The principle of matches is not complicated. To put it bluntly, it is "heat generated by friction".

The main components are phosphorus and sulfur.

The chemical activity of strong oxidant and reducing agent is used to generate heat by friction.

Unfortunately, in addition to the red phosphorus in phosphorus, its specific composition, Li Yuanqing has long forgotten.

However, there are many craftsmen and experienced craftsmen in Daming. In Changsheng Island, Xu Liang and Mr. Yang are experts in this field.

As long as Li Yuanqing points out the right way for them, it should not be too difficult to make this thing happen.

When he was dying, the big eared thief once warned the Emperor: "don't take good for small things, don't do evil things for small things!"

At this time, Daming was still in the leading position in the world in some cultural aspects, such as porcelain, silk, tea

However, in terms of specific aspects that can promote the change of the times, such as firecrackers, such as navigation, such as shipbuilding, etc., Daming has actually begun to lag behind the mainstream of the world due to the differences in system and congenital cultural conditions.

Li Yuanqing is quite clear about this.

It is difficult for a person or a small group of people to compete with the general trend of the whole era.

What Li Yuanqing can do is to make use of the current pattern to gather what he can control and master firmly, and gather a few into many.

When the flood breaks out, take advantage of it!

Although the match is small, it seems to be extremely simple, but at this time, no one in the world has mastered this technology. This is a "knock on the door" of Li Yuanqing.

After more than 20 days of sailing, on May 11, Li Yuanqing and his fleet arrived in Manila, the first stop from East Asia to Southeast Asia, which is also the "bridgehead" of Nanyang.

At this time, Manila is firmly in the hands of the Spanish.

After the "great naval battle between England and the west", Spain's "invincible fleet" was destroyed and its vitality was greatly damaged. However, after all, it was the most old established power in the era of great navigation, and the colony occupied by Spain at that time was still the first in the world.

With the experience of going to Macao before, and with the Portuguese leading the way, Li Yuanqing and his huge fleet were allowed to berth in the port outside Manila Bay without much time.

What's more, Li Yuanqing was glad that the fleet had just entered the port, and the whole world began to rain cats and dogs. The summer storm season had arrived.

Newton once said: "if I stand higher, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants!"

According to Li Yuanqing's inherent cognition, the Ming Dynasty should be quite in decline at the end of Ming Dynasty, and it seems that its position in the world is not too high.

However, when he got to Macao and Nanyang, Li Yuanqing found that his cognition was totally wrong, and it was the poison left by the braided dynasty!!

Let alone the deterrent power of the Ming Dynasty's orthodoxy, the influence left by Zheng He's seven voyages to the West in that year would not be dissipated for at least several hundred years!

Although the coastal defense forces of Daming were thrown into the corner after the founding of the emperor, the number of Chinese Pirates cruising in the South Ocean and East Asia all the year round is like the "name card" of Daming!

Even the pirates are so fierce, how powerful should the orthodox navy of the imperial court be?

"Boar skin on dog day!"

"You dog scumbags, you are so cruel that you don't know how to hate it!"

Want to understand these, Li Yuanqing can't help but spit a mouthful, can't even wish to compare the middle finger to the God.

At this time, it is already evening, heavy rain, visibility is very low.

And the fleet has entered the dock, want to get off the ship and go ashore to rest, the time is a little too short.

In addition, Li Yuanqing did not touch the specific attitude of the Spanish, so he ordered Guan Canghai and Joseph as representatives to go ashore and negotiate with the Spanish authorities, while the fleet stayed in the port for a temporary rest.

When he was in Macao, the fleet had already replenished enough strategic materials, which could last for at least two or three months. Li Yuanqing did not rush to get off the ship to replenish.

However, in the cabin, Li Yuanqing personally and the workers wrote a magic card, and made the fire soldiers cook several exquisite dishes. There were all kinds of chicken, duck and fish, and he put it in front of the magic card.

All his wives, concubines and children were summoned to kneel in front of the Lingpai respectfully.

Li Yuanqing himself lit incense, also respectfully knelt down in front of him, looking at the big characters written on the Lingpai, "the spiritual position of the great Ming hero Zheng He!"

"Master, Li Yuanqing, the reason why you can go to sea so smoothly this time depends on your Buddha light! I hate your ignorance. I forgot to pay a visit to your spiritual place before this event! I sincerely ask the grandmaster to read that we have the same spirit and come from the same family, and forgive the disciple this time! In the future, when the disciple returns to Daming smoothly, he will offer it to the king as if he were a prince... "

The neat kneeling ceremony lasted more than ten minutes, which was the end.After that, Zhang Baozhu said, "you can't go into the room easily if you want to see the lady."

Zhang Baozhu also knew Zheng He, but she didn't expect that Li Yuanqing would be so regular. She wanted to say something, but seeing that Li Yuanqing looked bad, she would not say any more, so she nodded her head.

Outside, the torrential rain was so heavy that I could hardly hope to turn the whole world upside down. Originally, the climate had begun to be a little hot, but at this time, it was also quite cold.

Standing at the side of the hatch, looking at Manila city not far away from the rainstorm, Li Yuanqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Zheng He was a eunuch, perhaps, he went to sea because he had some unspeakable purpose, but Li Yuanqing really enjoyed his brilliance and his legacy. Naturally, he should give him the courtesy that accords with his identity.

Although his family in Southeast China has been infinitely promoted in history, what has he done that has a profound impact on the Chinese nation?

Li Yuanqing suddenly laughs and shakes his head. As the old saying goes, "the butt decides the head."

Li Yuanqing can't control or change the previous events, but Zheng He, his deeds and his influence will surely be well grasped by Li Yuanqing!

Later, Joseph and Guan Canghai came back one after another and came to Li Yuanqing's boat to report the situation to Li Yuanqing.

However, due to room constraints, the meeting room can only be temporarily replaced by the captain's room.

Fortunately, the space in the captain's room is not too large, but there is no problem to accommodate seven or eight people. There is enough space for communication!

Li Yuanqing was sitting on the throne belonging to the captain. Joseph was busy licking his smile and saying, "general, the Spanish governor in Manila, your excellency Valen dagama, very welcome our arrival, and we are also very welcome to come to Manila to do business. He invites you to come to Manila governor's house at a suitable time tomorrow for detailed talks. "

Li Yuanqing nodded. "This matter must be implemented as soon as possible. Brother Joseph, it's hard for you to go there again and set the time."

"Yes Joseph left in a hurry and went to the governor's house again in the heavy rain.

Only Li Yuanqing and Guan Canghai are left in the room.

Li Yuanqing looked at Guan Canghai with a smile: "Canghai, how do you feel?"

Guan Canghai couldn't help smiling bitterly: "general, to tell you the truth, this rhythm is really too fast. Don't talk about the brothers. Even if it's a humble position, in many cases, I feel that I can't keep up with you! "

Li Yuanqing laughed: "the first time I left home so far, things are so close, you have this feeling, it is human nature! However, Canghai, you have to understand that in this world, the weak and the strong eat. If we want our Daming and our Chinese nation to stand on the top of the world forever, we must step out of it! "

Guan Canghai sighed deeply and nodded his head.

Up to now, although there is not much time to come out, Guan Canghai's vision has completely risen to another level, and he has also realized the meaning of the saying "the weak eat the weak"!

Fortunately, Daming is the kingdom of heaven. Otherwise, the aborigines like Manila would be

"General, you can rest assured that I will adjust my state as soon as possible! Brothers, too! What big waves, we have come! How can such a small matter be difficult to live in, brothers

Li Yuanqing nodded with a smile: "good! That's the truth! Did you see the governor of Spain today? How do you feel? "

Guan Canghai said: "yes, I see. However, I always feel that he is full of serious vigilance to us. General, I guess it will not be easy for us to start normal trade in Manila. "

Li Yuanqing nodded slowly, but for a moment, he said with a smile: "although the Spaniards seem powerful, in fact, they have begun to decline! The more he is like this, the more he proves that he is guilty! However, this is not the time for us to make efforts! Let's wait for the negotiation tomorrow! Canghai, you go back to have a good rest and take good care of yourself. The defense of the fleet depends on you! "


Guan Canghai left, Li Yuanqing looked at the front of the misty rain and fog, and could not help but spit out a deep breath of turbid air.

The position of the captain's cabin, located in the center of the top cabin, is the cabin with the best view of the whole ship. Unfortunately, there is no toughened glass at this time. In front of the captain's room, although there is a wooden eaves for wind and rain protection, it can not block the sea breeze and debris.

The sea breeze, blowing through the huge gap to the face, mixed with many pieces of rain, makes people feel very cold.

But it also made Li Yuanqing's mind clearer.

According to Li Yuanqing's intelligence, at this time, Manila was under the control of the Spanish, and Jakarta was in the hands of the Dutch, the most crucial Strait of Malacca. At this time, it was still in the hands of the Portuguese. The mighty British Empire had not yet extended its tentacles to this sea area.In other words, without the existence of top powers, in the vast sea area of Southeast Asia, everyone still has opportunities, and there are great opportunities!

However, the Portuguese, because they have Macao's fulcrum and they do not have much ambition in East Asia, are not suitable to deal with them.

The Dutch, however, are really hateful.

Unfortunately, the Dutch fleet has a lot of inherent advantages, and it is not suitable to tear them off immediately.

If, according to the course of history, in another ten or twenty years, when the British have completely pacified India, their next step will be the Strait of Malacca.

In this way, the best entry point is Manila!

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