The soul travels through the eighteenth line, the female agent is killing crazy in the entertainment

Extra 13 [Late Night, Abandoned Hospital - I am a Star Detective] (Part 2)

"In order to avoid cheating, you cannot inspect your own office -" Detective Bai Muchuan continued, "Mao Baojie, your cleaning room is on the second floor, you cannot inspect the second floor... and Dr. Liao's surgical operating room is on the first floor. , the dispensing room where Shi Pharmacy works is on the third floor.”

"So, I asked Mao Bao to check the first floor, Shi Yao to check the second floor, Dr. Liao to check the third floor, and Dr. Cheng to check the fourth floor. As a professional detective, I can collect evidence faster, so I am responsible for checking the fifth and sixth floors. Layer…do you have any opinions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then, please go to your respective floors to collect clues!"

The program team played a voice-over:

"Guests, we are about to start collecting clues and evidence."

"Time: thirty minutes."

"In the first ten minutes, we will give the live footage to our Detective Bai."

"Every five minutes, a guest will be broadcast live. In order: Dr. Cheng on the fourth floor, Dr. Liao on the third floor, Shi Yajie on the second floor, and Mao Baojie on the first floor."

"Start now!"


[Isn’t it a split-screen live broadcast? Only one guest is broadcast live at a time... Then we can't see the actions of other guests? 】

[Based on my understanding of the peeing behavior of the "Celebrity Detective" program crew, I think this was done on purpose: This gave the suspect time to commit the crime. 】

【Inexplicably nervous.jpg】

[Alone, in the dark, in an abandoned hospital, looking for clues? Is this the rhythm of torturing the guests? 】

[Afraid, but also want to see...]

All five people took out flashlights (only the dean’s office had camping lights), and the flashlights were also uniformly equipped with strong flashlights.

The characteristics of the strong light flashlight: the light is extremely strong and the beam is very straight.

The advantage is: the place where the flashlight beam shines is particularly bright;

The disadvantage is: the area outside the beam looks extremely dark.

There are enough cameras installed in the corridors and rooms.

Bai Muchuan stood at the door of the dean's office, watching the other four people walk to the stairs, then turned and went downstairs.

There are a lot of debris on the ground, and the noise is very loud when walking, which echoes continuously in the empty corridor.

As the footsteps gradually moved away, Bai Muchuan felt himself starting to get nervous - because of his childhood shadow, he was afraid of the dark (see "Desperate Survival", where his father domestically abused his mother, and he and his sister hid in a small dark room and shivered).

Bai Muchuan took a breath - holding a flashlight, he walked toward the room opposite the dean on the other side of the corridor.

The door was ajar, and the camping light from the dean's office fell on the door. The shabby nameplate on the door read: Plastic Surgery Planning Office.

——This is where patients discuss their plastic surgery plans.

Bai Muchuan's expression became tense, and he did not hide it from the eyes of the audience.

[I remember, Bai Muchuan was afraid of the dark, right? Wouldn't this kind of copy cost him his life? 】

[Perhaps I am just trying to complete the task——]

[It’s also possible that the previous “Afraid of the Dark” character was a silly and sweet persona. 】

[Think on the bright side, people will always grow. Maybe Bai Muchuan has overcome his fear of the dark. 】

The door creaked open, and it was dark inside.

Bai Muchuan turned on the flashlight and quickly scanned the room. The flashlight passed over a corner of the room and then moved away——

The next moment, Bai Muchuan paused.

There was a scream from the barrage.

[Mom, mom... help! I saw a woman with long hair squatting in the corner! 】

【Don’t scare me, don’t scare me! 】

[Hurry up and shine your flashlight on that corner! Don't shine the light on your feet! 】

[I even suspect that the woman has crawled over! 】

[Bai Muchuan is probably scared to death! 】

Bai Muchuan was indeed scared to death. He was very glad that he had emptied his bladder before participating in the show.

——He really wants to run at this moment.

But, he can't.

——The variety show "I'm a Celebrity Detective" is so popular that countless celebrities want to join it.

The precious spot that his agent had worked so hard to win could not fall into his hands.

What's more, there is a big sister in the show.

As the eldest sister's number one loser, he couldn't show his timidity, otherwise it would tarnish the eldest sister's face.

Bai Muchuan gritted his teeth and forced himself to move the flashlight beam towards the corner:

Under the strong white light, the "person" squatting in the corner was clearly visible - Bai Muchuan breathed a long sigh of relief - it was a dummy, a female plastic mannequin used in many hospitals.

Bai Muchuan walked towards the model:

The model is very dirty and shabby. The joints all over the body can be moved. The facial features are also very realistic, with a high nose and big eyes. It is a very beautiful model - a bit like the Barbie dolls that girls play with.

Just life-size.

The model has long black hair. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the black hair is mixed with dirty things such as spider webs and dust, making it look dirty.

At this moment, the model is sitting on the ground with her hands folded on her chest.

"Hey, there is a piece of paper here -" Bai Muchuan said to himself, stepped forward and took out a 16-karat paper folded twice from the model's hands folded on her chest.

The paper was new, obviously just put in.

Bai Muchuan unfolded the paper, illuminated the words on it with a flashlight, and read out:

"I will live when you die."

[Zombies? ? Is this a zombie hospital copy? ],

[Although I don't understand what it means, it's really scary! ]

[Does this piece of paper look familiar to you? ]

That kind of letter paper was popular among students more than a decade ago, with small floral decorations.

Bai Muchuan obviously discovered it, and he said, "This piece of paper is the same as the letter paper that Dr. Cheng received in the white chrysanthemum!"

After Bai Muchuan carefully put the letter paper into his notebook, he raised the flashlight and shone it around the room: a shabby table with a thick layer of dust on it, and a bookcase without a door against the wall. The bookcase was empty.

After confirming that there were no other clues, Bai Muchuan took the flashlight and walked to the next room - there were rooms on both sides of the corridor, and Bai Muchuan checked the rooms one by one in a zigzag pattern.

The next room he checked was the room next to the dean's office.

There was no nameplate on the door, and the door of the room was wide open.

Bai Muchuan walked in.

Soon, he had another new discovery. He picked up a photo. In the photo, there was a slim woman wearing a beautiful brand-name dress. Unfortunately, her face was slashed with a knife, and three big words were written next to it with a red pen: ugly!

"Who could the woman in the photo be?" Bai Muchuan muttered to himself.

He put the photo in his notebook and continued searching.

In the next few rooms, Bai Muchuan had no new discovery.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

At this time, the program team typed a few words on the screen: Ten minutes! Doctor Cheng on the fourth floor will be broadcast live soon.

The camera switched.

The camera was shining on Cheng Ling from above, and Cheng Ling had just walked out of a room.

The program team must have given a hint. Cheng Ling said to the camera: "I just checked four rooms. Now I will start to check the fifth room."

"Now, let me share with you the information I have collected."

"First, Dr. Liao and Mao Baojie have been in frequent contact before this meeting - their interaction can be seen. Shi Yaoji's reaction when he saw the two was that of acquaintances who had not seen each other for a long time. The motives of these two people coming to the hospital are very questionable."

"Second, this plastic surgery hospital uses the patient's private photos to coerce the patient to give up the protection of their legal rights. I found a notebook."

She raised the tattered notebook in her hand to the camera. Someone was scribbling words on the notebook with a ballpoint pen.

Cheng Ling pointed to one of the paragraphs and read it out:

"The patient, Ke Xuehui, had a failed plastic surgery and wanted to sue the hospital. We have used her nude photos and the fact that she had plastic surgery to successfully make her give up the lawsuit."

"There are at least dozens of similar records. The content is similar. So..."

She curled her lips and smiled: "This hospital is a black-hearted hospital. It makes a lot of black-hearted money. When the operation fails, they try to cover the patient's mouth-instead of compensation."

Cheng Ling analyzed it in detail, speaking at a slow pace, giving spiritual comfort to the audience in front of the screen, and everyone felt that it was not so scary.

[It's amazing, why did I calm down when I saw the big sister, and feel that everything in front of me was not a big deal? ]

[After all, it's a woman who killed a wild boar with her own hands! It's not new. ]

[I thought the role of Dr. Cheng played by the big sister was to avenge the missing dean-her grandfather, but listening to her current tone, it seems a bit wrong? ]

[I have a feeling that Sister Ling has seen through everything! 】

【It's normal to see through it. There's nothing I can do. After all, he's a writer of detective novels, and his IQ is far superior to everyone else's——】

Cheng Ling continued: "Third, this hospital has hidden rooms——"

"The floor I'm on is mainly a place for observation and recovery for patients after surgery. As you can see, there are wards on both sides of the corridor. From the windows and doors, you can see that these wards have the same specifications."

"But——" Cheng Ling walked into the ward on the left side of the corridor (the sunny side) while talking, and illuminated the floor with a flashlight. Square tiles could be vaguely seen on the dirty floor.

"Everyone, pay attention to the number of horizontal rows of tiles. I counted them for you. There are sixteen tiles in one horizontal row."

"Let's go to the room on the opposite side of the shady side and have a look——"

Cheng Ling walked to the room on the right side of the corridor (the shady side) and illuminated the floor with a flashlight.

【1, 2, 3...14! Only fourteen tiles! 】

【How scary! 】

Cheng Ling said: "This ward and the ward next door have fourteen bricks in a row. The two bricks missing from the two rooms make a total of four bricks, which is a long room. There is a mezzanine room between the two rooms. We can call it a 'sandwich mezzanine room'."

"So, are the hidden rooms only on the fourth floor, or on every floor?"

"What secrets are hidden in this room?"

"Do the old employees of the other three hospitals know this secret?"

After Cheng Ling finished talking to herself, she pondered for more than ten seconds, and finally shook her head.

"I haven't figured it out yet. However, I have a fourth discovery-"

"The dean and Jin Zi are still hiding in this hospital..." At this point, Cheng Ling paused for a technical reason, and then she smiled at the camera, "Five minutes are up, I think it's Dr. Liao's turn to broadcast the live broadcast on the third floor!"

[Erkang hand——wait! I want to know where the gold is hidden? ]

[The dean is still in this hospital? Then it must have become smelly? Yue! ]

[Ahhhh, my big sister is so great! Dimensional strike! ]

The program team displayed subtitles on the screen at this time: Five minutes are up, and the next live broadcast is Dr. Liao on the third floor.

Dr. Liao covered his mouth and nose with disgust, looking through a pile of discarded medicine boxes——the flashlight was placed on the table.

The audience could see the words on the glass window behind him: Dispensing Room.

The actor who played Dr. Liao was an old actor. He carefully studied the role and perfectly portrayed the image of a surgeon who had been pampered for many years.

The camera turned and made a sound.

Doctor Liao exclaimed, "Ah!" and looked up at the camera: "Is it my turn? According to the rules, I will tell you about my discovery."

"The room I am in now is Shi Yaoji's office - the pharmacy."

"I found a record that shows that Shi Yaoji sold the hospital's expensive drugs and purchased counterfeit and shoddy products from knockoff companies at low prices, making a high profit from the difference."

"... No wonder there were so many failed cases in the hospital for a while... Does the old dean know?"

Dr. Liao thought for a while, then continued to look through the medicine box, muttering the name on the medicine box as he turned it over.

Until the end of five minutes, he did not find any new clues.

The program team appeared subtitles again: Time is up! The next live broadcast for everyone is - Shi Yaoji on the second floor!

The subtitles disappeared.

It stands to reason that Shi Yaoji's figure should appear - however, the screen only has a flashlight with light on, lying quietly on the ground.

[Where is Shi Yaoji? ]

[Why is there only one flashlight left? ]

[...I have a bad feeling! ]

[Remember the program team said that the disappearance case will happen again? ]

At this time, the program team's voice came from the screen: "Hello, everyone. Shi Yaoji has disappeared."

[! ! ! Oh my god! Disappeared? ]

[Why do I hear a hint of shock in the commentator's voice! ]

[... I already have goose bumps all over my body]

The commentator continued in a shocked tone: "... So, please enjoy - the flashlight on the ground!"

"After the time is up, we will give the camera to Mao Baojie on the first floor."

"In the remaining four minutes, please speak freely and say your guesses in the barrage!"

"When the answer is revealed, that is, at the end of this program, we will reveal to everyone the mystery of Shi Yaoji's disappearance in the form of a replay -"

[From the time of the crime, we must first rule out Detective Bai. Detective Bai was on the sixth floor, and he was broadcasting live for ten minutes. He should not have had time to come down to commit the crime. He has no motive for committing the crime. ]

[Personally, I think it would not be Dr. Cheng. Dr. Cheng is on the fourth floor. If she wants to commit a crime on the second floor, she will pass through the third floor. As we all know, the pharmacy rooms are near the stairs. So, if she goes to the second floor, she will alert Dr. Liao on the third floor. He will easily find her. ]

[So, according to the method of elimination, the only ones who committed the disappearance case are Dr. Liao and Mao Baojie? ]

[Mao Baojie is a woman, older than Shi Yaoji. How could she subdue Shi Yaoji quietly? The target is Dr. Liao. ]

[Dr. Liao is the most suspicious. First of all, Shi Yaoji revealed his past scandal. He just said that he found Shi Yaoji reselling drugs. Maybe it was his means of diverting attention. ]

[I also suspect Dr. Liao. The ten minutes of Bai Detective's live broadcast plus the five minutes of Dr. Cheng, a full fifteen minutes, he only searched the first room in the corridor, the pharmacy? Did he not check other rooms at all? Is it because he is the murderer, so there is no need to look for any so-called clues? ]

[But Mao Baojie is not impossible. She is a cleaner in the hospital. Cleaners are the ones who know a building best, right? Moreover, she may just look weak, but she is actually very powerful. 】

[I agree that Mao Baojie is also suspected - I have seen a video where a cleaning lady in the gym easily grabs a dumbbell that the fitness man next to her can't lift with both hands. 】

The five minutes that everyone talked about passed quickly.

The program team appeared again: "Five minutes are up. Now the camera is on the first floor, Mao Baojie."

Mao Baojie was holding a flashlight and flipping through a yellowed, thick loose-leaf book.

The camera turned and issued a prompt sound.

Mao Baojie closed the loose-leaf book, revealing four words on the cover that had fallen off the gold paint: Patients' Message.

Mao Baojie held the notebook between his head and shoulders, and pointed to the notebook in his hand and said:

"This notebook contains messages left by patients who had plastic surgery in the hospital-"

"I found this one: I hope the hospital can correct my deformity, so that I can take my baby son out openly without being rejected by my son. In addition, my son Xiaobai said that he wants to be a detective when he grows up. I hope he can successfully realize his wish."

"And just behind this message, someone made a note with a red pen-the patient unfortunately died three years after the plastic surgery."

"So, Detective Bai also has a motive for committing the crime!"

[So, except for our big sister, everyone has a motive for committing the crime? ]

[Big sister, have you found the dean and Jinzi? Have you found the real murderer? ]

[…Why do I smell something unusual? ]

[Is she really not the big sister? I think the more flawless she is, the more suspicious she is! ]

At this time, the bell rang.

The guests, except Shi Yaoji, all walked towards the dean's office on the sixth floor with the evidence they found.

(I'm afraid everyone will be anxious waiting, so I'll send this chapter out first. I'll send the ending of the variety show tomorrow. Sorry, I'm really busy recently)

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