There has been an old saying in China since ancient times, "those who love others will always love them.".

Explain it briefly.

As long as it is not "the hatred of killing my father" and "the hatred of robbing my wife", most of the other contradictions and hatred can not be solved forever.

Therefore, in the vast majority of the time, even if the opponent, even if you hate the other party, until the critical time, not to the last moment, we will generally keep a trace of the bottom line, at least to maintain a normal face.

Especially in the officialdom, this is the most basic quality, but also a prerequisite for life.

But at this time, Fei Qing's words, perhaps he didn't realize that it was obvious to tear his face.

Originally lively banquet, instantaneous quiet down.

Even Yang miaocai didn't expect that Fei Qing could be so arrogant

Even if there is no more chaos here, you are the emperor's son, but after all, this is Li Yuanqing's territory

At such a time, this guy still dares to do this

For a while, Yang miaocai didn't know how to describe Fei Qing.

This This is just a "hair has not yet grown" of the Leng tou Qing ah.

I don't know. How could Huang Liji, an old fox, use this kind of cold headed green in this kind of bone saving eyes

Isn't this just lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot

Before that, Yang miaocai did not have much contact with Fei Qing, a "rising star", and had never heard of Fei Qing's name.

During this period of contact, Yang miaocai felt that although Fei Qing was superficial and had been floating in the air, he could barely be regarded as reasonable in terms of specific etiquette and ordinary processes.

But unexpectedly, after drinking a few drinks, this guy actually showed his true colors

But in a flash, Yang miaocai suddenly wanted to understand Huang Liji's mind.

Just like the two devils and traitors who recruited thugs in those years, under the eunuch party, Huang Liji wanted to find real talents. How difficult was it?

Not to mention, it's in some extremely important positions.

Fei Qing, a student of Huang Liji and a fellow villager of Huang Liji, pretends to be a grandson to some extent. As long as his luck is not too bad and he muddles through, the problem should not be too big.

What's more, Huang Liji is short of staff

It was like some beads scattered on the ground, strung together by a thread, and Yang miaocai soon found the clue.

He also suddenly came back to his mind. This job is even more difficult than he thought

In an instant, Yang miaocai's mind has already made a decision.

I don't want to think about the future of official career. For today, I have to think about how to live on.

Since Fei Qing wants to die, let him die!

Yang miaocai has been studying hard for decades in the cold window. It's not easy for him to mix with today, but he can't hang on a rope with Fei Qing

At this time, seeing that the hall was suddenly cold, Yang miaocai said with a smile to Wei Liang and Shang Laoliu: "father in law, Lord Shang, generals, this wine is really cracked. I have some headache and some discomfort. Can you arrange a room for me to have a rest for a while?"

Wei Liang and Shang Laoliu looked at each other and understood Yang miaocai's meaning in an instant.

Shang Laoliu said with a smile: "of course, Lord Yang, my general has already made arrangements. Gensheng, you should go down and have a rest with Mr. Yang. "

How can Niu Gensheng not understand the tricky? He stood up respectfully and said, "Mr. Yang, please."

Yang miaocai met Niu Gensheng. Knowing that Niu Gensheng was a man around Li Yuanqing, he did not dare to neglect him. He bowed his hand and said, "general, please."

Yang miaocai and Niu Gensheng left. Two pieces of wine were missing on the original neat wine table.

Everyone has already understood that this banquet, obviously, can not continue.

But Fei Qing is still talking, shouting and scolding something.

Wei Liang helped the sixth merchant with a wink and went up to help Fei Qing: "Mr. Fei, you are drunk."

"Drunk? I'm not drunk? How can I get drunk? This little wine will make me drunk? What about Li Yuanqing? What about Li Yuanqing? Call Li Yuanqing to see me quickly? "

Shang Laoliu also responded, and quickly came to live Fei Qing and advised him, "Mr. Fei, you are drunk. Let's go and have a rest first."

Fei Qing wanted to say something else. He suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, like a dead dog, and suddenly collapsed on Shang Laoliu.

Shang Laoliu looked at Wei Liang and said, "father-in-law, do you want his entourage to send him back to his room, or shall we send him back?"

The cold sweat seeped out from Wei Liang's forehead. I really didn't expect Shang Laoliu to be so decisive. With a palm knife, he cut Fei Qing's neck

A moment later, Wei Liang responded and said, "Shang ye, this, he, is he OK?"

Mr. Shang said with a smile: "it's OK. At most, let him be quiet for a while. You should wake up at night. "

Wei Liang felt a little relieved, but he still didn't dare to relax. He said, "Mr. Shang, let's take Mr. Fei back to his room to have a rest. He's with him, and he has to take care of him. It's better to find a military doctor to treat him well, and there must be no hidden danger. "With that, Wei Liang whispered to Shang Laoliu: "this guy's identity is really unusual."

At this time, Shang Laoliu was stable and said with a smile: "everything is decided by my father-in-law."

With that, Shang Laoliu whispered a few words to the generals. The generals were busy together, supporting Fei Qing, who was like a dead dog, to the VIP room in the middle yard of Taibai restaurant to have a rest.


At this time, Li Yuanqing was in the backyard of Taibai restaurant, accompanied by Zhang yunniang, Qu minqiu and Yang Jiao Niang.

Not long ago, a vigorous Little Turtle slave narrated the story of Fei Qing's "drunken madness" to several people in detail.

Zhang yunniang couldn't help but look pale: "brother, how can this be good? He is an imperial envoy of the imperial court. If, if... "

Qu minqiu was also scared. "Yuanqing, we must find several doctors as soon as possible. We can't let this old man Fei have any mistakes."

Yang Jiao ~ Niang is obviously more calm than the two girls. She has a sense of propriety in her heart, but she doesn't speak in a hurry. Instead, she looks at Li Yuanqing.

Li Yuanqing tasted a cup of tea lightly and said with a smile, "this is not a big deal. Since elder brother Shang dares to do it, he must be prudent. You don't have to worry. In this way, Yun Niang, min Qiu, you go back to the house to rest, here let Jiao ~ Niang to stare. Wait a minute. I'll meet Yang miaocai in my house. "

Zhang yunniang nodded her head in a hurry.

She also knows that she can't help Li Yuanqing with this kind of thing, so don't make trouble.

At this time, Qu minqiu did not dare to play a lady's temperament any more. She had known that Li Yuanqing was bold, but she did not expect that Li Yuanqing would be so bold that even the imperial officials would dare

Two women Shi ran left, leaving only a familiar fragrance in the air.

Yang Jiao ~ Niang looked at Li Yuanqing with a smile and said, "Yuanqing, these two people are obviously not the same people."

Li Yuanqing said with a smile: "I am a million miles of rivers and mountains in the Ming Dynasty. It's true that there are some dog scum in my life. I've made a bad fortune and climbed up through various ways. But most of them have suffered and understood the truth. "

Yang Jiao ~ Niang nodded with a smile, but she was a little worried: "Yuanqing, you, do you really want to see that Yang miaocai now? He is a proud man

"Ha ha."

Li Yuanqing a smile: "Jiao ~ Niang, did not expect ~, you unexpectedly to this fellow appraisal so high."

"Yuanqing, Yang miaocai is not an embroidered pillow. Since his parents died when he was a child, he grew up with several of his uncles. When he was a teenager, his handwriting had already been excellent, and he was well-known in Sanjin. It is said that he had the strength to rush into the third class in the imperial examination. Unfortunately, there was no one behind him, so he fell into the second class, but he was the first in the second class. "

Hearing the speech, Li Yuanqing's face became more solemn.

Flowers growing in a greenhouse with a golden spoon can never stand the wind and rain, even if they look beautiful.

But ~ ~ ~, in the weeds in the wild, a small flower is not very impressive, but it can grow up slowly, bloom and bloom fragrance, but I don't know how many hardships it will take.

In addition to the attitude and performance at this time, many things are not difficult to distinguish.

"Well, I'd rather see him. Take a look at this talented young man, how much he has made in recent years

Yang Jiao ~ Niang busy way: "Yuan Qing, that, I help you make up first."

Li Yuanqing waved his hand, "No. That's how I met him. You can listen on the soft couch behind the screen


Yang miaocai went back to the courtyard of Taibai restaurant and sent several attendants to watch the door. He closed the door carefully and lay in a comfortable big bed. He carefully took out a pile of thick silver bills from the package and played with it carefully, but his face was dignified.

Silver is really a good thing.

He has been an official for more than five years, but for the first time, he has received such a rich "red envelope".

Although Li Yuanqing is arrogant, arrogant and insolent, people can't help being bored, but Yang miaocai can't deny that it's straightforward to communicate and work with such people as Li Yuanqing.

However, at this time, the silver is really hot.

With such a fuss of Fei Qing, Yang miaocai is not sure whether he can return to Beijing from Changsheng Island alive or not

He suddenly found that it was not wise to put himself in danger for the sake of the ten thousand Liang silver.

However, he, he is extremely short of silver

Everyone can only see the scenery of Yang miaocai, but who can see the helplessness behind his back?

Not only his official career, but also his old home in Jinzhong has not been renovated.

Everyone in his hometown knows that Yang miaocai has become a senior official in Beijing and married a young lady from a big family to be his daughter-in-law. They hope that he can go back to his hometown and give a shock to the old family.

But who knows, his family's Meijiao ~ Niang, family background is really good, but when he married her, her family had already declined, and there was a large amount of foreign debt.Otherwise, even if he is brilliant, but he has no root and no power. He is like a beautiful duckweed. How can such a beautiful lady be his turn?

In recent years, his official career and debt repayment have almost overwhelmed him.

His house in Beijing, even less than two acres, only his wife and a woman over 50 years old live in, even if it is the house, he still rents

How can he have the energy and financial resources to go back to his hometown to visit his fellow villagers?

"Ha ha. The husband has tears, but not to the sad place

Yang miaocai suddenly chuckled and shook his head. He recited a famous sentence from an elder who he admired very much, who was also regarded as his idol. He was a great talent in the late Ming Dynasty and Li Kaixian, who was an official in the Shaoqing of Taichang temple.

For a moment, Yang miaocai's heart suddenly made a decision.

He must not die!

He can't live and die on this island.

He still has too many wonderful things to enjoy.

He still has too much kindness to repay.

He must not die.

Even if, it is to pretend grandson in front of Li Yuanqing.

When he was thinking about it, his entourage suddenly reported: "master, there is Li Shuai's personal follower outside the hospital. He said, I want you to go to see Li Shuai now."

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