The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 176.

Murpheisto's eyes were naturally very fierce, although he was cunning and cautious, but that didn't mean he really had no temper, hearing Zhang Wen's taunt and directly clawing his way past, his pale body and sensitive movements looked very defiant.

Zhang Wen stood in front of him with a smile on his face, looking at the attack that was about to land on his body but without any reaction, seeing this smile, Mephisto instinctively felt that something was wrong, but now he had no way to retreat.

Murpheisto brought his attack right through Zhang Wen's body and hit the ground behind him, striking the earth with a very bottomless chasm! Tearing the earth completely apart, the entire world seemed to tremble.

If the Dark Lord Domam was like the Dark Lord Domam, Murpheitos controlled the entire Hell, he was the most powerful in this world, but one thing needed to be sure, in a powerful force, knowing that it would be futile if he couldn't hit anyone.

"Hmph~"Murphettos snorted, restoring his destruction to this world, the earth slowly closed in, Murphettos didn't care at all, instead turning his attention to Zhang Wen who had been standing in the same place.

"What a powerful force!" With a slight smile, Zhang Wen's body instantly disappeared in the same place, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Mephisto's eyes and punched him directly in the face.

The power of speed was very powerful, although Zhang Wen used to be able to move quickly, he had always kept his body in a state of emptiness, otherwise the air currents he brought up when he ran would destroy everything around him, or even be able to directly destroy the earth if he was too fast.

But it wouldn't be necessary here, the world wasn't his own anyway!

A fist struck Murpheisto hard in the face, directly knocking him to the ground and sliding his entire body along with the inertia of the force for a long time, but Zhang Wen's destruction of this world wasn't over yet.

Mephisto reacted shortly after he fell to the ground, but didn't stop the inertia of his body, and the damage was nothing to him anyway. But the next scene that he saw made Murpheisto's eyes widen and he was a bit unable to react to what happened.

Zhang Wen appeared directly beside Mephisto with mere speed, not deflated to avoid anything, and his ultra-high-speed actions put some pressure on his body.

But that wasn't the point, it was the huge storm that suddenly emerged after Murphettos flew out!

It's like destroying heaven and earth!

Chapter 256 - The Battle with Mephisto (Part 2)

To some extent, the force of inertia was powerful, such as the tail behind the plane or the air currents swirling around the train, but these paled in comparison to Zhang Wen.

There was a type of plane on Earth called a supersonic plane, and the air currents brought up by this plane were powerful, but if it became a super light speed plane, what would the scene be like if it brought up air currents? But Zhang Wen speed was much faster than the so-called supersonic plane.

Zhang Wen's speed at that instant completely surpassed the speed of light, the exact amount Zhang Wen was not sure, but it did not surpass the limit speed of this world, so it just brought up the flow of air, these air in the normal state no one cared, but just like the tsunami inside the sea, usually very quiet, but when it went crazy.

The violent storm caused the earth to become cracked, the earth that had just been recovered by Murphyso instantly became riddled with holes, this kind of collateral damage was naturally nothing to Murphyso, but it brought a great change to the illusion, some of the souls living in this world, hell creatures had met this disaster, which made Murphyso's eyes turn red.

"Human, you! Piss me off!" Mephisto said word for word, as flames gradually appeared around him and his appearance changed, becoming the very familiar horn-headed demon shape, and there was even a bat wing slowly fanning out behind him.

"It's not actually you I'm looking for, but it doesn't matter now!" Zhang Wen said, then his body glowed, and the Savitar Armor appeared on his body.

The two monsters, one silver and one red, then fought in the air, Murphyso drove hellfire all over the sky, but Zhang Wen seemed to have no reaction as he moved inside the flames, taking out a sword from time to time and stabbing at Murphyso's body.

This sword, which was rebuilt by the Dwarf King, was outstanding. In addition to its enhanced strength, this sword's unique ability also allowed Zhang Wen to sy the Sword Immortal.

Both the flying sword and the arbitrary travel characteristics were very similar to the legendary Sword Immortal, and Zhang Wen was even able to borrow the Divine Speed Force to use the legendary Ten Thousand Swords! Just let the swords in your hand travel through time to form countless time remnants, and the Ten Thousand Swords Returning in the sky would appear in this world.

It was just a pity that Zhang Wen wouldn't be using any sword technique, let alone using the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect, so these suspended swords in the sky were just for show, but it wasn't like he couldn't perform a pirate's imperial sword technique if he summoned all the swords in the sky in his attack state.

Although Zhang Wen's fight was very happy, Murfitos didn't suffer any harm, just some anger when he saw the illusion destroyed by Zhang Wen.

First of all, Murfitos' abilities were also very powerful in the Manga Universe, and Zhang Wen's attack like this wasn't even enough to tickle him, it was completely unable to cause any fatal damage, unless Zhang Wen completely opened up the God Speed Force Space and used a large amount of God Speed Force to wear down Murfitos' existence, otherwise it was just a game.

The Speedster's attacks were already invincible in terms of ordinary heroes, but it was still a bit insufficient compared to those universe-level bigots, after all, the Speedster was most famous not for its attack power but its speed.

Although Zhang Wen's attack power often times seemed inadequate against these big men, Zhang Wen would not be afraid, Although I can't kill them, I can abuse them ah! If you couldn't fight, you could just run at worst. The only thing that Zhang Wen feared was the fear of being sealed, the rest was fearless. So for Ancient One, Odin was the kind of person Zhang Wen would try not to provoke.

"Enough! Is that interesting?" After Murphettos' desperate move was once again dodged by Zhang Wen, he could no longer control his loud shrieking while the environment near him had become riddled with holes.

This was not Zhang Wen's doing, although running unrestricted in this world would cause some damage, but not so much that it was impossible to recover, the real cause of the unrecoverable attacks were all made by Murphettos himself.

Now the fight between Zhang Wen and Mephisto is like a family coming in with a boisterous little animal, you can't catch up with him and smashed a lot of furniture because of hitting him, which makes Mephisto very heartbroken ah! Knowing that this was your own domain, where every blade of grass and tree had been created by you, could you not be distressed now that so much had been destroyed?

"Say it early! I'm tired of fighting already, you're the one who keeps chasing me!" Zhang Wen gave Murpheisto a blank look and said with no good feelings, in fact, in the beginning, Zhang Wen just wanted to test his newly obtained sword.

Murpheisto only felt his heart ache, an anger blocking where he couldn't let it out. But it still had to be endured!

"What are you trying to do? Get out of here when you're done, or I'd rather not have the world!" Mephisto said a little crazily, it was the first time in all his years that this had happened to him, and it made him feel a little frightened as well as angry.

"Oh, I'm looking for you all right, I'm just trying to find a girl's soul in hell, and he's not with you! I'll look elsewhere!" Saying playfully, Zhang Wen opened a space and disappeared.

Mephisto was stunned as he watched Zhang Wen simply and cleanly leave, and blinked in disbelief. A great sense of innocence then came over his heart.

Leaving Murpheisto's hell, Zhang Wen also felt a little embarrassed, after all, somehow he had directly messed up someone's home, but thinking about it from a different angle, this was a heroic move on his part.

You know that Murpheisto but has been messing around on Earth, I don't know how many heroes he has pitted or how many souls he has abducted from Earth, this is a complete villain ah.

Thinking like that, Zhang Wen instantly threw away that bit of guilt in his heart to a piece and replaced it with a pleasant mood. He even hummed his favorite song on his lips, and although it was a little off-key, Zhang Wen didn't have to care at all.

"It looks like this should be the hell!" After walking for a long time, Chang Man finally found the feeling of black magic in his memory.

"Human, what are you doing here again!" As soon as Zhang Wen entered this hell, he noticed a demon with a pair of white wings on his back flying over.

"Are you Lucifer?" Chang Man looked at the other side in great surprise!

"What? You don't know me!" Lucifer's attitude wasn't good.

"Oh, I see. Wait a minute!" Zhang Wen suddenly thought of something and directly disappeared here in a flash of shadow. Coming to the time when Shirley had just arrived in Hell.

For the speedsters, time had no meaning in front of them. But if the Speedster dared to play with time, then he would surely be played by it, but to Zhang Wen it was already meaningless.

To quote the compound Three Soles: what else can I lose?

Chapter 257 - Want a Soul? Then give me your soul!

Zhang Wen came directly to the time of Shirley's death, and although it was said that he himself had the only attribute, it didn't mean that there weren't two of the same him in the same timeline, it was just that this was rarely the case, and unless Zhang Wen did so on his own initiative, any timeline changes wouldn't affect him.

Unfortunately, even though one's self wouldn't be affected, it was only one's self. And there was no way to survive alone as a human, at least at the moment Zhang Wen hadn't gone without the idea of being a human.

"There really hasn't been much change here!" Looking around at the same scenery as earlier, Zhang Wen suddenly had the illusion that he had run to the wrong place.

Although there were some delusions at that moment, Zhang Wen did not want to waste any more time. The illusion of hell was not suitable for a human being to stay here for a long time, and if it took a long time, then it might not be the same person as before.

Just like the little girl that Constantine didn't save, she was originally innocent and implicated in hell, but when Constantine came to hell again, that little girl had already turned into a demon.

Humans were changeable, especially when the environment around them could really have a great impact on a person.

In an instant, Zhang Wen transformed into a bolt of lightning and circled around inside this world, but this time, Zhang Wen wasn't looking for trouble, so he controlled his speed well and didn't cause any damage to the surrounding environment.

Even so, Zhang Wen's actions still drew the attention of the lord of this hell, Lucifer. In fact, Lucifer had noticed Zhang Wen when he first came to this world, but Lucifer wouldn't care much about the people of this hell, even though this hell was his territory, he really didn't care too much if someone sneaked over.

But when Zhang Wen was running around here at an extremely fast speed, Lucifer couldn't sit still, after all, even if he didn't care, he wouldn't allow anyone to mess around inside his house ah.

"Enough!" Lucifer said loudly and impatiently, and then Zhang Wen found himself in a strange looking space, but this space was not quite like hell.

"Lucifer!" Zhang Wen helplessly turned his head to look at Lucifer, there were several versions about this demon in hell in his mind, but now he was a little confused as to which version this guy belonged to. But looking at his white wings it was probably true which fallen angel he was.

"Human? What are you doing on my property?" Lucifer looked slightly surprised to see who Zhang Wen was, but didn't attack right away, but didn't feel much like it either.

"I'm just looking for a little girl! Well, it is the souls of your followers that are being sacrificed to you today!" Instead of thinking of fighting with Lucifer, Zhang Wen was straightforward.

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