Behind the hillside, Li Yuanqing, who was riding on his horse, saw the scene clearly, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

Although Li Yuanqing has been in the army for the fifth year, it is his limited chance to fight side by side with the traditional Ming army.

Seeing this, Li Yuanqing finally understood why there is a saying in the army that "ten arrows are better than one gun.".

It means that if you shoot ten arrows, the effect may not be as good as a long gun.

In particular, the elite of the later Jin army all have multi-layer armor and various shields in their hands. Unless the bow and arrow can directly hit their neck and face, it is difficult to form a real attack on them.

But for the latter Jin army, because of their natural advantages, they were almost all the most skilled hunters. Their bows and arrows were fast, accurate and fierce, and almost lethal.

It is impossible for the Ming army to have too many chances of winning against them.

It's no wonder that in the Ming army, cavalry has always been used as a reserved branch of arms. They are usually sent out to pursue and kill the enemy when the situation is almost clear.

You know, this is still the cavalry Archer under the command of manchui, and it's a personal order.

If it is other ordinary Ming archers, then

"Yuanqing, they rush in!"

Some of the excited voice of manchui interrupted Li Yuanqing's thinking, and Li Yuanqing was busy looking ahead.

At this time, with the retreat of the first Archer line of the Ming army, the whole camp was completely opened. In a moment, two or three hundred gold cavalry swarmed in and were rushing into the tent group.

Under such circumstances, Li Yuanqing had no time to think about other things, and said in a deep voice: "brother GUI, let's start!"

Man GUI nodded with joy. Although the first wave of archers lost a little, maybe a few people were killed in the battle, but these people are all his elite, and it will hurt him to die.

At this time, Li Yuanqing made a speech, where would he hesitate? Busy quickly to the front of the order.

The archers hiding on both sides could not wait. For a moment, they ignited their rockets one after another and "whooshed" into the middle.

At the same time, two mixed "throwers" who had been standing in the trees above the camp no longer kept. They threw their simple javelins into the Houjin crowd in the middle of the camp.


A rocket shot into the tent, stagnated for a moment. The fire ignited the tent top in an instant. Because of the humidity, thick black smoke rolled up, and the fire continued on the top of the tent.

In the tent, a lot of dry wood and hay had been placed for a long time. As soon as the Mars seed with grease on the top of the tent fell down, the dry wood and hay in the tent were ignited rapidly, and the "boom" became more and more prosperous.

Even if some tents can not be ignited by rockets, but with the number of tents being ignited more and more, the fire can not stop rising, straight into the sky.

These tents, which were not ignited by the first wave of arrow rain, were also quickly raised by the continuous fire, and the thick smoke rolled into the sky.

About a few minutes, the whole Ming army camp, everywhere is a red, tearing in the wind roaring back and forth.

"Yuanqing, it's a success!" Manchui can't help but wave his fist and laugh at the Houjin army trapped in the middle of the camp.

But Li Yuanqing didn't dare to be slighted. He called out: "brother GUI, hurry up. Don't hesitate. Archers should keep up. We must eliminate them in it. Don't let them out!"

"Eh? Oh At this time, manchui also responded, and hastened to call his family members and soldiers. He rushed forward in person, pulled a bow and wound the string, and fired at the Houjin army trapped in the fire.

At this time, Li Yuanqing also found a huge drawback in his plan.

After all, this is not his well-equipped long-term camp boys.

Even though the dogs were surrounded by fire, there were not enough lethal weapons to do enough damage to the Tartars.

In short, this is called "winning, not winning," and "thunder but no rain.".

If you want to see the results, it is inevitable that the children still have to engage in hand to hand combat with these Tartars.

However, at such a level, regret has no effect at all, or we can kill all these Tartars by the fire. Or wait for them to come out and fight for their own lives.

Seeing that even if man GUI went to fight in person, the effect was still not ideal. Li Yuanqing couldn't sit still. He called out his relatives and soldiers to come forward. If there were Tartars rushing out from the front of the fire, they must be solved at the first time!

The fire became more and more fierce, crackling and straight, and the whole Ming army camp was full of noise, mixed with pine needles, dry firewood and the thick smoke generated by humidity. It was like the end of the world.

But the Ming army outside the battle line was better, and the Tartars inside were miserable.

At this time, the majestic silver helmet of menggang Dudu had disappeared, and the oily pigtail of money rat had been burnt, and his face was covered with black ash. In addition, his skin was black, and it was as if he had just climbed out of a coal mine."Monsieur menggang Dudu, there are fires all around. We can't get out of here!"

The fire spread so quickly that the slaves around menggangdu were in a panic. They tried to break through the encirclement several times, but they didn't get good results. They had to guard against the rain of arrows and javelins from the Ming army on all sides. They were almost crazy.

Meng Gangdu obviously didn't expect that the Ming army would be so mean, but he was already in the "Urn" of the Ming army. He could only gripe his teeth and shout: "the wind comes from the North! Come on, let's break north. "

"But, my Lord, there is a cliff two or three feet high in the north." A slave was in a hurry.

"Dog slave, do you fall to death in two or three feet? You don't want to be burnt to coke, move faster! " Meng Gang couldn't help but slap the slave, and rushed to the north with the scorching fire.

The master's arrows were no longer around him.

Not far from the bottom, Tam Bai was also flustered. He never thought that this small group of Ming army set such a big trap for them.

At this time, Tan Bai had already led his troops to rush to rescue menggang Dudu and his party.

Although menggang Dudu is only a slave with yellow flag, not a noble, but one of his daughters is a beloved concubine of Daishan Er Zi Shuo Tuo.

If Meng Gang all died here, he would not be able to explain to the old slaves, not only could he not explain to Dai Shan.

But the fire on the hillside was so fierce that they couldn't go at all and could only linger about 50 or 60 steps away.

At this time, Meng Gang Du, who was in the north, did not have time to hesitate. He bit his teeth and whipped him on the horse's buttocks. Under the pain of the war horse, he jumped down from the height.

Although the hillside is not high, it is still two or three feet long. It is about seven or eight meters. When Meng Gang Dudu fell down with his horse, he felt that his internal organs would be broken.

But this guy was just in his day. He was very quick. When he landed, he deliberately let the horse under him to cushion his strength.

At this time, although the whole body pain is incomparable, but he did not worry about life, busy a roll, rushed to the front.

He didn't want to be mashed up by the servants who came after him.

In a moment, more than a dozen horses rushed out of the fire. However, they were not as good-looking and lucky as Meng Gangdu. One of the tall servants was so unlucky. He landed on the ground first and his brains were smashed out. The red and white mixture was all over the ground and was still steaming on the snow.

The cry here also attracted the attention of TAM Pai not far away. For a moment, a servant cried out with great joy: "Lord tambai, Lord menggang is here."

Tan Baiyi Leng, then not from the great joy, "quick, quick to see." I hastened to fly to this side.

At the sight of Tan Bai, menggang Dudu's tears could no longer stop rolling out, "Lord Tam, this, this All blame me for being too impulsive and killing the warriors

Seeing that Meng Gang Du was all right, Tan Bai was a little relieved, but his face was incomparably gloomy. "Monsieur menggang Dudu, it's not your fault. If you want to blame, I'm still too reckless. I didn't expect that these mean dogs were so cunning!"

Meng Gang Du couldn't help crying, "Lord Tam Bai, the warriors, and hundreds of warriors, trapped in the fire!"

At this time, Tam Bai was already cold. "Although this place is in crisis, it is a way of life. Come on, somebody's calling and guide the warriors to break through here. "

The slaves around did not dare to neglect, so they called out in a hurry.

With the guidance, the Houjin army trapped in the fire also had a direction, and broke out toward the north one after another.

On the other hand, the Ming army knew that there must be many tartar heads in the middle of the camp, but they could not rush into the fire to get them. They could only lean around and block them up, and each one was counted as one.

Soon, the simple Javelin of the soldiers in the trees on the hillside had been used up, and they did not dare to fight, so they quickly ran down to join the main force.

By this time, the Ming army had almost captured more than 30 Tartars, all of them were headless flies, and they were attacked and killed by the Ming army.

They were soon cut off their heads and stripped naked.

Looking at the fire burning more and more prosperous, but still can't go in to harvest the first class, Manchu also some anxious eyes, "Yuanqing, this, this, this, this can be a merit ah!"

Li Yuanqing took a look at the sky. It was about two or three o'clock. If he went on pestering, the Ming army could not get much advantage. He said, "brother GUI, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We should withdraw."

In a daze, manchui also understood what Li Yuanqing meant.

Although he was reluctant to give up these Tartars' heads, without Li Yuanqing's plan, not only the tents and materials would be cheap, let alone more than thirty Tartars' heads would be recorded.

You know, guanning is no better than Dongjiang and southern Liaoning. It's almost a marvelous feat.

What's more, it is the head of Tartars with yellow flags.

The so-called great victory of Ningyuan in the legend has caught up with more than ten thousand living creatures in juehua island in vain. The tartar heads captured by guanning army were just the leaks found by manchui when he went out of the city. Most of the soldiers were injured by the soldiers of various banners, and there was no real gold content at all.At this time, there was not enough way for the commander-in-chief to grasp the top of the camp.

"Yuanqing, I listen to you! Let's go

Seeing that man GUI was not fond of war, Li Yuanqing was a little relieved, but he did not dare to have a moment's hesitation

Soon, under the cover of smoke, the Ming army quickly ran to the south.


On this side of the Ming army camp, the fire burned until midnight, which gradually stopped.

Looking at more than a hundred "black coke" in the devastation, Tan Bai's eyes almost burst into fire. Unfortunately, he knew that he had lost, and he had lost completely.

Up to now, he didn't even know which Ming army he met.

Tambai wanted to yell, but he knew he couldn't do it. He was the commander in chief of the army. But his fists were clenched.

At this time, a slave suddenly said, "Lord Tam, we found several flags here."

Tan Bai a Leng, "quickly present."

A moment later, a slave quickly presented the flag.

Tan Bai scanned carefully for a moment, but he couldn't help the anger in his chest any more. He couldn't help but Scream: "ah!! It's Li Yuanqing! Li Yuanqing, you son of a bitch! One day, I will tear you into pieces with my own hands

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