The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 157.

The stones were placed in a very easy location for Zhang Wen, and the lighthouse's guards couldn't even notice that they were missing. After all, no one went back to care about such things.

The moment the stone appeared, Ezekiel seemed to have some sort of sympathy with them and directly woke up from his unconsciousness, even the wear and tear on his body became quite recovered.

"Looks like it really is theirs, and I was a little worried that the TV show was different from this world." Seeing Ezekiel's reaction, Zhang Wen was sort of relieved.

Ezekiel who had just woken up was a bit confused as sleep had been a long time ago for her. But then, a very joyful expression appeared on Ezekiel's face. Because she found the three boulders that were erected next to him.

Although she lost her own body, if she could open that door Ezekiel's face once again had hope, as well as the motivation to fight, but Mia's next action caused her to fall into despair once again.

Only Mia aimed her hand at the three stones and gripped them lightly. Instantly the three stones exploded and three very strange balls of energy appeared from the wreckage of the stones and slowly flew into Mia's hand.

"No!!!" Ezekiel was tearing her heart out, she refused to believe what was happening, and tried to fight Mia as hard as she could, but was held in place by one look from Mia, unable to move.

"The door's not located here, do we need to take her with us?" Mia looked at Ezekiel with contempt and then said to Zhang Wen. It was a bit humiliating for Mia to have an existence similar to her actually look like this.

That look was like a human seeing a monkey trying to prove its cleverness!

"Take her with you, and throw her back! I don't want to kill her! The sins she has committed are none of my business, nor is the suffering of their race, I just can't have them on Earth!" Looking at the way Ezekiel was trying to raise her head, Zhang Wen suddenly felt a bit pitiful for her.

"Alright" Mia pouted slightly reluctantly, then took out a small item from her pocket to open a spatial door, first kicking Ezekiel over in a pique, then walking in herself.

Zhang Wen smiled helplessly as he watched Mia act in such a childish manner, then walked over as well.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Wen heard Mia singing, as if she could cause something to vibrate the constant sound spread around, while Ezekiel sat paralyzed as if he had lost his ability to think.

As Mia's singing gradually rose, the seemingly dilapidated relic also began to change, and a spatial door appeared on the seemingly empty wall in front of her, the color of which was not quite the same as Zhang Wen's spatial door.

Mia tossed the three light balls in her hand to Zhang Wen, then pushed back herself and quietly looked at Zhang Wen as if she was watching a movie.

The balls of light changed into three tokens before they came to Zhang Wen's hands, and according to the American drama that Zhang Wen had watched, these three tokens were the keys to open the permanent passageway.

Zhang Wen received the three tokens and carefully observed them before walking over to Ezekiel's side, carrying her by the neck and dragging her towards the space gate.

Ezekiel's body was capable of transforming into nothingness, but in Zhang Wen's hands, she couldn't get out of it, knowing that Ezekiel's body was more like a human's. Although her appearance wasn't quite the same, her body shape wasn't much different.

Therefore, even though Ezekiel's body was very light, and could even be said to be of little weight, he was still made to crack some bones by Zhang Wen, which was not caused by Zhang Wen's excessive force, but by Ezekiel's own struggle.

Although he didn't really want to kill the other party, he wouldn't mind his own business if the other party was looking for death, not to mention that he was only breaking bones, so Zhang Wen naturally didn't care about it in the slightest.

After passing through the time portal, Zhang Wen found that the architectural style on the opposite side was no different from the ruins over there, and through something similar to a window in this place, Zhang Wen could even see the dense crowd outside the window.

There were only three or four people inside this shrine that should be human, the same as Ezekiel anyway.

"Are you guys sure you want to fight me?" Zhang Wen looked at the other party somewhat helplessly and said.


"It looks like it's impossible to communicate!" Zhang Wen directly threw the Ezekiel in his hand to the side, and then one of them kicked the few guys who surrounded him directly to the side, to the console inside this temple.

If Zhang Wen put the three tokens in his hand into it, then the permanent pathway to Earth would open up, but it was obvious that Zhang Wen would not do so.

After carefully examining the console that didn't contain the ability of time inside, Zhang Wen directly destroyed it all, including the palace, with a single punch.

However, it also exposed Zhang Wen, and after emerging from the ruins, Zhang Wen saw the endless silhouettes of people.

Chapter 223 - Establishing Power

"It's kinda ugly," Zhang Wen's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the crowd full of people who were like ghostly shadows.

Seeing Zhang Wen's sudden appearance on top of the ruins, those silhouettes began to chatter and discuss, Zhang Wen's translator did not have such a remote language so he could not understand what they were talking about.

As for using other methods to communicate? It was better to forget about it, this group of guys were not easy to mess with, although they were weak in one aspect, they were also extremely strong in another aspect.

Zhang Wen stretched out his right hand towards the front, then gripped it hard! A very large invisible stance then appeared in front of him and pressed the dense silhouette in front of him directly to the ground.

Zhang Wen himself didn't have any other supernormal abilities other than the divine Speed Force, because of the peculiarities of the divine Speed Force even some body strengthening type supernormal abilities couldn't appear in Zhang Wen's body, so Zhang Wen chose to use props to release his supernormal abilities.

After all, although Divine Speed Force was very powerful, there were still quite a few practical abilities, for example, Sisko's Vibrations were much more convenient than Zhang Wen's use of Divine Speed Force to open the dimensional gate.

This was also the case with the Invisible Stance, which was only pressed into Zhang Wen's original Mia's body because it was so convenient to use, leaving only a weak version of the watch on himself as a seed, which was more symbolic than practical.

After Mia's body turned into a real human, the supernatural device placed inside her body became useless, so Zhang Wen was only able to take it out and shrink it down to place it on himself.

It wasn't? It's working now!

Zhang Wen heard a noise behind him and looked back. It was found that the original few people in the temple had also walked out from the ruins, as if they were not affected in the slightest, and also the other party was still a virtual life no matter what, how could they be harmed by virtue of the falling stones of matter.

"Hand it over! Or you'll die here!" Ezekiel covered his neck and said to Zhang Wen.

"Uh, don't you even look at the situation? Didn't you see me crush that big group of people?" Zhang Wen was a bit speechless and kindly explained to Ezekiel, as if it was because of what had just happened, Ezekiel didn't show any fear to Zhang Wen, but instead was relieved that Mia wasn't here.

"This place is really a bit desolate!" Despite being pointed at by a group of people using gun-like weapons, Zhang Wen was completely unconcerned, and was even interested in checking out the scenery, but the scenery here was somewhat disappointing to Zhang Wen.

A piece of yellow sand, as if the entire planet except for those ghosts and shadows do not have any life, Zhang Wen somewhat understand why they want to leave this place, but he will never allow it.

It might be cruel, and it was really cruel for them, but there was nothing they could do, who let them meet Zhang Wen, and even if they succeeded in invading the Earth, it might not be smoother.

If they were just going to fight Autumn Wind probably no one would care, but if they really wanted to destroy the Earth, there would definitely be someone to stop them. You know that they had invaded Earth in ancient times, and even now Mia was able to find some similar myths and legends, but there was no Zhang Wen to help stop this group of guys.

That meant that they wouldn't be successful no matter what, thinking like that, the slight guilt that Zhang Wen suddenly felt disappeared!

"You can't defeat all of us, hand it over or else" it seemed that the companions around her gave Ezekiel motivation and she started to become wild.

Seeing Ezekiel like this, Zhang Wen shook his head and then reached behind these people, slightly harder, Ezekiel side felt an irresistible force pushing her down, almost any resistance was ineffective.

"It just so happens that you're here, translate for me, I don't really know your race's language!" Seeing Ezekiel lying on the ground, Zhang Wen walked up to her and lowered his head to look at her.

Ezekiel's time this day was just as wonderful as a roller coaster, not surfacing hope, but appearing despair from time to time, as if unable to believe what was happening in front of her, although she had deflated her body countless times and then returned to her original state, she was never able to break free from the mountain that was pressing down on her.

Ezekiel heard Zhang Wen's words, but she remained silent, seemingly resisting Zhang Wen's command as if she had resigned herself to her fate. Although Ezekiel couldn't do anything to resist Zhang Wen, she was able to disobey Zhang Wen's orders, and there was another hope in her heart that she was in the same group and far more than just the current one, which was just the vanguard.

"I've got a bit of a headache with you like this, I don't want to go on a killing spree in your place, in fact I'm very much not a fan of killing people!" Seeing Ezekiel's appearance, Zhang Wen instantly understood what he was planning to do, but he didn't head towards stalling on this.

Zhang Wen's words made Ezekiel shiver, but still remained silent, as if he had decided what he was thinking.

But in fact, such an attitude from Ezekiel was completely useless, because Zhang Wen didn't really care whether or not he could talk to these guys, it was naturally best if he could have a translator, and it didn't matter if he didn't.

"Do you think it's better for me to just search your memories, or should I tell you what I want to say to be relayed by you to them?" Zhang Wen said very plainly in Ezekiel's ear.

Ezekiel didn't react in the slightest when he heard this, instead, the others trembled as if they were able to understand Zhang Wen's words.

"Oh, so you guys understand what I'm saying, so let me just tell you straightforwardly. I hate it when the timeline is disturbed, and I don't like it when you guys go to Earth. If there is no problem, you guys just need to remember these two points in the future.

Only a slight 'click' sound could be heard, the three tokens containing magical power suddenly turned into fine dust, gently blowing a breath of air, the dust directly drifted and flew in the air.

As for the power contained therein, it had long since been worn away by the divine Speed Force, and there was no possibility of recovery at all.

Seeing the holy artifacts of his own group, the hope that he had pursued so painstakingly for so many years, the hope that the entire clan had waited for so many years to erode before his eyes, Ezekiel twitched like crazy.

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