"Your Majesty, you are so glorious today, but what are you going to celebrate?"

In the spacious office of Warren dagama, Li Yuanqing saw the old man again and warmly went to greet him.

The old face of Valen dagama also showed a smile like spring breeze, "General Li, you are also in high spirits today, more than ever before! Unfortunately, this is our meeting before we leave. "

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "governor, just like the old saying of Han people, how can there be a banquet that does not end in the world? Today's departure is for a better reunion tomorrow! In Manila these days, I have been very comfortable, thank the governor for your hard care

Wallen dagama took a look at Li Yuanqing and couldn't help laughing.

The two exchanged greetings, and the Filipino maid brought hot coffee.

Valen dagama said with a smile, "General Li, I don't know what specific plans your fleet has in the future?"

As a huge fleet with huge wealth, Li Yuanqing is very aware that it is very difficult for him to hide his traces. In this regard, he did not intend to hide from Warren dagama.

Otherwise, the more guilty you are, the more you want to hide. Once the Coconut Island incident happens, it's easy to let the old thing Valen dagama think of something.

Li Yuanqing is not afraid of his face-to-face revenge. Even if there is no advantage in the sea, the Spanish can not always float on the sea. These fat strongholds will become Li Yuanqing's prey.

However, at this time, after all, there is no traffic condition for future generations. If the old man does not open his eyes and takes the local Chinese and overseas Chinese in Manila as an example, it will be Li Yuanqing's fault and will never be tolerated!

Li Yuanqing took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "governor, I am going to Brunei first. As you know, the final destination of my trip is in the Persian Gulf. Those Muslim nobles are real local tyrants! Brunei is a Muslim country. I want to get used to the atmosphere in advance. If the trip goes well, maybe we can meet again by the end of the year! "

Valen dagama nodded with a smile. "General Li, I can't believe you're the first person to go to sea."


After leaving the governor's office, Li Yuanqing held a large banquet in a Chinese restaurant near the wharf to entertain the local Chinese and overseas Chinese in Manila. Whether he had done business with him or not, as long as he was Chinese or overseas Chinese, he was one of his invitation.

For a while, there was a lot of traffic near the restaurant, which was full of Chinese cars and horses.

At the banquet, Li Yuanqing delivered an impassioned speech.

First of all, he affirmed that these Chinese and overseas Chinese were the pioneers of the Chinese nation in their respective undertakings.

After that, Li Yuanqing also personally promised that in the next few years, Daming, especially the southern part of Liaoning Province, would spare no effort to continue to strengthen the development of overseas trade routes, so as to connect the whole Nanyang area with Daming, the home country, more closely and firmly.

At the same time, Li Yuanqing also personally promised that in the next three to five years, he would set up a dock in Nanyang area to further develop the pioneering and stability of Chinese trade.

The banquet ended in a friendly atmosphere.

After the banquet, a group of Chinese and overseas Chinese representatives spontaneously came to the shore of the wharf to send Li Yuanqing and his fleet off.

As Li Yuanqing's boat began to set sail, sailing to the deep sea, the huge fleet like a huge school of fish, slowly followed Li Yuanqing's boat.

Looking at the Chinese compatriots cheering like a tsunami behind him, Li Yuanqing's eyes became moist.

Unfortunately, at this time, his ability is still too weak to express his support for these overseas Chinese compatriots from a more solid standpoint!

However, the first step has been taken, and it is not far away for Han people to take root in Nanyang!

As the first "bridgehead" in the Southern Ocean, Manila's route to Brunei has been very mature.

At this time, although the storm season has already entered, the weather change is not too big. In addition, the fleet is large, well prepared, and sailing close to the route, which is not far from the land, Li Yuanqing does not have to worry too much.

After half a month's voyage, the fleet arrived in Brunei successfully in the early half of June.

Brunei is a very small country. Due to its favorable port and Gulf conditions, Brunei was first occupied by the Portuguese as a supply base along the way. In the early 17th century, the Spanish tentacles also extended to this area, sharing Brunei's port dividend with the Portuguese.

However, due to the small size of Brunei, the Portuguese and Spaniards do not want to be too rigid. Neither of them has set up a formal establishment here. In addition, the Sultan in charge of Brunei is weak, so it has become one of the earliest real free trade ports in the world.

With Macao and Manila, the officers of the camp have long adapted to the rhythm of maritime trade. As soon as the fleet arrived outside the harbor, the Clippers entered the port first and met with Brunei officials to sign trade agreements.Although Brunei has been muslin, but before a long period of time, Brunei people have been admiring Chinese culture.

Even in the early Ming Dynasty, a Brunei Sultan visited Nanjing in person and died of illness in Nanjing. The Ming Dynasty buried him in Nanjing with high regulations.

At this time, although many Ming Dynasty merchants regarded Brunei as an important transit station in Nanyang, they often came and went, as familiar as home. However, apart from Zheng He's voyages, it was the first time that the officials of the Ming Dynasty, with such a large fleet, visited Brunei with official etiquette.

The Sultan of Brunei did not dare to neglect him. He took his attendants and entourage to the wharf to welcome Li Yuanqing and his party.

In the local population structure of Brunei, the indigenous people account for 60%, the Han people account for about 20%, and the remaining 20% are Portuguese and Spanish, as well as some white people living in the South Ocean.

Because the Chinese are the main body of the trade structure, in addition to the necessary Portuguese and Spanish, Chinese is also an important official language.

Li Yuanqing and the Sudan, who is less than 30 years old, communicate in Chinese without any obstacles.

The Sultan of Brunei warmly invited Li Yuanqing to the imperial palace for dinner tonight. However, Li Yuanqing refused on the ground that he was tired of traveling. However, he said that he would pay an official visit to the Sultan tomorrow with official etiquette.

Although the Sultan of Brunei is a king, his actual power is not as good as a magistrate of Daming.

Seeing that Li Yuanqing was not arrogant because he was a nobleman of the upper kingdom of the Chinese dynasty, he was very happy to see that Li Yuanqing and his party would be invited to a banquet in the Imperial Palace tomorrow.

The town governor and Quartermaster went to the shore to buy fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and fresh water. Li Yuanqing, together with his wife and concubines such as Zhang Baozhu, and more than a dozen of major officers, came to a viewing platform of the wharf and surveyed the whole port with great interest.

Zhang Baozhu and her children went to the top of the observation platform to see the scenery. Li Yuanqing, with a dozen officers, came to the seaside of the wharf to watch the whole layout structure.

Shunzi said with a smile: "there are so many battery stations in Macao and Manila. When you come to Brunei at dusk, you can't see a few of them. I really don't adapt to it."

Xu Heizi said with a smile, "shunzi, you boy is really mean! Yes? Is it hard not to be pointed at by the black muzzle? "

Shunzi said unhappily, "master Hei, don't tell me. If you don't point to me by the black muzzle, I'm afraid I can't sleep even if I sleep tonight. She is yo!"

All the officers around were laughing.

Li Yuanqing then said with a slow smile, "Brunei is a good place! Here, we should try our best to erect the majesty of the Ming Dynasty! Tonight, everyone is hard, so let's give them a half day off! Remember, drinking is OK, but never making trouble! "


All the generals were overjoyed!

After arranging the defense and seeing off the generals, Li Yuanqing came to his wives and concubines and invited them to a restaurant on the bank with a smile.

Zhang Baozhu said with a smile, "Yuanqing, tomorrow. After a month's sailing, I still feel dizzy. When we all have a rest tomorrow and get familiar with it, we can go to the wharf and find a better restaurant. We can have a good meal together. "

Zhang yunniang, Qu minqiu, and Yang jiaoniang are all absent. Zhang Baozhu is the right palace. When she says something, it is Ren Yinger and Wan'er, who dare not refute it easily.

What's more, it's such a small thing.

Even if Zhao Mei really wanted to go ashore to have a look at the freshness tonight, she could only endure her small temper and endure for the time being.

However, it is a very sad look at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing smiles, but does not care about her.

This little girl's temperament needs to be polished!

Li Yuanqing's personal Quartermaster quickly purchased a large number of fresh food materials for Li Yuanqing's ship. The firemen had been ready for it, and soon they packed up a rich meal.

After a beautiful dinner with his wife and concubines, Li Yuanqing went to Waner's room to have a love affair and pay public food. However, Li Yuanqing did not stay in Waner's room. Instead, he changed into a boat and quietly came to the rear of the fleet, in a seemingly insignificant ship.

This big ship, and Li Yuanqing's ship general regulation, but in the decoration style, but to a lot of simple, from the appearance, very ordinary.

But this is another core of Li Yuanqing's fleet.

The ship, carrying a large number of drugs, is also the residence of more than 100 female guards.

Due to the lack of medical personnel in Changsheng Island, Li Yuanqing allocated a team of personnel to the fleet. For every ten ships, there must be a doctor and two female guards to deal with emergencies at any time.

But even so, there is still a serious shortage of medical staff.

Fortunately, the military discipline of Changsheng camp is very strict. Since the army was established, the health system was the top priority. In addition, Li Yuanqing was fully prepared and never spared the children's food conditions.

Along the way, the children's bodies did not appear too much abnormal, that is, there were few fevers and colds, and the female guards did not have much use.At this time, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening. Most of the others had gone to sleep except for a few soldiers and female guards on duty.

Seeing Li Yuanqing coming, several people rushed to salute.

Li Yuanqing waved his hand and winked at a female guard.

The female guard, meeting the general manager at the right time, hurried to Li Yuanqing and said in a respectful low voice, "general, please follow me."

Because of the difference between men and women and the precious value of female guards, their treatment is also very high.

Generally, female guards without military rank will enjoy the treatment of head armour at least, while those with meritorious service and official position should be promoted to the same level.

The general manager of female guards is equal to the total treatment of soldiers in war.

Before, there were some people in the army who were dissatisfied with this, but with Li Yuanqing's strong means, he was soon suppressed and could not turn over a little storm.

Like Li Yuanqing's boat riding, the top cabin is the residence of the guards, the bottom cabin is the residence of the sailors, and the best position in the middle cabin is the residence of the female guards.

At this time, it was late at night, and most people had already fallen asleep. The corridor in the corridor was very quiet and full of the unique fragrance of "girls' dormitory". Li Yuanqing was also somewhat relaxed and happy.

The female guard LED general Li Yuanqing to the innermost cabin and whispered, "general, the Persian cat fox is in it."

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