At the edge of the reef, the waves are very big, and the waves are rolling, and they are beating the leather bags and driftwood of these soldiers.

They are obviously not good at water, so they can only grasp these leather bags and driftwood, and try their best to lean towards the reef to avoid the wind and waves.

But it was high tide. Even the old sailor with excellent water quality did not dare to get close to the reef at this time, let alone these semi cranes.

Li Yuanqing observed carefully for a while, and his heart was clear.

They should have climbed from the beach cliff on the other side of the reef wall. Over there, there is a continuous group of reefs, which is in the blind area of the view of the turret at the head of the city. In addition, the terrain of that cliff is dangerous, people will not go there when they are free.

After that, the Jin army would send someone to touch it secretly.

However, although the seaside cliff is only a mile or more away from the reef wall, the journey is not easy. Li Yuanqing estimates that these people have set out at least two hours ago.

If they were really touched into the Bay, a fire would burn all the three warships. The three ships would not only have no way out, but also suffer from the enemy. The consequences would be unimaginable.

At this time, the Tartars at the back were also pasted on the rocks here. They were struggling to float in the sea waves, only using gestures to communicate with each other, and they did not dare to make a sound.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help but sneer. These Tartars in the later Jin Dynasty are really scheming.

Unfortunately, they don't know the sea or their will.

"Do it. Hold the front and the back. Don't waste your baby

At this time, Chaoyang has been exposed from the clouds, the Tartars have entered the reef range, Li Yuanqing also do not want to waste time, decisively ordered Huang Guoshan.

"Yes." Huang Guoshan quickly nodded and gestured to the soldiers around him.

For a moment, one by one, rag bags the size of pillows were ignited one after another, and "Yiyi" sent out a spark.

Li Yuanqing whispered: "throw it into the water outside them. Don't throw it on the rocks. "

Huang Guoshan quickly nodded and whispered to the surrounding area: "don't worry, the fuse will burn half and then throw it."

Soon, the fuse was half burned. Huang Guoshan yelled in a low voice: "lose it. The Tartars who killed these dogs. "

For a moment, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, a dozen black rags were thrown into the sea water beside these soldiers.

The fuze is thin outside and thick inside, and the closer it is to the cloth bag, the thicker it will be.

At this time, the reef is more than ten meters away from the sea. Although the falling process is very fast, it is enough to make the fuse burn completely. In a moment, we only listen to "boom, boom..." For a while, the roar like the earth shattering sounded in my ears. The water spray caused by the explosion can reach seven or eight meters above the water surface.

Li Yuanqing was lying on the rocks, and his clothes were soaked with splashing water.

"Hehe. It seems that the effect of the earth plane is good. " Li Yuanqing wiped his face hard and went to investigate the situation.

By this time, the rocks had already become a mess.

The sudden explosion completely scared the soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty, who were originally terrified birds. Many of them were shocked into the sea water, crying for their father and mother, but they had no way to go to heaven or to the earth.

This rag bag, containing not only gunpowder, but also a large amount of gravel and sand, explodes at such a close range, which is like a nuclear weapon.

Even though these soldiers were not killed on the spot, it was summer. They came to attack them with light clothes, without much protection at all. Even though the gravel sand was not powerful, it was enough to cut countless blood holes in their bodies, which made them feel unbearable pain.

"Ah. Humble minggou. I will kill you all. "

A real slave's face has been broken, his face is covered with blood, and he cries out in pain, desperately trying to climb up the reef here.

But before he could climb out, a huge wave rolled over and swallowed it up.

But he was still lucky, the sea gave him some buffer, some unfortunate, directly by the waves on the reef, hit head and blood, until fainted, fell into the sea, and could not climb out again.

"General, do you want another round for them?"

Huang Guoshan didn't expect the power of this rag bag to be so powerful. He was so excited that he couldn't help it.

Li Yuanqing smiles, "we don't have much in stock, so we can save some. Let the children use stones. Be careful not to fall. In a moment, there should be a good show. "

Huang Guoshan nodded and hastened to give orders.

For a moment, all kinds of "crackling" rocks and rocks, as if it had rained, fell on the Tartars' heads.

Although the reefs can't grow plants, they are scattered all over the place, providing an endless source of weapons for the relatives and soldiers.

"Tartar, go to hell."

"Ha ha. Tortoise son, you still want to run? Grandfather, see where you're goingA real slave managed to climb up the reef, just wanted to catch his breath, but he didn't guard against it. He was in a hurry to jump into the water, but he didn't guard against it. A soldier on his head had been aiming at him for a long time. He hit the rock hard and hit him on the back of his head. All kinds of filth were sprayed and fell on the sea surface with a big circle of ripples And disappeared.

"What a pity, general. Children can't go down and cut their heads. This is more than 200 Tartars. " Huang Guoshan threw away the stone in his hand and killed a tartar who was about to jump into the sea. He was a bit distressed and said to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded, "kill Tartars first. Where is all this nonsense? "


Looking at Huang Guoshan and moving stones, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

There are too many loopholes in the Ming army's theory of meritorious service, but at this time, Li Yuanqing could not change too much.

On Li Yuanqing's side, only when he took the head and sent it to the capital, the imperial court would allocate the silver reward.

Otherwise, the court will not do injustice without proof.

Li Yuanqing had to record his merits to the children first and distribute rewards to the meritorious soldiers by himself.

It's a pity to be in such a state like this at this time. It's really a pity. It must be several thousand taels of silver at least.

However, Li Yuanqing was soon relieved that there were so many Tartars and they wanted to be the first class. Why should we be so anxious at this moment?

Soon, they were hit by a rain of stones from relatives and soldiers, and there were basically no Tartars under the reefs. Not far away, black and gray fins had quietly emerged from the water and quickly converged towards this side.

Sharks are very sensitive to the blood in the sea. There are more than 200 Tartars here, enough for them to have a good meal.

Although there is no first class, Li Yuanqing has made some contributions to the sharks, adding bait and maintaining the marine ecological environment.

Soon, more and more sharks gathered, big and small, afraid of no less than a few hundred.

At first, they were still worried about the danger, but as several big sharks set an example, the Ming army on the reef didn't hurt them. They also took the courage and jumped out of the water one by one, just like flying fish. They hunted these soldiers like flying fish.

Many relatives and soldiers on the reef are stunned. Unexpectedly, there are such big fish in the sea

The battlefield has become a hunting ground for sharks. Even if these soldiers have wings, it is difficult to fly.

Li Yuanqing left dozens of soldiers waiting to clean the battlefield and quickly returned to the north city of Lvshun.

Houjin must have got the news about the failure of the reef side. The thieves are not easy to use. They must find it in the front battlefield.

Seeing Li Yuanqing coming back, Zhang pan and Chen Zhong rushed to meet him. Zhang Pan said, "Yuanqing, how is the situation there? Are you all right? "

Li Yuanqing smiles, "it's OK. It's solved. How about this way? Do Tartars have a new offensive? "

Zhang pan pointed to not far away, "they have been there to transfer, not to come. Yuanqing, look over there. They seem to be making instruments. "

Li Yuanqing looked in the direction of Zhang Pan's finger. On the west side of the post Jin battle array, Han slaves were transporting wood to the battle line. There were branches and leaves on the wood that had not been cut off. It seems that they were just cut down.

"I'm afraid the Tartars can't sit still." Li Yuanqing sneered.

Chen Zhong said: "I've been impatient to wait. These dog days, really more than the mother son of ink

Zhang pan was extremely calm, "Yuan Qing, Lao Chen, I don't think Tartars will attack on a large scale. They harass us like this, and our kids don't have a good rest, which is also a big problem

Li Yuanqing nodded, "the old slave came in person. It is impossible to give up halfway without harvest. City, they will fight. On our side, we have to be patient and make preparations. "

Both nodded.


The time soon came to the morning. After the Jin army did not make much action, the intensive mobilization stopped. The battlefield seemed to be quiet all of a sudden, and both sides maintained sufficient restraint.

The work on the reef side has already begun and ended. Even though there are sharks, the relatives and soldiers still cut back more than ten levels of zhennu's head, which makes Li Yuanqing a little speechless.

In this situation, none of the three men was careless. They continued to strengthen the defense around Lushun City, and sent more sentinels to probe out and patrol around to prevent the Jin army from playing any more tricks.

After the failure of the reef, the Tartars in the east wall stopped pushing the earth forward and resolutely withdrew back. It seems that they also understand that this method is not feasible.

After the Jin army did not attack for the time being, the Ming army had a precious opportunity to rest at the head of the city.

But the soldiers could rest, but Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang pan could not rest.

At the temporary headquarters next to the gate tower, the three men discussed the next defense plan, and at the same time, improved the layout of Li Yuanqing.

In this situation, although the Ming army won a few small battles, the initiative of the whole war was still firmly in the hands of the old slaves.If he wants to attack, he will attack; if he wants to retreat, he will retreat.

Li Yuanqing three people even if very unhappy, but there is no good way. If you can't bear it and take the initiative to attack, even if it is just the old slave's bosom.

But it's no way to wait like this. Zhang Pan said, "Yuanqing, Lao Chen, I have more than 30 good horses on my side. Otherwise, I'll take people to rush in waves and lead those Tartars here?"

Chen Zhong thought for a moment, "Yuanqing, I think it's OK. We are tired of waiting. I'm afraid the Tartars are even more upset. They also need our boys to boost their morale. "

Li Yuanqing thought for a moment, but shook his head, "this is too risky. Without assurance, there is no need to waste the lives of brothers. Two brothers, don't worry. haste makes waste. I reckon that there was enough for the old man to drink from the reef this morning. It's only in the morning. If you want to sneak camp, at least it will be at night. Let's be patient and see how the old slave reacts in the afternoon

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