The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 138.

For example, Zhang Wen knows that Nick Fury is actually very deceitful, but what is actually being circulated is that Nick Fury doesn't trust anyone, but is the truth really as Zhang Wen sees it? Or is the Nick Fury that people out there are talking about real? Zhang Wen couldn't figure it out, it might be both or it might not be both.

Natasha was actually a bit naive in Zhang Wen's sight, which Zhang Wen couldn't believe, after all, a socialite with a reputation actually craved love, but on some level, it was normal.

"Banner won't die! But I can't guarantee the rest!" Chang explained to Natasha and then said.

"Yeah" Natasha was silent for a moment and then said, "Over at the World Safety Council"

"That's something you'll have to settle, and that's no easier than fighting! If you can't solve it, then I'll make my move, and it will be a bad scene!" Zhang Wen said if he had a point.

"So ah, I see. Then Ultron's matter is in your hands!" Natasha said, seemingly politely.

"And it's so strange that you believe me!" Feeling Natasha's mood, Zhang Wen was suddenly a bit surprised because he didn't even feel suspicion, which was a bit unbecoming of a Black Widow.

"Mr. Zhang Wen did a lot! It's worthy of my belief!" Natasha said firmly, then smiled slightly, as if she had thrown all her sorrow aside.

"For the love of that smile! Banner will be fine!" Zhang Wen waved his hand and replied before leaving the place without looking back.

Natasha's expression was a bit odd, and then she returned to the room thoughtfully.

"Come on, Mia let's go find Hulk first!" Zhang Wen had walked all the way to the deck before using the God Speed Force to leave the area.

When Zhang Wen found Hulk, there were no more living people on the land, Hulk was smashing a tank in a very violent manner, and all around him were corpses of various military uniforms, as well as the wreckage of some modern equipment such as cars and planes.

It looks like this was the Coalition Army all along, but why did they come for Hulk? Looking at the corpse on the ground, Zhang Wen's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Hulk! Stop it! There's no one left now!" Chang came to Hulk's side and said to him.

"Is you why! Why "Hulk turned his head to look at Zhang Wen and asked with great difficulty.

Although what Hulk said was a bit clueless, Zhang Wen knew what Hulk was asking, but he just didn't know how to say it. Some beings would suffer everyone's hatred the moment they were born.

"Earth hates Hulk Hulk hates" Seeing that Zhang Wen did not answer him, Hulk hammered the ground and then said.

Chapter 192 - Dr. Strange?

"Hulk, you know that not everyone hates you, and those people don't represent Earth!" Chang Wen came to Hulk's side and whispered to him.

Then, Chang Man reached his hand over and Hulk very meekly put his head down, not looking at all like everyone was afraid, but instead looking a bit dumbfounded.

"Hulk, you didn't do anything wrong oh!" Mia came over and put her collection on Hulk's head seemingly passing something over, and Chang watched quietly, not stopping her.

"I want to! You should have a talk with Banner!" Zhang Wen thought about it, then said.

"No! Hulk is strong Banner is weak!" Hulk wrenched his head away from Chang Man's hands and shouted with great displeasure.

"Then let Banner see how powerful Hulk is!" Zhang Wen smiled slightly and then carved a very tiny magic formation on Hulk's forehead with a white light still remaining on it.

Instantly, Hulk felt the heavens and earth change itself to a magical space where there was a short man who was very weakly lying on the ground.

"Hey, here it is!" The man didn't seem to understand what was happening, and was very hard pressed to get up from the ground.

When Hulk saw the man's appearance, he immediately became very angry and roared at him, scaring the other man so much that he almost fainted.

"Hulk!" Although Banner's eyes had never seen Hulk before, Banner had sort of seen what Hulk looked like when he was destroying it from some of the information taken by others, but even if he hadn't, seeing Hulk like this Banner had no idea what had happened.

"Why are you here!?" After the initial shock, Banner came to his senses and showed no fear of Hulk's appearance.

Hulk looked at him with a scowl that filled his eyes and said, "Weak worm."

When Banner regained consciousness again, his body had returned to its human form, and looking around at everything that Hulk had destroyed, Banner's eyes revealed a pained expression.

"What? Think it's your fault? It's still Hulk's fault!" Zhang Wen watched Banner wake up and said coldly.

"Did you just make us two meet?" Banner tightened the clothes he was wearing, then inquired.

"That's right~! Seriously, Bruce Banner, I don't like you very much!" Chang stared at him with cold eyes for a moment, then continued, "But I actually like Hulk! That's why I decided to help you two out a bit. I only have one thing to say to you - if you're Hulk, then you're not doing as well as he is!"

After that, Zhang Wen left the place with Mia, leaving Banner alone in deep thought.

Zhang Wen, on the other hand, went straight to Kamataji after settling Banner's matter, because it was very likely that Ultron had found some helpers, after all, if he wanted to realize Ultron's plan, then Zhang Wen was a high mountain in front of him, and it was impossible to do so with only Ultron's power.

So, Ultron definitely wouldn't be alone, it was just that Zhang Wen was a little confused as to how he had contacted a helper of that level, after all, Ultron was considered an enemy of the Department of Science, and it wasn't related to magic.

Not unfortunately enough, there was no distinction between science and magic in the real world, anything could happen.

Zhang Wen went directly to the Temple located in New York, then opened the door and walked straight in. Actually, Zhang Wen could have gone directly to Kamataji, after all, Zhang Wen actually saved Kamataji's coordinates, but that seemed a little less polite, and although it was considered anything but polite to himself now, it was still much better than just running into someone's house.

"Mr. Zhang Wen! Are you here to see the Ancient One Mage?" A young looking mage asked Zhang Wen, although she looked and young, she was actually in her late sixties and only looked like a minor because of her magic, this kind of magic was a favorite of many female mages, but unfortunately it was very demanding and did not have the ability to increase her lifespan.

"Yan, where's Ancient One? I have an emergency for him, a critical one!" Zhang Wen said patiently to him.

"The mage is meditating now, is it really urgent?" Yan hesitated for a moment, then inquired.

"It could be related to the dark dimension!" Zhang Wen explained, but not all of it, this kind of thing was not something that a mage of Yan's level could know about.

"In that case, I'll show you the way, we weren't supposed to disturb a mage's meditation!" Yan didn't hesitate at all and immediately said, then went ahead.

As for why it wasn't her who went to call the Ancient One Venerable over? That was because she was not strong enough to get close to the Ancient One Mage in meditation state.

As Zhang Wen was walking through the courtyard, he saw a very familiar looking person in the group and immediately stopped, then asked Yan, "Yan, who is this person!"

"A doctor, who seems to be an apprentice who was taken in by the Ancient One Mage some time ago!" Yan looked at it, then said.

"What's it called?"

"Stephen Strange," Yan thought back, then said, "What's wrong? Mr. Chang Man!"

"It's okay, let's keep going!" Zhang Wen put aside the surprise in his heart for the time being and then followed Yan to Gu Yi's meditation room, after all, he could just ask Gu Yi directly about such matters.

Just why would Gouichi take Strange in early? Is it time for Dr. Strange to pay his respects? Thinking that Zhang Wen was a little confused, he looked at Mia and saw her shake her head slightly, and Zhang Wen immediately understood that he wasn't misremembering.

When he arrived at Gu Yi's meditation room, Gu Yi had already made tea and was waiting for Zhang Wen, but it wasn't that Gu Yi knew in advance that Zhang Wen was coming, after all, no one could predict Zhang Wen's future, it was just that Gu Yi sensed Zhang Wen's breath when Zhang Wen was near Gu Yi.

Yan saluted Gu Yi outside the house, then turned around and left, while Zhang Wen walked in very self-consciously and sat opposite to Gu Yi. Mia, on the other hand, stood there quietly, as if she was a statue.

"It looks like you actually succeeded!" Ancient looked at Mia, then said with slight surprise.

"It's not perfect yet, it takes a lot of time and effort. It would probably be a lot less troublesome if you can get the Power Gem." Zhang Wen took a sip of tea, and then his previously slightly impatient mood eased.

What Gu Yi said was exactly Mia's current state, after Zhang Wen had given the Reality Gem to Mia, Mia looked like she couldn't wait to have her own body, but as Zhang Wen had said, the Reality Gem required a great deal of money to use, and the Ice Casket was completely inadequate.

But Mia found out the alternative, which was to transform her current body into a real body, so that it could be done slowly, without even needing the power gems to provide energy, except that it would be very, very slow!

"By the way, why did you take Strange as a disciple now" Zhang Wen appeared to be asking strangely .

Chapter 193 - Banner who was taken away...

"You must know that time has changed!" Kuichi said with a slight reference, seemingly not taking this Strange thing seriously at all.

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