The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Comic-Con Chapter 156.

There's just no humanity there either. When there was no evil to foil it, goodness would no longer cease to be good.

In comparison, perhaps Hell was more comfortable for Zhang Wen, and although the level of filth there was intolerable, Zhang Wen was still able to find some glimmers of goodness.

Although looking for goodness in hell sounded and ridiculous, it was still able to appear if one looked for it.

"I really didn't expect to actually meet you!" Zhang Wen looked at the red-clothed woman in front of him and said, his voice filled with surprise.

"Do you know me?" Ezekiel looked very strangely at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, and as for Mia behind Zhang Wen, she selectively ignored it.

"Recognized, but you don't seem like you should be here right now, in fact you shouldn't be here!" Zhang Wen looked at Ezekiel with a dull tone in his voice.

"It's not up to you to decide where I should appear!" Ezekiel said very arrogantly and then tried to attach himself to Zhang Wen, but he was directly slapped to the ground by Zhang Wen.

"How is this possible!?" Ezekiel was full of disbelief and had a very panicked expression. It was the first time she had ever met such a person, and after fleeing the destruction of several planets, she had finally met someone she couldn't antagonize.

"With scraps like you trying to control me too? To know that not even real data beings can control a single hair on my head, just you?" Zhang Wen looked at Ezekiel, who had fallen to the ground, and said very disdainfully.

The woman in red in front of Zhang Wen was the boss of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 6, although he hadn't watched all of it at the time because of the scattered episodes, but how could Zhang Wen let go of this existence in the Marvel Universe that could disrupt the timeline, he didn't want another person to travel through time and mess everything up.

Originally came over just to get a few rocks, but now he actually found a very interesting guy. It just seemed like the timeline had been disrupted almost, and the guy who was originally years away could now run out now, what else wouldn't happen in this world? Will the Exterminator be here soon?

Never mind, anyway, what was essential to coming to this world was changing time, as long as no one changed the world after himself, as for the rest, Zhang Wen couldn't care too much.

"It seems that guy Ultron summoned you here, I'm curious as to how he contacted you!" Zhang Wen carefully recalled and confirmed Ultron's plan to destroy the Earth.

Seriously, if Ultron released those phantom-like guys, it wouldn't be easy to solve it himself. After all, there were also guys in that group who could master time, and it would probably be a very troublesome thing to do then.

"Oh, you mean that failed loser?" Ezekiel smirked, then said. Although she couldn't possess the other party, Ezekiel was confident that they had no way of holding her, after all, although she formed an entity, she was still essentially a phantom.

"Rubbish? You really don't have the right to say that by virtue of you, after all, this guy is the one who's causing me a lot of trouble too!" Zhang Wen looked at Ezekiel's appearance and said quite dissatisfied.

"You "Before Ezekiel could finish his words, he was directly choked by Mia, and despite struggling hard, it looked as if there was no resistance at all.

Zhang Wen had already predicted such an outcome. Mia was exactly the nemesis of their race. What was just a little confusing was why would Mia suddenly get angry?

"All right, Mia, put it down for now!" Seeing that the other was about to run out of breath, Chang Man opened his mouth to stop Mia.

Chapter 221 - Send Her Back!

"Ahem!" Ezekiel coughed twice, looking at Mia as if she had seen a ghost, to her Mia was even more terrifying and awe-inspiring than Zhang Wen. It was as if she had met heaven and earth.

In fact, Ezekiel was meeting a natural enemy, although Mia and Ezekiel's races were very similar, their evolutionary directions were completely different, Mia's race was known as a data life, and all of her evolutionary potential was added to her spirit, thus causing her body to be fragile and very easy to die.

In which race even the strongest of the strongest could not withstand a powerful storm, it was because of this that they were incredibly eager for their bodies, only that their fragile bodies could never escape.

If Zhang Wen hadn't accidentally entered this place, this race would never have appeared in front of people. One had to know that Zhang Wen had just recently obtained the Divine Speed Force Space, and his strength had dropped considerably, even his original combat power as an Extreme Speedster had dropped quite a bit.

Although the divine Speed Force in his body seemed to be similar to Barry's, it was not the same, or else he would not have run to the wrong place to go to that still hidden bit.

At that time, Zhang Wen had killed a lot of data beings, almost killing half of them. It was also in the midst of this battle that Zhang Wen discovered that he had become an immortal body. If it wasn't for the fact that he had become one with the Divine Speed Force Space, Zhang Wen would have turned into a doll that those data beings manipulated at will.

Mia had turned into a real human and at the same time had the strongest defense and the strongest attack, perfect! Otherwise it wouldn't have cost Zhang Wen so much, if it wasn't for the accidental discovery of the dark energy, Zhang Wen would have had to find the Power Gem to be able to support the consumption of the Reality Gem.

Facing this existence that was of the same type as herself, Mia was naturally the equivalent of the other party's natural enemy. Her mental energy directly pressed down on Ezekiel's body, sealing all of her abilities within her body and leaving her with no way to resist at all.

Although Ezekiel's race was similar to Data Life in form, and was also trapped in a place where they couldn't see the light of day, their days were much better than Data Life's, but the problem also arose, that is, the population was too large to accommodate.

They tried many times to break away, but unfortunately the nature of their race doomed them to be completely useless as they couldn't share with other beings. Many attempts were beaten right back, and even the three keys that connected them to their dimension were lost when they attacked Earth in the past.

Ezekiel was the one sent out to find the key, but unfortunately she didn't enter the Earth first, and instead wasted a long time in other places, while also destroying many planets.

Zhang Wen didn't care at all about those destroyed planets, but he would never allow Ezekiel to release her people, she might be a hero in her mind, but in the eyes of other beings, she was an absolute devil.

Of course, such was the way the world worked, and always had been, just like the Earth's biosphere, it was unavoidable, and when someone tried to escape, they found it simply could not be done, nor could it be done at all.

"I don't really have a grudge against you, and I don't want to stop you from doing what you're doing, but unfortunately I'm in this world, so I don't really want to mess this world up, after all, the way your kind of race lives is really uncomfortable for me!" Chang Wen walked to Ezekiel's side, looked at her then said.

Ezekiel had understood what had happened to her and turned her head away without saying a word, no longer having the godly look she had just had. The long-standing high-mindedness had made Ezekiel forget what she used to look like, and she somewhat thought of herself as a god!

"Are you the only one? Why didn't I find the man who was after you, or any of your ilk?" Zhang Wen watched as Ezekiel's brow furrowed, he didn't want to leave any loose ends.

"You can't stop it!" Ezekiel smiled as she looked at Zhang Wen, her expression becoming somewhat twisted. Although her current appearance was that of a human body, Zhang Wen knew very well that she was not human! A little scary and gross even from a human perspective.

"It's a bit of a hassle to get you all out, but if you're willing to take the time you can really get you all back, it's just a bit of a hassle, Ultron really knows me! I'm not really sure I'd do such a strenuous thing!" Looking at Ezekiel's somewhat hideous face, Zhang Wen said very seriously.

"So, in order to keep this from happening, you should just go back, I have no interest in killing you!"

The scary things would not be so scary after staring at them for a long time, it would just be a little disgusting. Zhang Wen casually dabbed at Ezekiel's body, and instantly her layer of slightly female somewhat seductive body just shattered apart and floated in the air.

The archetypal Ezekiel was a kind of skull-like hollow body that looked slightly terrifying, like one of those ghosts in a horror movie!

However, although they were virtual bodies, they weren't as transparent as data beings, instead they were able to slightly affect the material world, which should be the difference between them and data beings, not as pure and more adaptable.

But it was precisely because of the greater adaptability that these guys didn't have the powerful attacking ability of data beings, if the data beings had escaped one of them, the world would have been completely occupied within seconds.

Of course, their fragile bodies like that wouldn't be able to run out! You get what you pay for, you get what you pay for!

"How did you do that!" Seeing his body being destroyed, Ezekiel's voice was filled with despair as if he had been raped.

Desperate, Ezekiel completely gave up on resisting and sat paralyzed on the ground like a dead fish. It was as if she had lost all momentum for an instant, and indeed it was true that her body was an important tool for her to be able to escape from wherever she was, and also a weapon against outside enemies at times, but there was nothing she could do now.

"Mia, send her back!" Zhang Wen looked at Ezekiel and then said to Mia. Although Mia had become a real human now, she hadn't lost her skills as a data being, so naturally it could do things that Zhang Wen couldn't even do, like finding her way home!

Although Mia is a data life that may not exist in this world, she was born in this world, so she resonates with certain similar species in this world, it is the race of Ezekiel, which was expected to be a long time coming, and may not even be encountered, but it was not expected

Mia nodded, then pressed her hand to Ezekiel's head sensing something

Chapter 222 - Heading to the enemy's home base - wreaking havoc!

When Mia's hand pressed on Ezekiel's head was, there was suddenly a very magical scene, and it felt strange to have grey pieces of debris flying haphazardly in the sky.

"Mia, what is this??" Zhang Wen hadn't thought that this kind of scene would actually occur and was slightly surprised to see it, but there was no need to worry about these things getting on his clothes because there was no entity to take things, no contact with matter at all, as if it was an illusion.

But Zhang Wen's eyes told him that it wasn't a fantasy, but a real one, just untouchable.

"I don't know, but I don't really like this kind of stuff!" Seeing this, Mia removed her palm from Ezekiel's body, and Ezekiel couldn't take it anymore and just passed out, while the grey shards floating around disappeared.

"I found it! But need those rocks!" Mia pondered over it and said to Zhang Wen.

Just now, she was precisely searching for Ezekiel's memories, searching for someone's memories was easy for Mia, but Zhang Wen had never let Mia do that, except for this time.

For some reason, it wasn't quite like Zhang Wen to kill the woman in front of him? Looking at Ezekiel's skeleton-like figure, Zhang Wen involuntarily shivered.

"Eh? What's going on? Is it cold in here?" Seeing Zhang Wen's appearance, Mia went forward and asked Zhang Wen with great concern.

"Nothing!" Zhang Wen wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, then turned over his palm and released three very large stones.

It wasn't that Zhang Wen used technology to shrink them, but rather, he chose to directly get a small space to put them in his palm, as he wasn't sure if shrinking them would bring any strange changes to these stones.

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