The raid on YeYe island last night was extremely private. It was impossible for Li Yuanqing's women to get any information.

In addition, it was raining hard at this time. When Li Yuanqing returned to the boat, they were still sleeping.

Let the fire soldiers make a large basin of hot mutton soup, and drink the meat with the soup to drive off the cold. Li Yuanqing took a warm bath to wash away the smell of blood on his body. Then he came to Zhang Baozhu's room to "pay public grain.".

The colored flag should be put in, but the red flag should not fall.

In this respect, Li Yuanqing is already in charge.

Zhang Baozhu was sleeping sweetly with his arm around him, but he was teased by Li Yuanqing, who was most familiar with him, for a while. They soon entered the rhythm


Manila governor's house.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Valen dagama got up from his big soft bed on time.

It was a habit he had developed many years ago.

As the saying goes, "the early bird catches the worm."

As the son of one of the poorest shoemaker, Wallen dagama has come to this day, but it is definitely not just luck.

After washing, he put on his white shirt, tied up his black trousers, and tidied up his black bow tie. As usual, Warren dagama came to the restaurant on the first floor for breakfast.

Several hardworking Filipino maids have already packed their breakfast.

A cup of hot milk, two fried eggs, two seven well done steak, a sandwich full of fresh chicken, and a brandy with raw egg white.

In this era, different from the later generations, because of the developed material conditions, all kinds of food, oil and water are sufficient, people's appetite is generally small.

At this time, people eat a lot. Relatively, because of the underdeveloped industrial technology, many things have to be done by themselves, and the energy consumption is relatively large.

Seeing that Valen dagama had already sat down on the dining chair, a pretty female Filipino servant quickly came over and carefully helped Valen dagama wrap a napkin.

Valen dagama smiles.

Valen dagama was even more proud and said in a low voice, "you go to have a rest, have dinner, and wait for me in the bathroom on the first floor."

"Eh? Yes

How could this pretty little Filipino not understand the meaning of Valon dagama? Pretty face slightly red, busy respectfully back to one side.

The heart is in surprise, the master has not put forward this kind of request for a long time, what is the matter today?

Breakfast is very rich, Valen - Da Gama's appetite is also excellent, eat with relish.

As a man.

A mature man.

A man who has experienced hardships and has gone all the way from the bottom to the present.

Wallen dagama, has a set of philosophy of life summed up from his cruel practice!

That's "if you don't warm up, you'll break it if you break it!"

It is because of this motto that he defeated many of his opponents and has been sitting on the seat of governor of Manila for several years.

Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, has a famous saying: "if you are happy in your life, do not make your golden cup empty to the moon."

This is a sentence that Valen dagama likes very much and thinks deeply.

In fact, in Manila, in addition to the local Filipino domestic helpers, the largest population base is from the mysterious ancient country in the East.

Having been in Manila for 20 years, Warren dagama has already become a "huaxiatong"!

However, although he appreciates the Chinese culture, he still has the ferocious bloodiness of the Spaniards in his heart. He has never been soft hearted to the Han people under his rule!

It's like when his ancestors first landed on the American continent and slaughtered the natives who brought them food and water.

Valen dagama loved his wife very much, but he was a very good at hiding his feelings.

In order to make his precious daughter and son have a better future, he can only bear the pattern of separation and let his daughter and son return to Spain and Madrid to receive the highest education and reach the highest social circle.

And now, he did it!

His daughter, to be the fiancee of Prince castia!

As long as it is done, he will no longer have to stay in this humid and hot lowland land, but return to Spain, return to his hometown, and enjoy real aristocratic life!

As a matter of fact, the land has been given all he can give him - power, wealth, women, except the Lord of nobility.

But he has no attachment to this land!

In his eyes, this land is always a world away from the mainstream world.

Unfortunately, today is the first day, according to megana's wisdom, it must have been castia's appetite to death.

Although he was worried, he could only bear it. He had to wait for megana to send news, so that he could change his identity and have more initiative to visit Prince castia.Fortunately, this time should not be too long.

After a comfortable breakfast, Valen dagama strode to his bathroom on the first floor.

The pretty little Filipino servant immediately held a meeting, blushing with shame, and quickly followed Valen dagama

More than ten minutes later, with a low roar from Warren dagama, the whole world began to calm down.

Looking at the delicate little Filipino maid, she swallowed things sensibly and ate them into her stomach. On her face, Warren dagama showed a faint smile. She touched her head affectionately and took out some gold coins from her pants pocket. "Here, buy some good food for your family. Do it well, and I won't treat you badly. "

"Yes. Thank you, master The pretty little Filipino servant couldn't help but be overjoyed, and helped him to clean up.

Valen dagama laughed, straightened his shirt, strode out of the door and walked to his office not far from the door.

A crowd of guards said hello to him one after another, and he also nodded to the white soldiers one by one with a smile.

At this time, it was less than 8 o'clock, but the office has gathered a lot of letters just delivered today.

This is also a characteristic of port cities.

Because of the prosperity of Commerce, there is hardly any quiet time here, and the affairs are quite complicated.

But Valen dagama never felt tired, but enjoyed the pleasure of this right.

He made a cup of coffee for him. He picked up a document and looked at it carefully.

However, after looking at it for a while, he found that he was always unable to concentrate. In his mind, he always remembered the pretty little Filipino maid just now.

In fact, Valen dagama also has his own way of thinking about women.

Overseas colonies in various countries, such as Manila, Jakarta, Malacca, including Havana, Veracruz, Haiti, and so on.

Almost every governor has ten or dozens of white mistresses?

If he, Warren dagama, thought, according to his influence in Manila, he would never be worse than those people.

But he never did.

Because, born in poverty, he is very clear that all this is hard to come by!

How much blood and sweat did he pay, and even, at the cost of his life, did he get all this? How can he tolerate such a censure and loss of his wealth and good future?

However, he was not a saint either. He had seven passions and six desires, and he also had needs.

However, he hides deeper, and his means are more secret and fierce.

The "partners" he chose were all the best among the local aborigines. Generally, from the age of 10, he would recruit them into the governor's office and cultivate them carefully.

Of course, along this road, Valen dagama also made many mistakes, or mistakes. Several beautiful Filipino maids were pregnant.

However, how can he tolerate the birth of these despicable evils?

He killed all the four beautiful Filipino maids before, and then burned their bodies to ashes and irrigated the small garden in front of his office.

Only today's pretty little Filipino maid, he likes it very much, and even dotes on it, because she is the same age as her daughter, and even born on the same day and year.

Valen dagama did not know what he felt in his heart at this time.

However, he wanted to protect this pretty little Filipino servant very much. He couldn't bear to see her and repeat the path of her predecessors. Therefore, he also spent more efforts to train this little Filipino servant.

Now, the effect is quite good.

After lighting a cigar and taking a deep breath, he allowed the pungent taste of tobacco to turn around several times in his chest and abdomen, and then Wallen dagama slowly vomited out a foul breath.

But for a moment, he shook his head and laughed.

He suddenly wondered why he couldn't concentrate today.

What he did to this pretty little Filipino servant today, perhaps in the next few days, his precious daughter would also like to serve the mean Prince of castia.

"The damned bird's hair!"

Valen dagama spat hard suddenly, but he didn't know who to scold!

This dog day's world is like this, he can only choose to sink with the general trend!

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he felt in his heart. He was in a good mood, but now he became more and more irritable.

At this time, the general came back to the servant's home to vent his anger


Wallen dagama was stunned and said in a cold voice, "what is he doing here?"

The waiter said respectfully, "governor, he said that their affairs in Manila have been dealt with, and the newly purchased warships will also be tested. He has come to say goodbye to you!""Farewell? Hum! The Yellow haired monkey knows some etiquette

Valen dagama suddenly sneered, "go, let him in!"


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