Li Yuanqing laughed: "you can tell the truth to Ben Jiang, so that Ben will not be deceived. It is a great achievement to take this detour! This silver is a reward for you! You take it! There must be a lot of new comers who need to spend money. "

"General, you are really..."

Rao is Zhou Chuanhai has a big age, at this time, but also can not control, old tears can not stop the drip.

All the boatman around were stupid. I didn't expect Li Yuanqing to do what he said. It's really

However, they regret to die. How could they be afraid of taking responsibility before and dare not explain directly to the general?

With heavy silver in his hand, Zhou Chuanhai felt the wonderful feeling of superior official silver. Zhou Chuanhai also came to his senses and said, "general, if you want to build a good ship in a short time, in fact, there is no other way."


Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly, "master Zhou, Yuanqing would like to hear its details."

Mr. Zhou quickly wiped his tears and said with a smile, "general, it's very simple. Let's take the money and buy the keel that has been dried."

Then he quickly explained: "general, in recent years, there is not much work in the shipyards of Daming. Tianjin, Denglai, several shipyards, there are a lot of good keel timber left. As long as we can get some, I can guarantee my life that I will build a good ship for you

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly.

This is a good way.

In Tianjin, let's not talk about it for the moment. In Denglai, even if yuan Keli has gone, Shen yourong is still there, and the influence of the Shen family is still there. In addition, with Shen Jin's help, Li Yuanqing is spending money on the purchase, which should not be a problem.

After all, who can't live with silver in this world?

For a moment, Li Yuanqing laughed: "master Zhou, this method is also a good way. In three or two days, Ben will give you an accurate reply. However, at this time, Ben will have another very important thing to do. Please do it... "


It was dark when we left the boatman's camp.

Li Yuanqing wanted to have a meal with them and continue to deepen their feelings. However, news came from his relatives and soldiers that Chen Zhong had come and had already gone ashore.

As Li Yuanqing's closest brother, Chen Zhong came here. Li Yuanqing couldn't neglect it. It happened that it was very close to the dock, so he went to meet him in person.

Not long ago, Chen Zhong's most familiar smile appeared in front of Li Yuanqing.

This guy seems to be a little bit fatter than before. He has a big face and laughs. Then he comes up and gives Li Yuanqing a warm hug.

After a few greetings, they rode back to the official hall side by side.

After returning to the official hall, the guests and the host took their seats and told Xiao He to prepare the banquet. Xiaolian personally made tea for them. Li Yuanqing said with a smile, "elder brother, why are you here at this time? Let me know in advance, too? Is it a surprise attack? "

Chen Zhong laughs: "Yuanqing, it's not a surprise attack. There are some urgent things for my brother to come this time. "

Chen Zhong said, busy will come to Li Yuanqing briefly described once.

Li Yuanqing could not help but smile.

Chen Zhong's visit this time mainly involves three things.

The first one is the planting of sweet potato in spring ploughing, which needs to be directed by Changsheng island.

In addition, a series of armament supplements, such as bird spears, lead bombs, hand grenades and explosive bags, were provided in the Changsheng camp ordnance workshop.

Third, and the most important point, Chen Zhong also knew the news of Yang's triumphant return.

"Hehe. Yuan Qing, since the sea trade can make money so much, what are we hesitating about? If you set up a fleet directly and make a few trips to the South Ocean, you will have a lot of money to earn? "

Looking at Chen Zhong's excited appearance, Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing and shaking his head: "big brother, things are simple to say, but they are far less simple to do! The waterway is true for everyone, but in the south, I'm afraid there are still many variables. I'm going to discuss it with you. Big brother, it's mid February, early March or mid March. I want to go to Nanyang in person


Chen Zhong was stunned: "Yuanqing, this How long does it take to go to Nanyang

Li Yuanqing a smile: "short is more than half a year, long, I'm afraid it will take one or two years."


Chen Zhong was silent for a moment.

For a moment, he said in a hurry: "Yuanqing, this matter, let the people below go? In my opinion, Yang Xiaobo is a reliable boy! If you leave Liaonan, the brothers will have no backbone! "

"Ha ha. Elder brother, this matter, actually also need not worry too much. No more important news for you

"What's the news?" Chen Zhong is busy looking at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing slapped his brain and said, "I'm the one to blame for this. I almost forgot the news when I came back. Elder brother, the old slave was very angry in the battle of Ningyuan. It seemed that he had committed some hidden disease and was unconscious. ""What?"

Chen Zhong's face did not change greatly. He never thought that such a great change would happen in the battle of Ningyuan.

In view of the limitations of the times, the way to keep the information contact between the imperial court and the local government is usually based on the residence newspaper or the imperial court's urgency.

However, due to the limitation of material, human and financial resources, there will be some delay in general residence newspaper except for the extremely critical information.

If you want to explain it more directly, for example, Liaoxi's declaration of victory to the capital city means that it's 800 Li urgent, and the capital's reply to Liaoxi is also 800 Li urgent. However, if these good news are spread to all parts of the country, the degree of urgency will be weakened. Generally, it will be transmitted to big cities and political centers first, and then to the bottom line by such big cities.

It was the end of winter, and there were thousands of miles of Liaohai barrier. Chen Zhong did not have the corresponding personnel and institutions in this regard. Naturally, it was later to get the news.

"Yuanqing, this is a good thing! If the old slave is killed, the Tartars will surely fall into civil strife. It's time for us to keep forging ahead and continue to expand the fruits of war! Why are you going out at this time? "

Chen Zhong looks at Li Yuanqing with some doubts.

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "big brother, originally, I was so thoughtful. But in this respect, I always have some bad premonitions about this trip to western Liaoning. "


Chen Zhong was stunned. For a moment, he also responded and said in a low voice, "Yuanqing, but Lord yuan's side..."

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly: "big brother, although Tartars are weak at this time, they are far from what we can eat. Instead of doing something that doesn't piss and flatters, how can brothers really earn some money? Improve the lives of the brothers? "


Chen Zhong frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Yuanqing, I'm stupid. I really don't understand this kind of thing. Since you want to do it, I will certainly support you. It's a pity that we can't go together

Two people look at each other, can not help but laugh.


After drinking with Chen Zhong, it was late at night to arrange for him to have a good rest.

Back in the backyard, Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu served him in person. After a hot bath, Li Yuanqing's tiredness dissipated a lot.

Or the old saying, "the meal to eat a mouthful, the road to step by step."

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step!

The financial, material and human resources of Changsheng island at this time had the capital to set up a shipyard, but Li Yuanqing was also very clear that the design and firepower of the warships of the Ming Dynasty could not keep up with the trend of the times.

Especially in steel smelting, even with the accumulation of financial and material resources, Changsheng island is still unable to build qualified guns, let alone shipborne guns.

In this way, even if many warships have been built, they are born with defects in design and cannot assemble firepower, which is just a waste of resources and futility.

Therefore, Li Yuanqing's first demand for Zhou Chuanhai's shipbuilders is to maintain and repair their ships.

For example, if you want to build a car, you have to learn how to repair the car, understand its structure, take the advanced and mature technology of others, and then apply it to your own body after digestion, so as to minimize detours.

Fortunately, it was only the sixth year of the apocalypse, and it was just the beginning of the 17th century. Even if Daming was lagging behind, it was not so much behind. We were barely on the same starting line.

just as the old saying goes, "have you planted the phoenix tree, are you afraid that you can't recruit Gold Phoenix?"

As long as Changsheng island's own conditions are excellent, thick accumulation and thin hair, to the real outbreak, there will be sufficient spare force!

"What do you think? So absorbed? Do you like which girl again? Come out and I'll dry it for you

Seeing Li Yuanqing sitting in a daze in a big bath, Zhang yunniang goes to fetch clothes for Li Yuanqing. Qu minqiu whispers a few words in Li Yuanqing's ear.


Li Yuanqing was stunned for a moment. Then he turned around and looked at Qu minqiu's pretty face. He couldn't help but say in a low voice: "minqiu, are you my father so unbearable? You and Yun Niang are so charming and beautiful that I still want to think about others? "


Qu minqiu spat gently, but she can't stop a trace of delicate blush on her pretty face. Although Li Yuanqing's words seem vulgar and incomparable, she can't tell the sweetness in her heart. Her mouth says: "hurry up, wait for yunniang to come and laugh at me again."

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "wait, go to bed, you two don't laugh at anyone!"


At noon the next day, Chen Zhong left Changsheng island and returned to Guanglu island.

If Li Yuanqing wants to go to sea, the strategic layout of southern Liaoning must be changed, and the burden on him will be greater. He must go back in advance to plan the layout.

Because of the presence of the southern Liaoning chamber of Commerce, both Yang Xiaobo's income from this voyage and Li Yuanqing's coming out to sea are indispensable to him.Liao Nan can have today, is entirely two brothers, with a group of brothers below, the head pinned on the belt, a knife and a gun fight out, how dare he neglect half a point?

On the wharf side, Li Yuanqing has just sent Chen Zhong off. There is also news from the express ship ahead. The fleet of Yang boat has entered the West Island area and will soon arrive at Changsheng island!

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