"They, what are they doing?"

Empress Zhang's pretty face turned red, shy and angry, and she forgot her fear.

Li Yuanqing is also somewhat speechless. It has long been heard that eunuchs and maids in the Imperial Palace have the so-called "food for food" tradition, including Duke Wei and the Hakka family.

But Li Yuanqing did not expect that one day, he could actually see it with his own eyes. Moreover, the picture was still fixed. This is really

But for a moment, Li Yuanqing reflected that they were doing good things here. Why did they suddenly become ice sculptures?

The light of the torch brought warmth to the two people, but Li Yuanqing suddenly became nervous and waved his hand to realize that empress Zhang stepped back and leaned towards the torch.

After such a long time together, although empress Zhang didn't have much affection for Li Yuanqing, they already had an unspeakable tacit understanding.

At the sight of Li Yuanqing, empress Zhang was also startled and said in a low voice, "General Li, what's the matter?"

Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "there is something wrong with the situation. Don't move here. I'll go and have a look

Li Yuanqing said, carefully take down another torch next to ignite, holding the dagger in his hand, carefully approaching the two corpses to explore.

Behind her, empress Zhang also responded and said in a low voice, "General Li, be careful."

Feeling empress Zhang's concern, Li Yuanqing couldn't help smiling. But at this time, the situation is not clear, Li Yuanqing also dare not be more distracted, busy gathered up energy, carefully to the front of the exploration.

When he got closer, Li Yuanqing also saw the details of the two ice sculptures.

Both of them were covered with thick ice. The eunuch's obscene smile and the lady's comfortable expression were fixed on the spot.

Just looking at their faces, they didn't seem to have been killed by a sudden external force attack, but rather

Li Yuanqing touched the ice. It was at least 2-3cm thick. The color was slightly yellow. There were a lot of ice scraps. It seemed that it had deteriorated. It should have been at least several decades.

Li Yuanqing came to them again. The space behind them was very dry, and there were a lot of ice scraps. All of them had solidified. It didn't look like something abnormal had happened.

Li Yuanqing checked around again and found no abnormality. What's going on?

Empress Zhang also relaxed at this time. She carefully took down the torch next to her and came to Li Yuanqing. "General Li, have you found anything?"

Li Yuanqing shook his head, "No. Empress, do you know what it used to be here? Has it always been an ice cellar? "

Empress Zhang said, "I'm not sure. However, there are many ice cellars in the palace. It looks like it's been years. "

Li Yuanqing nodded.

The palace seems bright, but in fact, there are not few dark corners. Empress Zhang has been in the palace for less than a year. She doesn't know the details, but she is normal. After all, the power of the harem has been firmly controlled by the Hakkas.

At first, there was a subtle atmosphere between the two ice sculptures, and soon there was a difference between them.

For a moment, empress Zhang suddenly spat, "they, the two of them, how can they be so shameless?"

Li Yuanqing said in a low voice: "people have seven passions and six desires, which is also human nature, but no wonder they."

"Why don't you blame them? Where is the palace? How can we let them behave like this Empress Zhang was dissatisfied and began to play the Queen's music again.

Li Yuanqing was a little upset and said in a low voice, "you are a man who is full of food. I don't know that a hungry man is hungry. This maid in law is at least in her early 30s. How could she wait for the emperor's favor? "


Empress Zhang hate to stare at Li Yuanqing, but also understand that Li Yuanqing said is the most real, small mouth but low voice: "really vulgar."

Li Yuanqing was too lazy to fight with her and said in a low voice, "it's strange that they both died. This place is a bit strange. Let's see if we can find a way. Let's leave here first

When empress Zhang heard this, she was knocked back to the prototype in an instant, and her little hands grabbed Li Yuanqing's skirt.

There are two cold sculptures from the back.

Li Yuanqing held the torch and carefully inspected it. The gap was very narrow, about half the head above his head. It was not much wider than an ordinary bucket.

Li Yuanqing made a gesture with his hand, which could probably allow one person to pass.

Just about to climb up, empress Zhang suddenly whispered: "General Li, look, this eunuch's hand, it seems that there is something."

Li Yuanqing a Leng, busy back to this side to explore.

Sure enough, in the other hand of the eunuch, there was a small medicine bottle the size of a lighter.

Li Yuanqing motioned empress Zhang to step back, smashed the ice with a dagger, and carefully took down the medicine bottle in the eunuch's hand.

The medicine bottle is made of black pottery, and the lid has been frozen. Li Yuanqing roasted it on the torch for a while. Soon, it swelled and shrunk, and the lid was popped open.

Empress Zhang said curiously, "this, what is this?"

Li Yuanqing put on the nose to smell, there is a strong smell of medicine, very clear. Just smell it, it can make people feel refreshed.When empress Zhang saw Li Yuanqing like this, she was more curious. She hurriedly gathered together carefully and said in a low voice, "let me have a look."

She said, also smelled, pretty face instantly had a look, "good fragrance."

Li Yuanqing said: "it should be a good thing for him to hold tightly in his hand. This medicine is refreshing. Let's take it with us

Empress Zhang nodded her head in a hurry. It has been a long time since the fire. Her stomach has been very hungry, but she has been holding on and has not said it.

At this time, the medicine bottle had this effect. She said to Li Yuanqing in a low voice: "General Li, can you give me the medicine bottle? I, I..."

Li Yuanqing was stunned. In an instant, he also responded. He handed the medicine bottle to empress Zhang's small hand and whispered, "this thing is not good now. Try not to use it. You wait here. I'll go inside the hole

Said, Li Yuanqing in the side of the ice broke a few gaps, supporting hands and feet, carefully climbed up, into the hole.

Behind her, empress Zhang quickly whispered, "General Li, wait for me. I, I'm afraid

Li Yuanqing also came back to his senses and turned his head and said, "I'll put my feet out. You can't climb up carefully. It's hard to adjust here."

Empress Zhang said, "OK, you wait for me."

Li Yuanqing took a half step backward, stretched his legs out of the cave, and let empress Zhang as a support to climb up carefully.

When she climbed to the top, Li Yuanqing just climbed inside a little, turned back and whispered: "you follow me closely, put out that torch to me."

Torch is a precious resource here. Empress Zhang was busy on the ice wall nearby, put out the torch and handed it to Li Yuanqing in front of her.

Two people, one in front of the other, climb forward carefully.

But Li Yuanqing had a torch in front of her, which made her feel warm. Empress Zhang's body was close to the four ice walls, and her lips began to turn purple. As a result, she had to constantly take out small medicine bottles and inhale to refresh herself.

The passage was about forty or fifty meters, and it took them almost half an hour to reach the end.

The wind is blowing from this side, cold and piercing.

Li Yuanqing climbed out of the cave carefully and explored the surrounding environment with the light of the torch.

The space below is very large. At least it has to be about a hundred square meters. On one side, there are huge pieces of ice, which are neatly placed. On the other side, it is in a mess. It looks like a primitive refrigerator with a lot of frozen meat and sundries. The distance was too far for Li Yuanqing to see clearly.

But with such space, meat and living wind, Li Yuanqing could not help but be overjoyed, which means that at least they would not starve to death.

"Empress, I will go down first. I'll pick you up later. "

Behind her, empress Zhang's voice was shivering, and she murmured "um.".

At this time, Li Yuanqing didn't have time to pay attention to her, and was busy climbing outside carefully.

The hole is about 2 meters away from the ground. Fortunately, there is an ice wall on the other side. Li Yuanqing continued to use a dagger to cut a hole in the side of the ice wall as a support and climbed down carefully.

Next to the torch bracket, Li Yuanqing quickly ignited it and said to empress Zhang at the entrance of the cave: "come down. I'll help you. "

Empress Zhang shivered and crawled out. Li Yuanqing quickly reached out to catch her and carefully took her down.

By the light of the fire, Li Yuanqing clearly saw that empress Zhang's small face was pale and obviously had some hypothermia.


Li Yuanqing spat hard, but there was no time to explore the surrounding environment. He hugged her and came to the torch bracket. He untied his clothes and held empress Zhang in his arms to warm her with his body temperature.

For a long time, Queen Zhang's face turned bloody. She shivered and opened the small medicine bottle, and smelled it again.

After a while, her face returned to the divine color, some faint red, low voice: "General Li, you, how can you leave me? I'm freezing to death. "

Li Yuanqing was speechless, but he was too lazy to argue with her. He said in a low voice: "there is meat, fire and wind here. We can't die for a while. Wait a minute. I'll find something. I'd better heat some hot water. Let's get something to eat first. "

Empress Zhang nodded, but her pretty face was ruddy and frightening.

Li Yuanqing was just about to leave when empress Zhang suddenly grasped Li Yuanqing's hand with her small hand and murmured in a low voice: "General Li, I am so hot."


Li Yuanqing was stunned and looked at empress Zhang.

Empress Zhang's face was ruddy and frightening, and her eyes had been blurred. She kept drilling into Li Yuanqing's arms.

At this time, Li Yuanqing's Lapel had not yet been buttoned up. Empress Zhang tightly held Li Yuanqing's chest and groped for it, which made Li Yuanqing a little uneasy.

Their body temperature rose rapidly. Li Yuanqing bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to calm down. He grabbed the small medicine bottle in the hands of empress Zhang and examined it carefully.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing found several small black characters on the bottom of the medicine bottle, "the autumn of the 26th year of Jiajing."

Just now, it was too cold. In addition, the small characters were very vague. Li Yuanqing didn't notice it.But at this time, at the sight of these words, Li Yuanqing suddenly wanted to understand what.

Who doesn't know that the famous Jiajing master is a peerless genius in alchemy.

Can't it be that the eunuch stole the treasure of master Jiajing and came to enjoy it with him. As a result, he was so powerful

Thinking about it, Li Yuanqing poured the contents of the medicine bottle into his hand. It was more than a dozen dense small grains, smaller than rice grains, dark and transparent, very delicate.

Li Yuanqing put it to his mouth and smelled it. His mind was clear and clear in a moment.

However, empress Zhang was also attracted by the fragrance of the pill. She hurriedly gathered to Li Yuanqing's palm and swept it from Li Yuanqing's palm with her little tongue.

Li Yuanqing was shocked and quickly took back his hand, only to find that half of the pill was missing

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