The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 122.

Among the six Winter Soldiers, the tall woman was the longest survivor, but no matter how strong she was, humans were very fragile in front of gun bombs, these Winter Soldiers were able to dodge bullets shot by one person, but definitely could not dodge the bullet screen formed by dozens of people shooting.

It was only natural to be killed, after all, this was an abandoned son.

Unlike these people's miserable fates, Hydra's other outcast was much better. Although he was tied up as a mummy and couldn't move his body, but at least his life wasn't in danger, and he even had a good friend who was pleading for his life.

Steve had wanted to go fight the six invading Winter Soldiers, but was stopped, after all, there was so much going on inside S.H.I.E.L.D. today that almost everyone wanted to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible, so those Winter Soldiers were

By the time Nick Fury came over it was all over, leaving only the busy medics, and as for the agents most of them had gone after the remnants of Hydra, losing the leader of Hydra was just a scattering of sand, no challenge at all.

That's right, word had gotten out that the Hydra leader had been wiped out!

Chapter 168 - Awakening

Speaking of those Hydra leaders who were exterminated by Zhang Wen, there were really two of them who weren't that evil, although people had done a lot of bad things, but they had done a lot of good things, whether it was for tax breaks or because of something else.

This leads to some of them still having some friends and a good social rating, and it's not like they're bad guys at all to just kill their whole family, so in the end the case is straight up characterized as a mob revenge crime, and a group of detectives or cops are under pressure from their superiors to try to find clues to solve the case.

But they won't find out the truth in the end, because the truth Nick Fury has already told some people, and those people have a very tacit plan to find a guy to take the blame for those things.

It didn't take Nick Fury long to get busy with these things, but even so he didn't have time to get to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters before it was over, after all everything happened so fast, and even though the S.H.I.E.L.D. director's ride was fast, he didn't have a portal after all, and it still took time to get there.

As soon as Nick Fury arrived it was as if the people present had found their backbone, instantly everything became in order, knowing that at this time Nick Fury hadn't given any orders yet.

This was Nick Fury's key asset in S.H.I.E.L.D. Excluding his own abilities, Nick Fury's greatest specialty was to amplify the fear of his enemies, and of course it wasn't just the enemies, but many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents as well.

"How's it going!" Looking at the oncoming Hill, Nick Fury asked with a livid face. Looking at the scene around him, Nick Fury knew that the losses would never be small.

"The crisis is averted, but the casualties are high!" Hill said a few rough words, then handed a tablet to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury took a look at it, it was filled with some of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s classified information, even including some of the deleted Hydra data, this kind of stuff was now available to anyone on the internet, although there was some simple encryption, but this couldn't be hidden from everyone, not to mention other powers, even the general public if they wanted to crack it would be simple.

"I got it!" Nick Fury replaced the tablet with the other, then continued, "The most important thing right now is Hydra, Hydra has risen again because of S.H.I.E.L.D., now let him die with S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Hill seemed surprised and gave Nick Fury a quick glance before leaving the area with the agent directly behind him.

Nick Fury looked around and looked very confused!

Wanda woke up and looked around a little dazed, but realized that this was in the middle of what looked like a normal hospital, and in the bed next to her was Daisy, who still seemed to be in a coma.

Suddenly, noticing that her clothes had been changed, Wanda nervously touched her chest, okay! The necklace had not been taken.

Wanda then looked out the window somewhat cautiously, but found that the outside was just as she thought it would be, just ordinary streets themselves didn't seem to be in the hands of Hydra.

Just then, an obese middle-aged female nurse walked in, saw that Mia had woken up, and very calmly inquired, "Awake, your head doesn't feel dizzy?" With a notebook and pencil in hand, as if ready to record something?

"No where is this, why am I here? I have another brother, have you seen him?" Mia replied, then suddenly questioned the other woman, her expression anxious.

"This is a hospital, you've been in a car accident. Your brother seems to be less seriously injured and has been released from the hospital! How's the head feeling? Are there any symptoms like double vision to remember things?" The middle-aged nurse replied, then continued her questioning.

"I'm fine, thanks!" Wanda, on the other hand, replied a little distractedly, as if something was going through her mind.

"By the way, your personal belongings are in the closet, and the clothes were changed by the matron!" The middle-aged nurse wrote something in her notebook and then said something to Wanda before closing the door and leaving the place.

Wanda sniffed and immediately opened the closet the nurse had pointed to, inside it was a slightly torn dress, but it was clean, as if someone had tidied it up, and Wanda's phone was on the top of the dress.

Wanda picked up the phone and immediately made a call to Pietro. The call was quickly answered, and Wanda shouted somewhat anxiously, "Where are you? Why not the hospital!"

"I'm at the bank! You're awake, how's Daisy!" Pietro said as Wanda filled out some sort of information at the bank's counter.

"The bank? Why where?" Wanda was slightly confused.

"Get a card ah, you think you have to pay for hospitalization. Our wallets were taken, and I would have had to humanize it if they hadn't called an ambulance!" Pietro said with slight frustration.

"The transfer of funds is fine Mia-san!" Wanda said, slightly puzzled.

"I'm telling you ah, we came out this time Mr. Zhang Wen was very angry and stopped helping us for the time being, we now have to take out a Hydra division like any other hero to do so!" Pirot's voice lowered somewhat involuntarily.

"So," Wanda's mood became a little lower.

"It's okay, there are some things Mia-san doesn't help with, but she doesn't leave us alone, you know why we survived? Mr. Chang Man arrived and saved us!"

"By the way, Wanda did you check the internet? Now that Hydra has fallen, Mia-san told me that basically all the leaders were killed by Mr. Zhang Wen, leaving us with only a small branch to use as a practice!"

"And ah,"

The mouth of Pirotte is like a machine gun talking non-stop, Wanda is quietly listening without saying a word, but in the mind can not help but involuntarily remember the scene before he was unconscious, then thought dead.

Afterwards, Wanda chatted with Pirotte and hung up the phone, then browsed some explosive news on the internet.

The headline breaking news was the time of the mass murder of the rich and famous, and the rest was all about Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D..

Hydra, the mysterious agency that had disappeared from view since World War II, was mentioned again today, but appeared at the same time as Hydra's demise, and now there were even some live reports from frontline reporters of the army's battle against the mysterious Hydra.

After Wanda read the news for a while, Pirotte came back with a backpack of money and seemed to be in good shape, seemingly completely unaffected by the previous event.

In fact, because of having super speed, Pirot was actually able to recover quickly, so the first of the three of them to wake up, Pirot was a big mess when he first woke up.

After waiting in her room until the evening, Daisy also finally woke up, and after confirming that all three of them were fine, the three of them went straight to the hospital for discharge.

However, when they reached the entrance of the hospital, they found that they didn't seem to know where they should go.

Chapter 169 - The Two People Who Span Time

"Back!" Zhang Wen was currently sitting on a recliner inside the courtyard with a magic book in his hand, looking as if he was studying something, and a cup of tea that was bubbling hot on his right hand side.

Some tiptoeing Pietro heard this and felt caught, scratching his head in slight embarrassment.

"Mr. Changwen I" for a moment Pietro didn't know what to say and became a little fidgety.

"Didn't stop you from coming back, but I won't help with the tasks I have set for you" Zhang Lu looked at Pietro in this state and opened his mouth to explain, then continued to shift his attention to the magic book in his hand.

"Sir, you're not angry?" Pietro brightened at the sight.

"No, but you two have a lot of nerve to sneak out!"

"Sorry, we were wrong!"

"Then write a five thousand word review!"

"Oh," Pirot responded slightly frustrated and then turned to run outside, after all, Wanda and Daisy were still waiting outside at this point.

Zhang Wen didn't make it too difficult for the two siblings, just reprimanded them a few times. Zhang Wen didn't care that the two siblings sneaked out, after all, cultivating them into so-called superheroes was also something that Zhang Wen had been doing, but what really made Zhang Wen dissatisfied was that the two siblings hadn't prepared themselves well in advance.

It was important to know that the path of superheroes was a difficult one, and in the world of the Flash, whether it was Oliver as Green Arrow or Barry as the Flash, they would encounter many difficulties, and it was not unheard of for them to lose their loved ones due to carelessness.

So Zhang Wen wanted to avoid all of these things as much as possible, not to mention that Fast Silver Ben had died under a bullet in the movie, and the reason Zhang Wen had trained him so much before was to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

"You remembered all that?" Steve looked through the clear glass at the tightly secured Bucky, his eyes betraying something of a struggle.

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