. Although the sky was still bright, the sun had already set by half on the western horizon in the distance. The red fire reflected the sunset glow in the sky, and it was connected with the end of the sea. It was spectacular.

The Ming army's morale in the city was greatly boosted by the frontal defeat of Amin's army. The auxiliary soldiers and civilian men had begun to quickly clean up the battlefield. In addition to the soldiers on duty, the children who had just participated in the battle all hid behind the wall and discussed the battle excitedly.

Especially the guy who just cooperated with Li Yuanqing has become the center of the public.

Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan, at the temporary headquarters near the Chengmen tower, can finally sit down and have a good rest.

Although winning the first battle was only a small victory, it was a good start. All three were in a good mood.

Zhang Pan said with a smile, "Yuanqing, do you think the Tartars won't attack the city yet?"

Li Yuanqing a smile, "Amin should have no strength. Just look at the two cattle in blue flag. However, this afternoon, the two cattle records of the blue flag have not moved. We have to be careful. "

Zhang pan nodded, "Tartars are not iron men, and they can't work with us day and night. Unfortunately, these dogs are so cunning that we can save a lot of things together

Li Yuanqing smiles and stretches his body, "rice should be eaten one mouthful at a time. Although we are prepared, the Tartars are very powerful. It is more beneficial for us to kill them by attacking the city in different waves. This time, I must make the old slave vomit blood in pain

Zhang pan laughed, "good. Lao Nu, an old dog, has drunk enough blood from our Han people. It's time for the old dog to vomit some. "

Chen Zhong then said: "if the Tartars don't attack the city tonight, we need to clean up the battlefield under the north wall as soon as possible. Otherwise, by tomorrow, once the Tartars attack the city in a large scale, it will be bad for us. "

Li Yuanqing nodded.

A lot of debris and corpses have been accumulated under the city. Although the dead bodies of Jurchen were taken back by them, the corpses of these Han slaves were discarded at will. It was midsummer. These bodies would soon rot, and the later Jin army was far away. However, the Ming army was only separated by a wall. In case of any germs spreading through the air, it would be a big trouble Yes.

"Not only should we clean it up, but we should sprinkle more lime after cleaning. This kind of thing, absolutely can't be lazy. " Li Yuanqing zhengse road.

Chen Zhong nodded and Zhang Pan said, "Yuanqing, it's too time-consuming and laborious. Otherwise, let's have a fire and burn it clean."

Li Yuanqing shook his head slowly, "it's not right. It's still up to brother Chen. These people, how to say this is our fellow brother. And, fire, don't expose it. "

Zhang pan also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning, "OK. I'm going to make arrangements


At this time, Amin has returned to the middle army of the later Jin Dynasty, and kneels down in front of the old slave with shame, "Han amah, my son minister, I have let you down."

At this time, the old slave had calmed down. Today's war situation, he had been watching from a distance, clearly knowing the detailed process. He slowly vomited out a foul breath, "it's not all your fault. This army of Ming Dynasty is really unusual. "

He glanced at the crowd. "What do you think?"

Dai Shan thought for a moment and said, "Han AMA, this Ming weapon is very sharp, which is totally different from the Ming army we have seen before. It's a big threat. We have to guard against it. "

Yue Tuo also said: "grandfather Khan, on that day, overseas in Fuzhou, the Ming army even dared to form an array against our cavalry. Moreover, we were on the mountain and they were at the foot of the mountain, but they did not rush down. We must not take the three parts of Li Yuanqing lightly. "

Huang Taiji also said: "the Ming army is really unusual. Not only was the defense tight, but I felt like they were deliberately luring our warriors closer to the city. Han Alma, Lushun is small, but we must not neglect it. We must find the most secure way. "

The old slave nodded and looked at abatai not far away. "Seven, you are in front today. What do you think? "

Although he doesn't love abathai, it is his kind after all. He is also very good at fighting. The old slave also wants to listen to his ideas.

If you look down on the sea for a moment, you will not stand in the way of the warrior. However, it is inevitable that there will be many casualties. We should try our best to win over the meaning of our children's ministers. "

Abatai said, secretly looking at the old slave's face.

The old slave narrowed his eyes slightly, "smart? Tell me what you think... "


It was a calm night, except for the waves not far away beating the coast, and occasionally unknown insects chirping happily, as if nothing had happened.

In the morning of the next day, the battle line of the later Jin army took the lead.

The yellow flag, the yellow flag, the white flag, the red flag, the blue flag, the blue flag, and more than a dozen cattle records, about 4000 or 5000 people, began to move frequently.

The soldiers on duty immediately passed the news to Li Yuanqing.Last night, cleaning up the garbage under the wall, Li Yuanqing three people have been up until not early, just into sleep, they were called up.

Zhang Pan said unhappily, "what do the old slaves want to do on dog day? If this old dog is caught by me, I will choose his old sweetheart and drink wine to see what color it is

Chen Zhong was a little excited. "Yuanqing, is this the big attack

Li Yuanqing glanced at the battle line of the Late Jin Dynasty not far away.

Zhang pan and Chen Zhong saw that Li Yuanqing's face was grim, and they did not dare to talk much. They did not dare to disturb Li Yuanqing's thinking and waited quietly.

At this time, although the battle array of the later Jin army was frequently mobilized, Li Yuanqing noticed that they did not have much substantive action. They did not send people to push earth, and engineering equipment such as ladder were not pushed to the front line. However, there was such a large-scale mobilization, which was obviously unusual.

Zhang pan couldn't help it. "What does the old slave want to do?"

Li Yuanqing slowly vomited out a foul breath, "the old slave is resourceful and resourceful. With his temperament, he will never shoot at a target. No matter what he wants to do, we have to hold our ground first. Brother Zhang and brother Chen, keep your eyes on this side. I'll go to the seaside and have a look. "

Zhang pan and Chen Zhong both understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and nodded quickly.

The front line of Lushun can be said to be as solid as gold. It has not only surface fortifications, but also Li Yuanqing's great skill in ambush. However, the sea direction and the preparation of the three departments are not so sufficient.

Li Yuanqing came to the South Gate in a hurry and checked it carefully. There was not much abnormality.

But just as he was about to go to the east gate, some of his own soldiers came rushing to report, "general, there are hundreds of Tartars in the East."

Shocked, Li Yuanqing rushed to the east gate.

At this time, hundreds of Tartars have been forced to fill the ditch in a small piece of land connected with the land outside the east gate.

This location is about 500 steps away from Lushun city. Long range firepower can't cover it.

These Tartars probably had a thorough understanding of this before they dared to be so blatant.

At first, he was very flustered, but when he got here, Li Yuanqing had calmed down.

Even if the Tartars occupied the area, and the terrain outside the east wall was covered with rocks and gullies, and connected with the sea water, it was still very difficult for them to do something about it.

With the wisdom of the old slaves and the Eight Banners aristocrats, it is impossible not to know that this is futility.

What on earth do they want to do?

Li Yuanqing carefully combed his thoughts. If there is any loophole in Lushun City, it is only the wharf near the south gate.

Wait, dock.

Li Yuanqing all of a sudden reaction came over, can not help a burst of sneer, busy to the side of Huang Guoshan people: "go, go to the dock."


A moment later, a group of people rushed to the South Gate wharf.

At this time, most of the three ships were berthed in the small bay of the wharf, and there were hundreds of them.

Lushun is endowed with unique geographical conditions. The small bay of the wharf is full moon shaped and the draft is very deep. It is a good natural port. On both sides of the reef, there are watchtowers and lighthouses. At this time, the weather was so clear that Houjin could see clearly what he wanted to do from the sea.

The only one with flaws is a small waterway behind the reef not far away.

This is a break in the reef, connecting to the open sea. It's two or three meters wide, and the boat can't get out.

"Go, send someone to the reef." Li Yuanqing quickly gave orders to his relatives.

For a moment, a few good soldiers quickly climbed the reef, climbed to the heights, to check the trend there.

These reefs are very steep, and the low ones should be more than ten meters high, and the high ones may be as high as twenty or thirty meters, just like hills.

After a while, some soldiers had climbed to the top of a small hill, but he was stunned and immediately fell on the ground. When he could not see him at the back, he quickly got up and gestured to this side.

Li Yuanqing instantly understood his meaning, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Damn it, since these Tartars want to get big axes in front of Luban gate, how can Li Yuanqing not help them?

Compared with the sneak attack, can they compare with Li Yuanqing who started with this?

"Send someone to inform general Zhang pan and Chen Zhong to guard the city. They don't have to worry about things here. "

"Yes." Some soldiers rushed to deliver the message.

Li Yuanqing walked on with a faint smile. Let's go fry the fish. "

"Fried fish?"

"What is fried fish?"

Relatives and soldiers were puzzled.

But Li Yuanqing said something, even if they don't understand, now they don't ask much, and they quickly follow Li Yuanqing.

With dozens of soldiers in small boats, Li Yuanqing and more than 100 other soldiers quickly climbed up the reef.

When he came to the top of the tall reef, his vision suddenly widened. Looking at the struggling figures not far below, Li Yuanqing couldn't help smiling.At this time, behind the reef, there were about 200 Houjin soldiers, relying only on simple boards and leather bags, carefully sticking to the back of the reef and moving hard towards the gap.

But they really don't know about the sea. At this time, it's early in the morning, when the tide is at its most turbulent. In addition, this is the windward side, and the wind is not small. According to their water characteristics and equipment, how can they speed up?

In addition, they were also afraid of the Ming army's watchtower not far away, and they were more careful, even if someone was rolled up in the storm, they would never dare to speak out.

Huang Guoshan flushed with excitement and whispered, "general, everything is ready. Do you want to start now?"

Li Yuanqing light smile, "not in a hurry. Let them go a little further. "

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