This is a small space as narrow as a coffin.

Left and right were crushed to death by splinters. It was impossible to move at all.

There is some residual space in both the front and the rear. The space in the rear and the direction of two people's feet should be larger.

But at this time, the space on the top of the head is too narrow for the two people to turn around, which is completely beyond the limit of human flexibility.

Even those Russian beauties who play software in the future will never do it.

"Empress, let's have a rest. I'll turn over. You lie down on me and we'll dig ahead. The space is too small here. Parking here is no way. "

It's too cold.

With Li Yuanqing's willpower, he began to be a little intolerable.

Although he is still strong self-restraint to maintain the distance with empress Zhang's soft and delicate body, but this is only face, body, has been unable to stop leaning towards her, even want to wrap her up, feel the heat of her body.

Empress Zhang was also like this at this time, because of the environment, they had no other choice at all.

She whispered, "General Li, I, I listen to you."

Her voice was so weak that she didn't even bother to claim herself.

The compromise was so smooth that Li Yuanqing was a little relieved. The little girl bound by rules and regulations was not too stubborn because of her age.

After a brief rest, Li Yuanqing asked empress Zhang to climb aside first. He turned over carefully and lay on the ground. Then he asked empress Zhang to climb on his back and crawl forward carefully.

It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to carry another person on your back.

Fortunately, the gap in front is not far away. It's only about one meter. Soon, Li Yuanqing can reach it.

In memory, the space under the high platform is not small. They are just a little bit on the side, and there should be a big gap in the middle.

Of course, it's only in theory.

However, Li Yuanqing was also deeply aware that the hall had collapsed. According to the life-saving equipment at this time, even if the emperor Tianqi tried his best to save people, he could never dig here without a few days' effort.

If you want to live, you can only look for more space and wait for death. There is only one way to die.

There was no light in front of him. Li Yuanqing could only rely on his feeling. He took out the dagger in his boot and carefully cleaned up the obstacles in front of him.

Li Yuanqing's boots had a dark grid with a dagger on each side. This was his habit and his last safeguard. When he entered the palace, the guards did not find out.

Empress Zhang also felt the strain of Li Yuanqing, and said in a low voice, "General Li, I'll help you ignite the stone."

"No. The space is too small. You should keep your strength. " Li Yuanqing refused empress Zhang's proposal.

Lighting flint requires violent collision and strength, and the effect is not good. If queen Zhang exhausted her strength, it would be a disaster.

Fortunately, just had a banquet tonight, both of them have food in their stomachs. Only when there is food can they have energy and can support for the time being.

After a while, Li Yuanqing finally cleared and opened a hole. He tried to test it with his hands, and it was possible for one person to pass through.

There was no wind inside, but the air was quite fresh, and I felt very happy to breathe, although mixed with the smell of smoke and fire.

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. He took out the flint and polished the Martian to check.

As far as the eye can see, the space is not small. There are about a dozen square meters. The top is not collapsed, and the body can be half erected. However, Mars is too small to see more inside.

Li Yuanqing whispered to empress Zhang, "we can't make it. I'll climb over and check it first, and then you can climb over. "

With that, Li Yuanqing carefully placed empress Zhang in the space beside her.

Empress Zhang suddenly grabbed Li Yuanqing's skirt by her small hand. "You --"

she stopped and said, "you, be careful."

Li Yuanqing murmured "um" and climbed forward half a step. However, she felt empress Zhang's delicate body trembling. She quickly turned back and whispered, "don't be afraid. I'll pull you over in a minute


Hearing Li Yuanqing's words, it was like taking a reassurance. Empress Zhang was a little better, but her delicate body still trembled slightly.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing can not take too much into account, busy and carefully climb into the hole.

There was no light, and the hole was not treated evenly. There were a lot of invisible sawdust. Fortunately, it was winter. Li Yuanqing was wearing a cotton padded jacket, which did not hurt much.

Soon, Li Yuanqing carefully came to the cave, the space suddenly opened up, breathing more smoothly.

Polish the Mars son to look around, there are at least a dozen square meters around, because the wooden pillars beside the support, did not collapse.

It's the Royal quality.

Even though they are old, they are still strong.

However, I'm afraid these things will not last too long, but at this time, if we can have this space to ease up, Li Yuanqing has no time to worry about so much. If he can die one second later, he will earn another second."Come here, Queen. It's good here. " Li Yuanqing rushed to the cave and held out his hand to empress Zhang.

Empress Zhang had already climbed to the entrance of the cave. She couldn't bear the darkness. Hearing Li Yuanqing's call, she climbed over carefully.

Li Yuanqing is very smooth to hold her small hand, carefully help her climb to this side.

But when she was about to come over, she suddenly called out.

"What's wrong?" Li Yuanqing said

Empress Zhang murmured: "my hand, my hand was stabbed."

"Come here first."

Li Yuanqing carefully pulled her over. Both of them sat down. Li Yuanqing whispered, "that place?"

Empress Zhang said, "this finger."

At this time, Li Yuanqing's eyes, already adapted to this boundless darkness, groped with his hands, and soon found the crux.

It's a thorn about half an inch long.

Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "I'll pull it out for you. You can bear with it. If the wound is infected, it will be very troublesome. "

Empress Zhang gave a light "um" in a hurry.

But before empress Zhang reacts, Li Yuanqing has quickly pulled out the wooden thorn and threw it into the hole.

Empress Zhang called out, tears of pain came out, "you. The wound is bleeding

Li Yuanqing held her in his arms with his backhand, opened his mouth and sucked her injured finger.

For a moment, empress Zhang's temperature soared again, and she called out: "you, you are bold."

Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "if you want to kill me, you have to wait until you are alive. If the Emperor didn't treat me well, I would come back to save you? "


Empress Zhang was speechless.

Indeed, at that time, Li Yuanqing had been able to escape from the heaven. If he had not returned, she would have been burned to ashes in the fire in the hall. How could she have lived to this day?

Thinking of the appearance of people being burned to ashes, empress Zhang fell into silence.

Li Yuanqing didn't want to hit her again, and said in a low voice: "you squat down, don't sit on the ground. The ground is too cold for the gods to bear. I'll look around. "

Empress Zhang murmured, "you, don't go far..." Like a little wounded beast.

Although Li Yuanqing could not see her expression, she could feel her eyes and sighed: "don't worry. You are the master, I am a slave. How can a slave leave the master behind? "

But with that, Li Yuanqing regretted that he had nothing to do with a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

Empress Zhang's aggrieved tears welled up. She also felt that she was useless, but

In the dark, suddenly a big hand gently rubbed her cheek, "don't cry. I apologize. "

Empress Zhang reacted instantly. He, he even touched her face

But when she just wanted to say something, she heard Li Yuanqing's steps had gone away, and could not say any more words of reprimand. She quickly whispered, "you, be careful."

"I see." Li Yuanqing's response came from afar.

Li Yuanqing explored carefully along the edge of the wooden column. Soon, he found the corner and turned back.

There was no problem on the left side, which was about 20 square meters, but on the right side, it had collapsed and could not be detected. Li Yuanqing had to return carefully.

Just out of a few steps, suddenly, Li Yuanqing's feet kicked a hard thing.

Li Yuanqing bent down to investigate and fumble with his hands. For a moment, he was overjoyed. It should be a wooden cover with a diameter of about 1.5 meters.

This shows that there is probably a passage underneath.

In places like the Imperial Palace, basically every palace has a cellar, a secret chamber and so on, which are used for some special purposes.

It has been more than 200 years since Daming Palace. How could it be that there is no such place?

The wooden cover was very heavy. Li Yuanqing took great efforts to lift the cover. Suddenly, a faint cold wind came down from the bottom.

It's the living wind.

Li Yuanqing is not happy.

I groped down again, and I was more pleased. There were steps leading to the lower part.

Li Yuanqing hurriedly called out to empress Zhang: "empress, we should not be doomed. There is a secret room below. Come here

Empress Zhang was also very pleased. However, in the dark, she only vaguely heard Li Yuanqing's voice, barely discerning the direction of Li Yuanqing. How could she pass? Busy way: "you, you come back to pick me up."

Li Yuanqing is a little speechless, but there is genuine joy below, which is not a problem.

Busy quickly ran over, took empress Zhang, came to this side.

The steps of the tunnel are some deep, about 20-30cm. Li Yuanqing took the lead to step down a few steps, turned his head and took empress Zhang's small hand and said in a low voice, "follow me closely. Be careful."

"Well." Empress Zhang answered in a hurry.

It's completely dark all around. You can only feel it down.This place should not be an important place, roughly equivalent to a palace like a banquet hall of later generations.

This kind of place, should not set up any organs?

Li Yuanqing walked down as he thought.

But at this time, there is only a way to survive, even if it is a sea of swords and mountains, Li Yuanqing can only brave the scalp to go down.

Fortunately, as Li Yuanqing judged, there is no mechanism here.

About 20 steps down, the terrain suddenly flattened, but the surrounding air was colder, it was like entering an ice cellar.

Li Yuanqing held empress Zhang's body and motioned her to stay close to him. He took out the flint and polished the Martian to observe.

It's really an ice cellar. A few steps ahead, there is thick ice, but it should be old ice. It has been broken up for some years.

Empress Zhang suddenly whispered: "General Li, there seems to be a torch here."

"Where?" Li Yuanqing was busy turning around.

"Right here."

Li Yuanqing polished the flint again. Sure enough, there were two torches at the entrance of the steps, two steps away from the two people.

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. "Let's go and light it."

Empress Zhang forced her hand to hold Li Yuanqing's clothes tightly.

For a moment, they approached the torch. Li Yuanqing touched it with his hand. The torch did not freeze. There was a thick grease layer outside.

Li Yuanqing smelled it. It should be some kind of animal grease.

Taking out the flint, Li Yuanqing tried dozens of times. Finally, the faint spark ignited a corner of the torch and formed a small flame.

Li Yuanqing busy hands carefully care of the small flame, slowly blowing, let it grow slowly.

The grease should be very old, but it can still burn. The smell is a little smelly. After a few minutes, the fire is burning more and more vigorously, and it gradually becomes normal.

They finally saw the light again, and they were not used to it for a while.

Empress Zhang is also rubbing her eyes hard to adapt to the bright world.

Li Yuanqing is a man. He is in his prime and has a strong bearing capacity. For a moment, he has begun to adapt. Just about to look around, empress Zhang suddenly cries out and covers her mouth in horror.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yuanqing was startled and the dagger was immediately held in his hand.

Empress Zhang pointed at Li Yuanqing's back in horror, "there, there seems to be someone there."

Someone? How could that be possible?

Li Yuanqing busy back to the body, can't help but some dumbfounded.

At the corner of several huge ice blocks, a man dressed as a eunuch and a woman dressed as a palace maid have been frozen into ice sculptures. I don't know how many years have passed.

But what makes people speechless is that the eunuch's upper body is half naked, while the Maiden's lower body has no clothes.

The eunuch was half squatting, but his fingers were in the palace girl's

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