The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Amazing Race Chapter 123.

"Steve" Looking at the somewhat different Captain America than he remembered, Bucky's eyes flickered with confusion and then reacted. Opening his mouth, he said, "Yeah, looks like the memory's coming back."

"I did a lot right?" The two men were silent for a moment, then spoke up.


"Where the things Hydra instilled in me are still there, I can remember everything clearly, my hands are covered in the blood of innocents" Bucky laughed bitterly, a hint of despair clouding his eyes.

"Then that wasn't your fault!" Steve spoke up.

"Don't be consoling me, I know it!" Bucky interrupted Steve and then asked him, "What will you do with me?"

"I don't know, they're discussing it." Steve shook his head, then said.

"Here's a suggestion, kill me. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, maybe soon I'll disappear completely and become a cold-blooded tool of HYDRA!" Bucky's words did not reveal any fear, but rather a sense of impending relief.

In fact, Bucky was completely devoid of emotion while on a mission, there was just the idea of performing the mission like a machine, but after the mission Bucky had a blank period of doing nothing for a while, during which Bucky's memory would sporadically recover a little.

But Bucky's already brainwashed brain couldn't tell the difference between truth and falsehood, and would just tell Hydra and the truth about himself, and that's when Hydra would choose to brainwash him again and freeze him until the next mission.

"A friend of mine" at the word friend Steve paused for a moment and then continued to Bucky, "A friend of mine has already treated you and he said you wouldn't be under control anymore."

"Are you sure?" Hearing this, Bucky's eyes revealed a hint of fire, and despite having a great deal of guilt for the mistakes he had made, Bucky actually didn't want to die.

"It's almost certain that that person is very strong!" Steve was a little hesitant, but told Bucky these things directly.

Afterwards, the two of them very tacitly avoided being the Winter Soldier, and instead talked about some childhood anecdotes, such as Steve often forgot to put newspaper in his shoes because he wasn't tall enough, and Bucky often fought with other people and such things.

Although still in the motherland, the two travelers across time finally saw their remembered friends and shared the same topics of conversation. This made the two of them happy, ignoring the clear glass and the cage that separated them in the middle.

It wasn't until a piercing alarm sounded and it was time for Steve's visit to the prison that the two said goodbye to each other.

"Chief, what should we do with him!" Natasha looked at Steve and Bucky slightly confused by the question from inside the surveillance screen.

"I'm not the Director anymore, S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to be disbanded and so should we" Nick Fury said halfway through his sentence but was suddenly a bit confused as to where to begin.

"He's in control isn't he? It's not as if psychotic killings don't run afoul of federal law," Nick Fury said with a small smile.

"Do you want to?" said Natasha, with a bright flash of light.

"It's not that simple, this has caused a lot of damage and we need a little" said Nick Fury, but then he shook his head and said.

"I know!" Natasha said and then left the area straight after that.

"Director, we" asked Hill to Nick Fury as he watched Natasha's back as she left.

"We should do nothing right now, S.H.I.E.L.D. must be disbanded!" Nick Fury said if he had a point.

That's right, S.H.I.E.L.D. had to disappear from everyone's sight, as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't disappear those people wouldn't be relieved, those people held most of the power in society and there was no way S.H.I.E.L.D. alone could fight against it, although it was very unpleasant to say the least.

"Looks like I'm off to find a new job, how about the Stark Group?" Hearing Nick Fury's words, Hill said very calmly, knowing Nick Fury well she knew that Nick Fury would never give up, but now they would have to wait a while.

"That would be a good job, the Stark Group is said to pay the highest salaries."

"No it isn't, it's the Stark Group that pays the highest right now, Stark came to me the other day asking for someone?"

"The Star Group? The guy who runs it?"

"Well, it seems to want to change the world, and the products developed are the first of their kind, and no one has been able to crack them!"

"That's a good thing! Why don't you consider going to Star Labs?"

"It's too exhausting and ineffective, and no one in the world can figure out those technologies."

"Stark would never let you go to his company if he heard that."

"Do you think Stark is in charge of the Stark Group now?"


Chapter 170 - You should see a psychiatrist!

Wanda and the others rested at home for two days before setting off to carry out the orders that Zhang Wen had given them, after all, they had already recovered from their injuries, and if they went late and were directly found by S.H.I.E.L.D., Daisy wouldn't be able to get her revenge.

That's right, what Zhang Wen left them with was Whitehall, the culprit who caused Daisy to become an orphan, and although it was said that her mother and father were still alive now, it was actually similar to being dead.

Mr. Hyde has been making a deal with HYDRA since he became mentally unstable. Of course, he doesn't know that HYDRA is the one who killed his wife and orphaned his daughter.

Daisy's mother, Jaying, has become a completely different person since her resurrection, and is only interested in finding her fellow humans and getting revenge on them, and Mr. Hyde doesn't pay much attention to his wife's abnormality since he's been searching for his daughter.

Or rather, since the accident, Mr. Hyde has become insane, while Jaying has gone completely black, and in a way Daisy's parents did die in that one incident.

This time out, Wanda and the others had learned their lesson and gotten quite a few strange items from where Zhang Wen was, some of them were magic items and others were technological products, but they wouldn't encounter a surprise attack this time anyway.

Zhang Wen had spent the past two days quite boring, although Zhang Wen liked to read books, but reading a bunch of books that could not be read was not enjoying but suffering, magic this kind of thing to understand is very simple, do not understand is very difficult, there is no effort whatsoever, completely rely on talent.

Sometimes, Zhang Wen really wanted to travel back in time to find Constantine and ask him to teach him, but when he thought of the things he might encounter, Zhang Wen dispelled this thought.

Zhang Wen didn't want to be stuffed with a bunch of useless things that he couldn't delete as soon as he returned to his mind. Modifying the timeline was something that Zhang Wen could stop if he could, but if he couldn't, he would honestly run away from it.

But the problem was that Zhang Wen couldn't beat the Divine Speed Force Space created by Barry, after all, compared to that kind of huge space, what Zhang Wen had inside him was just a baby.

Don't look at the fact that Zhang Wen had pitched away half of the opponent's power before leaving, but that was based on having a traitor, after all, using the Savitar Armor and Savitar Soul to create a harness that matched the power of the God Speed Force Space perfectly! There was no way to stop the God Speed Force space.

In essence, Savita is actually the master of the speed force, and Barry the same existence, after all, the remnants of time is just another self is no different, just Barry, the master of the lame point, has been completely reduced to a puppet of the speed force space.

But after all, the identity is on the line, the speed of force space no matter what it does can not be avoided, if there is no master, the speed of force space will actually cease to exist.

The Godspeed Force Space that was fused by Zhang Wen was different, it was completely controlled by Zhang Wen, in a way Zhang Wen was the Godspeed Force Space, how else could it be possible to use Godspeed Force in a comic universe where no Godspeed Force Space existed?

It was also fortunate that the world that he came to in the first place was no longer dc, and there was no Divine Speed Force Space, otherwise, it was really hard to say what Zhang Wen would be doing now.

Since he couldn't read these magic books at home, Zhang Wen had no choice but to consult a very knowledgeable magician. After greeting Mia, Zhang Wen came straight to Kamataji in the next second.

"You've come over!" Gu Yi seemed to have sensed Zhang Wen's arrival and opened his eyes and said.

"Came to ask you a question! About the magic!" Chang Wen very familiarly cast a magic to bring the teapot and cups from the Kamataji and placed them on the table in front of Kuichi.

"Oh? Want to learn a little more magic?" Kuichi inquired slightly curiously.

"No, something seems to be wrong with my emotions and I'm a little afraid I'll lose control!" Zhang Wen took a sip of the tea and then said.

Mmm, Karma Taj's tea was just delicious!

"What!" Hearing this, Gu Yi was shocked, the indifferent expression on his face disappearing instantly!

"Don't worry, it won't get completely out of control, I'll come to my senses if someone reminds me!" Zhang Wen was shocked by Gu Yi's huge reaction and explained.

"Do you think there's anyone who can warn you in time now?" Gu took a glance at Zhang Wen and said with a slight headache.

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