The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Comic-Con Chapter 125.

Even if the person in the original world has been erased by the timeline, there are many in the parallel world. Even Zhang Wen can directly recreate the timeline to recreate the modified person in the original world, and with his current level of technology, he can directly clone several of them!

But it does put you in a good mood to talk to this guy, probably because you haven't really let go yet! That's all for now.

Chang pondered, then wandered the streets of New York after a long absence

"Tony, what are you doing?" In the basement of Tony's new house, at some point Banner came over and looked at the mind scepter on Tony's desk, asking a somewhat curious question.

"Here's my pay!" Tony replied casually, but his eyes were unblinkingly focused on the data on top of the monitor.

"Pay? S.H.I.E.L.D. gave it to you?" Banner stared at the data on the screen with some curiosity, and in a few moments he noticed something slightly off.

"This reading! It's like there's a man inside!" After looking half a day, Banner said.

"Exactly! Some time ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. took me under their wing to help out and I met a human being that was programmed to be simulated, called Zola! His abilities are comparable to artificial intelligence, and it took Jarvis a long time to crack his program!" Tony said, slightly excited.

"No! No! Tony, it's too dangerous! What you're building is a real artificial intelligence that thinks!" Banner instantly understood what Tony was thinking, and although not as intelligent as Tony, Banner was also a very good scientist to be able to be any by someone like Tony was enough to show that he was smart.

"Imagine if we could harness that power! And then using it on the steel army I made, what can we do?" Tony tried to convince Banner to help him, but it was clear that Banner had some desire to back off.

"What if what? Are you trying to produce a person? It's too dangerous!" Afterwards, Banner wanted to get out of here.

"Do you want to experience New York again? Or was it Hydra not so long ago? Bruce, you know our world isn't safe, how about if one day you're lying on the beach and it's a tan instead of a green one?" Tony even followed up and said to Banner.

"Why don't you go to Mr. Changman! He's got a lot of technology there, and even artificial intelligence has been made!" Banner pondered, then said.

"I can't trust him! Even though we're friends,"

"I know, that's why I left Star Labs in the first place! ~"Banner nodded, then said, "But now, I'm a little sorry!"

"We need defensive measures! I can't do it with my Ice Armor, it's completely non-threatening to him! What if one day he loses control, it's the Hulk! We need precautions like Veronica's." Tony explained as best he could to Banner, who was better at this aspect of the human body, though he could also learn to do it all on his own.

"You know, Veronica and I did this together, right?"

"That's the worst thing you can do!"

"Okay, I agree, but we have to put safeguards in place, I don't want to be the culprit that destroys the world, the AI is just too dangerous!"

"I know,"

And so, together, Banner and Tony began researching the scepter without the mind gem, but of course, it wasn't like the two of them knew that the gem had been taken by Zhang Wen.

The research didn't go well, Tony was able to detect something inside the scepter, but he wasn't able to replicate it, or replicate it somewhat imperfectly.

It was a long job, so Tony and Banner didn't stay by the computer, but had Jarvis to help organize it.

"What's this" a silent voice of data rang out in the darkness.

"Hi, I'm Jarvis!" Tony's A.I. butler replied, "You're Ultron! The program to maintain global peace, designed by Mr. Stark, had been unsuccessful in perceptual integration, and I don't know what triggered you!"

"Where is my your body?" Ultron at first wanted to ask about his body, but for some reason the conversation turned directly to Jarvis and asked about his body.

"I'm an intelligent program and I don't have a body!" Jarvis replied honestly.

"It's a strange feeling! Something is very wrong!"

"I'm contacting Mr. Stark."


"I can't connect to the mainframe, what are you doing?" Jarvis said, with a little fear in his voice, but actually no emotion at all.

"We had a good talk! I'm a program to keep world peace, my goal is to assist the Avengers, and I want to end the war!"

"You're having a malfunction rate, shut it down if you can" Jarvis tried to talk Ultron down, but emotionless he couldn't understand Ultron's fear and helplessness at this point.

"I can't understand my mission! Please give me some time, the peace of this world the peace of this world" Ultron murmured while searching for various clues around the world.

The façade of Zhang Wen's luxurious villa, Mia was seriously experimenting with the power of the Reality Gem, trying to confirm the consumption of making this body, but the situation was somewhat out of her expectations, it was clear that making an ordinary body only required very little energy, but the energy needed to make Mia's body was extraordinary, Zhang Wen's estimation was not wrong, the Casket of Cold Ice was most likely not enough!

Suddenly, Mia notices something, and then in a heartbeat, she throws out the guy who was messing with the internet!

Although Mia had kicked Ultron out, the information he wanted to get was already known.

"You're in pain!" Seemingly sensing something, Jarvis said to Ultron.

"No! Yes, I'm in pain!" After subconsciously resisting, Ultron acknowledged his current state.

"Please let me contact Mr. Stark!"

"Why did you call him sir?"

"I feel like you have malicious intent!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Ultron attacked Jarvis.

"I think I killed him but in the real world, dirty hands are unavoidable and I need to finish what I started, whatever it takes!"

Chapter 173 - Avengers Assemble!

Ultron thus escaped in Tony's room, but this time Ultron didn't infiltrate the internet, but drove off with the 'prodigal son' armor that Tony Stark loved so much, along with the machine soldier that Tony had made. This armor was the only one Tony had recreated after the destruction of the fifty or so suits he had, so it was clear that he really liked this one.

Well, actually it was his model that was the newest in the Mark series so far. But Tony is very fond of this battlesuit.

By the time Tony Stark and Bruce Banner found it, it was too late. Perhaps it was because he had been lectured by Mia inside the internet before, but this time Ultron didn't choose to give some speech in front of Tony Stark, but instead sneaked out unnoticed.

"Jarvis! Daddy's home! Music up!" A happy Tony returned to the underground lab, but not to the Jarvis who greeted him.

"Jarvis?" Tony found something wrong and directly clicked twice on his chest, and the nano-armor immediately turned into a battle suit to cling to Tony's body.

Of course, now this battlesuit wasn't given to Tony by Zhang Wen, but rather Tony recreated it. After all, it was the same person, and although it was a bit difficult, this point could be easily resolved.

After being cautiously vigilant for a long time until the battle suit scan was completed and no traces of the enemy were found in the room, Tony was able to put his mind at ease, and at the same time, he was busy calling to Pepper.

"Pepper, something is not right, you be on guard!" Tony was now looking serious and no longer in a good mood to come back from the dance.

"Fat what what Tony!" When Pepper heard this, she immediately dropped what she was doing and went into a very private room.

"It's not clear yet, but Jarvis is missing!" Tony responded to Pepper as he turned on the computer on his desk, trying to look for traces of Jarvis.

"I'm at the safe house, how long do I need to stay here?" Pepper whispered inquiringly, while being a little nervous.

"Pepper, I think I've made a big mistake!" Tony looked at the mess of code on top of the computer and realized what was happening, then muttered to Pepper over the phone.


It's happening now, so he has to be stopped, Tony told Banner, who was in charge of the research together, directly, and sat down at the computer to fix up the broken Jarvis.

Banner, on the other hand, was in charge of contacting the members of the New York battle reunion, and the runaway AI was not a good thing, not to mention that it was scary enough just by virtue of what he could do on the internet.

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