In the evening, Li Yuanqing came to Waner's room to rest.

After a love affair, Wan'er, like a kitten, leans on Li Yuanqing's arms.

Holding her slender waist as bright as lanolin and white jade, and smelling the familiar fragrance on her hair, Li Yuanqing's body and mind was also extremely relaxed. He said with a smile, "how do you feel these days? Is there any discomfort? "

Wan'er smiles: "are you OK, sir. Thank you for bringing your maid out this time. Originally, my maid thought that Liaohai was very big. But when I got here, I found that it was so much bigger than Liaohai. "

Li Yuanqing is also a smile, playing with Wan'er's small hand, Wan'er will understand the five fingers crossed in Li Yuanqing's big hand, tightly entangled together.

"Wan'er, actually. The planet we are on at this time should not be called the earth, but rather the water ball. Because, on this planet, 70% of the world is covered by sea water. "


Wan'er couldn't help being stunned, "my Lord, can't you? Although the sea is very big, I feel that the territory of Daming should be bigger? It took us only a few months to get from Changsheng island to Nanyang. If it was from Changsheng island to the southernmost end of Daming, it would take more than a year. "

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing.

Although Wan'er, who was the most popular number one in the fog rain Pavilion in those years, was also a good reader of historical books. Unfortunately, limited by the conditions of the times, how could she be Li Yuanqing's opponent in this respect?

While playing with Wan'er's delicate plumpness, Li Yuanqing explained in detail to Wan'er what the real world looked like after the inheritance of the "round sky" in China.

Wan'er was born with talent and intelligence. After more than ten minutes, she already understood it and said, "Sir, as you said, we are on the same ball. Why, why don't we fall?"

Li Yuanqing laughed: "well. We're going to talk about gravity. All things have gravitation. It is because of the gravitational pull of the earth that the whole world will remain in a fixed orbit. But let's talk about it next time. Isn't it a great pity to waste such a good time here? "

At this time, Wan'er also felt that Li Yuanqing had already rested from the "first battle", and her pretty face was already a little shy. For a moment, she gently kissed Li Yuanqing on the lips, and then slowly went down

Looking at the most familiar pretty face in front of her, feeling the most familiar heat on her delicate body like white jade, Li Yuanqing's mood is more and more clear.

Originally, he always thought that Wan'er was really too delicate. Many times, he was not willing to use his strength, for fear of breaking such a delicate porcelain doll.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing suddenly found that his Wan'er was not so delicate


At 10 a.m. the next day, Li Yuanqing arrived at the Spanish governor's office in Manila on time to hold talks with the Spanish governor in Manila and Valen dagama.

Although this era has begun to enter the era of giant ships and cannons, blood and violence are everywhere, and the whole western powers are accelerating their plunder of the world's resources, the inherent world pattern still has some stability.

The great powers have always been merciless to the aborigines who have precious land and mineral resources, and almost want to kill them all.

However, if they treat civilized people in the same world, or Li Yuanqing, a powerful general of the Oriental mysterious Empire, they will never dare to mess around and lose their manners.

Mystery, to some extent, also stands for power.

Not to mention the precedent of Zheng He's voyages to the West and the active Chinese Pirates around.

Wallen dagama is in his early fifties this year. He is already full of silver hair. Looking at his age, he can make it clear that he has been associated with the sea for most of his life.

However, although his body is old, his eyes are extremely sharp.

It can be seen that he was a pioneer colonist with experience, experience and strong willpower.

Li Yuanqing knew little about Spanish, but Joseph knew a little bit, but he was a bit of a layman. In order to be more reliable, Li Yuanqing found a translator who was proficient in Spanish from the local Chinese and worked with Joseph to translate the meeting.

"Dear General Li, I'm really honored to have you here! You know, you and your fleet are the first Ming Imperial fleet to come to Manila during my ten-year term as governor of Manila! For your coming, on behalf of all the Spaniards in Manila and Xiaofei, I warmly welcome you

Valen dagama was very polite, but also exaggerated to open his arms, made a gesture to embrace Li Yuanqing.

Hearing the translation spread to his ears, Li Yuanqing couldn't help but smile: "it will also be a great honor for you to have such a friendly attitude from your honourable Valen dagama! Daming, as a close neighbor and friendly neighbor of Manila, has been paying close attention to the development of Manila. Especially after you Spaniards came to Manila, all kinds of undertakings in Manila have taken off obviously... "After a polite formulation, Valen dagama also looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile and turned the topic to the main topic: "Dear General Li, I know that you have brought rich products of the Ming Empire this time. But, I wonder how many goods do you want to sell in Manila? I think the merchants in Manila are very happy to eat all your goods! "

He emphasized the pronunciation of "all".

Hearing the translation spread, Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing.

This dog day old thing, appetite is not small! It's a good idea.

Before that, because of the official business of the Ming Dynasty, there was no trade route with Nanyang. For example, the "three treasures" of Daming, namely porcelain, silk and tea, were basically transmitted to Nanyang through private channels.

However, private channels must have strong limitations. In other words, even if they have money, they can hardly get the most advantageous resources.

Although Li Yuanqing is a "pseudo official", his financial resources and reputation are obviously unmatched by those maritime merchants and pirates.

According to the shrewdness of Valen dagama, even if he thinks about it with his butt, he can also guess that the goods Li Yuanqing brought this time are definitely of high grade.

As long as he can eat all these goods, he will be able to monopolize the goods resources from Daming in East Asia in a short time.

after that, is he has the final say?

But how can Li Yuanqing let him succeed?

What the hell are you trying to fool the kids?

Li Yuanqing tasted a cup of coffee from Africa and said with a smile: "your distinguished governor, this matter should not be said well now! As you know, there are not only official goods, but also a lot of distinguished businessmen in Daming. We still have to analyze specific things and let the market speak! "

After hearing the translation of Li Yuanqing's words, Warren dagama was stunned. For a moment, he had a dry smile.

When he arrived, he found that the young Ming general was far from his age!

"That's the same thing. So, noble General Li, let's let the market speak! "


After more than an hour of simple talks, Li Yuanqing on behalf of Daming and Valen dagama on behalf of Spain signed a simple free trade agreement.

With this piece of paper, Li Yuanqing's fleet has the right to do business in Manila in the legal sense. Of course, this is to pay taxes to the Spanish governor's office.

It's a little sad that there is still rain today, and it's still a little bit difficult to open up the wharf and trade.

After the signing of the agreement, he did not invite Li Yuanqing to dinner, but sent a few of his entourage to arrange for the opening of the wharf trade. He did not know where to stay, nor did he arrange a place for Li Yuanqing to stay.

In this respect, it is far from the treatment of Li Yuanqing in Macao.

For this, Li Yuanqing is not angry. The old Spaniard, who has already been angry, still dares to be wild at this time. Behind him, there is a time when he cries!

However, at this time, the journey is only just beginning, just arrived at the first stop in Nanyang, Li Yuanqing is not in a hurry, and these Spanish dog scum tear.

Li Yuanqing also put his "temporary headquarters" on the bank.

After a simple lunch, Li Yuanqing took Niu Gensheng, Joseph and 300 soldiers to the wharf to inspect the situation.

No accident, because of the rain, even though the trade was opened, the news has not been completely spread out. There are some cold and quiet people on the wharf side, and few merchants come here.

Even if they come here, they are basically Chinese.

After a walk around here, Li Yuanqing has no interest. He thinks with his butt, Li Yuanqing can also guess that it must be the old dog Valen dagama, who is trying to undermine him.

Li Yuanqing didn't want to ink on the wharf side any more. He took Niu Gensheng, Joseph and 300 soldiers to the streets of the wharf to have a look at the exotic customs.

In many people's inherent consciousness, the age of great navigation began in the 16th century, which is quite good.

However, the 16th century, not a few years ago, but 150 years, began.

At this time, it was the sixth year of the apocalypse, that is, 1626.

In other words, at this time, the colonial pioneers of the Western powers had lasted for more than 100 years!

For more than 100 years, it's shocking to think about it!

Fortunately, because of the inherent power of Daming, these mad dogs did not dare to put their dirty paws on the land of Daming for a while!

At this time, Manila has been a Spanish colony for more than 100 years.

No matter the style or the architecture, surrounding the Manila River, it is full of multi-element colors. Although it is a bit dilapidated, it can still be regarded as prosperous.The wharf is basically built around the bend of the Manila river. It is very spacious. Li Yuanqing wanted to ride a horse and have a quick look, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and went on foot instead.

After all, it's better to keep a low profile at this time.

After all, walking is far worse than riding a horse. The main reason is that the wharf side is too big. After walking for a long time, Li Yuanqing is also a little tired. He happens to see a noisy pub in front of him.

Li Yuanqing couldn't help laughing: "little ones, today, we're also taking advantage of public affairs for personal gain."! Go! Follow me to have a taste. What is the taste of these white haired ghosts' wine? "

The relatives and soldiers were all overjoyed and rushed to gather behind Li Yuanqing.

The entrance of this tavern is not big, but inside, the space is not small, almost a few hundred square meters.

But Rao is like this, Li Yuanqing these more than 300 people go inside, instantly let the space appear bloated up.

A few waiters, also aware of the arrival of a big customer, rushed up with a smile and arranged seats for Li Yuanqing and his party.

In this era, even if the conditions are good, the taverns are still too poor, not to mention the restaurants in the capital. Even compared with the restaurants in Changsheng Island, they are also 18000 miles worse.

However, the atmosphere is good, let Li Yuanqing feel a trace of feeling of later generations.

Seats are certainly not enough.

Except Li Yuanqing, Niu Gensheng and Joseph sat down, the rest of the family members were standing around the three people. In any case, it was not too troublesome to drink a drink.

A man ordered a glass of so-called brandy, and soon, a waiter came to Li Yuanqing, Niu Gensheng and Joseph, and said a few words to Joseph with a winking smile.

Li Yuanqing frowned, looked at Joseph and said, "what did this boy say just now?"

Joseph said with a smile, "general, the waiter said, there will be a wonderful activity here later!"

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