The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 139.

"Is he still going to be Dr. Strange?" Zhang Wen felt a little curious when he heard Gu Yi's words. In the movie, Gu Yi's death actually had her own reasons for not wanting to live, but more importantly, there was no way for Gu Yi to avoid her own death. How would she die at this point in time, then it would be better to just choose a more comfortable way.

But now, because of Zhang Wen, the timeline had become unpredictable, and even the threat of Domam had become less important, and it was unclear how Gouichi would choose Zhang Wen.

"I don't know!" Ancient One shook his head, then replied very calmly, as if the two were discussing not her life or death, but merely what they had eaten last night.

"Just leave everything to time! For many years I've been prying into time, and it's helped me out a lot, but at the same time it's taken a lot less fun out of it, and now isn't that fun?" Gu Yi smiled, then added tea to Zhang Wen.

"That's right!" Zhang Wen recalled those times when she had traveled through time and knew almost everything that was about to happen, which was quite interesting at first, but it would gradually become boring.

Ancient One had mastered the Time Gems for at least several hundred years, and she had definitely used them many times during that time, and the more times she used them, the more she would know, and the more she would know would be

"I came this time for a robot named Ultron, in all seriousness, this matter is still my fault, if I hadn't casually leaked my own information it probably wouldn't have caused the current result" Zhang Wen said with a very flat expression, although there were reasons for this, Zhang Wen could never express regret.

Right after that, Zhang Wen told Gu Yi about the news of Ultron, Gu Yi usually paid attention to other bits of magical crises like Domam and things like that, as for the robot attack, Gu Yi really didn't care much about it.

Of course, not caring doesn't mean not knowing, Gu Yi still heard some mages discuss this matter, but she didn't take it to heart. Right now, she actually heard that the robot might have something to do with Domam, which made Ancient One feel very surprised.

"Making contact with the dark dimension isn't as easy as it seems!" After a sinking feeling, Gu Yi said to Zhang Wen, there were a lot of things that Zhang Wen didn't know, but there were some things that she knew very well, such as learning magic required talent.

But Zhang Wen had always thought that powers like dark magic were easy to obtain, but looking at what Ancient One meant, there weren't many people who could reach that threshold.

"Are you saying that Ultron doesn't have a way to contact the dark dimension?" Zhang Wen looked slightly surprised, then said.

"I'm just saying that it's not that simple to make contact with the Dark Dimension."

"Then is there any chance that it's that disciple of yours?" Suddenly, Zhang Wen rang up the Caslias that he had seen some time ago and then inquired to Gu Yi.

"He won't, if he obtains the dark power, then he will definitely come to seek revenge on me!" Ancient One was very sure of that.

Although he didn't know how to read minds or anything like that, but after using the Time Gem to check countless times, Guichi understood very well the resentment Casillas had towards him, and although it didn't really have anything to do with him, he would definitely take the initiative to attack when the time came.

"Then is there any other power that will prevent me, who possesses the power of time, from stopping the destruction of the Earth?" Zhang Wen inquired with some curiosity.

"There are, and there are a lot of them! But it's not easy to achieve, and I'm far from the only guardian of Earth!" Ancient One smiled and then, seemingly to comfort Zhang Wen, simply and directly explained to him some of Earth's hidden secrets.

By the time Zhang Wen left from Kamataji, his mood had become less impatient. Although it was a little untrustworthy of those so-called guardians, after seeing the Earth's guardian power, Zhang Wen didn't have to worry that the Earth would be casually destroyed when he wasn't paying attention, and that would be enough!

Before leaving, Zhang Wen was somewhat curious to look for the legendary Dr. Strange, but he found that the current Dr. Strange was just an ordinary mage, perhaps he hadn't learned any magic yet, and anyway, Zhang Wen couldn't see any qualifications for Strange. Instead, the entire person looked a bit decrepit and his hands were still shaking.

I don't know how Ancient One had made Strange a mage in advance, but his hands were still in a state of disability, and according to the timing now Strange should have just recently been in a car accident or was seeking treatment.

Somewhat curious, but it wasn't enough for Zhang Wen to get to the bottom of the matter, so he just talked to him for a bit.

When Zhang Wen came to the compound base, a group of Avengers seemed to have come out of the shadow of defeat and were talking about something, but immediately turned their attention to him when they saw Zhang Wen return.

"Zhang Wen, how's the situation? Have you found Ultron?" Tony was the first to ask out the topic that everyone had been concerned about.

"Not really, Ultron is well hidden, but I asked a powerful mage to help me, so I should be able to take care of it soon, speaking of which, how are things on your side?" Chang explained, then asked about this side of things.

"Uh, you weren't gone very long, so nothing happened, but Banner was called away by the military?" Steve said to Chang Wen.

"You're just going to let the military take Banner?" Chang Wen said in surprise.

"Chang Wen Hawk killed thousands of soldiers" Tony hesitated, then said to Chang Wen.

"So you guys just handed over Banner? Tony, didn't you investigate what happened?" Zhang Wen was very confused about what they were doing.

"I know, but" for a moment Tony didn't know what to say, they had just been discussing this matter, the destruction caused by Hulk was too great, and although the army had taken the initiative to attack Hulk this time, after all, Hulk had killed so many people.

"It was Banner who went with them of his own accord!" Natasha spoke at this point, her expression complicated.

"What are you going to do?" Looking at the crowd, Zhang Wen didn't want to say anything else, if it was him then he would never compromise, but Zhang Wen didn't want to make decisions for anyone else, if Banner really wanted to get himself killed, then let him be.

"We're discussing!" Tony smiled in front of him, then said to Zhang Wen.

He could tell that Zhang Wen was very unhappy with this matter, but they had no choice, they couldn't just fight with the military and the government, they could only think of something afterwards.

Seeing this appearance, Zhang Wen had no idea of wanting to say anything to them before.

"If you need anything, you can come to me!" After saying that, Zhang Wen left the place directly.

Chapter 194 - Media Coverage

Banner, who was taken away by the military, did not receive any unfair treatment as Zhang Wen had imagined, nor could he be dissected and studied or anything like that, on the contrary, Banner was politely invited to a room, which was very tidy and even had a blonde beauty waiting for him.

Of course this room was actually a special kind of cell, used to prevent Banner from suddenly losing control. As for the blonde naturally, it was impossible for anything to happen with Banner, it was just a psychotherapist that the military had found for Banner.

Regarding the matter of Banner slaughtering the army, it was actually just a complete and utterly outrageous incident, but to say that there was no one to order it? That was impossible, but it was simply impossible to investigate a combined army made up of many countries. What's more, there were no survivors, so the military had brought Banner back.

Naturally, bringing him here was not to study anything, knowing that the things of interest within Banner's body had already been clearly understood by the military, there was no privacy to speak of at all, and even the military had done cloning experiments using Banner's blood, but the results of the experiments were very unsuccessful.

It should be noted that the Bureau's experiments had only succeeded in one case, and that was General Ross! While Ross needed numerous drugs to sustain himself, his willpower as a general could maintain his sanity well after the transformation, and from that point on General Ross could be much more useful than Hulk.

The military had brought Banner here this time, simply wanting to be as far as Banner's schizophrenia was concerned. Exactly! This was the Bureau's description of Banner's current situation, and in their opinion, as long as they could cure Banner's schizophrenia, then Hulk would not exist in the event of a violent incident.

If Zhang Wen knew, he would have told them that Hulk's appearance wasn't that simple.

"Bruce!" Rose walked in shortly after Banner's arrival in this room, looking at Banner's body Rose's eyes flashed with contempt and hatred.

As the first person to successfully receive the Hulk experiment, Ross's self-controlled transformation naturally despised Banner, and with his own daughter's death because of Banner, Ross naturally had little affection for Banner.

In terms of their opinion of Banner, both Ross and Chang Man were the same, that is, they both despised Banner's cowardice.

"I'm sorry," Banner whispered as Ross walked in.

"No need to apologize, Betty didn't die because of you!" Rose heard Banner's words and said coldly.

"It's urgent right now, Ultron hasn't been captured yet, so I don't have time to say anything to you, since you're a member of the Avengers now, so don't" Here, Ross suddenly couldn't say anything further.

Although Ross didn't finish, Banner understood what he meant, and although he was a little puzzled, he nodded his head, and instead of feeling happy to see Banner like this, Ross walked out somewhat sullenly.

The next step was for the psychiatrist to give Banner psychiatric treatment, this was especially important to those people, the Hulk was a powerful fighter and had helped a lot during the Battle of New York, but it would be great if the power could receive manipulation.

Anyway, Ultron had a saying that was right: humans always liked to control what they couldn't control.

Zhang Wen thought very differently from the rest of the reunion, so when he saw that they had made their decision, Zhang Wen didn't say anything more, but he didn't want to stay any longer and called Wanda and Pietro back to his villa.

Along the way, Zhang Wen didn't use the God Speed Force to make his way, but chose to take a plane instead, which made Wanda somewhat chirpy as she whispered in Zhang Wen's ear about her experiences during this time.

The two of them and Daisy find Daisy's father, who learns the truth of what happened and directly kills his enemy who has been haunting him for over twenty years, and of course the S.H.I.E.L.D. team and Coulson and others help a lot in this.

After taking his revenge, Mr. Hyde took Daisy with him to find his mother, which was a happy ending in Wanda's eyes, and while Mr. Hyde's mental problems were a flaw, they weren't unacceptable.

But what no one expected was that after returning to the Inhuman's home 'afterlife', Daisy's mother, Jia Ying, made it mandatory for Daisy to awaken as an Inhuman, and although the Obelisk wasn't used this time, Daisy's abilities still shook.

It wouldn't have been a bad ending if everything had come to a screeching halt here, but unfortunately because of the mutilated body, Jia Ying resented all humans and even tried to kill Daisy when she resisted him.

In the end, Jia Ying is naturally killed by Mr. Hyde, who chooses to cleanse his memory and forget everything because of his sins from the first half of his life, and Daisy is orphaned again.

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