The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 164.

"No, I can't control her, she's not a normal person, she's a supernatural being!" Wanda turned pale and panicked, saying to the people behind her.

"It's going to be exposed, Quick Silver get us out of here! Take her with you, maybe you can ask some questions." Steve made an immediate decision to retreat.

"Good!" Pietro replied, then pulled out a device from inside his pocket and pressed it, then a spatial door opened from the seemingly empty place.

Several people were busy leaving the area through the spatial door, with the woman with the pained expression from earlier on Falcon's shoulders. Only now they were all unconscious.

Shortly after they left, a man in a tight suit appeared on the wall next to them, and this man with a very heavy expression said a few words to the other side of the intercom, followed by a very angry curse.

In fact, from their line of people just over here was noticed, but the guards have not detected the problem before they would let them in, but the person in charge of the reassuring decided to go to see for himself, but did not expect to be found directly by the other side and take away.

The invisible man is the person in charge of the security, but the fighting force is not very strong, the main role is to track the enemy and wait for rescue, but this time he is completely useless, before he arrived at the location of the space door, this group of guys even with the space door disappeared.

The other side of the space door was originally inside Zhang Wen's villa, but now the intelligent program in charge of the villa would only allow Wanda and Pietro to enter, so Steve and the others were directly transported to a small house on the outskirts of the villa.

At first, Steve was slightly uneasy, but soon Pietro arrived to take the few of them away from inside Zhang Wen's villa.

"Sorry, Captain! This villa only allows the two of us in now, everyone else will automatically be treated as enemies!" Pietro said with slight embarrassment.

But even more awkwardness was to come, it was a bit ugly for Steve and his men to be carrying a woman down the street, and they had found a temporary place to interrogate the captured captives.

This part of the interrogation is fine, an interrogation only to find out that the base in front of Steve a few people is indeed doing super human research, but there is no illegal human experimentation as they thought, all the participants are active military volunteers, completely by the non-existence of coercion and other things.

Of course, it was hard to say if there was any, but it was certain that the experimental base was completely similar to the one that had created Captain America in the first place.

The woman in charge who was arrested was indeed a soldier, but she was also an alien. This experimental base was to create a special supernatural ability team to protect the country, otherwise the world couldn't be protected solely by virtue of the Avengers.

Steve who learned about this was embarrassed.

"Wanda, are you sure that the other side isn't lying?" Ant-Man said with some disbelief, after all he had seen someone doing some very brutal research on a fire-breathing guy.

"It's true, the time you saw that was because someone's powers were out of whack and they were helping to solve the problem." Wanda replied somewhat dismayed, the incident had hit her hard, imagining that superheroes weren't supposed to look like this.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, let's set her free." Steve thought about the opening.

"Yes!" Falcon nodded and headed for the room that held the woman in charge.

"Wait, I'll come with you! I think we owe her an apology!" Looking at Falcon's crisp, clean look, Steve called out to him then said.

Chapter 235 - There are no heroes in this world.

"Very sorry! We made a mistake! But please believe that we really mean no harm." Steve said with an apologetic face to the captured woman.

The woman had just finished receiving a hypnotically coerced confession from Wanda and appeared slightly confused at this point. But then her powerful mental energy overwhelmed her physical discomfort, and she looked at Steve without turning her eyes.

"Although the government doesn't have a very good reputation, this is a time of peace after all, so why would we take a big risk to do some evil human experimentation, and with today's medical technology there's no need for that!" After untying, the woman in charge looked at Steve with an unkind face.

"We've encountered a similar lab before, a remnant of Hydra. So again, I apologize." Steve explained, then said.

"It's not a good sign that you guys are so prejudiced against the government! Have faith in your government!" The woman in charge stood up, moved her long tied arms, and then walked out of the room.

Steve didn't want to stop at all, he now can't wait for the other party to leave quickly, this is the matter after all, she has been here Steve is really a little guilty.

In fact, the woman in charge had never been worried about her own safety, as a national idol in the United States, Steve had an unimaginable number of fans, if it wasn't for the fact that she had been rendered unconscious by Wanda before, perhaps this woman would have taken Steve on a good tour of their institute.

While the Institute was nominally secretive and the actual execution of it was very strict, even if it seemed a little unnecessary to her, that was the disease of the government sector. But because of this there were so few people who came to visit, it was hard to say whether it was right or wrong.

The institute was very tightly guarded, but that was mainly for local agents stealing information, but in reality those research results didn't need to be very secret, and if it wasn't for some policy issues, the outside of this institute might even be open to tourists.

Don't be surprised, many of the official research labs are in this mode, only the most inside can't enter the rest of the place is free to enter. This is a kind of advertising mode, after all, the institute is not only the government injected, there are other people injected and there will even be some secondary finished products for sale.

Just when Steve thought that this oomph was coming to an end, the Falcon who opened the door spotted a large number of police cars surrounding the place without sounding any alarm bells.

"Steve! Something's wrong! We're being watched by the police!" Falcon, after witnessing the captured woman walking to the police car, said to Steve with a very stern expression.

"What do we do now? Straight out?" Upon hearing that they were surrounded by police, the ant-man who had already had such a history panicked a bit.

"We're now wanted criminals, a bunch of criminals who trespassed into a secret government department." Bucky said grimly.

"Let's get out of here, attention! Don't get into a confrontation with the police, and don't hurt anyone, we're not real criminals!" Steve commanded immediately, then placed the shield behind his back.

"Are you sure you don't want to use the space door?" Pietro inquired with some confusion.

"No! The coordinates of the space portal must have all been exposed, let's split up and leave the usual place round!" Steve opened his mouth to explain and then made ready to escape through the back door. There were definitely guards at the back door, but it was the best way to get out.

The use of the space door was not unlimited, at least the space coordinates had to be customized, Steve believed that all their current information must have appeared on the government's table, knowing that he had checked Zhang Wen's personal information in the beginning, which contained various ability guesses in great detail.

That was why Zhang Wen's abilities were so incomprehensible, or else he was able to formulate hundreds of battle plans, and even then there were nearly two dozen different alternate plans that just hadn't been activated.

"Lastly, for the last time, don't hurt anyone! If you really can't escape, then surrender. I'll go back and bring you back!" Steve said with a serious face, although he had now become a wanted criminal, but Steve did not want to become a real criminal, he just wanted to execute justice in his own way.

This might be the spirit of freedom that Americans had always longed for, but there was no real freedom in this world, even the beasts were imprisoned by the ecosystem, and the excessive pursuit of freedom instead of getting any freedom.

"Let's go!" Steve spoke up, then kicked the door open carrying his shield and ran out. Blocking rubber bullets, put to the nearby ambush of the police, then up the room running into the crowd in one go, as if a long escaped prisoner.

The others quickly left through their own channels, leaving behind only Wanda and Pietro, who now seemed emboldened and completely unconcerned about the pursuers around them since Zhang Wen had taught them so much about such things as escape.

"Is this really a hero?" Looking at the kicked-down door, Wanda crouched down to examine it carefully.

"Mr. Zhang Wen claims that the group is actually vigilantes!" Pietro pulled a step of dollars out of his pocket and placed it on the table, an amount sufficient to cover all the damage to the house.

"I'm a little confused about what it means to be a hero, these guys did save a lot of people and do a lot of good, but there's a lot of bad stuff mixed in with that good stuff, and I don't like it!" Wanda's eyes revealed some confusion and her mood became less happy.

"Wanda, do you remember what Mr. Zhang Wen said? There were no heroes in this world, just heroes appearing because someone needed them!" Pietro crouched down and tried to comfort Wanda. Although they were both the same age and experience, Wanda's mind was still a little too young and there was a lot that she didn't understand.

"This world is not black and white, more colors are mixed in with the gray, there is white in this gray, but there is also black, there are times when the way to distinguish between good and bad humans is simply to look at a very light color, but the colors seen are often just the surface, and no one can discover the true color. Perhaps there are no colors in this world in the first place!" Wanda stood up and mouthed the words that Chang Wen always liked to teach them.

"Alright, let's go too!" Seeming to have figured something out, Wanda smiled at Pietro.

Pietro was relieved to see that Wanda had figured it out on her own, he still couldn't comfort people and had a headache with this kind of situation.

The cops outside just saw a man and a woman talking for a moment, and then they disappeared from their view.

Chapter 236 - The Disappearing Avengers Civil War

The escape of Steve and the others had gone very smoothly, after all, even with such ordinary police officers wouldn't be able to catch them, it was only a matter of time before they got away completely.

But it didn't mean that they had escaped from the government's sight, it was easy for the government to detect a person living in this country, unless he was hiding in the untouched jungle, then it was only a matter of time before he was discovered.

In the evening, Steve's usual spot was re-gathered and they were discussing their plans for the next step.

But not now, Mrs. Hydra hadn't been caught yet, they were planning nothing nobody knew, and Steve wasn't going to give up.

Sure enough, Steve was quick to say what everyone already knew, which was to keep investigating the events of the Inhumans.

"Steve, we should consider hiding for now, with Stark and the others on Hydra's side, and the combined armies of so many countries, we are now completely exposed to everyone's time, it's only a matter of time before they find us." Bucky said with a grin on his face.

"I know, but we can't give up. Even though Tony and the others are looking, they've been held back and I suspect there's a good chance they won't make it in time." Steve pondered, then said.

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