The Spearmaster and the Black Cat
Chapter 807 The Envoy of the Tombstone of Dawn
This is a bubble floating rock ruled by ex-Nedo.
There are few traces of the Magic Academy Magic Tower in the center.
Instead, it was a distorted altar with no ceilings formed by sand, bones and snakes, and solidified sand and glass.
At the top of that distorted altar is the immense magic of the Glass Throne, the eternal Jessialba.
Its eternal Jessialba emits radiant light from behind.
While forming a semi-transparent magical formation interfering with the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor], the radiant light was also pouring into the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor].
The Envoy of the Tombstone of Dawn, Ge Guerra Tor, uses his and the permanent Jessialba to gain magic from the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor].
The skull of Ge Guerra Toe, the Envoy of the Tombstone of Dawn.
There are countless sand snakes floating around the skull.
It looks like a circular made by a sand snake.
To the left and right of the skull's forehead....
There is a residual winding angle that was a species to taste.
There are countless magic gems in the corner.
There was a burning magic eye in the orbit that mixed jade and obsidian stones.
Left eye.
The right eye is.
The Magic Eye in the left eye can summon Carla the Sand Serpent.
In addition, countless sand snakes can be summoned around them.
The spiritual eye of Jessialba, the twin serpent god of the right eye, can invade the spirit of the seer with the spiritual power of Jessialba, the twin serpent god.
The person you see and the person you eat will go mad instantly if their magic and mental power are low.
Even a high-powered opponent will drive your senses crazy.
Ge Guerra Toe, who needed such magic eyes, wore a special robe with magic skills that the great magicians of the Empire named Magic Wind Glass Guerrado Palmer liked.
The Gue Guerra Toe looked boringly at the adventurers caught in the universe by the thread of light.
Below them lies the Oracle of Bone Demons of the Dawn, whose heads hang.
The army was wearing yellow, white and red uniforms.
On the altar of the left bone is Uberus, the great sage of the former Empire of Dawn.
On the altar of the right bone was Aleabel, the great sage of the former Empire of Dawn.
Gue Guerra Toe spit seeds out of his mouth.
The seed goes to the adventurer tangled in the thread of light.
The adventurers were not ordinary people, but magical formations appeared automatically to prevent the seeds that Gue Guerra Toe vomited.
"... accept it honestly."
"Ah? Fuck, monsters!"
"It's sad to call me a monster.The people of this era are no different from the fighting slaves you tasted. "
Gue Guerra Toe asked Uberus.
Uberus can hang his head.
"Yes, I seem to be learning some magic, but I don't have any magic tools."
"Hmm, one more thing..."
Gue Guerra Toe also flew the seed out of his mouth.
A seed that penetrated the magical formation created by the Adventurer in an instant.
The species wearing the Adventurer's body collided with the entrance to the altar behind it, blooming with silver flowers.
Silver flowers (chemilas) are a species of appetizing plants.
He was releasing blood like he was feeding the Adventurer's guts.
The body of the Adventurer, penetrated by seeds in the sky, was sand and poured down into the Bone Magic Army below.
The Oracle of Bone Demons smashed their shields and swords with joy.
and made a creepy voice.
There is a presence that leads the Bone Magic Artificial Army...
Former Dawn Empire Sage Uberth and Sage Aleabel.
Uberus is levitating with his left hand behind his back.
He gripped Labezen with a large wand in his right hand.
This wand Labezen can handle the yarn of darkness and light.
"This one doesn't seem to have the same endurance as the others."
There seem to be some demonic tribes, but unlike those days, they're quite poor quality.
Immediately thereafter, the thread of light engulfed the adventurers.
"I can't forgive you for killing Ares!"
"... yes!"
"It's a noisy crowd... and a miscellaneous fish that can't even serve as a seed vessel..."
"Ahhh? Don't fuck with me,! Damn monster!"
Gue Guerra Toe also spit seeds out of his mouth.
The seeds do not penetrate the breasts of the human race, and in an instant they fall down in bloom with giant silver flowers.
A giant silver flower and an adventurous body that fell near the Bone Magic Army flashed.
A larger silver flower scatters magic.
It became the magic that covered the Bone Magic Army, and the Bone Magic Army strengthened its shine.
The bone demon artificial army sounded a heavy bass of joy.
And Aleabelle the Great Sage,
"That's Ge Guerra Toe with the permanent Jessialba.You succeeded in generating Drumless!We succeeded in strengthening the Bone Magic Army. "
"Hmm. Silver flowers just don't suit the people in this region."
The remaining adventurers caught in the thread of light
"... the flower of death."
"... if you kill us, everyone operating in the tower's neutral city of Senor Apua will just move to crush you."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's right. Very pleasant.Not only the magic of the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor], but also the actual soul. "
"Yes, the Bone Magic Artificial Army is stronger than it was originally."
Flash runs from the [Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor].
A tremendous shock ran behind Gue Guerra Toe.
Everyone move to the center of Sentier's room.
"Nh, Sentier's hand. In the cage of the original magic instrument, ah, it glowed."
"Sentia's one eye and the horn-lamp monkeys and horns hanging on the back of her cage are strange."
The exotic beasts of the ceremony, named Saruga and Kanebu.
"Yeah, a source of conflicting catalytic power.And San-san told me about Sentia, a magician of light, who is close to a fairy who uses the Spirit of Heaven and Earth. "
That's what Misty says. There is no note on the parchment.
I suppose you've made some notes already.
"The way the gold and silver doors work together, the key also looks like a key with nano-security and bio-encryption systems.And Sentia's room, piloted by Shuya and Dia, is close to a kind of spaceship. "
That's what Beasa said.
The organs of the back of the head hang on both shoulders like a bunch of three braided hairs.
Peach magic particles emerging from the tips of the three braided organs cover the clavicle and shoulders.It also looked like a magical cape, protective film.
"[Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor] is a kind of warp voyage?"
"I don't know. I think Sentier, who appeared in the Talk of the Transcript of the Eastern States, is the Sherman that led to the gods of time and space.I think you can understand the bicomus relay used by the spacecraft and the warp voyage using bicomial mile spores, which are symbols of special space-time attributes, but it is difficult for me to explain the transfer between Narrow (Vail) and the [Phantom Dark Corridor]. "
That's what Beasa said.
The Sherman. In short, the Sentier of the Eastern States seems to be the wise man of time and space.
Maybe it's an ancient dimensional voyage left behind by the planet Mihoza's first generation?
I can only imagine the impression of navigation using wormholes...
The accelerator magina that floats on a combat device
"Master! Can I say something?"
"Oops, changing the tune is as fine as ever."
"Fufu, the song seems to improve the master's superficial vital value."
So, what's the statement?
"This is the warp voyage Beasa talked about."
"They're all different, aren't they?"
"I am analyzing it, but I don't know.It is also different from warp navigation using project-looking glass-based computer technology that interferes with the timeline.In a sense, it gives the impression that the rumored ancient wisdom of the black ring (zalap) is packed.I want to contribute to the master..... "
Axel Magina had a lot of silence.
And that's probably why I kept playing music.
"Never mind. Let me and Deer move Sentier's room."
and sounds the music from the speaker on the right-arm combat-type device.
Everyone comes by. We put our hands together.
Nyaoo ~
"Ah, black cat."
My partner was a black cat.
Sitting on Vene's shoulders and back, the skinny Vene shifts her posture forward.
"Buddy, it's time to lick Vene's neck and long ears -"
I changed my costume in an instant.
I switched to a hoodie costume with a hood on the back of a short sleeve.
"Dear and everyone, are you ready?"
"Yes! Clothes are highly defensive, so you can get caught in the corner lights!"
"Let's go! Travel between dimensional corridors due to increased metastasis!"
"Master and Deer, please!"
"Master, please take me to the Tower Gel Hat."
"The smell of Shuya!"
Kisala, who reacted differently, strengthened my hug.
Sleeveless and close to the clavicle.
And the dynamic pressure on Kisara's tits is unbearable.
Naturally, she turned her left hand from her left shoulder to her back and hugged the fox.
"Eh Shuya, now it's time for the Tower Gel Hat!Don't imagine anything weird!Something nasty!Kisara, get away from me! And Deer remembers Torina's delicious lunch with flowers and birds! "
That's what he said.
He had his head on Deer along the way.
Deer's glasses clouded Rebecca's breath.
I can't wait to smell Citrus.
Dia rearranges her glasses and looks crisp.
"Yes, that delicious breakfast!"
Two smiling people.
Rebecca and Dear, who took care of everything, were close.
Rebecca looked like Deer's sister.
Look at those two.
"Alright, I can put magic into Sentier's hands.[Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor] Or the Magic Tower Gel Hat, I hope.It's probably a bubble of floating rock. "
"Yes, oniisama! Try Phantom Meditation Dark Corridor again!"
I breathed with Deer and put magic into Sentier's hands.
The moment when you use your skills.
Magic is scattered in one stroke from the hands of Deer and Sentier.
Dia has a trance look.
Rebecca and Eva take care of her immediately.
- That's how you get used to it.
And it doesn't change the strange feeling that Deer's neural region has my designated location.
The ceiling of [Sentier's room] is gray and silver.
The surrounding scenery is already in the dark zone.
It's a black-and-white zone full of fear.
Beyond the panoramic landscape, stars appear in the upper left - it suddenly explodes - shock waves appear.
Vigne's long ears were depressed.
Sentier's room rocked.
The four walls are not dark zones.
Sentier's room pattern.
The gold and silver doors are the same as before.
"I was scared, but I'm fine.We're here. I don't know where. "
Eva headed towards the door first.
It is wrapped in purple magic, but it is a version of the magic wheelchair.
The black hair on the back of the head is drifting a little.
Eva, no avant-garde.
Eva, an esper maneuver, looks back into space.
"Nh, okay."
"Wow, Misty says Xex is the avant-garde, but that's my job."
"Fufu, Lolo the Black Tiger seems to be dissatisfied."
"Then you're with your partner, right?"
I went behind my knees with a fat tail, buddy.
Go to the gold and silver doors in Sentier's room.
I ran to grab my partner's tail.
"Ha ha."
Everyone follows with a laugh.
Black tiger Lorodine scratches gold and silver doors.
A gold and silver door that is slightly sharpened but shines and regenerates.
"Hey, buddy, I'm gonna fuck you up a little bit, so stop."
"Fufu, I'm in a mood!Lolo is funny! "
Rebecca grabbed a fat tail, but she was about to roll over with a black tiger punch.Eva next door supported me.
"Because it's Tiger, even a meatball attack is intense...."
"Rebecca, the tail grip is so good."
My partner apologized by licking Rebecca's leg.
"Fufu, it's okay."
Nnh, nya
Rorodine, a black tiger stroked her head by Rebecca.
Sniffs and smells while licking Rebecca's palm.
"Fufu, I can see your nose is moving and your breathing is so cute ~"
Nyaaaa ~
My partner was responding with a thick voice that gave the impression of a black tiger.
The black tiger (Lolo), far from Rebecca, turned his head towards Dia.
"Yes, Loro-chan, please wait while I open this place with oniisama."
The god beast Lorodine answered Dear with a voice of enthusiasm.
An orange flame was fired from the body, thought to be the protection of the warring god Ramadshura.
It's a beautiful bird. The swallows scatter and disappear into the atmosphere.
I can't believe that sight again...
A black tiger and an orange pigeon.The contrast is tender and cool.
And just in case, I put magic into the red ball ring and put out the Adumbrari.
"Lord, it's my turn!"
"Hey, Adumbrali, get ready for a fight at this door."
"Magic labyrinth, no, bubbly floating rock.An armed demon spirit as a god beast outfit, right? "
"Oh, come on, help my partner."
"Leave it to me, for the Lord and the Beast!Cosmo's leaving! "
Adumbri was right on his partner's head.
In an instant, it turns into a helmet with a face that looks like the black tiger Lorodine.
Whisker pads, face to protect forehead and back of head.
The forehead is marked in the form of a god beast and a swallow.
Above it is a small pot with a Yanagui mark and a small monocular.
Nice gear.
"Whoa! The Heart of the Beast is warm!"
Nyaoo ~
As you stroke your partner and Adumbrali's cheeks,
"As before, immediately after you open the door and enter, form a formation to protect Deer.I wonder if I'm going to start with the helmet. "
"Lord Shuya, I am also in front of you as an avant-garde."
"Yes, if one of the tombstone envoys of dawn can negotiate with Gue Guerra Toe, you should stay close."
"But when I remember Garfa's face....."
"Nh, is this going to be a fight?"
I assumed that it would be impossible to negotiate.
"Nh, okay."
Eva deformed part of the magic wheelchair.
The pedal on the foot is a large shield that covers a portion of the head while bending forward.
A new magic wheelchair that hides Deer and explores the surroundings.
The shape is sophisticated, and you can think of Vigne as an archer.
That's one of his.
Purple eyes are powerful.
Eva can handle Dia.
Imagine Lisana, a wave of ladybirds that could become a bridgehead.
Blood magic from the beginning.
And bloody gun.
With the Ace Cross Spear Vexard, the Night King's Umbrella Savault, and the Spear of God Ganges floating in blood,
"Dear, let's open it."
Me and Deer use Sentier's hands.
Semi-transparent female phantoms opened Sentier's room with gold and silver doors.
Fragments of glass in a flash?
I saw particles in the form of sand? snakes?.
You can instantly grasp a few giant magic elements.
I ran off with Black Tiger's partner.
--The Knights of the Bones are the enemy.
Aim at the chest of the Gorgeous Armor Knight on the right.
Unlike the Boiling Knight, the bone knight's shield and chest were pierced by the silver tip of the Night King's umbrella, Seyval.
Quickly open the Night King's Umbrella Savault's dark black umbrella.
Destroy the Bone Knight with each armor.
The Knight of Bones scattered as he turned sandy.
Grasp the circumference while rotating the nail tip half a turn.
People rolling on the floor, adventurers on the right.
"─ ─ Unuaaaaa"
Countless sand snakes come from the enemies of the great magic.
The flames of my partner melted those sand snakes in an instant.
From the left edge, I saw an attack from an ally facing a large magic enemy.
First of all...
Half a step back and half a turn at the toe.
Is this the altar?
And it seems that Sentia's room broke down part of the altar and left the [Phantom Dark Corridor].
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