The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Amazing Race Chapter 124.

"I'm not that strong!" Hearing Gu Yi's words, Zhang Wen looked a bit confused, although he said that he couldn't die but there were too many people in this world who could cause harm to him, not to mention that he still couldn't stop bullets by now.

"How long has it been since you've encountered a real enemy?" Gu Yi helplessly reminded Zhang Wen.

"Well come to this world before it! The opponent had a similar power system to mine, but I wasn't that strong, so I ran away!" Zhang Wen thought for a moment, then replied.

"Is he able to kill you?" Gu Yi inquired again.

"Er, can't!" Zhang Wen carefully recalled the scene when he fought with the God Speed Force Space, then replied.

"You haven't seen the same existence as yourself yet, have you!" Ancient One seemed to understand something, then said.

"No, because actually I'm not the only one yet!" Zhang Wen said, then directly broke free of his body to reveal his soul in front of Gu Yi.

"So that's it, magic has no solution to your problem, you better fuse your soul completely! This will solve the problem." Ancient looked at it, then said.

"Poo will be the only place to go after that!" Zhang Wen's soul returned to his body and inquired with some curiosity.

"I don't know!"

"Is there still emotion there? I always feel like I become emotionally unavailable when I'm the only one!"

"I don't know about that."


Zhang Wen asked a lot of questions to Gu Yi, but Gu Yi said that he didn't know, and eventually Zhang Wen had no choice but to stop this kind of inquiry. He didn't know whether Gu Yi had lied to him or not, and although Zhang Wen was capable of seeing lies, he didn't have the confidence to judge whether Gu Yi's words were true or not.

"Hey it's troublesome to keep finding the problem! Now it's good to have the Mind Gem to remind me, but I can't always carry this stupid rock with me!" Zhang Wen took out the Mind Gem and complained to Gu Yi.

"Maybe it wasn't a disease~! Your Excellency Zhang Wen, there are times when you are too calm! I have a suggestion, go see a psychiatrist!" Gu Yi looked at Zhang Wen's frustrated face, thought for a moment, and then said.

"A psychiatrist? A mage who has mastered mind magic?" Zhang Wen brightened as the ancient one said.

"No! Just a regular shrink!"

Chapter 171: Going to a Psychiatrist

Listening to Gu Yi's suggestion to go to a psychiatrist, Zhang Wen suddenly felt an unspoken sense of defiance, as if something had become no longer the same.

Putting down the sense of defiance in his heart, Zhang Wen carefully pondered over Gu Yi's words, and then found that there might be some truth to what he said, Speedsters are no different from humans except for the God Speed Force, and although he said that he had fused with the God Speed Force Space, there should actually not be much difference between him and an ordinary person, and he could even catch a cold.

It was just that Zhang Wen's cold was different from an ordinary person's, an ordinary person would be fine with a cold for a few days, while Zhang Wen would be fine in two minutes! Not feeling sick at all, if it wasn't for the time Caitlin had given herself a full body checkup, Zhang Wen would have thought that he wouldn't be sick.

As for the idea that the divine Speed Force Space would affect emotions, this was just his own wishful speculation, there was never any evidence to prove that this would be the case, and the basis for this was actually related to Reverse Flash, after all, he was affected emotionally by the Reverse Divine Speed Force.

But Reverse Flash had also said that the emotional instability caused by the Reverse God Speed Force actually had nothing to do with the Reverse God Speed Force, it was just that the human body couldn't bear it, as a substance that was the complete opposite of the God Speed Force, it naturally had its limitations.

Although Reverse Flash had warned himself not to have any prejudice against the Reverse God Speed Force, it was clear that he hadn't taken it to heart, perhaps a true fusion with the God Speed Force Space was the right choice!

But! I'm not going to do that!

After thinking about it, Zhang Wen finally made up his mind, and his expression returned to natural, then talked to Gu Yi about some interesting things, such as what kind of powerful forces in this world and so on.

The ancient pair naturally knew a lot about these things, which also gave Zhang Wen, who lacked knowledge, some new insights, so that he wouldn't be confused about the origin of the other party when he encountered something in the future, after all, the world had changed, and some hidden powers in the dark side of the world had also emerged.

This is actually not accurate, after all, according to the ancient one said in fact these mysterious forces are not hidden, just most people do not believe it. After all, modern people's information contact is through the Internet or some media TV series and so on, if the government is intentionally hiding something, it really won't be known by most people.

Unless one had personally experienced such a thing themselves! But with billions of people in the world and a very small total number of wizards and other mystical powers, how could everyone encounter all of them? That was why it gave Zhang Wen a kind of mage that was all hidden.

In fact, these mages were open and honest in carrying out their tasks and such, but there were times when they would just avoid harming the innocent masses, after all, compared to the so-called superheroes, these mages were the mysterious forces that had been guarding the Earth for years.

They have been taught, they know how to avoid harm to ordinary people, they know how to stop crises when they happen, they know how to recover after causing damage, and compared to them, the so-called superheroes are just a lucky guy.

Of course, the world is not yet officially named after superhero organizations or individuals, just by the media, such as Iron Man what is not all day long to do anything righteous, Captain America is even more nest where rarely moved, the only time the big event is the Battle of New York, usually or the police more useful, which is why Spider-Man appeared later controversial reasons, because Spider-Man robbed people live.

As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. incident not too long ago, that's not even a superhero, right. It would have been okay, and on second thought it actually counts, but most of what happened was done by Chang Man.

After chatting with Gu Yi for a while, Zhang Wen took his leave, and as for the magic books he brought, Zhang Wen just threw them to Gu Yi.

Taking the business card given by Gu Yi, Zhang Wen diametrically arrived inside a clinic located in New York, although he didn't understand why Gu Yi would have a psychiatrist's business card, Zhang Wen still decided to give it a try.

"Hello, please come in!" As soon as Zhang Wen knocked on the door, the other party's voice sounded inside the door.

"This voice sounds a bit familiar" Zhang Wen thought to himself, then he just pushed the door and walked in.

But when he walked in, the psychiatrist's appearance directly made Zhang Wen stay in place, not knowing what action to take.

"Sir? Sir?" Seeing Zhang Wen's expression as if he had seen a ghost, a dark-haired woman wearing a white coat carefully called out to Zhang Wen, being a psychiatrist for so many years, she hadn't seen anyone, although she was dumbfounded as soon as she walked in the door, but it wasn't a big deal.

"Nothing," Zhang Wen casually responded, then pulled out a business card from inside his pocket and said to the brunette, "Someone introduced me here."

"I know, I usually have very few strangers here!" The black-haired woman smiled, then said, "Get to know each other, I'm Xu Wanru, Chinese!" And after that, he held out his hand!

"Chang Man! It should be considered Chinese, too!" Zhang Wen stretched out his hand and shook the other man's, then sat on top of the chair, but his expression seemed a little complicated.

"Coffee? Or tea?" After Zhang Wen sat down, Xu Wanru walked directly to the water dispenser and asked Zhang Wen.

"Tea, I'm not used to coffee."

"It's really rare to find people who don't drink coffee in America, so many people who didn't drink coffee originally became coffee drinkers under the influence of those around them! Oh, right! I don't drink coffee either!" Xu Wanru smiled and then handed the teacup to Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen took the cup and took a sip, but found that the tea here tasted exactly the same as Gu Yi's. Feeling a little curious, he inquired to Xu Wanru, "Has a person named Gu Yi ever come here?"

"It seems you're a friend of the Ancient One's mage, did she introduce you to her?" Xu Wanru prepared a cup of tea for herself and then came to sit down opposite Zhang Wen.

"Yes, I've recently noticed that my emotions are a bit out of control."

In this seemingly small room, Zhang Wen and the other party talked a lot, mainly about their emotional problems, other such as the traveler and so on, after all, the other party knew the ancient one probably also knew some things, and even if they didn't, they would probably treat themselves as some kind of paranoia or something.

In fact, Zhang Wen never cared whether or not he leaked the identity of the traveler, because in the real world there wouldn't be any inconvenience caused by this, at most, someone would think you were mentally ill.

Even if someone really believed it and a reporter came to report it, other people would think that it was made up.

Furthermore, even if someone really head iron wanted to try it, would they be afraid?

The conversation with Seo Wanjoo is actually quite simple, perhaps a psychiatrist's professionalism? Or is that a familiar face on the other side? In short, Zhang Wen felt very comfortable talking with her, not having the feeling of seeing a doctor at all, just like chatting with a friend.

Before leaving, Zhang Wen and Xu Wanru confirmed the consultation fee and the date of the next consultation, only that the next time would be Xu Wanru's initiative to come to the door.

Of course, seeing a psychiatrist doesn't mean that there is a disease, sometimes it's just to express the depression in your heart, naturally there is no such thing as medication, in fact, psychiatrists don't prescribe drugs to patients, their language is drugs.

After walking out of here, Zhang Wen suddenly felt that the noisy street became less distracting.

Chapter 172 - The Birth of Ultron

It does seem like a psychiatrist would be of some use, but how does Guichi know her? Could it be that Koichi has mental problems too? And it's normal after all these years of living, it's normal to have a bit of psychological problems, but the other side looks like this is no coincidence!

Xu Wanru's appearance resembled Zhang Wen's wife who had been erased from the timeline, if it was said that Gu Yi hadn't done anything Zhang Wen would never believe it, but Gu Yi also underestimated Zhang Wen a bit too much, if he really wanted to find a replacement would he still come to this universe?

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