After more than 20 minutes of confrontation, the three or four hundred Tartars on the edge of the coast still did not mean to surrender, but they did not dare to jump into the sea to escape easily.

They are like trapped animals, in the final struggle before death, can live one more second, that is one second.

By this time, it was almost time for sunrise, which was about nine o'clock in the morning.

Although there are still fine snowflakes floating in the sky, the visibility of the whole area has been suddenly brightened, and the weather has begun to show a slight warming phenomenon.

From the beginning of the hour, this war has lasted almost an hour!

Li Yuanqing's patience, at this time, is almost exhausted, he waved a big hand, "start. Surround and kill them


The Ming army around could not wait for it. At this time, they finally got the order of Li Yuanqing. They were all overjoyed. Under the leadership of their officers, they were like a rolling tide, rushing towards these Tartars.

These Tartars were immediately flustered, screaming and shouting.

However, there were only 20 or 30 people who dared to fight against the Ming army. The rest of them rushed into the sea one after another with men and horses. They still hope that they can swim through the ice breaking trench of more than ten steps and run to the opposite sea.

Yao Fumin and Jin Guan have already taken their headquarters to charge. Beside Li Yuanqing, Xu Heizi and Niu Gensheng are left behind.

Seeing the 20-30 Tartars coming up, they were immediately submerged by the birds and the crowd of the Ming army. Xu Hei hei said with a smile, "general, these dog Tartars are really letting them run, and they can't run!"

Li Yuanqing sighed slowly: "so, this is the horror of Nvzhen nationality! We still can't take it lightly! "

Of course, Xu Heizi understood Li Yuanqing's meaning and nodded, "the Tartars are really fierce, but next time, they will not be so lucky!"

Li Yuanqing smile, but did not answer the words, will focus on the front again.

The huge gap of strength is in front of us, just like driving ducks and sheep. There is no suspense in the battle. In less than 10 minutes, the battle has come to an end.

The Tartars, No. 20 and No. 30, who dared to fight against the Ming army, were almost cut into meat by the Ming army.

The rest of the Tartars, about half of them, rushed to the opposite sea and fled in confusion. However, the rest of the Tartars could only be drowned in the icy ice floes.

Seeing these dogs and Tartars running faster than rabbits, they did not pay attention to their companions who fell into the water. The Ming army cheered for a moment, which was almost resounding from heaven and earth.

Li Yuanqing's mouth also showed a faint smile.

Sometimes, confidence may be more important than the outcome.

Soon, all the generals came to Li Yuanqing's side to ask for credit.

Duan Xiliang was extremely unhappy and said, "general, it's a pity that these good horses are! These Tartars should be cut to pieces! "

Yao Fumin was overjoyed: "Li Shuai, this battle, we are a great victory, a great victory! The Tartars were frustrated in juehua island. It's very likely that the siege of Ningyuan should be alleviated a lot. "

"Li Shuai, these Tartars have run far away. Let's start fishing for their heads and horses."

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile. Duan Xiliang, I'll give it to you here! Jinshen general, you are here to help Duan


The golden crown is full of joy.

Duan Xiliang also nodded with a smile. Of course, he understood Li Yuanqing's meaning. Although he won at this time, the rear Jin army had not yet completely withdrawn. The children of the 1000 th Corps still had to sit firmly here to guard against the possible counter charge of the Jin army.

Li Yuanqing looked at Yao Fumin again, and said with a faint smile, "Yao Shenjiang, let's go to the west coast to salvage the dead Tartars."


Yao Fumin was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. He burst into a state of joy. He quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Li Yuanqing: "thank you for your kindness. Li Shuai's kindness to his humble position is unforgettable! "

Li Yuanqing a smile, "don't be silly Leng, the war is not completely over. Let's move quickly



At this time, on the West Bank of KaiKou, even though wunag was not happy, he could only accept this extremely cruel ending. He almost had to bite his teeth and spit out two words, "retreat."

All the troops of the latter Jin Dynasty were immediately granted amnesty. Accompanied by the low sounding antlers, they ran wildly to the west of the mainland and fled for their lives.

The weather has begun to warm up, no one knows how long the ice can last, but they don't want to stay in this hellish place for a moment.

Under the guard of more than a dozen minions, wunag turned the horse's head.

He was very clear in his mind what kind of thunder and anger he had to face after he went back. Unfortunately, at this time, he had no choice but to retreat.At least, at this time, he can still save most of the main force of the later Jin Dynasty, but if he hesitates here again, he will be the culprit of the whole gold!

Finally, he took a look at minggouzi, who was cheering to salvage the bodies of the golden warriors. Wunag finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and whipped the horse's buttocks with his whip in his hand, and then he left quickly.

Seeing the main force of the latter Jin army fleeing in vain, the Ming army, who are opposite the body of the latter Jin army, cheers and thunders.

The cry of "Wan Sheng Wan Sheng" is going to pierce the clouds, and everyone's face is full of happy smile.

This battle was so happy that they did not even suffer any casualties, but left at least thousands of Tartars' bodies.

If it wasn't for the fact that they saw everything with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that someone in the world could do such a thing.

Li Shuai is worthy of being a Veteran General in the world!

As long as his old man is there, what can a little bit of Tartars count?

At this time, the main force of Houjin retreated, and the salvage work began to become more smooth.

Although the corpses of these late Jin Tartars are extremely heavy, they can easily be swept under the ice by the wind and waves, or even sink directly to the bottom.

But both the army and the people of juehua island and the children of the long life camp have lived by the sea for a long time. They have already known the nature of the sea.

They used a long bamboo pole, a group of several people, with the help of the thrust of the waves, one by one, to retrieve the carcasses of these dog Tartars.

Even though this work is very hard and laborious, no one is tired at all. Everyone is happy and full of energy to do the work in front of him.

However, Li Yuanqing did not dare to neglect too much. He had already made dozens of solid wooden piles in the open space along the coast, index them to the sea with a long rope, and entangle these children with ropes. If the ice surface breaks, there will be a buffer to give other brothers more rescue time.

At this time, the overall situation was decided. Xiaolian, Xiaohe, Zhang die and Zhao Mei also came to the coast and followed Li Yuanqing, watching the children salvage the Tartars' bodies and horses.

Not far behind them, hundreds of cauldrons have been set up, and there are hundreds of soldiers in Changsheng camp and juehua island. They are already in full force.

However, Li Yuanqing was still afraid that people's hands were not enough. He specially asked Yao Fumin to gather all the butchers who would kill pigs on juehua island to deal with the fallen horses as soon as possible.

Fortunately, it was deep winter and the weather was extremely cold. Most of these horses were drowned, and their wounds were not much, and the time of their death was less than an hour. It would not be a great hindrance to deal with them in time.

Soon, the corpses of every war horse are picked up, and the firemen and butchers will rush to them. They will be peeled and cramped, chopped into pieces of meat, and directly put into the rolling pot to copy.

Sterilize to the maximum extent, and then freeze or cook directly.

The Tartars' bodies are easier and more direct to handle.

They are stripped of all their bodies, cut off their heads, and the headless bodies are directly piled up on the sea to be accumulated and incinerated, and then their bones and dregs are thrown into the sea.

Maybe the smell of blood is really too heavy. Although it is offshore, the depth of the sea may be about 34 meters or 45 meters, but there are still some black fins that have been swimming here, covetously.

Yao Fumin was overjoyed and hastened to greet his family and his entourage, "come on, get the net and harpoon. These are all babies! Their fins are very delicious. Today, Ben will definitely give Li Shuai a hand! "

When they heard that it was to take shark's fin to pay homage to Li Yuanqing, they were all overjoyed and began to be busy.

Harvest is always accompanied by joy.

This time, it was the biggest harvest in the history of juehua Island, and the people's cheering and cheering were even more imaginable.

However, although it is a big harvest, but the process is really a bit too bloody.

After a while, Li Yuanqing's several female dependents could not stand it.

Xiaolian and Xiaohe are already tired of Li Yuanqing's body, and dare not look at it any more. Zhao Mei and Zhang die, who have seen the storm, have already been reluctant to look directly at them.

Xiaolian was busy playing coquettish and said, "my Lord, here, it's really frightening! Let's go back and have a rest first? "

Li Yuanqing smiles, "OK. However, there are still a lot of affairs here, and I can't leave for the moment. You go back first, and I'll go when I'm finished. "

Although Xiaolian several women are reluctant, but also can only obediently leave.

Time soon arrived at noon, and hundreds of Tartars had been picked up on the sea.

After all, it's deep winter. Under the sea ice, the wind and waves are too turbulent. Even if we know that there are Tartars under the ice, but we can't break the ice, there are not many ways. We can only watch them become the food of all kinds of carnivorous fish.However, the bodies of war horses are much better than those of Tartars. The main reason is that the size of war horses is huge and the number of them is much more than that of Tartars.

In the majority of this morning, nearly a thousand have been salvaged.

At this time of year, Li Yuanqing would not be stingy. He directly asked the firemen to take the freshest hundred pieces and stew them on the spot with the unique "secret recipe" of Changsheng camp.

After a while, the strong aroma of horse meat began to permeate the whole mouth. Even with the cold north wind and bleak snow, it still could not stop the spread of these delicacies.

The soldiers, needless to say, are a treat.

Even for the auxiliary soldiers and the miscellaneous laborers who came to help, Li Yuanqing also gave them a personal guarantee. Today, including the next three days, all people are all the people on the island, and the horse meat is enough!

For a while, the whole island of juehua became a sea of joy. Everyone was jubilant. It was ten times more lively than the Spring Festival!

Yao Fumin, with dozens of his family members, worked hard for most of the morning, and finally got the harvest. He caught two half big sharks.

Quickly brought to Li Yuanqing body, and attracted a lot of applause!

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