The Spearmaster and the Black Cat
Chapter 806: Sharing Information with New Companions and Families
"Kikka, are you sure you're okay?"
"Have you changed your mind since you became a family member?"
"Gilmus, are you conscious?"
"Are you walking normally?"
Emia summoned a round crystal at hand.
I raised the crystal.
"Haven't you got a small bug in your eye?You're not exposed to a curse or brainwashing skills, are you? Are you okay? "
"Ha, Emia, you're worried too much.The reaction of the Quad Holy Crystal is with me and you.And if you'll excuse me. Don't go with you and the [City of Blood-Silver Insects] devil bugs.And I am me. "
Kikka smiled and said that, and she looked closer.
My lord, I'm sorry.
"Fine, it's a scene of racial evolution with a lot of blood.You should be worried about your people. "
"My lord, I am so intoxicated with Lord Shuya....."
That's what Haka said.
Should I call you Shuya?
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, or Lord Shuya."
Kikka's bloody black eyes are serious.
It's called a thin eyebrow, and your serious expression is cute.
I smiled naturally.
Kikka Mayohart, who became a family member.
"Roger that. Whatever you want."
The faces of Haka, Emia, Dominus and Sun, who were listening to the conversation, were uneasy.
I know how worried everyone is about Kikka.
Trying to reassure the Adventurer Alliance,
"Ladies and gentlemen, Kikka, who became one of the chief attendants, is an important part of my family, but I do not intend to interfere with the work of the Adventurer Alliance Master.And your activities. "
That's what he said.
Sun, Emia, Haka, and Dominus nod.
After seeing the complexion, I pulled the king's umbrella Seyval a little.
Show everyone Golden Adventurer Cards floating on the surface of a spiral-shaped black fabric.
"We are the same adventurers as many of you."
Speaking of which, the Night King's Umbrella serves as a combat device.
After I grabbed the Golden Adventurer card,
"And I think of you as my comrades."
"A comrade, a happy word. At the same time, I felt like I saw the souls of the adventurers scattered in the floating rocks of this net."
"... so many adventurers the gods admit, Lord Shuya.Believe it or not, it's the word of the "Net Floating Rock Liberator."
"I can believe the words of Lord Shuya.I can believe it..... "
Haka says so and looks at Kikka.
Kikka says, "Me?" and then he looked at Haka with a neat face and a smiling expression.
"Haka's axe, you idiot. Trust me. How many years have you been working with me?"
and remarks.
"Ha, well, can you say it's up to Kikka?"
That's how Mr. Domitas laughed and spoke.
"Fufu, that's right.It looks like a maiden who fell in love with a royal family. "
Gilmouth's maiden face is rare.
"What!? Dominus, Sun, everybody!"
"You're always kicking ass. I'm relieved."
When we heard the conversation, naturally, we smiled.
Face of the Adventurer Alliance in the Tower Neutral City of Senor Apua.
I am concerned about the impression that the work of the back-workers is like the Dark Guild, but they are good people to talk to.
I'm really glad I saved your life.
With that in mind, Vene and Xara make eye contact.
Vene celebrates her smile and advances towards everyone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, what your husband said earlier is true.And to be clear, your husband prefers to act as an adventurer to the director of the [moon of heaven]. "
"Yes, I always said that."I am the Spear of the Adventurer."There is no shadow in Shuya's mind. "
I heard Xara's words and came with Jean.
I want to rub your shoulders and work hard for you.
And those stunning tits.
Then Vene stretches out her arms and hides Kisara's chest.
Kisala pays for that arm. Never mind, Vene,
"But I think I'm used to blood cravings with vampire halves, but I just became.I can't wait for your husband's blood. "
"Yes, my dear thoughts grow."
Vine and Xara hold my hands while they talk.
And Vigne glanced at her face with a soft expression.
"Ah, and I have a magic sword, Moonlight Abomination, passed down from the ancestors of the Weird Night Demon Clan and the Weird Demon Clan.The master who gave the magic sword Tsukihua the hanging ball of the monster King Valuan.... "
With my pale index finger, I thrust my chest.
With the thin tapered metal armor (Harhonk) version, the feeling of Vene's fingers is conveyed directly.
Kisara stretched her fingers out to my chest.
"Vigne, I remember jealousy too, Lord Shuya!I own the Night King's Umbrella Seyval! "
"Yes, Seyval, King of Weird Nights, and Valuan, King of Weird Demons, are married!"
They tease my nipples with their fingers.
I can't help but feel this shameful feeling...
Kikka was a little upset.
"We both know how you feel, don't we?"
Fufu, yes.
Kisala and Vene take a little distance.
"...... Mr. Vene, I will not deny the blood."
"We are in the same position. Vigne is fine."
"Yes, Vigne, thank you again."
"Yes, thank you very much. I'm a little late, but let's welcome you as one of the chief attendants."
"Thank you."
"Nh, congratulations, Kikka, I welcome you too!"
"I welcome you too!"
"Yes, welcome. A family of trusted allies has been born to us with many enemies!Blood Magus Swordsman Kikka Mayohart would be nice! "
"Yeah, congratulations. Kikka's family.From now on, it will serve as a representative of the tower's neutral city, Sena Apua, and I will look forward to it.I would like you to focus on protecting the Magic Tower Gel Hat because there are many important facilities such as prototype Magic Doll (Warganov) furnaces in the basement. "
"Congratulations, I'm not a family member yet."
Nyaoo ~
Dia is being hit by her partner with Sentier's hand.
Black Cat (Rolo) Do you really want to say, "I'm already a family member?"
Thank you, everybody.
Kikka's shiny expression is also good.
And Eva,
"Nh, we're Kikka from the Alliance Master, so we're also members of the Adventurer Alliance Organization side? Holy Guild member?"
A member of the Holy Alliance.
Has a symbol of the Holy Guild Federation.
And the new title is the Light Magic Inquisition Buster.
A blessing from the god of order, Olympir, and the god of wisdom, Ilias.
Ah, is it connected to Jody?
Jody liked the Holy Alliance jacket.
A piece of clothing with a sense of Japanese and Western design.
Shayle and Jody in Siddale....
I'm sure you're doing well.
I'll head to the orchard when I'm free.
We have to go to the Blood Flower.
Eva and the others must be worried.
Kikka thinks a little bit.
"Thank you, and a member of the Holy Guild.Eva and the others are A-ranked adventurers.The existence recognized by the god of order, Olympir, and the god of wisdom, Ilias.Maybe you're joining the Holy Alliance. "
That's what he said.
So, as part of the Adventurers Guild Organization, do you do your best to be a "special worker"?It might be interesting to take Kisala, Yui and Vene out to exterminate the bad guys. "
And make a joke in half.
Then Xara smiled.
"Fufu. Now, as a backworker for the Adventurers Guild..."
When he retreated, he turned Damoanun's Spear around his chest like a baton.
And then Kisara turned back and advanced.Beautiful white silk hair rises.
I saw a little horn. It's pretty.
"--Defeat the Adventurer Crash Criminal--"
And I stuck the Damoanun Magic Spear to the ground with the handle of the spear.
Completely a master spear move.
The face of [Alliance Contractor] is a real face reaction.
"We have work to do.And no matter what Kissara says, is it a joke for a special worker? "
I see. If you're Shuya, there's plenty of back-office work left to you..... "
"Fufu, does the beautiful Kisara-san look serious?"
"The name of the Four Heavenly Witches of the [Heavenly Moon] is famous.And one of the < Chief Servants (Selected dependants) >. I can do it because it's too much. "
"Wait, Haka and Sun. The master told a joke.As Your Excellency says, we will have our work.I've grown stronger as a member of the Light Magic Lucival, so I can do more work than ever before.There should be more chances of winning without missing out on strong enemies. "
Kikka spoke forcefully.
Associate Alliance Master Emia,
"Back of the line.There seems to be no change in the reaction of the dark blood, and with the evolution to this, the blood of the dark side may react greatly, and the vampire hunters may gather. "
"... just like usual."
Kikka chuckles and stretches her arms.
The trajectory of is beautiful.
"Well, I don't know the details of the back-worker, but if Shuya does it, [Tenrin Moon] is the director general, so speaking of the movement as a dark guild, it's like before."
Rebecca, please don't do this.
Aware of a slightly strange face, I pushed into it.
Rebecca said, "Eh... pu, cum", staring at my strange face and laughing, but she swollen her nose and put up with it.And while lighting the flames in your pale eyes, you glanced at me.
"It's a shock to receive thunder from Shuya!"
Do you see that kind of bokeh?
"Nh, interesting."
"Jago ~"
Partner and Eva go through subtly.
From there, Kikka became a family member.
Fight against La Diusmantle and his family monsters.
Introducing the ever-dark water spirit helmet.
Introduction to Shrek, who lives in.
The pride of the Blood Sucker's Blood Demon Sword.
Lecture by Rebecca and Misty on the use of blood letters, part one and part two.
The Queen of Saidale. Kish.
A state in which Saidale's Air Force is entrusted with the candidacy of Lumardi and Alcan of the Sky Pole for the Book of God.
Moga&Names Gravekeepers and Burrentine.
Hankai, formerly known as General Luo, is about to talk to him.
Light Demon Knight Delhout and Shhelia.
Introduction to Finapulus.
Eight masters of the Magic Army night spear business.
I'm using Talnatham.
The fact that there is a madness in the enemy who practises the mad sword Turk Maria in the magical world.
The [Eight Star] group at the core of the [Pivotal Conference of Darkness] as the enemy's presence.
The escaped Vice President of the Senate Council, Deigarga, and the Pisade Chamber of Commerce.
The battle against one of the most abundant cults in the underworld, the [Tevalonte's Redemption].
Cards fighting the [Bloodmark Apostles] of Holkerbam.
Magic Tower Gel Hat and Magic Tower Gel Hat , who plan to build 'All Warring Gods' as a major project leading to the gods inside the Magic Tower Gel Hat.
Chief Executive of [Tenrin's Moon] & Yui.
Cut Maggie.
The fact that Biloyuan, a cat lover of air warfare magician, entered [Tenrin's Moon].
[Suzuki] 's territory and new executives...
What is an alliance with the Magic Tower Assault Bind ?
Crain, who is also a member, is Eva's mentor. Kikka may be angry because she was actually a member of the team promised in the candidate.
Carrie is a pervert, so be careful.
Renshaw is a strong fan player.
The Magic Tower Night Lane is sealed by the great magician Akie Enigma.
The reality of Kikka's Adventurer Alliance.
About Mr. Domitas's house.
Fighting the Magus over the Floating Rock of the Fiery Ring.
Relationship between [blood ears of white whales] and [moon of the sky].
Deputy Director Merle, Veronica's family.
Bennett and Veronica's labyrinth city, Pernette.
A rivalry between the forces of Senator Kelsoness Nedo and Senator Perelandra, who was running the council.
Returning to the Pernate connection, I have a house in the martial arts district.
There is a mysterious tombstone of club ice in the courtyard.
What happened to Innocent Arms?
Discuss a wide range of issues, including:
Dee and Misty are sitting in the seat where I prepared the Evil King tree, drinking potions, and resting.
I was playing cat tricks made of Evil King trees with my spare partner.
I heard a conversation between Vine and Kikka.
"When I look at Kikka Mayohart, I feel strong spirituality and toughness.I was able to move freely even though I felt pain in my body when I was exposed to your husband's blood. "
"When you manipulated Tsukihua.I'm used to pain.It's the same with Vine, right? "
"It's immortal, but I'm not used to the feeling of pain.Longer habits as a dark elf.I was taught that fighting and swordsmanship are important to deal with without getting hurt. "
"Indeed, how can Flying Sword Stream, Absolute Sword Stream, King Sword Stream, and other genres win alive?There are many important parts of the liver.There's also the art of crushing balls... but I can't learn how to fight with the blood of vampires.If I had an unusual health recovery skill, I would be able to apply the swordsmanship I deal with. "
"Yes, I want to learn how to use such kick-ass blood."
Vene with gadricez on each pattern.
Kikka looks at the sheath and shows the side of thinking something.
"... you want to learn. It'll be between work, if that's all right."
"Got it. You want a mock fight or an adventurer?It's good to punish the bad guys at the back of the line. "
"It doesn't matter in any form. Best regards."
"All right, then let's do the back job."
and two people with blood magic shake hands.
Vene with silver hair shaking.
Kikka with black hair with.
They're beautiful.
It became a lot of pictures.
than the two hands that shake hands....
It is the romantic nature of a man who sees two attractive breasts.
When I thought about it, I was robbed of my "Nnnhhh" cat trick.
The black cat (Lolo) kicks around while lying down.
Nanbu is a cat jerk.
Then Eva casually grabbed my right hand.
"Nh, Shuya, are you happy that Kikka-san and Vine are getting along?"
"I'm glad, but Eva's hands are happier."
The Eva boy holding my arm is too cute.
I let Eva go without Rebecca.
The Eva was an outsider.
"Nh, the title of protection of the god of order, Olympir, and the god of wisdom, Ilias..."
"Oh, the Light Mano has become a Jin-in Buster."
"I knew it had something to do with the Holy Guild Federation! Amazing!"
That's right. I wonder if it's similar to the Holy Engraved Buster of the Holy Guild Federation. "
"Like Sir Adventurer's grandchildren, Lean?"
"Not exactly."
"Nh, ah, I've also won the Light Magic Magician and the Light Magic Magician..."
To Eva, who kissed me on the cheek,
Oh, thank you...
I kissed Eva's forehead.
"Nh!And the Golden Adventurer Card and the Night King's Umbrella? "
"I don't know because I haven't tried it yet, but I think so."
"Nh, but I was surprised that I gave it to Valuan, the monster king, because I thought it was very important."
"I'm sorry if I surprised you. When I saw that hole... I remembered a lot."
"Nh... the dauntless depression of Ganges the Spear of God, the Magic Stone of God?"
Surprised. You read my deep thoughts.
"Nh, sorry."
"No, Eva can tell me everything."
"Fufu, there's something I've been worried about for a long time... I thought there might be a reason why I'm not going to put a magic stone on it."
"Ah, anyway, the Spirit Spear Ganges is a substitute that Magus Takeo liked to use.I'll do it one day. "
The owner of Slosa,
Wow, this is mythical.His name is Ganges the Spear of God. It is said that this spear suddenly appeared from another world and stabbed the old god Girimekara.Magus Takeo Ganges liked to use it. "
was appraised.
I'm also worried about this spear suddenly appearing from another world...
I was worried about the compatibility between the eight Masters of the Magic Army night spear business and the Magic Stone.
As a result, the Demon Army night spear industry trembles.
At the same time, Rebecca, Misty, Beasa and Dia laughed.
Are you laughing with the [Alliance contractors]?
Rebecca was proud of the flames.
So, Vigne and Kicca talked to Kicca.
"Shuya has a face that does not turn upstairs and does not proudly turn downwards."
"You're so sweet."
I entered another long conversation from such a conversation.
Eva and I broke into the conversation.
And while I tell Kikka that Senator Perelandra is alive...
Why did we appear here when we didn't take orders from the floating rock of the net?
In addition, I began explaining the reason for appearing near the Phantom Meditation Stone Room inside the Magic Tower.
Tell him to use Sentier's room with Deer, a student at the Lomberg Magic Academy, to transfer the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor].
Then the Alliance contractors approached.
I was attacked by a very intense question.
* giggle * * naturally.
In the middle of such discussions...
The free black cat (Lolo) is on the floor.
Lorodine rubs her back using the protrusion of the floor.
"Kai-no" is performed continuously, exposing the stomach and shaking the back.
I also saw light peach skin and nipples.
I can't see the mark of the god beast with black hair.
The black cat (Lolo) stopped moving.
He looks up at us with his belly on.
Crushed eyes.
Exposed like an old man, one of his forelegs stretched out to the side, showing off the meatballs.
The variety is exquisitely cute.
Everyone's conversation stopped unexpectedly.
Then, look at everybody's face and do a silent "Is it a town?"
"--fufu! I can't stand it!"
Rebecca and Eva get excited and stroke each other on the floor.
"Loro-sama's other side....."
"I'll brush your throat hair..."
"Fufu, I want everyone to know..."
Wow, me too!
Kisala, Vene, Misty, and Beesa also participated.
I stroked the black cat (Lolo).
The black cat (Lolo) was in a state of releasing his body with an unspeakably happy face.
I was responding with a rattling throat.
While I was being caressed, my lower abdomen trembled like itching, turning into a black leopard.
As she gets bigger, she wraps her feet around with tentacles coming out of her neck.
"Lolo says you can touch Deer too."
"Ha, yes!"
Dia looks at the Black Panther (Lolo) and is a little scared, but I wonder if her partner made it easier for everyone to stroke her.
That's a sweet Lorodine.
That buddy, he stretches his tentacles towards me, but he feels like a goddamn devil and turns his toes half a turn.
Do you understand that the black leopard (Loro) lying on his back avoided me?
A tiger's throat sounded dissatisfied.
Temporarily, calm down.
Then Emia, the Associate Adventurer Alliance Master, explained to me about the [Phantom Meditation Stone Room].
La Diusmantle's crusade this time was also a job to seal off the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor].
That Emia,
"When I heard your story, it seemed that Sentier's room had been transformed."
"... if so, the Savior of Xara.It increases the credibility of the word. "
"Naturally, the Darkness and Light Carrier (Damoan Numbringer) is everything.Perhaps we were guided by the darkness and light of Kikka Mayohart... or maybe the hands of the savior of Monster King Valuant and Monster Night King Seyval felt the danger of Kikka and summoned Shuya? "
"... it's magnificent, but we're convinced that we actually saved lives!And Lord Savault, the Night King's Umbrella, is the King of the Strange Night Demons... and may be the leader of the gods of Theurus in the Divine Realm... "
That's right, Kikka understands.I got a good man!
"Yes. You decided to leave aside the story that Ashler, the god of destiny, might be involved, and that the [Phantom Meditation Stone Room] that remains open is stable thanks to Sentia's room?"
Nod to Rebecca's words and gaze at Sentier's room.
Looks like it.
I think it's still hypothetical, but yes
That's what Emia said.
"Nh, if it's true, is the door of the [Phantom Sealed Stone Room] closed and you can't see the [Phantom Dark Corridor]?"
"Yes, and the original Kelsoness Magic Academy Magic Tower should have multiple magical remodeling rooms with complex magical boundaries."
"Could Nedo have ordered his wizard artisan to modify it in advance?"
Vigne asked everyone.
Mr. Domitas with gray hair,
"I've heard from Lord Shuya and all of you, but it will be possible.Nedo, he was a terrible grandfather. "
"Yes, the Devil King smelting... the story of saving Arse, Shuya still..."
"Okay, so you should thank Sorfenatos and Christians, not me."
"That Magus, he's taken possession of the floating rock of the Ring....."
"Yes, it seems to have broken out in the underworld before taking possession."
"Then perhaps there is a request for an assassination paper....."
"I'm sorry, but I became friends with Sorfenatos.If the request had been posted on the board, could it have been withdrawn? "
"It's up to the client. I can negotiate with my client."
Whether you accept a request or go for a crusade, it will be a retribution.
Well then, Kikka and the [Alliance Contractor].Let's stop sharing information with our new friends and family. "
"My lords, do you want to use Sentier's room?"
"Yes, it is."
Roger that.
"Yes, a journey through the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor]!Ideally arrive at the Tower Gel Hat immediately! "
"Fufu, but it's a good break."
"May I seal the Phantom Meditation Stone Room?"
"Ah, yes, there's no seal on Sentier's room, is there?"
"It's okay. Okay, Kikka, Domitas. Send me some magic.I will use Four Jade Magic Sealed Stones nearby...
Emia points at the open door of the [Phantom Meditation Stone Room] like a square slate [Four Jade Magic Stone].
A thick golden magic spell applied its [Four Jade Magic Sealed Stone] to the [Phantom Meditation Sealed Stone Room].
The golden stone door moved naturally sideways, closing the gap between the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor] and the [Phantom Meditation Stone Room].
When a pattern of [Four Balls Magic Sealed Stone] is drawn directly above the stone door, a magical formation with a beautiful translucent geometry appears directly above the [Phantom Meditation Sealed Stone Room].
The magic formation is stable.
"We did it. We succeeded."
It seems to have sealed [Phantom Meditation Stone Room].
"Congratulations to Emia and Kikka."
"Thank you."
"Lord Shuya, bless the Innocent Arms!"
"Thank you, my lord!"
"We're moving to Sentier's room, Dear."
"Yes, I'm ready -"
I hung Sentier's hand while activating it together.
The door to Sentier's room opens.A little Sentier's room floated.
All right, everybody, let's get into Sentier's room.
Well, Kikka, I'll see you soon if it's the Tower Gel Hat.
Misty made a statement.
Kikka nodded.
"Alright, if it were a bubble of floating rock, you would be officially celebrating Innocent Arms as an Adventurer Alliance Master."
Nyaoo ~
Well then, everyone, next time ~
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