Li Yuanqing and man GUI reached an agreement, and the next task for the officers and men was to implement it.

At this time, Li Yuanqing's 200 family members naturally did not need much doubt. All of them could become Li Yuanqing's close soldiers. They were all the elite of the Changsheng camp and were loyal to Li Yuanqing.

Although there are more people here, they are also based on his family members. Even if some people are dissatisfied with this situation, no one dares to refute it easily.

Although the two armies were not tacit understanding, under the command of their respective officers, they were very busy.

However, although the overall plan has been decided, the power of the later Jin army is still too terrible. The elite of three more than cattle records and more than 1000 liang of yellow flag, even the elite of the 10000 Ming army, must be carefully considered. What's more, at this time, there are only about 800 people in Li Yuanqing and manchui.

Over the years, the habit has made Mangui full of trust in Li Yuanqing.

It's a feeling that can't be spoken, but it's real.

For anyone else, manchui would never have been consumed in such a dangerous place at such a time. However, he was not surrounded by anyone else, but Li Yuanqing, who was the most powerful person in the world.

However, even with Li Yuanqing sitting beside him, manchui still could not completely calm down. He kept pacing around, observing the movement of the Jin army not far from the opposite side.

Li Yuanqing, however, was more calm than manchui, holding a tiger cub and leaning against a pine tree, quietly observing the direction of the Jin army in the opposite direction.

At this time, Li Yuanqing was very clear about the situation. He was facing the hard gang with the later Jin army. The Ming army could never have any chance. He could only rely on his brain.

As the saying goes, "wealth can only be sought in danger.".

If you want to be better than others, you must be better than others and do something that others can't do.

Although Li Yuanqing is still eager for "wealth", he is not as eager as before.

To a large extent, Li Yuanqing has to hide his talent and hide his own edge.

However, at this time, he had been watched by the later Jin army. Either the enemy died or I died. Naturally, Li Yuanqing would not be soft hearted.

What's more, to a large extent, he can still pull the laurel.

At the beginning, Li Yuanqing was close to Manchu because he knew the laws of history and wanted to leave a way for himself in the future.

But at this time, after so much time to get along with him, he and Manchu had already had a brotherly friendship.

Even if man GUI's age, he can be a father to Li Yuanqing

At this time, along a small gap in the middle of the camp, it flows slowly from a small gap in the forest to the east of the camp.

But at this time, the cold winter has not completely melted, the ice and snow on the mountain has not completely melted, and the scale of the stream is only about ten centimeters. It is the only clean and reliable water source in the surrounding area.

If time permits, it would be the best way to deal with the post Jin army downstream.

But it will soon be noon. With the increasing wind, the snow will not last for long. Once the Jin army sees the situation clearly, it will not give the Ming army much breathing space.

Li Yuanqing can only adopt a more direct and violent choice.

Not far away, the soldiers quickly piled up bundles of pine needles and dry wood to the edge of a tent. Many soldiers were taking the skin of wild boar just killed and smearing the grease of these animals on the surface of the tent.

Niu Gensheng whispered on the side, urging the soldiers to move the tent and place it according to Li Yuanqing's regulations.

In fact, Li Yuanqing's plan was very simple and crude. He led the main force of the later Jin army to the Ming army camp on the hillside, and then used fire attack.

According to the weather at this time, fire attack is not the best choice, mainly because there is not enough strong gunpowder to assist.

However, before the Ming army, they had harvested a lot of prey. The fat and oil of a lot of prey, especially the wild boar in the deep mountains and old woods, had coarse skin and thick meat, which were refined into ordinary things, and the fat quality was very high.

In addition, Li Yuanqing and manchui had been prepared to stay here for a period of time, and there was sufficient supply of dry firewood, which was also an important chip for Li Yuanqing to use fire attack.

But the conditions are really limited. If you want to complete the fire attack, these are far from enough. The only thing we can hope for is the tent.

The tents of the Ming army were mostly made of animal skins and various kinds of cloth. Although they had been used here for a period of time and were wet by the wind and snow, with the help of prey fat oil, which was smeared on the surface of the tents and combined with the internal and external forces, Li Yuanqing was confident enough to ignite all these tents when necessary.

Although this will inevitably cost a lot of silver, compared with life and merit, what is silver worth at this time?

Not far from the other side, the soldiers under manchui were not idle. Some of them were trying their best to help Li Yuanqing's soldiers set up their tents. The archers carefully took the turpentine from the pine branches and spread it evenly on their arrows.There are also some soldiers who are cutting down some of the surrounding pines, sharpening their branches and making them into simple javelins.

Although man GUI is like "a monkey's ass is smeared with garlic" -- a little restless, at this time, looking at everything in order in the camp, Li Yuanqing can only force himself to calm down.

However, after struggling for a long time, man GUI couldn't help but say to Li Yuanqing: "Yuanqing, those dog Tartars, they, will they take the bait?"

Li Yuanqing gently stroked the soft fur of the tiger cub in his arms. He couldn't help laughing. "Brother GUI, I'm not sure about this. But it's up to people. Just now scolded them for so long, they must also be very difficult to swallow this evil spirit. Brother GUI, don't worry. Even if we are really defeated, we will have enough time to retreat. "

Man GUI nodded his head, but couldn't help pinching his thigh.

I've been living for most of my life, but I don't have any stability.

He's just like a dog when he drinks, but how can he

Thinking of it, manchui is busy and strong, and he is also learning from Li Yuanqing's appearance, leaning against the tree trunk beside him, patiently stroking his horse.


Time passed quickly, in the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

At this time, the wind and snow gradually became smaller, and most of the soldiers had finished their lunch in the temporary camp of Houjin army.

At this time, although the weather is bad, but after all, spring has begun, and its sustainability is far from comparable with that in deep winter.

After lunch, Tan Bai and Meng Gang both came back to the nearby soil slope with a group of slaves to explore the situation in the Ming army camp.

As the snowflakes were blown away by the wind and the visibility was constantly improved, the original vague camp of the Ming army had appeared in front of them.

Meng Gang could not help but get angry: "these mean minggouzi are less than a thousand people. They dare to be so arrogant in front of Laozi! Lord tambai, we can't hesitate any more. Let the warriors attack. It's just a bunch of dogs. In less than half an hour, we'll be able to solve the battle. "

Tan Bai was also speechless. He didn't expect that the Ming army would dare to fight against them in public even though they were so small. Up to now, they have not run away.

Is there the main force of the Ming army behind them?

When the Ming army learned that the main force of Dajin was invading Mongolia, they were going to stab in the back?

But things have reached this level. Even though he knew that there were tigers in the mountains, Tam Bai could not easily step back, not to mention, it has been seven or eight days, and they have hardly gained anything.

Thinking about it, Tam Pai suddenly sneered, "Lord menggang Dudu, this war is for you. Remember, if there is a main force behind the Ming army, immediately back. If not, kill them all

Meng gang was not happy, "Lord Tam, don't worry. The slave must want these humble dogs to look good! "

With that, he quickly waved his hand, "the warriors with yellow flag are obedient, follow me to wipe out the Ming army camp, no chicken or dog left!"

The order was quickly passed on, and the group of soldiers who had just had enough to eat and drink behind them, like wolves, gathered forward in a loud voice and the wind.


Ming army camp.

"Dada Da" continuous sound of horses' hooves from far to near, man GUI's body is not from a smart, clenched his fists and said: "Yuanqing, dog day's coming!"

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing, "good coming! Brother GUI, do as planned

It's like the darkness before dawn. At first, manchui was on pins and needles. But when the attack of Jin army came, he calmed down and said with a smile: "OK. Yuanqing, you go to the back and stay for a while. I'll join you right away! "

The main force of this trip was the generals and soldiers from Manchu and Guangxi. Although Li Yuanqing's position was higher than that of Manchu and Guangxi, the two armies were not a system. Li Yuanqing would not take over the command power of this time. He was responsible for the overall situation, while Manchu was responsible for the specific implementation.

With the iron cavalry of the later Jin army getting closer and closer, Li Yuanqing no longer hesitated and quickly retreated to the hillside behind the camp under the escort of Niu Gensheng and dozens of his own soldiers.

After the deployment of the affairs ahead, manchui quickly came to meet Li Yuanqing.

Soon, the cavalry of the later Jin army, like a group of colored cold wind, rushed straight to the hillside and rushed up the Ming army camp.

In front of the camp, more than 100 archers from Manchu and Guangxi were already ready. After seeing that, the Jin army had already rushed into the firing distance of 780 steps. An officer yelled: "let go! Shoot these son of a bitch

The Ming army went uphill and downhill. The natural advantage was that the range of bows and arrows was longer than usual.

These archers have been ready for a long time, where will they hesitate? They pulled their bows.

In a moment, more than a hundred black arrows, like a black meteor shower, went straight to the battle line of the Houjin army.

Meng Gang all not from Yin voice sneer, "this ability, also dare to disgrace? Raise the shieldThe experienced soldiers of the post Jin army were already very pure in the face of the rain of arrows. The soldiers in front of them raised all kinds of shields in their hands, and the archers behind them also used this gap to pull up the bows.

In an instant, accompanied by a "crackling" dull sound, most of the Ming army's arrow rain was dissolved by the later Jin army, and it was impossible to cause too much damage to them.

On the contrary, although the Houjin army was in a downhill situation, their archers were obviously more powerful, and their accuracy was even more fierce. In a blink of an eye, several Ming army soldiers had been shot by their arrows, most of them in the neck and in the face. They could not live.

Where do the leading officers of the Manchu and Guangxi army dare to neglect? "Brothers, let's have a good idea. Let's take a step first."

With that, busy took the lead in turning the horse's head.

The archers of the Ming army also responded. Where dare they love to fight? They ran back for their lives.

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