Looking at these shipbuilders one by one, almost inconceivable, Li Yuanqing's mouth, can not help but show a faint smile.

There's a saying in China, it's called "haven't you eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?"

For the crazy pursuit of the sea, Li Yuanqing has really put a lot of effort into ships.

At this time, the official navigation technology of Daming began to lag behind the world.

Like the main warship of juehua Island Navy, it is about 20-30 meters long and its draft is about 500 stones.

This kind of warship is usually equipped with catapults and catapults. It has a certain cold weapon combat capability, but its firepower is almost negligible.

There are not many of these main warships in juehua Island, which are not enough for one hand.

Most of the warships are of ordinary size. Even, many of them are converted from sand vessels. The length is generally between 10 meters and 20 meters. The carrying capacity is good, but the combat effectiveness can be ignored

Li Yuanqing gave Zhou Chuanhai the number of these shipbuilders. It seems like a exaggeration to have 50-60-step-size warships. But in fact, in the advanced maritime countries of the west, such warships have already been put into practice.

This is the legendary sail battleship.

Of course, even if he had 500 years of experience ahead of the world, Li Yuanqing was not so arrogant that he could eat a fat man in one bite. He hoped that these shipbuilders could build him a battleship now.

It has been six years since he came to the Ming Dynasty. Li Yuanqing has already grasped thoroughly the code of conduct of this era.

These shipbuilders, seemingly humble, but in fact, because of the problem of inheritance, they are also a very stubborn group of people.

In a simple sentence, it can be summed up as "passing on male to female, passing on daughter to son-in-law".

Everyone's craftsmanship comes from his own painstaking efforts and costs. Naturally, they will not easily pass on this skill to others.

Of course, the formation of this trend is due to the traditional economic system of China.

In the west, every time a reform or invention comes out, it means that a large amount of money can be exchanged to make a fortune.

But in China, even if there are more inventions, it also means that they can only serve the imperial family

Two hundred years.

The glory of Zheng He's voyages to the West had already gone with the wind, and the treasure ships in the legend of Daming had already been reduced to ashes. In addition, how could the navigation technology of Daming not lag behind?

However, all things have relativity.

In the Ming Dynasty, the official navigation technology did not keep up with the trend. However, in the southeast and Fujian, there was a family that mastered the most advanced navigation technology in East Asia, even not lagging behind the world's top level.

That's the Zheng family.

Before that, Li Yuanqing had a brief meeting with Zheng Zhihu, the second son of the Zheng family, at the birthday party of Shen yourong, a veteran of Daming Navy.

At this time, although the Zheng family had already monopolized the southeast coast of Daming and monopolized most of the commercial routes to Japan, Holland and Nanyang, Zheng Zhilong had not yet found a way to the imperial court. He was completely washed away by his dream of Fujian commander-in-chief.

To put it bluntly, although the Zheng family is rich, it is still a poor drudger. In politics, they have not formed enough influence.

Before that, Li Yuanqing had also considered cooperating with the Zheng family to achieve mutual benefit and complementarity. However, it was "totally different".

Li Yuanqing is well-known in Jiubian, which can be said to be echoed by all.

Unfortunately, this is not a field after all, there is no capital to take, with Zheng's urine, it is difficult to buy his account.

Fortunately, Liao also has its advantages.

Because facing the later Jin Dynasty, the war was very intensive in the Liao Dynasty. Moreover, Li Yuanqing and his children were facing the army of the latter Jin Dynasty, which was at its peak.

Although there is still a certain gap between the armed forces of Jianzhou Nvzhen and their ancestors Wanyan family, they can basically represent the nomadic groups in Northeast Asia and even the whole world, with the highest combat effectiveness.

The children of the camp have experienced many battles and are brave and courageous. Even on the sea, they do not have enough initiative, but once they land and fight, who will they fear?

Time waits for no one!

One day early planning, early implementation, can occupy more opportunities in the future.

Li Yuanqing must take this first step. Even though there are difficulties and dangers, and even if he has to pay a great price, he must never turn back.

At this time, what he needs to do is to hold these craftsmen and tie them firmly to his big boat, so as to contribute their greatest strength to him.

At this time, he had been planning for a long time, but he still had no clue. Zhou Chuanhai looked at Li Yuanqing and said, "general, this big ship you mentioned is really old, it's really unheard of! Dare you ask the general, have you ever seen such a big ship? "Li Yuanqing smile: "this kind of big ship, this will have never seen. However, it has been heard that in Taixi, far away, there have been white haired phantoms who have constructed such a large ship, and have begun to launch a trial voyage. "


"It can't! If there is such a big ship, then what a big tree the keel is! This, this is impossible, this is impossible

Zhou Chuanhai has an unbelievable expression.

His side, his several sons, is also full of incredible.

The other craftsmen around were unable to return to God for a long time.

A moment later, another old craftsman said carefully, "general, if there is such a big ship as you said, what kind of wood is it made of? I earnestly ask the general to solve his doubts for the old man. "

Li Yuanqing laughed: "I can't answer you. Because that's where you work. "

All the craftsmen were in a bad mood.

Li Yuanqing gave them a very generous treatment, and they were very happy. They all made every effort to do a big job for Li Yuanqing. But at this time, Li Yuanqing had assigned a task. Unfortunately, they had never heard of it, let alone put it into practice. This

After another murmur, Zhou Chuanhai said with a bitter face: "general, you can't do such a request, forgive me, forgive me and others! This, this... "

Li Yuanqing burst out laughing: "Mr. Zhou, do you want ben to ask for other talents?"

Although Zhou Chuanhai was extremely unwilling to accept the result, the reality was in front of him. He could not help but nodded bitterly: "general, the old man and others are really unable to fulfill the general's trust. They have failed the general's kindness! How can you eat the general's leisure food? "

"Ha ha ha..."

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Zhou, fellow countrymen and fathers, our ancestors have a good saying. It's called slang in front of us. But you don't have to worry too much. What yuan Qing just said is just a little bit of Yuan Qing's idea. Of course, it is not right now. You are required to implement it immediately. It's what we need to achieve in the next five or even ten years! Now, we should start from a small age and start with the most basic warships. In this respect, you are all experts. If you have any idea, you can make it clear to Ben! Well said, this will be a lot of reward, said not good also matter, a bowl of good wine, I Li Yuanqing or can afford it


"The general is holy."

"General Ren Yi! You almost scared the old man out of his heart. "


Li Yuanqing first suppressed and then Yang, and finally gave the card. These craftsmen, like a roller coaster, were overjoyed. Many people even shed tears.

Li Yuanqing smiles and waves his hand to his soldiers to add tea to them, calms their emotions, and waits quietly for them to sort out their thoughts.

When they arrived at their most familiar fields, they were all looking up.

Zhou Chuanhai also recovered a lot and said with a smile: "general, I don't know what kind of warship you want to build? Can you give me a hint to me and these old fellows? "

Li Yuanqing a smile: "take the ordinary main warship as an example!"

Zhou Chuanhai said with a smile: "general, I'm not boasting. If I build such a big ship, I can feel it out even with my eyes closed."

"General, to build a big ship, build a good ship, the most important thing is the keel. All of the above are mostly made of teak. Especially, teak is the best. The warships of Daming Navy used teak from the south before. But I have been in Liaoning for more than ten years, and I know a lot about the local conditions and customs of Liao. I have heard them say that teak in the south is big and good when it grows to seven or eight feet high. However, in the deep mountains and old forests of Eastern Liaoning, there are many teak trees, which can grow to ten or even more than ten feet. If you can find this kind of teak, maybe the ship you mentioned is not impossible to build! "

People around him nodded.

Li Yuanqing's tolerance and foresight also gave them great confidence.

Li Yuanqing also nodded with a smile, "master Zhou, if you would have given you enough manpower, how long will it take you to build such a qualified ship and how much money will it cost?"

Zhou Chuanhai pondered for a moment and said, "general, if you build a ship directly, it will be enough in three or two months, and the cost will be several thousand taels of silver. However, in terms of keel, the requirements are very strict. The first thing to do is to cut down the good wood and then dry it naturally. This may take seven or eight years, or even ten years. If you say so, I can't give you an accurate reply! "

"Ten years?"

Li Yuanqing frowned, but he didn't think about it. He said, "does it take so long to dry the wood? Can we do something else? For example, drying, sun drying, etcZhou Chuanhai shook his head in a hurry: "general, you are honest with me. How can I deceive you? General, you must also know that the keel is the most important skeleton of the ship. If you want to bear the weight of the whole ship, you should not neglect it. General, if you use the method of drying and sun drying to build the keel, you can do it. But the big ship you want is to ride the strong wind and break the big waves. This method will not work. Once in an emergency, the keel support strength is not enough, it is likely that the ship will be destroyed and people will die! General, I don't dare to cheat on this matter! "

With that, Zhou Chuanhai knelt down to kowtow to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing knew for a long time that shipbuilding would be very troublesome, but he never expected that it would be so troublesome. This is really

It seems that in a short period of time, his idea of building a ship by himself will be ruined again.

"Mr. Zhou, please get up quickly. Yuan Qing would appreciate it if you could tell Yuanqing the truth. Come on, enjoy the hundred taels of silver


The soldiers quickly took the snow and silver that had been prepared and held in the tray red cloth and handed it to Zhou Chuanhai.

Zhou Chuanhai's face did not change greatly.

Some of his sons were also a little flustered.

Around the boatman, also began to salivate.

They are so big. Who can see so much money!

After a long time, Zhou Chuanhai responded and said, "general, I'm old. I haven't done anything in an inch. How dare you accept your money?"

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