The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 165.

Wanda had already made her plans, so she didn't say anything, she only spoke up when someone asked her a question, otherwise she stayed quiet and watched the show.

When the discussion was complete, Steve said again, "I know we're being wanted right now, and I understand if anyone wants to quit!"

Looking around the room and realizing that no one was backing out, Steve continued, "So let's go!"

Tony Stark was having a rough time these days, having just had a fight with Pepper a while back, mostly because she didn't want to put her boyfriend in danger again. The way Tony had almost died several times was stressing Pepper out, and she always thought about what she would do if Tony died from time to time.

So, after what happened in Scovia, Tony and Pepper had a huge fight and were almost about to break up.

On the government side, Tony was also in a lot of trouble, Ross had been threatening him with the Scovia agreement, and normally Tony would have disowned him for that without saying anything, but now Tony found himself thinking of the people who had died in Scovia every time he saw Ross, and it gave him a feeling of anxiety relapse.

"Tony, you shouldn't have come to me. I don't want any part of this!" Natasha looked at a somewhat haggard Tony and said ruthlessly that although she had also signed the Scovia Accords, that didn't mean she liked to take orders from the government on her behalf.

Since Natasha had been raised by the Red House, she had seen a lot of dirty things from the government, and while all governments were out in the open, there were always dark corners of the world, and unfortunately, Natasha lived in the dark.

"I want to stop Steve! He's gone too far! It's wanted by the government now, and Ross has been pushing me." Tony said with a serious face. Tony's crew was simply so small now that basically no one listened to him except for Roddy, who was quite a loner.

Although a Spider-Man had been discovered some time ago, he was still a kid, and Tony really didn't want to get him involved in this muddle unless he had to.

"Tony, you know I don't trust them!" After a moment's silence, Natasha said.

"Where's Barton? How's he doing!" Seeing the situation, Tony changed the subject a bit.

"Not a bad day at home with the kids!" Natasha smiled, as if remembering the newborn's adorable appearance.

The two of them chatted casually and Tony turned to leave, saying to Natasha before he left, "Don't join Steve and the others! Ross has a big move against them now! Things are going to get a little worse!"

When he finished, Stark walked out of the room, looking around at the busy people, Tony suddenly had a feeling he wanted to retire.

Just then, the phone rang. Tony pulled out his phone and saw that it was Ross calling.

Feeling inexplicably unhappy, Tony placed the phone directly on the handrail of the stairs and then left the place straight afterwards. He was on his way to a party with Pepper, and as for what Ross wanted to do, well, let him do it!

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Wen's influence, now Tony's sense of responsibility was suddenly not so heavy, before it was just a little unhappy, from now on, Tony Stark decided to give it all up.

Just like what Zhang Wen always said: what does good and evil in this world have to do with me, I just need to have a clear conscience!

Obviously, Tony can't do it with a clear conscience, but would never be stupid enough to be a pawn of the government, and since he can't stop it, he'll choose to give up!

"Hey! Oh Tony, why isn't there a civil war going on between you Avengers? What! Of course I'm part of the Avengers, but look, with Hulk now missing and Thor going straight back to Asgard, it's no big deal for me to be missing! Where am I now? Traveling between universes ah, I tell you ah, I am now in the planet Sandal there is a kind of red beauty all over the body oh, are you interested ah"

Zhang Wen suddenly received a call from Tony, feeling a bit surprised because he didn't expect Tony to have mastered the technology of connecting across planets, knowing that what he made was only given to Wanda and Pietro. As for how Tony had contacted him, Zhang Wen said that he didn't want to know.

"A lot of things have been happening on Earth lately, is it really a good time for you to go out at this time?" Tony questioned Zhang Wen, although he had already known about Zhang Wen's unreliability, he really hadn't expected that Zhang Wen would just run away to an outer planet without saying goodbye.

In fact, Zhang Wen had already run away to the outer planets many times, and had even been to the parallel universe twice, but Tony wouldn't have known about these things.

"I'm only here to bother some people's collecting fetish, and in addition to that I've come to meet a bunch of happy teenagers, nothing big can happen on Earth during this time, it'll be perfectly fine, have a good time with your Pepper and go to the world of two people, it's all trivial!" Zhang Wen said without a care in the world and even arranged for some Sandals to help Mia take pictures and carry her bags. You know they had bought a lot of stuff during this time.

Tony on Earth didn't know what to say at all when he heard Zhang Wen's words, and although he was a little curious about the alien woman's appearance, Tony still gave up on the idea of letting Zhang Wen pull him over now.

As the world's number one smartest man, Tony Stark, he would definitely go to the universe by himself without any help from anyone else at all!

Chapter 237 - A Meet and Greet for Rocket Raccoon!

"Vin, Sandal Star seems to be about to sign a peace pact, shall we follow it?" Mia looked at the news report on top of the TV and asked Zhang Wen.

"Do you want to go?" At the news, Zhang Wen slowly turned his head, holding a psychological book in his hand as if he was studying something.

"Kind of want to, and kind of don't. There's no fun there, and there's none here!" Mia re-found a packet of something similar to potato chips from the snack pile, tearing it open as she ate it.

Zhang Wen and Mia have been in this planet for a long time, except for the beginning of the feeling is very new, there is no interesting existence, although this planet is a lot higher than the Earth's technology, but in fact not too much higher, only the population and resources are just more, if Mia wanted to, as usual can directly make their network paralyzed, or even more directly control the planet's weapons.

However, war was not beneficial to Mia either, Zhang Wen and her basically lacked nothing, so naturally, there was no need to use that kind of means. War wasn't nice!

"Let's wait a few more days, I reckon Star-Lord should be here soon, he should have acquired the cosmic spirit sphere by now, we'll replace this replica when they get to this planet!" Saying that, Zhang Wen pulled out a small ball that was exactly the same as the Cosmic Spirit Ball from inside his pocket.

However, this was not a power jewel, but a bomb, a bomb composed of the most peculiar substances in the universe, whose explosive power was comparable to that of an asteroid.

For humanitarian reasons, Zhang Wen had set the detonation time of this gadget to ten minutes later, so that many people who were able to escape would be able to escape.

As for the box that contained the bomb, it was naturally a very strange technology.

"Are you sure that someone can open this thing?" Mia took a look at the pseudo-universe spirit ball in Zhang Wen's hand and asked somewhat curiously.

"Ordinary people definitely won't be able to get it open, but this thing is actually for the Exterminator, but I guess Ronan might be able to open it as well? Who knows? But whoever opens it has nothing to do with me, I timed the bomb for so long just for them to escape, otherwise it would be a bit too much!" Zhang Wen kept throwing this pirated version of the Cosmic Spirit Ball up and down in his hands, seemingly very satisfied with it.

"Just bring it over, why do you have to prepare a pirated version for him and not want to kill anyone, it's just a redundant thing to do!" Mia was a bit unhappy, she had helped Zhang Wen a lot when he made it, she had thought that it would be of great use, but she hadn't thought that Zhang Wen would just treat it like a toy.

"Mia, my goal was never to gather six Infinity Gems or to do something great, I just don't want the timeline of this world to change again, that's all!" Hearing Mia's words, Zhang Wen seemed to have remembered something and his expression became a little sad.


"The Sandals! It's all a bunch of losers, everyone is either busy doing something boring or useless, real headache, look at this guy, they still call us prisoners, it's a crime for him to scare people with that head shape!" On the street, a raccoon with a gun on his back was spouting off, the crowd around him completely unconcerned with the talking animal.

For a long time, due to the war with the Kree, similar illegal modifications of animals were plentiful on this planet, and while modifying animals was illegal, the laws of the Sandals didn't prohibit them from living with them.

"Looks like you're a rocket, and a really interesting little thing!" Mia looked at the raccoon that was playing with a similar flat instrument feeling very fond of it, and although the guy seemed to be a little dirty looking, Mia didn't care at all and reached straight up and lifted the rocket raccoon up.

"Didn't really see you would like critters!" Chang said as he cupped his hands to the side, it wasn't like Mia hadn't seen otherworldly rocket raccoons before, but this was the first time she'd expressed joy at a rocket.

"Wow doll! Oh! Ma'am! Please calm down! Put me down!" Rocket was suddenly held up by Mia's outstretched hand, becoming extraordinarily flustered, he hadn't had this kind of treatment since he was born.

"I'm Groot! ~"On the sidelines Groot saw Wanda raise her rocket, stopped drinking water, and launched a warning at Chang Man!

"Don't worry, we won't do anything, don't worry!" Zhang Wen said to Groot without a care in the world. Then he came to Rocket's side and stretched out his hand to stroke Rocket's skull.

"Oh~~ Huh? What happened, you did something strange to me, I'm warning you" Rocket who was brushed by Zhang Wen's hand suddenly felt a real relief on his body, the part of his body that was emitting pain everywhere all the time suddenly became relaxed, this feeling made Rocket wonder if he had absorbed any drugs.

"Okay, I'll buy this shit, for any amount!" Obviously, Rocket thought of Zhang Wen and the two of them as some sort of illegal goods trafficking presence, but now Rocket simply felt too physically comfortable to mention hostility towards Zhang Wen and the others at all.

"I'm Groot! ~"The tree on the other side of the tree scratched his head with a curious look, looking rather foolish.

"Well, he got better, for free, no need to pay us." Zhang Wen said to Groot, although there was no way for the translator to translate this particular prophecy of the treant, Zhang Wen was still able to perceive what Groot had said through his emotions, and although it might not be accurate, the communication was enough.

As for why it hadn't been used to communicate with Ezekiel's clan before, it was because Zhang Wen's mental power was no match for theirs, and it would be dangerous to use it forcefully, but now Zhang Wen was very concerned about his mind, and didn't want to be contaminated by anything again.

"I'm Groot! ~"Hearing Chang Man's words, the treant said to Rocket Raccoon.

"What? You can't trust them too much!" Hearing Groot's words, Rocket reacted from the physical relief and broke away from Mia's hands directly, pointing the gun in his hand at Zhang Wen.

"I'm Groot! ~"

Rocket looked at Zhang Wen with a guarded face after jumping to the ground, but did not show any hostility towards Mia. Hearing Groot's words, Rocket was confused, "My body~? Oh~ my God. What have you done!"

Rocket's words were filled with excitement bewilderment and joy, after all, his body had changed so much now, knowing that raccoons didn't live long and that his body had become broken after being messily transformed.

But now, everything had changed, and his body was completely back to its normal state.

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