It was not until late in the evening that governor yuan expected the main force of the later Jin army to make a big offensive.

The two main cattle records of the inlaid blue flag under jierhalang led the way, followed by the two Han Army banners in the inlaid yellow flag, and the main Niulu in the yellow flag was postponed. Surrounded by nearly 3000 miscellaneous soldiers, about 2000 soldiers rushed to the city head of Ningyuan by the afterglow of the sunset.

The roar of antler horn sound, some of the twilight twilight, all of a sudden shock back a lot, the city of Ming army also from the light lazy back to God!

"Lord Fu Tai, here comes the Tartars."

Zhao led the teacher to rush to the supervisor yuan with great excitement.

At this time, governor yuan was already physically overdrawn, and some could not support it. However, when he saw that the main force of the Jin army finally came to the top, he felt like he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his glory was shining on his face again.

"Hum! Huang Taiji, a barbarian, knows something about military affairs. He wants to sneak in on my official in the twilight? Hum! How can it be so easy? Zhao Zhijiao, don't hesitate to give the gun to my officer, give me a hard fight! As long as Tartars dare to come forward, they must be allowed to come back and never come back! "

Although governor yuan was very small, he was dressed in a big red official robe. In addition, he had a unique awe inspiring momentum. Under the background of the evening wind over the city at this time, he also had a certain momentum.

"Yes. You can see, master Fu Tai. I will arrange it immediately. "

Although Zhao Zhijiao was the highest military post in western Liaoning, in the eyes of governor yuan, he was just a obedient dog.

Governor Yuan said that Zhao would not dare to neglect Fen Fen and hastened to call on the artillery camp.

After a while, the "boom boom" and the shrill roar of artillery, just like thunder to pierce the sky, suddenly roared on the head of Ningyuan city.

With the afterglow of the sunset, many dark cannonballs crossed a fierce parabola in the air and smashed into the swarming Houjin army.

What a pity.

After almost a whole day's operation, from a mile and a half to the lower half of the city, several low earth walls had been built up by the post Jin army's factotum.

These walls seem simple, but they are quite easy to use to deal with the red cannon of Ming army in Ningyuan city.

At the sight of the firing, the soldiers of the Jin army hid behind the earth wall one after another, never showing their heads.

At this time, there was a loud bang. A dark shell actually crossed a parabola and hit the head of a wall of the Jin army a mile away. In an instant, it hit a big hole on the wall.

However, the walls built by the later Jin army were very enchanting. Facing the direction of Ningyuan City, it was a side cut slope.

After hitting the top of the wall, the shell did not continue to tumble behind the wall. Instead, it sank into a lot of places. It turned violently and fell to the front of the wall with a "plop".

Although the momentum is not small, the wall smashed a shake, frightening the Tartars behind, but it did not cause real damage to these Tartars.

"Bang magnetic --".

Not far away, another shell fell, but it was almost the same as the one just now.

As long as a tartar is not directly hit by the shell of the red coat cannon and blocked by these walls, it is impossible to cause real casualties to these Tartars.

At this point.

More than a mile away from the northeast corner of the front battlefield, behind a low earth wall, Huang Taiji did not hang the king's flag. His flag was still in the middle of the battle. But at this time, he was here, together with jir Harang and a dozen Houjin generals, carefully observing the artillery offensive of the Ming army.

Houjin army learned to ride and shoot when he was a child. The general Houjin warriors have excellent eyesight.

However, in this era, because of the unbalanced nutrition, many people have night blindness.

But this is not a big problem for Huang Taiji and a group of later Jin generals. To this extent, they do not worry about food and drink.

At this time, the sunset clouds reflect color, and the visibility is just good. From their perspective, they can see the front situation very clearly.

Seeing that the two rounds of shelling almost did not cause any damage to the main force of the later Jin army, Huang Taiji was overjoyed: "xiaoliu'er, this is a good way."

Zierhalang was also in a very happy mood: "sweat, slave, this is forced out by Li Yuanqing! If the slaves also use this tactic in the battle of Anzhou, I think it will certainly reduce the casualties of the warriors! "

Huang Taiji nodded with a smile, but he said, "Xiao Liu Er, you can't be immersed in the past self reproach. The past is the past. Just like the old saying of the Han people, one has to suffer a fall and gain wisdom. It is because of your experience that we are in Ningyuan city today to avoid more casualties of the warriors. "

In fact, zierhalang has been relieved a lot, but in front of Huang Taiji, even if Huang Taiji used to be his most trusted myna, he also retained a trace of safety and caution.

You are like a tiger.

Huang Taiji's means, jierhalang is simply amazing.

"Dahan, these Ming army guns on the head of Ningyuan city are firing very fast, and the shells are very big. They should be their red coated cannons undoubtedly. This kind of cannons are really powerful at a long distance, but once they are within 500 or 300 steps, they are not powerful. As long as our warriors break through three hundred paces, they will not worry about the threat of red cannon. "Huang Taiji has made great efforts in the research of artillery in recent years. He said with a faint smile: "maybe it won't take 300 steps. When the warriors reach 500 steps, these cannons of Ming people will not be able to be fired out!"

At that time, he also understood the meaning of Huang Taiji, and he admired him even more: "the sweat is brilliant! The lighting army's firing speed, their guns are easy to explode! Once it explodes, hehe Then there will be a good play to watch


At this time, different from that of the central part of the later Jin Dynasty, governor yuan was full of anger at the head of Ningyuan city.

He never thought that the red cannon, which he was proud of and used as the biggest capital, was not working well in front of these Tartars!

Although the power of the red cannon is still very strong, the pressure of the dog Tartars can not raise their heads, but ~, even governor yuan can see.

The power of the red cannon is "only thunder, no rain" and "only blossom, but no fruit". It looks amazing, but in fact, it does not cause much effective damage to dog Tartars.


Not far from one side, Zhao Daojiao, who was in charge of the battle in front of the artillery barracks, was also somewhat stunned.

What's going on?

What's wrong with the red cannon?

Dog Tartars, these seemingly ugly walls that can be toppled by a push, are so powerful at this time? Can you defuse the power of the red cannon?

How can we fight this battle?

"Marshal, the gun chamber has been overheated and can't be fired any more! It's going to cool down, or it's going to explode. "

At this time, a general manager of artillery rushed to report to Zhao.

"What? How many rounds are there? The cannons in red are useless? " Zhao Zhijiao was so angry that he had to test the temperature of the gun in front of him.

"Commander, be careful! Don't touch it! You'll burn your hands The artillery general manager called out in a hurry.

Fortunately, Zhao rate was in his prime, and his reaction was very quick. At the moment when he felt the heat in the gun chamber, he took back his hand very quickly and couldn't help spitting: "what a dog! Damn it, let's get rid of the heat! What the hell are you doing? Waiting for the Tartars to come up? "

Zhao led the cult to kick the artillery, and ran to governor yuan.

Governor yuan was already a little flustered at this time, but so many children in the city were watching him, and he could only barely hold on.

"Lord Fu Tai, the red cannon can't fire any more. We must prepare for hand to hand combat! You, please step back! Give the city head to a humble post! The humble position will not let the dog Tartars rush up

Zhao led his followers to yuan to show his loyalty.

At this time, governor yuan really wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but he knew very well that he could never do so.

If he left at the moment, his hard work for more than ten years would drift far away with the north wind, which killed no blood!

That's worse than killing him!

Zu dashou's "two swords" can block dog Tartars. Governor yuan doesn't believe that he is ten thousand times more intelligent and powerful than Zu dashou. Can he still resist thousands of dog Tartars in this area?


Governor yuan suddenly sneered: "hum! Under the city is the people of Ningyuan city. Where can I retreat? Eat your salary and be loyal to you! Zhao Zhijiao, you are in charge of the front line in person! I am here to watch! Today, I swear to live with Ningyuan city! The city is where the people are, the city is dead, and the people are dying! "

It is worthy of being a professional and a person who has read books!

What governor Yuan said was beautiful. Zhao Zhijiao was a bit stunned.

But Zhao Zhijiao also understood that at this time, he and governor yuan, including Zhu Mei, the guanning forces, had already retreated!

If Ningyuan city is in, they will have everything. If the city is gone, then they should have a bird to use?

In an instant, Zhao zhuangjiao was also ruthless. He took out his sword and said, "master Fu Tai, you can rest assured! Today, even if I risked my life, I couldn't let the dog Tartars rush to the top of the city! "

For a moment, Zhao led his religion to direct the front-line City, while governor yuan came to the higher gate tower to watch the battle.

Soon, the main tartar in a crowd of auxiliary cover, swarmed towards the city head side.

The days in early spring are obviously longer than those in winter.

At this time, although the setting sun was half way down and began to fall below the horizon, his old man did not go down, which also made the visibility of the whole world very good.

These Tartars, at least, have to have half an hour to attack the city.

Governor yuan suddenly remembered the battle of Ningyuan in the fifth year of Tianqi. After tens of thousands of old slaves led by the Jin army, the main force of the Jin army besieged Ningyuan city. He was also here, paying close attention to the whole war.

However, in those years, he was accompanied by Li Yuanqing. Li Yuanqing would explain all the details of the battlefield, including the trend of the whole battlefield.Although he has a sense of oppression, it is far from so strong as it is at this time.

At this time, although Zhao Zhijiao was the leader of Guan Ning generals, and he was also known as a person who had experienced many battles, governor yuan somehow could not find the feeling that "everything is under control" when Li Yuanqing served beside him.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on here? How can I think of Li Yuanqing's mud leg! "

Yuan can not help but spit hard, the heart more inexplicable irritability!

"Li Yuanqing is just a mudleg. He's a real jerk. Can he be so calm in the face of Tartars? I'm a member of the imperial court and a saint's student. Can't I be better than Li Yuanqing

Governor yuan kept encouraging himself by belittling Li Yuanqing.

Don't say, it's a good idea.

In the chaos of the battle will be Li Yuanqing a mess of devaluation, his heart, suddenly a lot of happy. I don't feel flustered. I'm afraid I can go to the fifth floor with one breath

But at this time, the two main forces of the blue flag Niu Lu have rushed to the north wall, a pole ladder, they were irascible frame up, the real war, is about to start!

The main attack of these two inlaid blue flag cattle record, are the direct line of Amin.

In such a state, they also know very well whether they can be forgiven, whether they can complete self salvation, and whether they can be divided into property and slaves in this service!

They are very fast.

Although the number is not large, only 600 or 700 people, but with the rapid erection of the ladder, in the blink of an eye, they have dozens of people, quickly rushed to the city.

"Cut down these Tartars and don't let them come here!"

A general manager of the Ming army was obviously a little flustered and yelled at the soldiers around him.

Although the Ming army in Ningyuan city was baptized by the great victory of Ningyuan City, in recent years, they also participated in some small-scale small-scale campaigns such as suppressing a small group of Mongols. However, neither the great victory of Ningyuan in those years nor the suppression and counterinsurgency wars really contained much gold.

In the battle of Ningyuan, the main target of the later Jin army was juehua island. The scale of the attack on Ningyuan city seemed large, but in fact, the intensity was not high.

Later, manchui was the only one who dared to chase Tartars out of the city.

At this time, not to mention the soldiers of the Ningyuan guanning army, but the officers at the rank of General Commander and General Commander of 1000, who were very, very short of experience in the face of Tartars, let alone self-confidence.

Fortunately, Ningyuan, after all, is the core of western Liaoning Province. After so many years of training, it also enjoys the benefits of the main court. The overall structure and the organizational structure of the troops are very perfect.

In addition, governor yuan personally supervised the battle.

After a short period of chaos and turmoil in the early stage, the defenders of the city quickly stabilized their positions. Relying on their advantages of large numbers and the advantage of the home court, they began to launch a counterattack against the post Jin army under the shouting of officers at all levels.

For a time, the fighting in the north of Ningyuan was thundering, the birds and guns were singing, and all kinds of weapons collided, one after another in the setting sun.

Although the two Tartars with blue flags are brave and well-equipped, their follow-up support is obviously insufficient.

The two Han banners Niu Lu, who jointly attacked the city, only dared to shoot arrows into the sky under the city, supporting the Tartars on the top with long-range firepower, but almost no one dared to rush to the head of the city.

Soon, as the two Tartars with blue flags began to show physical fatigue, the situation in the battlefield began to become clear.

At the top of the gate tower, in front of governor yuan, there were more than 200 family soldiers holding shields, waiting in full force, for fear that the dog Tartars would dare to rush here.

Governor yuan tightly grasped his fist, staring at the war in front of him, and did not dare to blink.

Looking at the Ming army from the beginning of panic, to gradually stabilize the position, and then gradually began to occupy the initiative, began to encroach on the living space of these dog Tartars with blue flag. From the beginning of soft and weak fists, governor yuan had been full of strength and solid, which gave him a feeling of being in control.

Although his surface is still strong to keep calm, but in the bottom of his heart, he can't help shouting: "ha ha ha! succeed! It's a success at last! What about Huang Taiji? What if Nvzhen is dissatisfied with ten thousand, and man is invincible? At this time, is not it necessary to defeat in front of the official? Ha ha... "

Far away.

Looking at everything as Huang Taiji expected, jierhalang's eyelids were not moved by an effort.

These warriors, though But after all, he is a warrior of gold.


Ji'erhalang looked carefully at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji has also been paying close attention to the war here. He squints his eyes slightly. There is no half wave. Everything is under his control.

At this time, seeing Jil Harang's eyes, Huang Taiji took a look at the sun in the sky, and then looked at Jil Harang. He couldn't help laughing: "little six son, it's almost time. Let's call it a day."Ji'erharang quickly arched his hand and said, "the sweat is brilliant."

Huang Taiji laughs and waves his hand to the pro Wei slave who serves him to make Mingjin.

Dasu didn't dare to neglect him, so he ordered his servants to do it.

Before long, the piercing sound of gold sounded.

Qianfang was trapped in the red swamp of the Ming army, two cattle records with blue flag. If they were granted amnesty, they retreated from the city like tide.

At that time, the morale of the Ming army in the city was like a rainbow, and cheers were heard.

Huang Taiji smiles and looks at the Jil Harang nearby: "little six son, there is nothing to see, let's also go."


Ji'erhalang didn't understand the meaning of Huang Tai Chi, so he quickly escorted Huang Tai Chi and ran to the direction of the gold army camp.

At this time, Zhao Zhijiao rushed to the gate tower with joy and knelt down in front of governor yuan respectfully: "Lord Fu Tai, the general is lucky enough to live up to his life. We have driven the Tartars away!"

At this time, governor yuan was in a very happy mood. It was like drinking a bottle of iced sprite in the sun in dog days. It was cool and refreshing.

What is Li Yuanqing? Without Li Yuanqing, he is a great member of the imperial court. Can't we win the war?

However, even though he was extremely happy, governor yuan was a cloud man after all. He didn't show too much urgency, and slowly nodded: "good job! However, we should be careful to guard against Tartars and other backers. We should take advantage of the night to sneak attack us, and we must not be slighted in the follow-up work! "

"Yes. It will be understood. "

Zhao Zhijiao hastily saluted governor yuan and said cautiously, "Lord Fu Tai, today's children are fighting hard. In the evening, are we..."

At this time, governor yuan reacted and won the battle. He was a little over excited. He even forgot about the labor force. Fortunately, Zhao Zhijiao was quite sensible and didn't waste his efforts to promote him.

For a moment, governor yuan stroked his goatee and nodded calmly, "it's natural! Today, the kids are working hard. Let's kill 20 fat pigs

Zhao led his teaching and was overjoyed that he had 20 fat pigs in charge. This battle is stable!

Hastily and respectfully kowtowed to inspector yuan and went to do it in a hurry.

Waiting for Zhao Zhijiao to go far away, governor yuan sent his family and soldiers away. He was the only one left on the gate tower. He couldn't help laughing!

My daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law for many years!

After decades of hard work, it's time to harvest.


The Ming army slaughtered pigs and sheep, but the latter Jin army did not have much difference.

Pieces of various kinds of meat were roasted on the bonfire, and the oil and water flowed. The soldiers of the later Jin Dynasty gathered in twos and threes, chatting and laughing.

Even the most humble laborers can at least get some bones with meat to eat. They are always laughing and laughing. How can they realize that they are defeated?

The significance of the fortress set up by sun Chengzong at that time was to gather together some loose manpower in western Liaoning Province and make full use of the outer walls of the Tunpu for full defense.

It's a pity.

These fortresses, even if they are close to each other, have to be a few miles away.

However, limited by financial resources, material resources, manpower and geographical location, these fortresses can not become such a solid city as Ningyuan.

This has led to the fact that, in the face of small-scale bandits, perhaps these Tunpu functions well, but ~ ~, if faced with the main force of tens of thousands of later Jin army, these fortresses are just little hedgehogs with little spines.

On the contrary, it helped the later Jin Jun save a lot of energy.

One at one end.

Every time we hit a small Tunpu, we are destined to reap a lot.

Slaves, women, property, as well as all kinds of livestock that the ordinary people and military households worked hard to feed and serve as if they were serving their ancestors, instantly became the spoils of the post Jin army.


People are not willing to kill a chicken during the Spring Festival, but at this time, their pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks were slaughtered by these dogs and Tartars at will, which became their delicious food.

The tens of thousands of guanning troops in Ningyuan city were watching the broth cooked in the cauldron

They seem to have no idea that when these Tartars are full, those miserable Han women will be in bad luck

The night was completely dark.

At this time, Huang Taiji's tent, a fat sheep has been roasted golden, Huang Taiji and jierhalang sit opposite each other.

Huang Taiji smiles and personally fills a glass of wine for Jil Harang, and laughs: "Xiao Liu Er, next, what do you think?"

At this time, because of the division of troops to attack various Tunpu, Huang Taiji's side, the real royal family of the later Jin Dynasty was only one person named jierhalang.

Only Zi M Ha Ron has the right to eat with Huang Taiji.

Hearing Huang Taiji's question, ji'erhalang had already prepared the case in his mind, and said with a smile: "myna, Ningyuan Ming army is not a worry. As long as Li Yuanqing doesn't come, our battle will be a great victory. However, Li Yuanqing is still the biggest variable. I think we should return to Shengjing as soon as possible after we have finished taking care of the things in Ningyuan. "Huang Taiji tasted a mouthful of wine, and nodded with a smile, "I also think like this. As for Li Yuanqing? ha-ha. In a short time, he is afraid that we will have no thought


At this time, in the northern city of Ningyuan, Zhao zhuangjiao, with a Book of essays, ran to the temporary residence of governor yuan.

"Lord Fu Tai, the results of this war have been counted out!"

"What's wrong? Speak slowly. " Governor yuan took a sip of wine and looked at Zhao zhuangjiao with dissatisfaction.

Zhao Zhijiao also responded, and said with a smile: "what the adult of Fuzhou taught is."

Busy explained carefully: "Fu Tai Lord, this battle, we took over dog tartar head 63. Among them, there are 31 zhennu. There are three or four hundred armor blades. It's a great victory. "

Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He felt that the scale of today's battle was not small. When the later Jin army left, it was too late to gather back a few corpses. Why, how could the harvest be so small?

It's no wonder that Zu dashou has won 70 Tartars, so he dares to report a great victory to him!

It turns out that the tartar head is not so easy to take

But who is governor yuan? In a twinkling of an eye, he had made a decision, "this battle is indeed a great victory, but it is far from enough. I think that tomorrow, dog Tartars will attack the city on a larger scale. Zhao Shuai, tonight, we must let the children have a good rest, eat and drink enough. Tomorrow, we will have a bigger victory

At that time, Zhao Zhijiao also admired the governor yuan.

Worthy of being a scholar!

This speaking level is high!

Busy respectfully arch hand way: "Fu Tai adult rest assured, end will do immediately!"

In the early morning of the next morning, governor yuan had already got up and simply cleaned up. He could not even have a drink of water. He rushed to the head of the city to observe the camp of the post Jin army, waiting for the Jin army to attack the city more fiercely today.

At the end of April, it was still a bit cold in the morning and night.

The soldiers on the watch were wrapped up tightly and saluted respectfully when they saw inspector yuan coming.

The wall of Ningyuan city is 123 meters high, surrounded by flat fields.

It's like sleeping on the roof of the fourth floor. There's almost no shelter around. The north wind from the grassland is blowing directly. It's not very pleasant.

It's different from treating the generals.

Governor yuan was very kind to the soldiers, smiling and saluting them one by one. All the soldiers were flattered and bowed to their knees.

After inspector Yuan passed by, the soldiers were in a state of euphoria. It was like early in the morning when they suddenly realized that they had won the lottery.

In the process of Chinese historical inheritance, the scholar bureaucrats have always paid attention to one thing, that is, "to hold grandchildren but not to hold children.".

It means that you'd better not hold your own son, but you can get close to your grandson, and you can't spoil it too much.

Governor yuan, who had read the books of sages, clearly understood this point thoroughly.

He treated the generals severely, almost harshly, without any human feelings. However, to these soldiers, he was like a kind grandfather, looking at his grandchildren.

It may seem a little difficult to understand, but in essence, it is also very simple.

The generals are pillars, the skeleton of the whole army and the main actors in charge of the implementation. However, the soldiers are the people of governor yuan.

Because the soldiers will never dare to resist him, and will not pose any threat to his authority

Listening to the respectful and excited comments of the soldiers behind him, the smile on the corner of the commander yuan's mouth began to be hidden.

In the past, he used to run the army in western Liaoning mainly by generals, but at this time, through yesterday's war, governor yuan felt that his control over the grass-roots soldiers was even higher.

At the top of the gate tower, some family soldiers have already hung up xuanhu. One is to prevent the rear Jin army from having any unknown long-range weapons, which can directly hit this side. Second, it is because the wind is strong in the morning, and the hanging households are thick and can block the wind.

After all, the north side of the city, is in the windward side, the morning up this whirring cold wind, can not be too appropriate.

People are happy when they are happy.

Governor yuan was very satisfied with the attitude of the people and was in a good mood. He picked up the mirror and began to concentrate on looking at the camp of the backward Jin army.

By this time, about 6:30 in the morning, the sun had already peeped out slightly from the eastern horizon, and the sky was almost completely bright.

The firemen on the side of Guangning army in the city have been busy for most of the night. The smoke from the cooking smoke is rising. The big pot rice has been almost cleaned up, waiting for the soldiers to get up to eat.

However, there were not too many fireworks on the side of the Houjin army. Many of the bonfires that were lit last night had been put out, but no one added firewood to them.There are only a few Tartars who watch the night. They lean against several campfires that have not been extinguished in twos and threes, and doze lazily. Where does it look like they are going to do a lot of work?

"What the hell is going on?"

Governor yuan spat in his heart.

Is this the so-called eight flag warrior? How, how to make people feel, this son of a bitch is not as good as bandits.

In particular, these night watchers, one by one, are drowsy, almost like smoking cigarettes. They are afraid that the green skin on the street is more spiritual than them.


Governor yuan suddenly sneered: "what eight flag steeds, is that just so? Do you want to come to the city of Ningyuan to fight against this official

Governor yuan had been a little nervous, but he began to relax a little, stroked the goatee on his jaw, and began to think about his mind.

In fact.

In the civil service group of Daming at this time, it was extremely rare for him to dare to go to the battlefield and have a good look at the battle.

Many people dare not even look at the war.

On weekdays, it is simply the king of heaven. Xiaohe is frightened by Li Yuanqing's quick and quick action like a tiger and a leopard. He comes back to his mind for a moment, "yes."

Busy carefully began to read: "rely on the power of heaven, retreat from the enemy, Gongshu worry.". Zhao, the commander-in-chief, led the teacher to report the past. On the 21st of April, Jinzhou was surrounded on all sides... "

"On April 27, when the enemy recovered its forces and attacked Ningyuan, they used western cannons, cannons, firebombs and arrows inside, damaging the soldiers outside the city."

"It's a service. If it had not been for the emperor's heavenly power, the Minister of rites, miaomo, who had been in charge of discipline and duty, he would have led Zhao Zhijiao, Zuo Fu, Zhu Mei, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, to guard the important place of Ningyuan by surprise. "

"Today's fruit has been cleared and the front has been defeated. The town has been fighting hard, and the cabinet has been preparing for it."

"I see that the enemy has come here, and I'm willing to take advantage of it. Who is the emperor's great rejuvenation? He learned from the law, and the ministers of the factory set a good example. All the ministers dare to fight to death! "

"Dozens of battles, big and small, have broken through. We have done something we haven't done for decades! "

Xiaohe read very carefully, for fear of missing a word. After reading, he knelt on the ground respectfully, carefully and hands handed the information to Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing carefully scanned the information again, and then slowly put it on the table beside him, lit a cigar, and concentrated on thinking.

For a moment.

Li Yuanqing suddenly came back to himself, "Xiaohe, turn out all the information in Liaoxi these days to me!"

Xiaohe didn't dare to neglect, so he did it in a hurry.

After a while, he was busy putting all the information of Liaoxi in front of Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing didn't need Xiaohe to read aloud. Instead, he asked her to sort and check one by one.

After reading more than ten pieces of information, Li Yuanqing's face was already a piece of iron green, and he couldn't help but spit and scold: "this humble dog scum!"

"Bang" a crisp sound, Li Yuanqing directly he usually like a blue and white porcelain cup, a kick to pieces.

Xiaohe was scared and knelt down on the ground in a hurry

Li Yuanqing's heart was simply irritable, and he waved his hand and said, "get the hell out of here! No one is allowed to come in without Laozi's command


Xiaohe picked up the porcelain pieces carefully and left the door respectfully.

Li Yuanqing's fists clenched and his upright face seemed to drip out of the water, completely reflected in the smoke.

It is undeniable that governor yuan is worthy of the academic background of literati, and the memorials are really wonderful.

But ~, this dog scum is really dare to report!

There are nearly 50000 people in western Liaoning Province, who have been captured by dog Tartars so easily!

Li Yuanqing worked hard for several months in Chaoxian. He fought a fierce battle with dog Tartars and lost hundreds of children's lives. However, he only got 30000 fresh slaves and 70000 fresh wives.

Yes, but governor yuan is such a black sheep. It's only a few days! Can give the foundation industry of Liaoxi in recent years to Huang Taiji.

He returned his mother's reputation as "a meritorious achievement not achieved in decades"

For a moment, Li Yuanqing could hardly wait to send troops directly to Liaoxi and stew this pot of mud that the dog couldn't hold on to the wall. The dog scum of his mother was living to waste food and died a waste of place.

But soon, Li Yuanqing gradually calmed down.

Rome wasn't built in a day!

At this time, although the situation in southern and Eastern Liaoning seems to be a large area of good, but in this good situation, it is strange, undercurrent surging.

Li Yuanqing was no more than ten thousand soldiers at this time. Even if he could wipe out western Liaoning, could he stand in the middle of the world and face threats from both sides?

Li Yuanqing could not help but spit out a long breath of turbid gas.If you give him five years, he can digest all the existing forces, open up the wasteland, resume production, form the Navy as a whole, and put the sea trade on the right track. In that case, this may not be impossible, but at this time

"I'm not strong enough, I'm not strong enough! I still need more power and more power! "

Li Yuanqing clenched his fists.

However, Li Yuanqing understood that, according to the geographical situation of southern Liaoning at this time, guarding the western coast of the peninsula, covering Gaizhou, Fuzhou, Jinzhou, Lushun and Changsheng Island, had already made him a little stretched out, not to mention the direction of xihar'erwei and Nanyang, which needed fresh blood from his mother camp at any time.

Not to mention, at this time, he has a lot of manpower to be resettled, and there are also a lot of interests in various aspects that need him to balance and adjust. Although it is straightforward to "turn the crown into a beauty with anger", it is obviously not the time to be impulsive.


Li Yuanqing wanted to be firm with the court's emissary, but at this time, Li Yuanqing suddenly changed his mind.

It's obviously not a good sign to fall out with the imperial court now


The news of the great victory of Ningjin in western Liaoning Province was soon introduced to Changsheng island through various channels.

Although the people of Changsheng island are also concerned about the affairs of western Liaoning, they obviously listen to and talk about the affairs after dinner.

Liaoxi won. Of course, it's good to kill Tartars. If it is defeated, it shows the importance of Changsheng island and the general.

Especially at this time, Changsheng camp had just won a great victory in Chaoxian, and almost all the officers and soldiers were granted rewards. Thanks to the great victory of Ningjin in Liaoxi, Changsheng island was extremely lively for a time, which was just like the Spring Festival, directly stimulating the growth of consumption amount on the island.

However, in recent days, Li Yuanqing has become more and more low-key. He can not get out of the gate, nor can he walk through the two gates. He is at home "recuperating".

Soon, the news of Li Yuanqing's illness began to spread on the island through the channels in the official hall's back house.

People on the island were excited to celebrate the enthusiasm, it was like being poured a pot of cold water.

All the people were eager to see, look forward to and try every means to get the news of Li Yuanqing's illness.

For a short time, the temples of Guan Er ye, Tu Di, Mazu Niangniang and Guanyin Bodhisattva temples on the island have been flourishing for tens of thousands of times.

Almost every family in Changsheng Island went to the temple to burn incense and kowtow to pray for God's blessing, to protect their beloved General Li Yuanqing safe and healthy.

Li Yuanqing did not expect such an effect

He changed the strategy in time, and let others reveal some news to the public. He was just tired from the war and caught the wind and cold, which was not a big obstacle. After a few days of cultivation, he could be quick.

This made the people on the island a little relieved, but they still insisted on going to the temple every day to pray for Li Yuanqing's incense.

Although Li Yuanqing was somewhat helpless, he managed to keep the situation under control.

At the same time, under Li Yuanqing's attack of 30000 taels of white flowers, good news finally came from the direction of PiDao.

The court envoy finally agreed to go to Changsheng island to meet Li Yuanqing on Changsheng Island, instead of asking Li Yuanqing to meet them at PI island.

May 15, the seventh year of Tianqi of the Ming Dynasty.

After more than a month of wrangling, the court envoy finally arrived at Changsheng island.

In Li Yuanqing's internal study, Wei Liang, the supervisor of Dongjiang department, is sitting respectfully at the bottom of Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing's face was extremely pale, as if pasted with white paper. He was weak and lying on his tiger skin sofa. Although it was almost summer and the weather was extremely hot, Li Yuanqing was still covered with five or six thick quilts.

"Li Shuai, you must take care of yourself! Li Shuai, you are the backbone of our Changsheng island and our southern Liaoning Province

Wei Liang was so frightened that tears began to flow out.

Li Yuanqing was very weak and said: "Wei, Duke Wei, in a flash, a flash, this, we have known each other for several years. In recent years, Yuanqing and Yuanqing have not caused less trouble to Duke Wei. "

Wei Liang couldn't stop tears pouring out, "Li Shuai, I know, I know! If there is no Li Shuai, where can I be today? I'm afraid I have to dig out the excrement in the palace

Li Yuanqing's tears also gushed out: "Gong, Gonggong, but, hateful, Yuanqing is useless. Chao ~ fresh wind and frost, it is a little hurt ah. We, our good days, are coming to an end

Wei Liang couldn't help crying.

In recent years, he has been following Li Yuanqing for two or three hundred thousand taels of silver. He is holding his hands.

Several of his relatives, nephews and nephews now serve in the army in the Changsheng camp. In the capital, he has also set up more than a dozen facade industries.

Compared with normal people, he just lacks the useful and useless root of right and wrong. His life now is almost below a few people and above ten thousand people.In particular, he has three nephews, all of whom have been adopted by him and become his "Sons".

After crying for a long time, Wei Liang suddenly came to his senses. His eyes were strong and firm. He held Li Yuanqing's pale hand and said, "Li Shuai, Li Shuai, don't worry. Things, things are not as bad as we imagine now! These dog officials, not a good thing! If we can do it properly, we may not have a chance to do it! "

"I've worked for the emperor for so many years. I can't compare with him who is nine thousand years old. But ~ ~, I can still say a few words in front of the emperor! Li Shuai, don't worry. Just keep your body at ease. The emissary of the imperial court this time, miscellaneous family to deal with. As long as Li Shuai can keep the morale of the army and send them away, the generals will go to Beijing at once

"Father in law, how can I trouble you?" Li Yuanqing was deeply moved and tears began to gush out.

Wei Liang suddenly became more manly than a man. He stood up and said with a smile, "Li Shuai, why do you and I need to be like this? I, Wei Liang, have lived all my life, just like a dog. I have never straightened up! But ~, since with Li Shuai you, I Wei Liang just comfortable for a few years. I've had enough good days these years, and I'm not losing any more! "

"Well. The rabbit bites when it's in a hurry! They really treat me as Wei Liang, a dog who can only wag its tail and can't bite people! "

"Li Shuai, I'm going to meet the imperial envoy. You can rest assured, this time, I Wei Liang, even if I fight for my old life, will never let you suffer any injustice! "

Looking at Wei Liang's departure with his head held high like "Jingke stabbing the king of Qin", Li Yuanqing wiped the tears on his face, lifted the white paper off his face and threw his quilt on the ground.

His original intention was to let Wei Liang come forward to deal with the Imperial Envoys.

After all, at this time, Wei Liang's position is likely to be lost. He has to give full play to his surplus heat, and he can't waste Li Yuanqing's money for so many years.

But at this time, Li Yuanqing suddenly found that Wei Liang was not able to fall.

If Changsheng Island were to be replaced by other supervisors, they would not be able to do things better than Wei Liang.

Li Yuanqing walked back and forth a few steps, waved his hand to the side of Xiaohe, whispered a few words

The two envoys who came to Changsheng island by the imperial court this time were Fei Qing, an old acquaintance of Li Yuanqing and Yang miaocai, who had just been promoted to minister of rites.

Yang miaocai doesn't need to say much. Donglin is a young man, a rising star.

Although Fei Qing was hung under Donglin's big hat, in fact, he was a student of Huang Liji and a village party.

In the Ming Dynasty, there is a saying that "parents are better than teachers".

This time when he came to investigate Li Yuanqing's affairs, Fei Qingzhi was able to get the "fat gap". Huang Liji tried his best.

The wind direction behind them is different, and their thoughts are not the same. This also makes Fei Qing and Yang miaocai complement each other on the surface, and they are "respectful to each other". But in private, even if only ghosts know

This is also the most important reason why Li Yuanqing can use thirty-two thousand silver to leverage the balance and invite the two to Changsheng island.

The arrival of the two, Changsheng island with a very high regulation to meet.

In addition to Li Yuanqing himself, because he was "sick and bedridden", he did not go to the wharf to greet him personally. Wei Liang, Shang Laoliu, Ma housekeeper, Duan Xiliang, shunzi, Huang Guoshan, Kong Youde and Niu Gensheng all went to the wharf to meet the Imperial Envoys.

The red carpet, which was paved alone, covered as much as two miles.

After a brief exchange of greetings and a familiar face, Wei Liang and Shang Lao 61 people directly surrounded Fei Qing and Yang miaocai and got on the carriage and went straight to the most luxurious restaurant and Taibai restaurant in Changsheng island for a banquet.

On the other side of Taibai restaurant, Zhang yunniang and Qu minqiu are in charge. Everything has already been prepared.

Originally, Zhang yunniang meant to use the most exquisite dishes to make the cooks play the highest level, but Qu minqiu did not agree with this method.

She believes that if the dishes are too delicate, it is easy for the court envoys to misunderstand that Changsheng island is of high level, rich and unfavorable to the overall situation.

After the incident was reported to Li Yuanqing, Li Yuanqing thought carefully and adopted a compromise method. The dishes were exquisite, but they also had to be rough.

In order to let the two court envoys feel the intention of Changsheng Island, they must also understand that Changsheng island is so big a task that they have done their best to serve them.

Soon, as the imperial envoy's carriage arrived at the gate of Taibai restaurant, there was a rush of bustle in Taibai restaurant. Several big shopkeepers hurriedly called on the workers to keep them steady.

Fei Qing and Yang miaocai got off the carriage and looked at each other with the same smile.

Although Li Yuanqing is rampant, he is a rustic man who can't help himself.

Wei Liang explained with a smile: "the two Imperial Envoys, Changsheng island is located in the wilderness, and all aspects are rough. Please don't blame them."Fei Qing said with a smile, "you are welcome. Li Shuai's contribution is greater than that of the country. When I came, I was told by the elders to let Li Shuai go to the capital to enjoy his life. "

When Fei Qing said this, his face changed.

What do you mean by a dog?

The general is less than thirty this year, and he wants him to go to Beijing to enjoy his life? Who does he think he is?

Even the most mature old man, Shang Laoliu, was gloomy and could not be solved for a moment.

Fei Qing, this dog's mouth is really not worth smoking!

At this time, Wei Liang showed the effect of the sea god needle, and said with a smile: "Mr. Fei is joking. Li Shuai has been rooted in Liao for many years. If he goes to the capital rashly, he is afraid that he will be acclimatized and even worse for his illness. Two adults, it's too late. Please, let's talk while eating. "

Fei Qing light smile, also do not refuse, Damascus first into the hall.

Yang miaocai is a gentle gentleman, far from Fei Qing's appearance of being a man of ambition. He gestured to the people around him in turn, and then he walked into the hall with a smile.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wei Liang took the opportunity to wink at the crowd and asked them to restrain themselves.

At this time, Shang Laoliu also responded. He bowed his hand to Wei Liang and said in a low voice, "my father-in-law should be at ease. I'll take my father-in-law as my guide."

Wei Liang waved his hand with a smile and said in a low voice, "don't say more. If there is something angry, you just don't hear it. I'll deal with it. "

Wei Liang followed him into the hall. Shang Laoliu winked at everyone and quickly walked into the hall.

Shunzi spat in a low voice: "if the dog falls into my hands one day, I must make him understand."

Kong Youde quickly pulled shunzi and said, "shunzi, let's drink this wine with monkey."

The generals behind him didn't expect that Kong Youde would come up with such a metaphor I can't help laughing all the time.

Shang Laoliu also came back to his senses and quickly called everyone into the hall in a low voice.

Taibai restaurant is located in the center of nanxinkou city. It is a new five storey building complex and the commanding height of the buildings in the city.

The banquet room, also in the top five floors of the Tianzi elegant room, sitting here, you can clearly overlook the seaside scenery not far away.

Originally, Taibai restaurant was full of pretty maids from the fog and rain Pavilion who acted as "waiters". But at this time, in order to show respect for the Imperial Envoys and avoid unnecessary incidents, the waiters were all changed into servants and tortoise slaves.

Taibai restaurant is an industry under the name of Yang Jiao Niang. It is jointly funded by Zhang yunniang, Qu minqiu, Yang Jiao Niang and Zhang Baozhu.

This is also a suggestion of Li Yuanqing. It's too wasteful for so many pretty maids in the fog rain pavilion to stay in his back house. Let them go out and find something to do.

Even if they don't expect how much money they can earn, they can also broaden their horizons and accumulate some experience. However useful, they will have stronger confidence.

And this Taibai restaurant is also equivalent to a senior banquet place on Changsheng island.

After all, with the continuous development of economic conditions, the generals of Changsheng camp, including the grass-roots generals, have become much richer. Who can do without some red and white things?

Taibai restaurant has become a good place to do "official business". It can also be regarded as set up according to the demand to further stimulate domestic demand.

At this time, in the elegant room of tianzihao on the fifth floor, with the guests and hosts taking their seats in turn, the rich dishes were quickly brought up like an assembly line.

Looking at the table, a large basin, a large plate, the weight is full of wine and vegetables, Fei Qing's face of contempt can not help but more.

It's a group of country folk.

They have no idea how to make the dish or how to eat it.

Yang miaocai was quite mature and said with a smile, "thank you, Li Shuai has spent a lot of money. However, I have heard that the crops in Liao are not good in recent years. "

Wei Liang said with a smile: "Mr. Yang is brilliant. In recent years, the weather in Liao is extremely cold, and there is little rain. The harvest of crops is very poor. Li Shuai is also very difficult

Fei Qing said unhappily, "isn't there food and rates for the imperial court? Yes? Have you Li Shuai given all these food and rates to the ink? "

"You! You don't want to be bloody! "

Duan Xiliang couldn't help it any more, so he stood up.

Around him, Shang Laoliu and shunzi react in an instant and quickly pull him down.

Wei Liang was furious: "be bold! Do you want to apologize to the imperial envoy? "

Duan Xiliang also realized that he was impulsive, and forced himself to suppress his anger. He quickly and respectfully said, "excuse me, the imperial envoy. I'm impulsive in my humble position."


Fei Qingleng hums, but does not look at Duan Xiliang directly.

Duan Xiliang also has a long memory this time. If you don't treat yourself as a person, I will treat you as a monkey.

Duan Xiliang no longer said much, and sat down in his seat.Although the situation on the court was a little tense and awkward, with Wei Liang selling his old face and being attentive and patient, the atmosphere soon eased a little, and people began to push cups and change cups, and the atmosphere gradually became more lively.

However, what makes feiqing and Yang miaocai not adapt to is that the wine here is the strongest old cellar in the south of Liaoning Province, with extremely high degree and strong liquor strength.

Although Yang miaocai is broad-minded, he has traveled through the mountains and rivers of Daming since he was young. He is proud of his true talent and ability. He is more receptive to new things and is in good health. He soon fell in love with the liquor.

However, Fei Qing's side was just a "relationship household" who was totally nepotism. He was "driven to the shelf" and climbed to his present position.

After a few cups of wine, Fei Qing was a little vague and said carelessly, "Duke Wei, Lord Shang, this wine, let's not drink it like this again? When shall we meet Li Yuanqing

In the chest and abdomen, the wine is surging up, Fei Qing even has no respect for Li Yuanqing at least, and directly calls Li Yuanqing's name taboo.

Yang miaocai frowned slightly.

By this time, he had found that Li Yuanqing's prestige in Changsheng island was not deeply rooted in general.

I'm afraid it's going to take a lot of time to clear up this "tripod" skill


Even though Yang miaocai was very unhappy with Fei Qing, they were one after all, representing the face of the imperial court. They quickly rounded the court with a smile and said, "Duke Wei, Lord Shang, generals, as you all know, I and Lord Fei are with the king's life of the court. If Li Shuai's body allows me, I hope to see him as soon as possible."

Wei Liang said with a smile: "this is nature. However, Li Shuai was loyal to the state affairs, and he was in poor health due to the cold weather during the reign and freshness. Yes, you are, Mr. Yang

Yang miaocai said with a smile: "what my father-in-law said. When I want to see Li Shuai, I naturally get the physical permission of Li Yuanqing. "

Fei Qing originally enjoyed the feeling of being the center of the public. However, he suddenly found that he was robbed by Yang miaocai. He was even more angry and said: "Duke Wei, Lord Shang, what do you mean? Together, we are the Imperial Envoys. If you want to see Li Yuanqing, you have to wait for his time? Is He Li Yuanqing so grand? Where is the court's face? "

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