The ancients said: "keep up one's spirits, decline again, and exhaust three times."

To a large extent, this is also the ancient sages' deep understanding of the war.

In the shortest possible time, we should work together to defeat the enemy. Otherwise, in the second and third offensives, we may be able to "catch" and change the whole battle.

For a long time before, Li Yuanqing had always thought of this sentence. In many wars, he had been carrying out this idea, and the effect was quite good.

However, with the continuous growth of Li Yuanqing and the growing strength of his children in the Changsheng camp, Li Yuanqing's vision and mind are constantly climbing like his strength.

When Li Yuanqing reached this height, he could easily "get into the wood" with a basic glance at the war.

Can we fight?

Should we fight?

How to fight?

The mind will soon form a framework.

However, if the war, especially after the confrontation, is Li Yuanqing's "professional field". Now, Li Yuanqing has a deeper understanding of another new "additional field".


In the end, it's for politics.

At this time, the Ming army was sitting on the advantage of geographical advantages. Although the time and the people were half a catty and half a Liang, they had the control power beyond the 500 years of this era. Just because of the geographical advantages, Li Yuanqing was already enough to thoroughly drive these post Jin troops on the ice into the abyss of the abyss!

However, Li Yuanqing was unable to do so because of some things that "only can be understood but can not be expressed".

He must be more comprehensive, not only to ensure the victory of the war, but also to take into account the interests of all aspects.

So far, step by step, Li Yuanqing is no longer a person.

He has a huge family. He has a long life camp of nearly 20000 children. He has more than 100000 soldiers and civilians on Changsheng island.

Their vital interests have long been closely linked with Li Yuanqing. Although they are inseparable, to a large extent, they are hard to shake.

At this time, the cracks on the West ice surface have already cracked to about 50 or 60 steps.

On the sea surface, there are floating ice and waves everywhere, mixed with one after another of the gold Army soldiers who cry and scream, and the horses that are constantly neighing, which are very mixed and extremely cruel.

On the other side, wunag 's memory is really enhanced. His main force has retreated more than a mile away. In front of him, there are a few handy rear Jin soldiers who are using animal skin and felt cloth to "bridge" on the ice. They want to take advantage of the adhesion of these things, lead the lines and build bridges, and rescue these fallen rear Jin soldiers.

Unfortunately, it's too cold at this time.

The army of the later Jin Dynasty was good at making a surprise attack. Almost everyone was dressed in double armour or even three armour, and all the equipment was very complete.

If on the ground, these treasures are certainly good weapons to kill and set fire to, but at this time, they fall into the sea, and these things become the life-threatening Yama.

In winter, you have to wear a lot of clothes. If you fall into the water, the cold sea water will make your whole body wet.

Mixed with the sea water, perhaps, in less than a minute, a person's own weight may rapidly double, triple.

Plus these armor.

In addition to the icy sea water, I'm afraid that even if Phelps, the "super flying fish", plunges down with a sudden, he will never come up again!

Wunag also quickly found that rescue was not realistic. At this time, the Gunners of the Changsheng camp in front of them had already jumped out of their strongholds and came to the ice on the coast. They used their best "segment attack" shooting method to suppress the rescue of the Jin army in the opposite direction.

At this time, the two sides are almost a hundred steps apart.

The main reason is the broken ice. There is about 60 steps to go. The power of the birds and spears of Changsheng camp is very weak at this distance. In fact, it is very difficult to cause real damage to the rescued soldiers of the Jin army.

But I can't bear the deterrent in my heart!

Who can be in the sea, strong wind, combined with the multiple forces of gunshot, but also as stable as Mount Tai, to rescue their companions?

After trying for about ten minutes, wunag had to bite his teeth and choose to give up, so that his golden warriors began to retreat.

However, wunag did not dare to give up easily. He wanted to go, but he did not dare to go. He had to retreat more than 200 steps away from the shore and scolded the Ming army.

But the Ming army did not show weakness.

The verbal abuse of both sides is actually a hundred times more fierce than the actual battle.

On the viewing platform, watching the rise of children's scolding, Li Yuanqing's mouth, also can't help showing a trace of smile.

The overall situation is settled.

In history, wunag, a Mongolian tartar who started his life by killing more than ten thousand Ming Dynasty soldiers and civilians on juehua Island, even if he did not die, he would be enough to shed his skin on this dog day!At this time, shunzi scrambled up to the viewing platform, quickly came to Li Yuanqing, whispered a few words to Li Yuanqing in a low voice.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly.

After pondering for a moment, he patted shunzi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "good job, boy! Give me the order! The rest of the main forces will follow me to kill the dog Tartars in the North

Shunzi was overjoyed and hastened to attention, "yes!"

Li Yuanqing went out to fight in person, and Zhao Mei's girls also wanted to follow. But Li Yuanqing winked and motioned that they would stay here. Even if Zhao Mei's girls wanted to, they could not help but watch the battle here.

Soon, more than 2000 children from the Changsheng camp gathered here. Li Yuanqing quickly turned on his horse and yelled, "go! Hunt down the Tartars

"General Wan Sheng!"

"Long life camp will win thousands of victories!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Ten thousand wins, ten thousand wins..."

The chivalry of the children had been raised for a long time. They quickly followed Li Yuanqing's horses and galloped northward.

At this time, the Tartars at the northern end of the mouth had fled to the sea.

Although the blasting sites planned by Li Yuanqing are quite sufficient, there are still few people. The key is that the time is too short. Maintaining the front battlefield has consumed most of the energy of the engineers, not to mention the cold weather.

Even if Li Yuanqing had a heart for these gullies in the north, he did not have much spare power.

However, the influence of the blasting on the west coast of juehua island has also affected this area. In some places here, a lot of broken ice has been opened, and the gap is about ten steps.

Fortunately, the Tartars, who had fled earlier, had already washed into the firmer ice of the sea before the ravines opened.

But the hesitant Tartars, including those in the back, were not so lucky.

Although they managed to escape a lot in the end, there were still three or four hundred Tartars in front of them, huddled tightly on the coast, relying on their arrows and rain, in an attempt to fight against the Ming army.

Duan Xiliang, Kong Youde, Yao Fumin, Jin Guan and other generals are also engaged in a "large-scale curse war" with the Tartars in the opposite direction, attempting to use verbal offensive to force the Tartars to surrender.

After all, although they are few people, they are full of cavalry. If they rush up, even if they can eat them all, the casualties are inevitable.

The war has been fought to this extent, and the overall situation has been decided. If we waste the lives of the children, it will be unwise.

Seeing Li Yuanqing coming, Duan Xiliang and others rushed around to say hello.

"General, these tartar horses are good horses! It would be a pity to kill them so easily! They have no immediate charge. Instead, they want to force them a little longer to see if they are likely to surrender. "

Duan Xiliang quickly explained to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly. For a moment, he clapped his shoulder with a smile: "Xiliang, it's good! If you want to knead the enemy, you must control the overall situation first! At this time, the overall situation has been decided. These dog Tartars are like dough, let's knead them! "

Hearing Li Yuanqing's admiration for his decision, Duan Xiliang couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Li Yuanqing's desire for war horses, including children's desire for war horses, but also his Duan Xiliang's desire for war horses, he knows better than anyone!

These three or four hundred Tartars have six or seven hundred horses.

These are really good Mongolian Horses!

If we use silver, I'm afraid that two hundred taels may not buy one!

Kong Youde quickly came up, "general, I'm afraid it's very difficult for these Tartars to surrender according to their humble position! It's impossible to avoid bleeding! "

Li Yuanqing nodded, "look for some children who can speak slave words and go to the front to shout! Say I'm Li Yuanqing. If they surrender, I'll keep them alive! "


A dozen soldiers who could speak slave language rushed to the front of the battle array and shouted at the Tartars.

The Tartars on the opposite side were in a hurry.

On the other side, Yao Fumin said, "Li Shuai, these Tartars are not of our race. Their hearts must be different! Well, if we let go of these Tartars... "

"Yao Shenjiang, how far sighted Li Shuai is, how dare you criticize here? After all, Li Shuai had a profound plan to do so. Are you doubting Li Shuai? "

"Jin, you --"! Have I ever said that? How dare I doubt Li Shuai? Obviously it's you. You have selfish intentions

Seeing that they were about to pinch each other again, Li Yuanqing's face could not help but one Lin, "shut up! When is this? Do you want to fight here


Seeing that Li Yuanqing made a speech, both of them did not dare to speak any more. They hurriedly saluted and did not dare to look up.

For a moment, Li Yuanqing suddenly laughed: "Yao Shenjiang, what you said is also reasonable. However, these Tartars' good horses are really eye watering! Don't you think it's a pity to be shot so easily by us? ""Eh?"

Yao Fumin also understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and said, "Li Shuai is brilliant. But I think that if we don't kill them, it's very difficult for us to get their horses. "

Li Yuanqing a smile, but no longer pay attention to Yao Fumin, quietly look to the front.

Seeing Li Yuanqing's gesture, Yao Fumin did not dare to say more, but he was not able to hold back.

However, it was Li Yuanqing's plan that the battle was so easy. Even if he was unhappy, the decision-making power was still not in his hands.

Golden crown is in the side sneer.

This surnamed Yao is just as smelly and hard as the smelly stone in the pit!

However, it's good that he dares to contradict Li Shuai. When he divides his achievements, hehe

Li Yuanqing himself noticed the look of Yao Fumin and Jinguan, but for a moment, he looked away.

As the old saying goes, "it's hard to have common troubles, but it's hard to be rich and noble together.".

Yao Fumin, to a large extent, is a rare good official. Unfortunately, he has not even touched the word politics.

The butt decides the head.

How can you catch a big fish without a long line?

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